Ejemplo n.º 1
dgFloat32 dgRayCastSphere (const dgVector& p0, const dgVector& p1, const dgVector& origin, dgFloat32 radius)
	dgVector p0Origin (p0 - origin);
	if (p0Origin.DotProduct3(p0Origin) < (dgFloat32 (100.0f) * radius * radius)) {
		dgVector dp (p1 - p0);
		dgFloat32 a = dp.DotProduct3(dp);
		dgFloat32 b = dgFloat32 (2.0f) * p0Origin.DotProduct3(dp);
		dgFloat32 c = p0Origin.DotProduct3(p0Origin) - radius * radius;
		dgFloat32 desc = b * b - dgFloat32 (4.0f) * a * c;
		if (desc >= 0.0f) {
			desc = dgSqrt (desc);
			dgFloat32 den = dgFloat32 (0.5f) / a;
			dgFloat32 t0 = (-b + desc) * den;
			dgFloat32 t1 = (-b - desc) * den;
			if ((t0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) && (t1 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f))) {
				t0 =  dgMin(t0, t1);
				if (t0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0f)) {
					return t0;
			} else if (t0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
				if (t0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0f)) {
					return t0;
			} else {
				if ((t1 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) && (t1 <= dgFloat32 (1.0f))) {
					return t1;
	} else {
		dgBigVector p0Origin1 (p0Origin);
		dgBigVector dp (p1 - p0);
		dgFloat64 a = dp.DotProduct3(dp);
		dgFloat64 b = dgFloat32 (2.0f) * p0Origin1.DotProduct3(dp);
		dgFloat64 c = p0Origin1.DotProduct3(p0Origin1) - dgFloat64(radius) * radius;
		dgFloat64 desc = b * b - dgFloat32 (4.0f) * a * c;
		if (desc >= 0.0f) {
			desc = sqrt (desc);
			dgFloat64 den = dgFloat32 (0.5f) / a;
			dgFloat64 t0 = (-b + desc) * den;
			dgFloat64 t1 = (-b - desc) * den;
			if ((t0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) && (t1 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f))) {
				t0 =  dgMin(t0, t1);
				if (t0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0f)) {
					return dgFloat32 (t0);
			} else if (t0 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
				if (t0 <= dgFloat32 (1.0f)) {
					return dgFloat32 (t0);
			} else {
				if ((t1 >= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) && (t1 <= dgFloat32 (1.0f))) {
					return dgFloat32 (t1);
	return dgFloat32 (1.2f);
dgFloat32 dgCollisionDeformableMesh::CalculateSurfaceArea (const dgDeformableNode* const node0, const dgDeformableNode* const node1, dgVector& minBox, dgVector& maxBox) const
	minBox = dgVector (dgMin (node0->m_minBox.m_x, node1->m_minBox.m_x), dgMin (node0->m_minBox.m_y, node1->m_minBox.m_y), dgMin (node0->m_minBox.m_z, node1->m_minBox.m_z), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
	maxBox = dgVector (dgMax (node0->m_maxBox.m_x, node1->m_maxBox.m_x), dgMax (node0->m_maxBox.m_y, node1->m_maxBox.m_y), dgMax (node0->m_maxBox.m_z, node1->m_maxBox.m_z), dgFloat32 (0.0f));		
	dgVector side0 (maxBox - minBox);
	dgVector side1 (side0.m_y, side0.m_z, side0.m_x, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
	return side0 % side1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
dgFloat32 dgBody::RayCast (const dgLineBox& line, OnRayCastAction filter, OnRayPrecastAction preFilter, void* const userData, dgFloat32 maxT) const
	dgAssert (filter);
	dgVector l0 (line.m_l0);
	dgVector l1 (line.m_l0 + (line.m_l1 - line.m_l0).Scale4 (dgMin(maxT, dgFloat32 (1.0f))));
	if (dgRayBoxClip (l0, l1, m_minAABB, m_maxAABB)) {
//	if (1) {
//l0 = dgVector (-20.3125000f, 3.54991579f, 34.3441200f, 0.0f);
//l1 = dgVector (-19.6875000f, 3.54257250f, 35.2211456f, 0.0f);

		dgContactPoint contactOut;
		const dgMatrix& globalMatrix = m_collision->GetGlobalMatrix();
		dgVector localP0 (globalMatrix.UntransformVector (l0));
		dgVector localP1 (globalMatrix.UntransformVector (l1));
		dgVector p1p0 (localP1 - localP0);
		if ((p1p0 % p1p0) > dgFloat32 (1.0e-12f)) {
			dgFloat32 t = m_collision->RayCast (localP0, localP1, dgFloat32 (1.0f), contactOut, preFilter, this, userData);
			if (t < dgFloat32 (1.0f)) {
				dgVector p (globalMatrix.TransformVector(localP0 + (localP1 - localP0).Scale3(t)));
				dgVector l1l0 (line.m_l1 - line.m_l0);
				t = ((p - line.m_l0) % l1l0) / (l1l0 % l1l0);
				if (t < maxT) {
					dgAssert (t >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));
					dgAssert (t <= dgFloat32 (1.0f));
					contactOut.m_normal = globalMatrix.RotateVector (contactOut.m_normal);
					maxT = filter (this, contactOut.m_collision0, p, contactOut.m_normal, contactOut.m_shapeId0, userData, t);
	return maxT;
Ejemplo n.º 4
dgFloat32 dgCollisionBVH::RayCast (const dgVector& localP0, const dgVector& localP1, dgFloat32 maxT, dgContactPoint& contactOut, const dgBody* const body, void* const userData, OnRayPrecastAction preFilter) const
	dgBVHRay ray (localP0, localP1);
	ray.m_t = dgMin(maxT, dgFloat32 (1.0f));
	ray.m_me = this;
	ray.m_userData = userData;
	if (!m_userRayCastCallback) {
		ForAllSectorsRayHit (ray, maxT, RayHit, &ray);
		if (ray.m_t <= maxT) {
			maxT = ray.m_t; 
			contactOut.m_normal = ray.m_normal.Scale3 (dgRsqrt ((ray.m_normal % ray.m_normal) + dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)));
//			contactOut.m_userId = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId0 = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId1 = ray.m_id;
	} else {
		if (body) {
			//ray.m_matrix = body->m_collisionWorldMatrix;
			ray.m_matrix = body->m_collision->GetGlobalMatrix();
		ForAllSectorsRayHit (ray, maxT, RayHitUser, &ray);
		if (ray.m_t <= dgFloat32 (1.0f)) {
			maxT = ray.m_t; 
			contactOut.m_normal = ray.m_normal.Scale3 (dgRsqrt ((ray.m_normal % ray.m_normal) + dgFloat32 (1.0e-8f)));
//			contactOut.m_userId = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId0 = ray.m_id;
			contactOut.m_shapeId1 = ray.m_id;
	return maxT;
	void TriangleBox (const dgVector* const position, const dgInt32* const faceIndices, dgVector& minP, dgVector& maxP) const
		minP = position[faceIndices[0]]; 
		maxP = position[faceIndices[0]]; 
		for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < 3; i ++) {
			dgInt32 index = faceIndices[i];
			const dgVector& p  = position[index];

			minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
			minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
			minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 

			maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
			maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
			maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 
Ejemplo n.º 6
dgInt32 dgWorld::CompareJointByInvMass(const dgBilateralConstraint* const jointA, const dgBilateralConstraint* const jointB, void* notUsed)
	dgInt32 modeA = jointA->m_solverModel;
	dgInt32 modeB = jointB->m_solverModel;

	if (modeA < modeB) {
		return -1;
	} else if (modeA > modeB) {
		return 1;
	} else {
		dgFloat32 invMassA = dgMin(jointA->GetBody0()->m_invMass.m_w, jointA->GetBody1()->m_invMass.m_w);
		dgFloat32 invMassB = dgMin(jointB->GetBody0()->m_invMass.m_w, jointB->GetBody1()->m_invMass.m_w);
		if (invMassA < invMassB) {
			return -1;
		} else if (invMassA > invMassB) {
			return 1;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void dgContact::JointAccelerations(dgJointAccelerationDecriptor* const params)
	dgJacobianMatrixElement* const rowMatrix = params->m_rowMatrix;
	const dgVector& bodyVeloc0 = m_body0->m_veloc;
	const dgVector& bodyOmega0 = m_body0->m_omega;
	const dgVector& bodyVeloc1 = m_body1->m_veloc;
	const dgVector& bodyOmega1 = m_body1->m_omega;

	dgInt32 count = params->m_rowsCount;

	dgFloat32 timestep = dgFloat32 (1.0f);
	dgFloat32 invTimestep = dgFloat32 (1.0f);
	if (params->m_timeStep > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
		timestep = params->m_timeStep;
		invTimestep = params->m_invTimeStep;

	for (dgInt32 k = 0; k < count; k ++) {
//		if (!rowMatrix[k].m_accelIsMotor) 
//		{
			dgJacobianMatrixElement* const row = &rowMatrix[k];

			dgVector relVeloc (row->m_Jt.m_jacobianM0.m_linear.CompProduct4(bodyVeloc0) + row->m_Jt.m_jacobianM0.m_angular.CompProduct4(bodyOmega0) + row->m_Jt.m_jacobianM1.m_linear.CompProduct4(bodyVeloc1) + row->m_Jt.m_jacobianM1.m_angular.CompProduct4(bodyOmega1));
			dgFloat32 vRel = relVeloc.m_x + relVeloc.m_y + relVeloc.m_z;
			dgFloat32 aRel = row->m_deltaAccel;

			if (row->m_normalForceIndex < 0) {
				dgFloat32 restitution = (vRel <= dgFloat32 (0.0f)) ? (dgFloat32 (1.0f) + row->m_restitution) : dgFloat32 (1.0f);

				dgFloat32 penetrationVeloc = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
				if (row->m_penetration > DG_RESTING_CONTACT_PENETRATION * dgFloat32 (0.125f)) {
					if (vRel > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
						dgFloat32 penetrationCorrection = vRel * timestep;
						dgAssert (penetrationCorrection >= dgFloat32 (0.0f));
						row->m_penetration = dgMax (dgFloat32 (0.0f), row->m_penetration - penetrationCorrection);
					} else {
						dgFloat32 penetrationCorrection = -vRel * timestep * row->m_restitution * dgFloat32 (8.0f);
						if (penetrationCorrection > row->m_penetration) {
							row->m_penetration = dgFloat32 (0.001f);
					penetrationVeloc = -(row->m_penetration * row->m_penetrationStiffness);

				vRel *= restitution;
				vRel = dgMin (dgFloat32 (4.0f), vRel + penetrationVeloc);
			row->m_coordenateAccel = (aRel - vRel * invTimestep);
//		}
Ejemplo n.º 8
void dgCollisionScene::CollidePair (dgCollidingPairCollector::dgPair* const pair, dgCollisionParamProxy& proxy) const
	const dgNodeBase* stackPool[DG_COMPOUND_STACK_DEPTH];

	dgAssert (proxy.m_contactJoint == pair->m_contact);
	dgContact* const constraint = pair->m_contact;

	dgBody* const otherBody = constraint->GetBody0();
	dgBody* const sceneBody = constraint->GetBody1();
	dgAssert (sceneBody->GetCollision()->GetChildShape() == this);
	dgAssert (sceneBody->GetCollision()->IsType(dgCollision::dgCollisionScene_RTTI));

	dgCollisionInstance* const sceneInstance = sceneBody->m_collision;
	dgCollisionInstance* const otherInstance = otherBody->m_collision;

	dgAssert (sceneInstance->GetChildShape() == this);
	dgAssert (otherInstance->IsType (dgCollision::dgCollisionConvexShape_RTTI));

	const dgContactMaterial* const material = constraint->GetMaterial();

	const dgMatrix& myMatrix = sceneInstance->GetGlobalMatrix();
	const dgMatrix& otherMatrix = otherInstance->GetGlobalMatrix();
	dgMatrix matrix (otherMatrix * myMatrix.Inverse());

	const dgVector& hullVeloc = otherBody->m_veloc;
	dgFloat32 baseLinearSpeed = dgSqrt (hullVeloc % hullVeloc);

	dgFloat32 closestDist = dgFloat32 (1.0e10f);
	if (proxy.m_continueCollision && (baseLinearSpeed > dgFloat32 (1.0e-6f))) {
		dgVector p0;
		dgVector p1;
		otherInstance->CalcAABB (matrix, p0, p1);

		const dgVector& hullOmega = otherBody->m_omega;

		dgFloat32 minRadius = otherInstance->GetBoxMinRadius();
		dgFloat32 maxAngularSpeed = dgSqrt (hullOmega % hullOmega);
		dgFloat32 angularSpeedBound = maxAngularSpeed * (otherInstance->GetBoxMaxRadius() - minRadius);

