void Camera::printStatus() {

    float val;
    std::cout << "CAMERA STATUS: " << std::endl;

    dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera, DC1394_FEATURE_FRAME_RATE, &val);
    std::cout << "  framerate : " << val << " fps" << std::endl;

    uint32_t uval32;
    dc1394_feature_get_value(camera, DC1394_FEATURE_SHUTTER, &uval32);
    std::cout << "  shutter  : " << uval32 << "\n" << std::endl;

    uint64_t pio_dir_addr = PIO_DIRECTION;
    pio_dir_reg32 pio_dir_reg = readRegisterContent(pio_dir_addr);
    std::cout << "  gpio 0 as output configured : " << pio_dir_reg.io0_mode << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  gpio 1 as output configured : " << pio_dir_reg.io1_mode << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  gpio 2 as output configured : " << pio_dir_reg.io2_mode << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  gpio 3 as output configured : " << pio_dir_reg.io3_mode << "\n" << std::endl;

    uint64_t strobe_ctrl_inq_addr = STROBE_CTRL_INQ;
    strobe_ctrl_inq_reg32 strobe_ctrl_ing_reg = readRegisterContent(strobe_ctrl_inq_addr);
    std::cout << "  strobe 0 present : " << strobe_ctrl_ing_reg.strobe_0_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe 1 present : " << strobe_ctrl_ing_reg.strobe_1_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe 2 present : " << strobe_ctrl_ing_reg.strobe_2_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe 3 present : " << strobe_ctrl_ing_reg.strobe_3_inq << "\n" << std::endl;

    uint64_t strobe_0_inq_addr = STROBE_0_INQ;
    strobe_inq_reg32 strobe_0_inq_reg = readRegisterContent(strobe_0_inq_addr);
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_inq presence_inq    : " << strobe_0_inq_reg.presence_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_inq readout_inq     : " << strobe_0_inq_reg.readout_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_inq on_off_inq      : " << strobe_0_inq_reg.on_off_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_inq polarity_inq    : " << strobe_0_inq_reg.polarity_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_inq min_value       : " << strobe_0_inq_reg.min_value << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_inq max_value       : " << strobe_0_inq_reg.max_value << "\n" << std::endl;

    uint64_t strobe_1_inq_addr = STROBE_1_INQ;
    strobe_inq_reg32 strobe_1_inq_reg = readRegisterContent(strobe_1_inq_addr);
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_inq presence_inq    : " << strobe_1_inq_reg.presence_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_inq readout_inq     : " << strobe_1_inq_reg.readout_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_inq on_off_inq      : " << strobe_1_inq_reg.on_off_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_inq polarity_inq    : " << strobe_1_inq_reg.polarity_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_inq min_value       : " << strobe_1_inq_reg.min_value << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_inq max_value       : " << strobe_1_inq_reg.max_value << "\n" << std::endl;

    uint64_t strobe_0_cnt_addr = STROBE_0_CNT;
    strobe_cnt_reg32 strobe_0_cnt_reg = readRegisterContent(strobe_0_cnt_addr);
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_cnt presence_inq    : " << strobe_0_cnt_reg.presence_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_cnt on_off          : " << strobe_0_cnt_reg.on_off << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_cnt signal_polarity : " << strobe_0_cnt_reg.signal_polarity << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_cnt delay_value     : " << strobe_0_cnt_reg.delay_value << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_0_cnt duration_value  : " << strobe_0_cnt_reg.duration_value << "\n" << std::endl;

    uint64_t strobe_1_cnt_addr = STROBE_1_CNT;
    strobe_cnt_reg32 strobe_1_cnt_reg = readRegisterContent(strobe_1_cnt_addr);
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_cnt presence_inq    : " << strobe_1_cnt_reg.presence_inq << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_cnt on_off          : " << strobe_1_cnt_reg.on_off << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_cnt signal_polarity : " << strobe_1_cnt_reg.signal_polarity << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_cnt delay_value     : " << strobe_1_cnt_reg.delay_value << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  strobe_1_cnt duration_value  : " << strobe_1_cnt_reg.duration_value << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
float FirewireVideo::GetGamma() const
    float gamma;
    err = dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera,DC1394_FEATURE_GAMMA,&gamma);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Failed to read gamma");
    return gamma;
Ejemplo n.º 3
float FirewireVideo::GetShutterTime() const
    float shutter;
    err = dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera,DC1394_FEATURE_SHUTTER,&shutter);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Failed to read shutter");

    return shutter;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int ar2VideoGetAbsValue1394(AR2VideoParam1394T *vid, int paramName, ARdouble *value)
    float v;

    switch (paramName)
    case AR_VIDEO_1394_GAMMA:
        if (dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(vid->camera, DC1394_FEATURE_BRIGHTNESS, &v) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
            ARLOGe("unable to get brightness.\n");
            return -1;