		dgFloat32 upperBoundSpeed = baseLinearSpeed + dgSqrt (angularSpeedBound);
		dgVector upperBoundVeloc (hullVeloc.Scale3 (proxy.m_timestep * upperBoundSpeed / baseLinearSpeed));

		dgVector boxDistanceTravelInMeshSpace (myMatrix.UnrotateVector(upperBoundVeloc.CompProduct4(otherInstance->m_invScale)));

		dgInt32 stack = 1;
		stackPool[0] = m_root;
		dgFastRayTest ray (dgVector (dgFloat32 (0.0f)), boxDistanceTravelInMeshSpace);

		while (stack) {
			const dgNodeBase* const me = stackPool[stack];
			dgAssert (me);

			if (me->BoxIntersect (ray, p0, p1)) {
				if (me->m_type == m_leaf) {
					dgAssert (!me->m_right);
					bool processContacts = true;
					if (material->m_compoundAABBOverlap) {
						processContacts = material->m_compoundAABBOverlap (*material, sceneBody, me->m_myNode, otherBody, NULL, proxy.m_threadIndex);

					if (processContacts) {
						const dgCollisionInstance* const myInstance =  me->GetShape();
						dgCollisionInstance childInstance (*myInstance, myInstance->GetChildShape());
						childInstance.SetGlobalMatrix(childInstance.GetLocalMatrix() * myMatrix);
						proxy.m_floatingCollision = &childInstance;
						dgInt32 count = pair->m_contactCount;
						m_world->SceneChildContacts (pair, proxy);
						if (pair->m_contactCount > count) {
							dgContactPoint* const buffer = proxy.m_contacts;
							for (dgInt32 i = count; i < pair->m_contactCount; i ++) {
								dgAssert (buffer[i].m_collision0 == proxy.m_referenceCollision);
								//if (buffer[i].m_collision1 == proxy.m_floatingCollision) {
								//	buffer[i].m_collision1 = myInstance;
								if (buffer[i].m_collision1->GetChildShape() == myInstance->GetChildShape()) {
									buffer[i].m_collision1 = myInstance;
						closestDist = dgMin(closestDist, constraint->m_closestDistance);

				} else {
					dgAssert (me->m_type == m_node);
					stackPool[stack] = me->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack] = me->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

	} else {
		dgVector origin;
		dgVector size;

		otherInstance->CalcObb(origin, size);
		dgOOBBTestData data (matrix, origin, size);
		dgInt32 stack = 1;
		stackPool[0] = m_root;
		while (stack) {

			stack --;
			const dgNodeBase* const me = stackPool[stack];
			dgAssert (me);

			if (me->BoxTest (data)) {
				if (me->m_type == m_leaf) {
					dgAssert (!me->m_right);
					bool processContacts = true;
					if (material->m_compoundAABBOverlap) {
						processContacts = material->m_compoundAABBOverlap (*material, sceneBody, me->m_myNode, otherBody, NULL, proxy.m_threadIndex);

					if (processContacts) {
						const dgCollisionInstance* const myInstance =  me->GetShape();
						dgCollisionInstance childInstance (*myInstance, myInstance->GetChildShape());
						childInstance.SetGlobalMatrix(childInstance.GetLocalMatrix() * myMatrix);
						proxy.m_floatingCollision = &childInstance;
						dgInt32 count = pair->m_contactCount;
						m_world->SceneChildContacts (pair, proxy);
						if (pair->m_contactCount > count) {
							dgContactPoint* const buffer = proxy.m_contacts;
							for (dgInt32 i = count; i < pair->m_contactCount; i ++) {
								dgAssert (buffer[i].m_collision0 == proxy.m_referenceCollision);
								//if (buffer[i].m_collision1 == proxy.m_floatingCollision) {
								//	buffer[i].m_collision1 = myInstance;
								if (buffer[i].m_collision1->GetChildShape() == myInstance->GetChildShape()) {
									buffer[i].m_collision1 = myInstance;
						} else if (pair->m_contactCount == -1) {
						closestDist = dgMin(closestDist, constraint->m_closestDistance);

				} else {
					dgAssert (me->m_type == m_node);
					stackPool[stack] = me->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack] = me->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));
	constraint->m_closestDistance = closestDist;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void dgCollisionScene::CollideCompoundPair (dgCollidingPairCollector::dgPair* const pair, dgCollisionParamProxy& proxy) const
	const dgNodeBase* stackPool[4 * DG_COMPOUND_STACK_DEPTH][2];

	dgContact* const constraint = pair->m_contact;
	dgBody* const myBody = constraint->GetBody1();
	dgBody* const otherBody = constraint->GetBody0();

	dgAssert (myBody == proxy.m_floatingBody);
	dgAssert (otherBody == proxy.m_referenceBody);

	dgCollisionInstance* const myCompoundInstance = myBody->m_collision;
	dgCollisionInstance* const otherCompoundInstance = otherBody->m_collision;

	dgAssert (myCompoundInstance->GetChildShape() == this);
	dgAssert (otherCompoundInstance->IsType (dgCollision::dgCollisionCompound_RTTI));
	dgCollisionCompound* const otherCompound = (dgCollisionCompound*)otherCompoundInstance->GetChildShape();

	const dgContactMaterial* const material = constraint->GetMaterial();

	dgMatrix myMatrix (myCompoundInstance->GetLocalMatrix() * myBody->m_matrix);
	dgMatrix otherMatrix (otherCompoundInstance->GetLocalMatrix() * otherBody->m_matrix);
	dgOOBBTestData data (otherMatrix * myMatrix.Inverse());

	dgInt32 stack = 1;
	stackPool[0][0] = m_root;
	stackPool[0][1] = otherCompound->m_root;

	const dgVector& hullVeloc = otherBody->m_veloc;
	dgFloat32 baseLinearSpeed = dgSqrt (hullVeloc % hullVeloc);

	dgFloat32 closestDist = dgFloat32 (1.0e10f);
	if (proxy.m_continueCollision && (baseLinearSpeed > dgFloat32 (1.0e-6f))) {
		dgAssert (0);
	} else {
		while (stack) {
			stack --;
			const dgNodeBase* const me = stackPool[stack][0];
			const dgNodeBase* const other = stackPool[stack][1];

			dgAssert (me && other);

			if (me->BoxTest (data, other)) {

				if ((me->m_type == m_leaf) && (other->m_type == m_leaf)) {
					dgAssert (!me->m_right);

					bool processContacts = true;
					if (material->m_compoundAABBOverlap) {
						processContacts = material->m_compoundAABBOverlap (*material, myBody, me->m_myNode, otherBody, other->m_myNode, proxy.m_threadIndex);

					if (processContacts) {
						const dgCollisionInstance* const mySrcInstance =  me->GetShape();
						const dgCollisionInstance* const otherSrcInstance =  other->GetShape();
						//dgCollisionInstance childInstance (*mySrcInstance, mySrcInstance->GetChildShape());
						//dgCollisionInstance otherInstance (*otherSrcInstance, otherSrcInstance->GetChildShape());
						dgCollisionInstance childInstance (*me->GetShape(), me->GetShape()->GetChildShape());
						dgCollisionInstance otherInstance (*other->GetShape(), other->GetShape()->GetChildShape());

						childInstance.SetGlobalMatrix(childInstance.GetLocalMatrix() * myMatrix);
						otherInstance.SetGlobalMatrix(otherInstance.GetLocalMatrix() * otherMatrix);
						proxy.m_floatingCollision = &childInstance;
						proxy.m_referenceCollision = &otherInstance;

						dgInt32 count = pair->m_contactCount;
						m_world->SceneChildContacts (pair, proxy);
						if (pair->m_contactCount > count) {
							dgContactPoint* const buffer = proxy.m_contacts;
							for (dgInt32 i = count; i < pair->m_contactCount; i ++) {
								//if (buffer[i].m_collision0 == proxy.m_floatingCollision) {
								//	buffer[i].m_collision0 = mySrcInstance;
								//if (buffer[i].m_collision1 == proxy.m_referenceCollision) {
								//	buffer[i].m_collision1 = otherSrcInstance;
								if (buffer[i].m_collision1->GetChildShape() == otherSrcInstance->GetChildShape()) {
									dgAssert(buffer[i].m_collision0->GetChildShape() == mySrcInstance->GetChildShape());
									buffer[i].m_collision0 = mySrcInstance;
									buffer[i].m_collision1 = otherSrcInstance;
								} else {
									dgAssert(buffer[i].m_collision1->GetChildShape() == mySrcInstance->GetChildShape());
									buffer[i].m_collision1 = mySrcInstance;
									buffer[i].m_collision0 = otherSrcInstance;

						closestDist = dgMin(closestDist, constraint->m_closestDistance);

				} else if (me->m_type == m_leaf) {
					dgAssert (other->m_type == m_node);

					stackPool[stack][0] = me;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

				} else if (other->m_type == m_leaf) {
					dgAssert (me->m_type == m_node);

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_left;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_right;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));
				} else {
					dgAssert (me->m_type == m_node);
					dgAssert (other->m_type == m_node);

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_left;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_left;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_right;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_right;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));
	constraint->m_closestDistance = closestDist;
Ejemplo n.º 10
dgAABBPointTree4d* dgConvexHull4d::BuildTree (dgAABBPointTree4d* const parent, dgHullVector* const points, dgInt32 count, dgInt32 baseIndex, dgInt8** memoryPool, dgInt32& maxMemSize) const
	dgAABBPointTree4d* tree = NULL;

	dgAssert (count);
	dgBigVector minP ( dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f)); 
	dgBigVector maxP (-dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f)); 
	if (count <= DG_VERTEX_CLUMP_SIZE_4D) {

		dgAABBPointTree4dClump* const clump = new (*memoryPool) dgAABBPointTree4dClump;
		*memoryPool += sizeof (dgAABBPointTree4dClump);
		maxMemSize -= sizeof (dgAABBPointTree4dClump);
		dgAssert (maxMemSize >= 0);

		dgAssert (clump);
		clump->m_count = count;
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			clump->m_indices[i] = i + baseIndex;

			const dgBigVector& p = points[i];
			minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
			minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
			minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 
			minP.m_w = dgMin (p.m_w, minP.m_w); 

			maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
			maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
			maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 
			maxP.m_w = dgMax (p.m_w, maxP.m_w); 

		clump->m_left = NULL;
		clump->m_right = NULL;
		tree = clump;

	} else {
		dgBigVector median (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		dgBigVector varian (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {

			const dgBigVector& p = points[i];
			minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
			minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
			minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 
			minP.m_w = dgMin (p.m_w, minP.m_w); 

			maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
			maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
			maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 
			maxP.m_w = dgMax (p.m_w, maxP.m_w); 

			median = median + p;
			varian = varian + p.CompProduct4(p);

		varian = varian.Scale4 (dgFloat32 (count)) - median.CompProduct4(median);

		dgInt32 index = 0;
		dgFloat64 maxVarian = dgFloat64 (-1.0e10f);
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
			if (varian[i] > maxVarian) {
				index = i;
				maxVarian = varian[i];
		dgBigVector center = median.Scale4 (dgFloat64 (1.0f) / dgFloat64 (count));

		dgFloat64 test = center[index];

		dgInt32 i0 = 0;
		dgInt32 i1 = count - 1;
		do {    
			for (; i0 <= i1; i0 ++) {
				dgFloat64 val = points[i0][index];
				if (val > test) {

			for (; i1 >= i0; i1 --) {
				dgFloat64 val = points[i1][index];
				if (val < test) {

			if (i0 < i1)	{
				dgSwap(points[i0], points[i1]);
		} while (i0 <= i1);

		if (i0 == 0){
			i0 = count / 2;
		if (i0 >= (count - 1)){
			i0 = count / 2;

		tree = new (*memoryPool) dgAABBPointTree4d;
		*memoryPool += sizeof (dgAABBPointTree4d);
		maxMemSize -= sizeof (dgAABBPointTree4d);
		dgAssert (maxMemSize >= 0);

		dgAssert (i0);
		dgAssert (count - i0);

		tree->m_left = BuildTree (tree, points, i0, baseIndex, memoryPool, maxMemSize);
		tree->m_right = BuildTree (tree, &points[i0], count - i0, i0 + baseIndex, memoryPool, maxMemSize);

	dgAssert (tree);
	tree->m_parent = parent;
	tree->m_box[0] = minP - dgBigVector (dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f), dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f), dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f), dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f));
	tree->m_box[1] = maxP + dgBigVector (dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f), dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f), dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f), dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f));
	return tree;
bool dgCollisionConvexHull::Create (dgInt32 count, dgInt32 strideInBytes, const dgFloat32* const vertexArray, dgFloat32 tolerance)
	dgInt32 stride = strideInBytes / sizeof (dgFloat32);
	dgStack<dgFloat64> buffer(3 * 2 * count);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
		buffer[i * 3 + 0] = vertexArray[i * stride + 0];
		buffer[i * 3 + 1] = vertexArray[i * stride + 1];
		buffer[i * 3 + 2] = vertexArray[i * stride + 2];