        *value = (float)v;
        return 0;

    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
float of1394VideoGrabber::getShutter(){
	float exp;	
	dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera, DC1394_FEATURE_SHUTTER, &exp);
	return exp;
Ejemplo n.º 6
float of1394VideoGrabber::getExposure(){
	float exp;	
	dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera, DC1394_FEATURE_EXPOSURE, &exp);
	return exp;
Ejemplo n.º 7
** Client is asking us to start an exposure
bool FFMVCCD::StartExposure(float duration)
    FILE *imagefile;
    dc1394error_t err;
    dc1394video_frame_t *frame;
    int i;
    int ms;
    unsigned int val;
    float gain = 1.0;
    uint32_t uwidth, uheight;
    float sub_length;
    float fval;

    ms = duration* 1000;

    //IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Doing %d sub exposures at %f %s each", sub_count, absShutter, prop_info.pUnits);


    // Since we have only have one CCD with one chip, we set the exposure duration of the primary CCD


    IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Exposure has begun.");

    // Let's get a pointer to the frame buffer
    uint8_t * image = PrimaryCCD.getFrameBuffer();

    // Get width and height
    int width = PrimaryCCD.getSubW() / PrimaryCCD.getBinX();
    int height = PrimaryCCD.getSubH() / PrimaryCCD.getBinY();

    memset(image, 0, PrimaryCCD.getFrameBufferSize());

    if (duration != last_exposure_length) {
        /* Calculate the number of exposures needed */
        sub_count = duration / max_exposure;
        if (ms % ((int) (max_exposure * 1000))) {
        sub_length = duration / sub_count;

        IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Triggering a %f second exposure using %d subs of %f seconds",
                duration, sub_count, sub_length);
        /* Set sub length */
        #if 0
    err = dc1394_feature_set_absolute_control(dcam, DC1394_FEATURE_SHUTTER, DC1394_ON);
    if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
        IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Failed to enable ansolute shutter control.");
        err = dc1394_feature_set_absolute_value(dcam, DC1394_FEATURE_SHUTTER, sub_length);
        if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
            IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Unable to set shutter value.");
        err = dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(dcam, DC1394_FEATURE_SHUTTER, &fval);
        if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
            IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Unable to get shutter value.");
        IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Shutter value is %f.", fval);


    /* Flush the DMA buffer */
    while (1) {
       err=dc1394_capture_dequeue(dcam, DC1394_CAPTURE_POLICY_POLL, &frame);
       if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
            IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Flushing DMA buffer failed!");
       if (!frame) {
       dc1394_capture_enqueue(dcam, frame);

     *  have the camera start sending us data
    IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "start transmission");
    err=dc1394_video_set_transmission(dcam, DC1394_ON);
    if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
            IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Unable to start transmission");
            return false;

    // We're done
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
float ofxLibdc::getFeatureAbs(dc1394feature_t feature) const {
	float value;
	dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera, feature, &value);
	return value;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/** Get feature values.
 *  @pre feature_set_ initialized for this camera
 *  @param finfo pointer to information for this feature
 *  @param value [out] pointer where parameter value stored
 *  @param value2 [out] optional pointer for second parameter value
 *               for white balance.  Otherwise NULL.
void Features::getValues(dc1394feature_info_t *finfo,
                           double *value, double *value2)
  dc1394feature_t feature = finfo->id;
  dc1394error_t rc;

  if (!finfo->readout_capable)
      ROS_INFO_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                      << " value not available from device");

  if (feature == DC1394_FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE)
      // handle White Balance separately, it has two components
      if (finfo->absolute_capable && finfo->abs_control)
          // supports reading and setting float value
          // @todo get absolute White Balance values
          rc = DC1394_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // get integer White Balance values
          uint32_t bu_val;
          uint32_t rv_val;
          rc = dc1394_feature_whitebalance_get_value(camera_, &bu_val, &rv_val);
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
              // convert to double
              *value = bu_val;
              *value2 = rv_val;
      if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                           << " Blue/U: " << *value
                           << " Red/V: " << *value2);
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to get values for feature "
                          << featureName(feature));
      // other features only have one component
      if (finfo->absolute_capable && finfo->abs_control)
          // supports reading and setting float value
          float fval;
          rc = dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera_, feature, &fval);
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
              *value = fval;                // convert to double
      else // no float representation
          uint32_t ival;
          rc = dc1394_feature_get_value(camera_, feature, &ival);
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
              *value = ival;                // convert to double
      if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                           << " has value " << *value);
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to get value of feature "
                          << featureName(feature));
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Note:
// the following was tested on a IIDC camera over USB therefore might not work as
// well on a camera over proper firewire transport
void FirewireVideo::init_format7_camera(
    uint64_t guid, int dma_frames,
    dc1394speed_t iso_speed,
    dc1394video_mode_t video_mode,
    float framerate,
    uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
    uint32_t left, uint32_t top, bool reset_at_boot
    ) {