	dgConvexHull3d* convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);
	if (!convexHull->GetCount()) {
		// this is a degenerated hull hull to add some thickness and for a thick plane
		delete convexHull;

		dgStack<dgVector> tmp(3 * count);
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			tmp[i][0] = dgFloat32 (buffer[i*3 + 0]);
			tmp[i][1] = dgFloat32 (buffer[i*3 + 1]);
			tmp[i][2] = dgFloat32 (buffer[i*3 + 2]);
			tmp[i][2] = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgObb sphere;
		sphere.SetDimensions (&tmp[0][0], sizeof (dgVector), count);

		dgInt32 index = 0;
		dgFloat32 size = dgFloat32 (1.0e10f);
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
			if (sphere.m_size[i] < size) {
				index = i;
				size = sphere.m_size[i];
		dgVector normal (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		normal[index] = dgFloat32 (1.0f);
		dgVector step = sphere.RotateVector (normal.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (0.05f)));
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
			dgVector p1 (tmp[i] + step);
			dgVector p2 (tmp[i] - step);

			buffer[i * 3 + 0] = p1.m_x;
			buffer[i * 3 + 1] = p1.m_y;
			buffer[i * 3 + 2] = p1.m_z;
			buffer[(i + count) * 3 + 0] = p2.m_x;
			buffer[(i + count) * 3 + 1] = p2.m_y;
			buffer[(i + count) * 3 + 2] = p2.m_z;
		count *= 2;
		convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);
		if (!convexHull->GetCount()) {
			delete convexHull;
			return false;

	// check for degenerated faces
	for (bool success = false; !success;  ) {
		success = true;
		const dgBigVector* const hullVertexArray = convexHull->GetVertexPool();

		dgStack<dgInt8> mask(convexHull->GetVertexCount());
		memset (&mask[0], 1, mask.GetSizeInBytes());
		for (dgConvexHull3d::dgListNode* node = convexHull->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			dgConvexHull3DFace& face = node->GetInfo();
			const dgBigVector& p0 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[0]];
			const dgBigVector& p1 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[1]];
			const dgBigVector& p2 = hullVertexArray[face.m_index[2]];
			dgBigVector p1p0 (p1 - p0);
			dgBigVector p2p0 (p2 - p0);
			dgBigVector normal (p2p0 * p1p0);
			dgFloat64 mag2 = normal % normal;
			if (mag2 < dgFloat64 (1.0e-6f * 1.0e-6f)) {
				success = false;
				dgInt32 index = -1;
				dgBigVector p2p1 (p2 - p1);
				dgFloat64 dist10 = p1p0 % p1p0;
				dgFloat64 dist20 = p2p0 % p2p0;
				dgFloat64 dist21 = p2p1 % p2p1;
				if ((dist10 >= dist20) && (dist10 >= dist21)) {
					index = 2;
				} else if ((dist20 >= dist10) && (dist20 >= dist21)) {
					index = 1;
				} else if ((dist21 >= dist10) && (dist21 >= dist20)) {
					index = 0;
				dgAssert (index != -1);
				mask[face.m_index[index]] = 0;
		if (!success) {
			dgInt32 count = 0;
			dgInt32 vertexCount = convexHull->GetVertexCount();
			for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
				if (mask[i]) {
					buffer[count * 3 + 0] = hullVertexArray[i].m_x;
					buffer[count * 3 + 1] = hullVertexArray[i].m_y;
					buffer[count * 3 + 2] = hullVertexArray[i].m_z;
					count ++;
			delete convexHull;
			convexHull =  new (GetAllocator()) dgConvexHull3d (GetAllocator(), &buffer[0], 3 * sizeof (dgFloat64), count, tolerance);

	dgAssert (convexHull);
	dgInt32 vertexCount = convexHull->GetVertexCount();
	if (vertexCount < 4) {
		delete convexHull;
		return false;

	const dgBigVector* const hullVertexArray = convexHull->GetVertexPool();

	dgPolyhedra polyhedra (GetAllocator());
	for (dgConvexHull3d::dgListNode* node = convexHull->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		dgConvexHull3DFace& face = node->GetInfo();
		polyhedra.AddFace (face.m_index[0], face.m_index[1], face.m_index[2]);

	if (vertexCount > 4) {
//		bool edgeRemoved = false;
//		while (RemoveCoplanarEdge (polyhedra, hullVertexArray)) {
//			edgeRemoved = true;
//		}
//		if (edgeRemoved) {
//			if (!CheckConvex (polyhedra, hullVertexArray)) {
//				delete convexHull;
//				return false;
//			}
//		}
		while (RemoveCoplanarEdge (polyhedra, hullVertexArray));

	dgStack<dgInt32> vertexMap(vertexCount);
	memset (&vertexMap[0], -1, vertexCount * sizeof (dgInt32));

	dgInt32 mark = polyhedra.IncLRU();
	dgPolyhedra::Iterator iter (polyhedra);
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
		dgEdge* const edge = &iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		if (edge->m_mark != mark) {
			if (vertexMap[edge->m_incidentVertex] == -1) {
				vertexMap[edge->m_incidentVertex] = m_vertexCount;
				m_vertexCount ++;
			dgEdge* ptr = edge;
			do {
				ptr->m_mark = mark;
				ptr->m_userData = m_edgeCount;
				m_edgeCount ++;
				ptr = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge) ;

	m_vertex = (dgVector*) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_vertexCount * sizeof (dgVector)));
	m_simplex = (dgConvexSimplexEdge*) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_edgeCount * sizeof (dgConvexSimplexEdge)));
	m_vertexToEdgeMapping = (const dgConvexSimplexEdge**) m_allocator->Malloc (dgInt32 (m_vertexCount * sizeof (dgConvexSimplexEdge*)));

	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
		if (vertexMap[i] != -1) {
			m_vertex[vertexMap[i]] = hullVertexArray[i];
			m_vertex[vertexMap[i]].m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	delete convexHull;

	vertexCount = m_vertexCount;
	mark = polyhedra.IncLRU();;
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
		dgEdge* const edge = &iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		if (edge->m_mark != mark) {
			dgEdge *ptr = edge;
			do {
				ptr->m_mark = mark;
				dgConvexSimplexEdge* const simplexPtr = &m_simplex[ptr->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_vertex = vertexMap[ptr->m_incidentVertex];
				simplexPtr->m_next = &m_simplex[ptr->m_next->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_prev = &m_simplex[ptr->m_prev->m_userData];
				simplexPtr->m_twin = &m_simplex[ptr->m_twin->m_userData];

				ptr = ptr->m_twin->m_next;
			} while (ptr != edge) ;

	m_faceCount = 0;
	dgStack<char> faceMarks (m_edgeCount);
	memset (&faceMarks[0], 0, m_edgeCount * sizeof (dgInt8));

	dgStack<dgConvexSimplexEdge*> faceArray (m_edgeCount);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_edgeCount; i ++) {
		dgConvexSimplexEdge* const face = &m_simplex[i];
		if (!faceMarks[i]) {
			dgConvexSimplexEdge* ptr = face;
			do {
				dgAssert ((ptr - m_simplex) >= 0);
				faceMarks[dgInt32 (ptr - m_simplex)] = '1';
				ptr = ptr->m_next;
			} while (ptr != face);

			faceArray[m_faceCount] = face;
			m_faceCount ++;
	m_faceArray = (dgConvexSimplexEdge **) m_allocator->Malloc(dgInt32 (m_faceCount * sizeof(dgConvexSimplexEdge *)));
	memcpy (m_faceArray, &faceArray[0], m_faceCount * sizeof(dgConvexSimplexEdge *));
	if (vertexCount > DG_CONVEX_VERTEX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
		// create a face structure for support vertex
		dgStack<dgConvexBox> boxTree (vertexCount);
		dgTree<dgVector,dgInt32> sortTree(GetAllocator());
		dgStack<dgTree<dgVector,dgInt32>::dgTreeNode*> vertexNodeList(vertexCount);

		dgVector minP ( dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 
		dgVector maxP (-dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 	
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++) {
			const dgVector& p = m_vertex[i];
			vertexNodeList[i] = sortTree.Insert (p, i);
			minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
			minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
			minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 
			maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
			maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
			maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

		boxTree[0].m_box[0] = minP;
		boxTree[0].m_box[1] = maxP;
		boxTree[0].m_leftBox = -1;
		boxTree[0].m_rightBox = -1;
		boxTree[0].m_vertexStart = 0;
		boxTree[0].m_vertexCount = vertexCount;
		dgInt32 boxCount = 1;

		dgInt32 stack = 1;
		dgInt32 stackBoxPool[64];
		stackBoxPool[0] = 0;

		while (stack) {
			stack --;
			dgInt32 boxIndex = stackBoxPool[stack];
			dgConvexBox& box = boxTree[boxIndex];
			if (box.m_vertexCount > DG_CONVEX_VERTEX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
				dgVector median (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
				dgVector varian (dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
				for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < box.m_vertexCount; i ++) {
					dgVector& p = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i]->GetInfo();
					minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
					minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
					minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 

					maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
					maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
					maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

					median += p;
					varian += p.CompProduct3 (p);

				varian = varian.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (box.m_vertexCount)) - median.CompProduct3(median);
				dgInt32 index = 0;
				dgFloat64 maxVarian = dgFloat64 (-1.0e10f);
				for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
					if (varian[i] > maxVarian) {
						index = i;
						maxVarian = varian[i];
				dgVector center = median.Scale3 (dgFloat32 (1.0f) / dgFloat32 (box.m_vertexCount));
				dgFloat32 test = center[index];

				dgInt32 i0 = 0;
				dgInt32 i1 = box.m_vertexCount - 1;
				do {    
					for (; i0 <= i1; i0 ++) {
						dgFloat32 val = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i0]->GetInfo()[index];
						if (val > test) {

					for (; i1 >= i0; i1 --) {
						dgFloat32 val = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i1]->GetInfo()[index];
						if (val < test) {

					if (i0 < i1)	{
						dgSwap(vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i0], vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i1]);
				} while (i0 <= i1);

				if (i0 == 0){
					i0 = box.m_vertexCount / 2;
				if (i0 >= (box.m_vertexCount - 1)){
					i0 = box.m_vertexCount / 2;

					dgVector minP ( dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 
					dgVector maxP (-dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 	
					for (dgInt32 i = i0; i < box.m_vertexCount; i ++) {
						const dgVector& p = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i]->GetInfo();
						minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
						minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
						minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 

						maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
						maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
						maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

					box.m_rightBox = boxCount;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[0] = minP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[1] = maxP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_leftBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_rightBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexStart = box.m_vertexStart + i0;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexCount = box.m_vertexCount - i0;
					stackBoxPool[stack] = boxCount;
					stack ++;
					boxCount ++;

					dgVector minP ( dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f),  dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 
					dgVector maxP (-dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), -dgFloat32 (1.0e15f), dgFloat32 (0.0f)); 	
					for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < i0; i ++) {
						const dgVector& p = vertexNodeList[box.m_vertexStart + i]->GetInfo();
						minP.m_x = dgMin (p.m_x, minP.m_x); 
						minP.m_y = dgMin (p.m_y, minP.m_y); 
						minP.m_z = dgMin (p.m_z, minP.m_z); 

						maxP.m_x = dgMax (p.m_x, maxP.m_x); 
						maxP.m_y = dgMax (p.m_y, maxP.m_y); 
						maxP.m_z = dgMax (p.m_z, maxP.m_z); 

					box.m_leftBox = boxCount;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[0] = minP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_box[1] = maxP;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_leftBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_rightBox = -1;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexStart = box.m_vertexStart;
					boxTree[boxCount].m_vertexCount = i0;
					stackBoxPool[stack] = boxCount;
					stack ++;
					boxCount ++;

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; i ++) {
			m_vertex[i] = vertexNodeList[i]->GetInfo();
			vertexNodeList[i]->GetInfo().m_w = dgFloat32 (i);

		m_supportTreeCount = boxCount;
		m_supportTree = (dgConvexBox*) m_allocator->Malloc(dgInt32 (boxCount * sizeof(dgConvexBox)));		
		memcpy (m_supportTree, &boxTree[0], boxCount * sizeof(dgConvexBox));

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_edgeCount; i ++) {
			dgConvexSimplexEdge* const ptr = &m_simplex[i];
			dgTree<dgVector,dgInt32>::dgTreeNode* const node = sortTree.Find(ptr->m_vertex);
			dgInt32 index = dgInt32 (node->GetInfo().m_w);
			ptr->m_vertex = dgInt16 (index);

	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < m_edgeCount; i ++) {
		dgConvexSimplexEdge* const edge = &m_simplex[i];
		m_vertexToEdgeMapping[edge->m_vertex] = edge;