    if(video_mode< DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_0)
        throw VideoException("roi can be specified only for format7 modes");

    camera = dc1394_camera_new (d, guid);
    if (!camera)
        throw VideoException("Failed to initialize camera");

    // Attempt to stop camera if it is already running
    dc1394switch_t is_iso_on = DC1394_OFF;
    dc1394_video_get_transmission(camera, &is_iso_on);
    if (is_iso_on==DC1394_ON) {
        dc1394_video_set_transmission(camera, DC1394_OFF);

    cout << "Using camera with GUID " << camera->guid << endl;


    //  setup mode and roi

    if(iso_speed >= DC1394_ISO_SPEED_800)
        err=dc1394_video_set_operation_mode(camera, DC1394_OPERATION_MODE_1394B);
        if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
           throw VideoException("Could not set DC1394_OPERATION_MODE_1394B");

    err=dc1394_video_set_iso_speed(camera, iso_speed);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not set iso speed");

    // check that the required mode is actually supported
    dc1394format7mode_t format7_info;

    err = dc1394_format7_get_mode_info(camera, video_mode, &format7_info);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not get format7 mode info");

    // safely set the video mode
    err=dc1394_video_set_mode(camera, video_mode);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not set format7 video mode");

    // set position to 0,0 so that setting any size within min and max is a valid command
    err = dc1394_format7_set_image_position(camera, video_mode,0,0);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not set format7 image position");

    // work out the desired image size
    width = nearest_value(width, format7_info.unit_pos_x, 0, format7_info.max_size_x - left);
    height = nearest_value(height, format7_info.unit_pos_y, 0, format7_info.max_size_y - top);

    // set size
    err = dc1394_format7_set_image_size(camera,video_mode,width,height);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not set format7 size");

    // get the info again since many parameters depend on image size
    err = dc1394_format7_get_mode_info(camera, video_mode, &format7_info);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not get format7 mode info");

    // work out position of roi
    left = nearest_value(left, format7_info.unit_size_x, format7_info.unit_size_x, format7_info.max_size_x - width);
    top = nearest_value(top, format7_info.unit_size_y, format7_info.unit_size_y, format7_info.max_size_y - height);

    // set roi position
    err = dc1394_format7_set_image_position(camera,video_mode,left,top);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not set format7 size");

    this->width = width;
    this->height = height;
    this->top = top;
    this->left = left;

    cout<<"roi: "<<left<<" "<<top<<" "<<width<<" "<<height<<"  ";

    //  setup frame rate

    err=dc1394_format7_set_packet_size(camera,video_mode, format7_info.max_packet_size);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not set format7 packet size");

    if((framerate != MAX_FR) && (framerate != EXT_TRIG)){
      //set the framerate by using the absolute feature as suggested by the
      //folks at PointGrey
      err = dc1394_feature_set_absolute_control(camera,DC1394_FEATURE_FRAME_RATE,DC1394_ON);
      if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
          throw VideoException("Could not turn on absolute frame rate control");

      err = dc1394_feature_set_mode(camera,DC1394_FEATURE_FRAME_RATE,DC1394_FEATURE_MODE_MANUAL);
      if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
          throw VideoException("Could not make frame rate manual ");

      if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
          throw VideoException("Could not set format7 framerate ");

    // ask the camera what is the resulting framerate (this assume that such a rate is actually
    // allowed by the shutter time)
    float value;
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not get framerate");

    cout<<" framerate(shutter permitting):"<<value<<endl;

    //  setup capture

    err=dc1394_capture_setup(camera,dma_frames, DC1394_CAPTURE_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not setup camera - check settings");


Ejemplo n.º 11
// Note:
// the following was tested on a IIDC camera over USB therefore might not work as
// well on a camera over proper firewire transport
void FirewireVideo::init_format7_camera(
    uint64_t guid, int dma_frames,
    dc1394speed_t iso_speed,
    dc1394video_mode_t video_mode,
    int framerate,
    uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
    uint32_t left, uint32_t top, bool reset_at_boot
    ) {

    if(video_mode< DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_0)
        throw VideoException("roi can be specified only for format7 modes");

    camera = dc1394_camera_new (d, guid);
    if (!camera)
        throw VideoException("Failed to initialize camera");