	SetVolumeAndCG ();
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
dgMeshEffect * dgMeshEffect::CreateVoronoiConvexDecomposition (dgMemoryAllocator * const allocator, dgInt32 pointCount, dgInt32 pointStrideInBytes, const dgFloat32 * const pointCloud, dgInt32 materialId, const dgMatrix & textureProjectionMatrix)
   dgFloat32 normalAngleInRadians = 30.0f * 3.1416f / 180.0f;
   dgStack<dgBigVector> buffer (pointCount + 16);
   dgBigVector * const pool = &buffer[0];
   dgInt32 count = 0;
   dgFloat64 quantizeFactor = dgFloat64 (16.0f);
   dgFloat64 invQuantizeFactor = dgFloat64 (1.0f) / quantizeFactor;
   dgInt32 stride = pointStrideInBytes / sizeof (dgFloat32);
   dgBigVector pMin (dgFloat32 (1.0e10f), dgFloat32 (1.0e10f), dgFloat32 (1.0e10f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
   dgBigVector pMax (dgFloat32 (-1.0e10f), dgFloat32 (-1.0e10f), dgFloat32 (-1.0e10f), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
   for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < pointCount; i ++)
      dgFloat64 x = pointCloud[i * stride + 0];
      dgFloat64 y	= pointCloud[i * stride + 1];
      dgFloat64 z	= pointCloud[i * stride + 2];
      x = floor (x * quantizeFactor) * invQuantizeFactor;
      y = floor (y * quantizeFactor) * invQuantizeFactor;
      z = floor (z * quantizeFactor) * invQuantizeFactor;
      dgBigVector p (x, y, z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
      pMin = dgBigVector (dgMin (x, pMin.m_x), dgMin (y, pMin.m_y), dgMin (z, pMin.m_z), dgFloat64 (0.0f));
      pMax = dgBigVector (dgMax (x, pMax.m_x), dgMax (y, pMax.m_y), dgMax (z, pMax.m_z), dgFloat64 (0.0f));
      pool[count] = p;
      count ++;
   // add the bbox as a barrier
   pool[count + 0] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 1] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 2] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 3] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 4] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 5] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 6] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 7] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   count += 8;
   dgStack<dgInt32> indexList (count);
   count = dgVertexListToIndexList (&pool[0].m_x, sizeof (dgBigVector), 3, count, &indexList[0], dgFloat64 (5.0e-2f));
   dgAssert (count >= 8);
   dgFloat64 maxSize = dgMax (pMax.m_x - pMin.m_x, pMax.m_y - pMin.m_y, pMax.m_z - pMin.m_z);
   pMin -= dgBigVector (maxSize, maxSize, maxSize, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pMax += dgBigVector (maxSize, maxSize, maxSize, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   // add the a guard zone, so that we do no have to clip
   dgInt32 guadVertexKey = count;
   pool[count + 0] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 1] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 2] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 3] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMin.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 4] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 5] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMin.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 6] = dgBigVector ( pMin.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   pool[count + 7] = dgBigVector ( pMax.m_x, pMax.m_y, pMax.m_z, dgFloat64 (0.0f));
   count += 8;
   dgDelaunayTetrahedralization delaunayTetrahedras (allocator, &pool[0].m_x, count, sizeof (dgBigVector), dgFloat32 (0.0f));
   delaunayTetrahedras.RemoveUpperHull ();
   //	delaunayTetrahedras.Save("xxx0.txt");
   dgInt32 tetraCount = delaunayTetrahedras.GetCount();
   dgStack<dgBigVector> voronoiPoints (tetraCount + 32);
   dgStack<dgDelaunayTetrahedralization::dgListNode *> tetradrumNode (tetraCount);
   dgTree<dgList<dgInt32>, dgInt32> delanayNodes (allocator);
   dgInt32 index = 0;
   const dgHullVector * const delanayPoints = delaunayTetrahedras.GetHullVertexArray();
   for (dgDelaunayTetrahedralization::dgListNode * node = delaunayTetrahedras.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext())
      dgConvexHull4dTetraherum & tetra = node->GetInfo();
      voronoiPoints[index] = tetra.CircumSphereCenter (delanayPoints);
      tetradrumNode[index] = node;
      for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
         dgTree<dgList<dgInt32>, dgInt32>::dgTreeNode * header = delanayNodes.Find (tetra.m_faces[0].m_index[i]);
         if (!header)
            dgList<dgInt32> list (allocator);
            header = delanayNodes.Insert (list, tetra.m_faces[0].m_index[i]);
         header->GetInfo().Append (index);
      index ++;
   dgMeshEffect * const voronoiPartition = new (allocator) dgMeshEffect (allocator);
   dgFloat64 layer = dgFloat64 (0.0f);
   dgTree<dgList<dgInt32>, dgInt32>::Iterator iter (delanayNodes);
   for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++)
      dgTree<dgList<dgInt32>, dgInt32>::dgTreeNode * const nodeNode = iter.GetNode();
      const dgList<dgInt32> & list = nodeNode->GetInfo();
      dgInt32 key = nodeNode->GetKey();
      if (key < guadVertexKey)
         dgBigVector pointArray[512];
         dgInt32 indexArray[512];
         dgInt32 count = 0;
         for (dgList<dgInt32>::dgListNode * ptr = list.GetFirst(); ptr; ptr = ptr->GetNext())
            dgInt32 i = ptr->GetInfo();
            pointArray[count] = voronoiPoints[i];
            count ++;
            dgAssert (count < dgInt32 (sizeof (pointArray) / sizeof (pointArray[0])));
         count = dgVertexListToIndexList (&pointArray[0].m_x, sizeof (dgBigVector), 3, count, &indexArray[0], dgFloat64 (1.0e-3f));
         if (count >= 4)
            dgMeshEffect convexMesh (allocator, &pointArray[0].m_x, count, sizeof (dgBigVector), dgFloat64 (0.0f));
            if (convexMesh.GetCount())
               convexMesh.CalculateNormals (normalAngleInRadians);
               convexMesh.UniformBoxMapping (materialId, textureProjectionMatrix);
               for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < convexMesh.m_pointCount; i ++)
                  convexMesh.m_points[i].m_w = layer;
               for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < convexMesh.m_atribCount; i ++)
                  convexMesh.m_attrib[i].m_vertex.m_w = layer;
               voronoiPartition->MergeFaces (&convexMesh);
               layer += dgFloat64 (1.0f);
   voronoiPartition->EndPolygon (dgFloat64 (1.0e-8f), false);
   //	voronoiPartition->SaveOFF("xxx0.off");
   return voronoiPartition;
void dgWorldDynamicUpdate::ResolveClusterForces(dgBodyCluster* const cluster, dgInt32 threadID, dgFloat32 timestep) const
	if (cluster->m_activeJointCount) {
		SortClusters(cluster, timestep, threadID);

	if (!cluster->m_isContinueCollision) {
		if (cluster->m_activeJointCount) {
			BuildJacobianMatrix (cluster, threadID, timestep);
			CalculateClusterReactionForces(cluster, threadID, timestep, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);
			//CalculateClusterReactionForces_1(cluster, threadID, timestep, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);
		} else {
			IntegrateExternalForce(cluster, timestep, threadID);
		IntegrateVelocity (cluster, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR, timestep, threadID); 
	} else {
		// calculate reaction forces and new velocities
		BuildJacobianMatrix (cluster, threadID, timestep);
		IntegrateReactionsForces (cluster, threadID, timestep, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);