    // Attempt to stop camera if it is already running
    dc1394switch_t is_iso_on = DC1394_OFF;
    dc1394_video_get_transmission(camera, &is_iso_on);
    if (is_iso_on==DC1394_ON) {
        dc1394_video_set_transmission(camera, DC1394_OFF);

    cout << "Using camera with GUID " << camera->guid << endl;


    //  setup mode and roi

    if(iso_speed >= DC1394_ISO_SPEED_800)
        err=dc1394_video_set_operation_mode(camera, DC1394_OPERATION_MODE_1394B);
        if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
           throw VideoException("Could not set DC1394_OPERATION_MODE_1394B");

    err=dc1394_video_set_iso_speed(camera, iso_speed);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not set iso speed");

    // check that the required mode is actually supported
    dc1394format7mode_t format7_info;

    err = dc1394_format7_get_mode_info(camera, video_mode, &format7_info);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not get format7 mode info");

    // safely set the video mode
    err=dc1394_video_set_mode(camera, video_mode);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not set format7 video mode");

    // set position to 0,0 so that setting any size within min and max is a valid command
    err = dc1394_format7_set_image_position(camera, video_mode,0,0);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not set format7 image position");

    // work out the desired image size
    width = nearest_value(width, format7_info.unit_pos_x, 0, format7_info.max_size_x - left);
    height = nearest_value(height, format7_info.unit_pos_y, 0, format7_info.max_size_y - top);

    // set size
    err = dc1394_format7_set_image_size(camera,video_mode,width,height);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not set format7 size");

    // get the info again since many parameters depend on image size
    err = dc1394_format7_get_mode_info(camera, video_mode, &format7_info);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not get format7 mode info");

    // work out position of roi
    left = nearest_value(left, format7_info.unit_size_x, format7_info.unit_size_x, format7_info.max_size_x - width);
    top = nearest_value(top, format7_info.unit_size_y, format7_info.unit_size_y, format7_info.max_size_y - height);

    // set roi position
    err = dc1394_format7_set_image_position(camera,video_mode,left,top);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      throw VideoException("Could not set format7 size");

    this->width = width;
    this->height = height;
    this->top = top;
    this->left = left;

    cout<<"roi: "<<left<<" "<<top<<" "<<width<<" "<<height<<"  ";

    //  setup frame rate

    if((framerate == MAX_FR)||(framerate == EXT_TRIG)){

      err=dc1394_format7_set_packet_size(camera,video_mode, format7_info.max_packet_size);
      if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not set format7 packet size");

    } else {

      // setting packet size to get the desired frame rate according to the libdc docs
      // does not do the trick, so for now we support only max frame rate

        throw VideoException("In format 7 only max frame rate is currently supported");
      //      uint32_t depth;
      //      err = dc1394_format7_get_data_depth(camera, video_mode, &depth);
      //      if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
      //        throw VideoException("Could not get format7 depth");
      //      // the following is straight from the libdc docs
      //      double bus_period = bus_period_from_iso_speed(iso_speed);
      //      // work out the max number of packets that the bus can deliver
      //      int num_packets = (int) (1.0/(bus_period*framerate) + 0.5);
      //      if((num_packets > 4095)||(num_packets < 0))
      //        throw VideoException("number of format7 packets out of range");
      //      // work out what the packet size should be for the requested size and framerate
      //      uint32_t packet_size = (width*964*depth + (num_packets*8) - 1)/(num_packets*8);
      //      packet_size = nearest_value(packet_size,format7_info.unit_packet_size,format7_info.unit_packet_size,format7_info.max_packet_size);
      //      if(packet_size > format7_info.max_packet_size){
      //        throw VideoException("format7 requested frame rate and size exceed bus bandwidth");
      //      }
      //      err=dc1394_format7_set_packet_size(camera,video_mode, packet_size);
      //      if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS ){
      //        throw VideoException("Could not set format7 packet size");
      //      }

    // ask the camera what is the resulting framerate (this assume that such a rate is actually
    // allowed by the shutter time)
    err = dc1394_feature_set_power(camera,DC1394_FEATURE_FRAME_RATE,DC1394_OFF);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not turn off frame rate");

    float value;
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not get framerate");

    cout<<" framerate(shutter permitting):"<<value<<endl;

    //  setup capture

    err=dc1394_capture_setup(camera,dma_frames, DC1394_CAPTURE_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
    if( err != DC1394_SUCCESS )
        throw VideoException("Could not setup camera - check settings");