		// see if the island goes to sleep
		bool isAutoSleep = true;
		bool stackSleeping = true;
		dgInt32 sleepCounter = 10000;

		dgWorld* const world = (dgWorld*) this;
		const dgInt32 bodyCount = cluster->m_bodyCount;
		dgBodyInfo* const bodyArrayPtr = (dgBodyInfo*) &world->m_bodiesMemory[0]; 
		dgBodyInfo* const bodyArray = &bodyArrayPtr[cluster->m_bodyStart];

		const dgFloat32 forceDamp = DG_FREEZZING_VELOCITY_DRAG;
		dgFloat32 maxAccel = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgFloat32 maxAlpha = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgFloat32 maxSpeed = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgFloat32 maxOmega = dgFloat32 (0.0f);

		const dgFloat32 speedFreeze = world->m_freezeSpeed2;
		const dgFloat32 accelFreeze = world->m_freezeAccel2;
		const dgVector forceDampVect (forceDamp, forceDamp, forceDamp, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
			dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[i].m_body;
			if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
				dgAssert (body->m_invMass.m_w);

				const dgFloat32 accel2 = body->m_accel.DotProduct3(body->m_accel);
				const dgFloat32 alpha2 = body->m_alpha.DotProduct3(body->m_alpha);
				const dgFloat32 speed2 = body->m_veloc.DotProduct3(body->m_veloc);
				const dgFloat32 omega2 = body->m_omega.DotProduct3(body->m_omega);

				maxAccel = dgMax (maxAccel, accel2);
				maxAlpha = dgMax (maxAlpha, alpha2);
				maxSpeed = dgMax (maxSpeed, speed2);
				maxOmega = dgMax (maxOmega, omega2);

				bool equilibrium = (accel2 < accelFreeze) && (alpha2 < accelFreeze) && (speed2 < speedFreeze) && (omega2 < speedFreeze);
				if (equilibrium) {
					dgVector veloc (body->m_veloc * forceDampVect);
					dgVector omega = body->m_omega * forceDampVect;
					body->m_veloc = (dgVector (veloc.DotProduct4(veloc)) > m_velocTol) & veloc;
					body->m_omega = (dgVector (omega.DotProduct4(omega)) > m_velocTol) & omega;

				body->m_equilibrium = dgUnsigned32 (equilibrium);
				stackSleeping &= equilibrium;
				isAutoSleep &= body->m_autoSleep;

				sleepCounter = dgMin (sleepCounter, body->m_sleepingCounter);
			// clear accel and angular acceleration
			body->m_accel = dgVector::m_zero;
			body->m_alpha = dgVector::m_zero;

		if (isAutoSleep) {
			if (stackSleeping) {
				// the island went to sleep mode, 
				for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
					dgBody* const body = bodyArray[i].m_body;
					dgAssert (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI) || body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_kinematicBodyRTTI));
					body->m_accel = dgVector::m_zero;
					body->m_alpha = dgVector::m_zero;
					body->m_veloc = dgVector::m_zero;
					body->m_omega = dgVector::m_zero;
			} else {
				// island is not sleeping but may be resting with small residual velocity for a long time
				// see if we can force to go to sleep
				if ((maxAccel > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxAccel) ||
					(maxAlpha > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxAlpha) ||
					(maxSpeed > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxVeloc) ||
					(maxOmega > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxOmega)) {
					for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
						dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[i].m_body;
						if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
							body->m_sleepingCounter = 0;
				} else {
					dgInt32 index = 0;
					for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES; i ++) {
						if ((maxAccel <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxAccel) &&
							(maxAlpha <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxAlpha) &&
							(maxSpeed <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxVeloc) &&
							(maxOmega <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxOmega)) {
								index = i;

					dgInt32 timeScaleSleepCount = dgInt32 (dgFloat32 (60.0f) * sleepCounter * timestep);
					if (timeScaleSleepCount > world->m_sleepTable[index].m_steps) {
						// force island to sleep
						stackSleeping = true;
						for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
							dgBody* const body = bodyArray[i].m_body;
							dgAssert (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI) || body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_kinematicBodyRTTI));
							body->m_accel = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_alpha = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_veloc = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_omega = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_equilibrium = true;
					} else {
						sleepCounter ++;
						for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
							dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[i].m_body;
							if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
								body->m_sleepingCounter = sleepCounter;

		if (!(isAutoSleep & stackSleeping)) {
			// island is not sleeping, need to integrate island velocity
			const dgUnsigned32 lru = world->GetBroadPhase()->m_lru;
			const dgInt32 jointCount = cluster->m_jointCount;
			dgJointInfo* const constraintArrayPtr = (dgJointInfo*) &world->m_jointsMemory[0];
			dgJointInfo* const constraintArray = &constraintArrayPtr[cluster->m_jointStart];

			dgFloat32 timeRemaining = timestep;
			const dgFloat32 timeTol = dgFloat32 (0.01f) * timestep;
			for (dgInt32 i = 0; (i < DG_MAX_CONTINUE_COLLISON_STEPS) && (timeRemaining > timeTol); i ++) {
				// calculate the closest time to impact 
				dgFloat32 timeToImpact = timeRemaining;
				for (dgInt32 j = 0; (j < jointCount) && (timeToImpact > timeTol); j ++) {
					dgContact* const contact = (dgContact*) constraintArray[j].m_joint;
					if (contact->GetId() == dgConstraint::m_contactConstraint) {
						dgDynamicBody* const body0 = (dgDynamicBody*)contact->m_body0;
						dgDynamicBody* const body1 = (dgDynamicBody*)contact->m_body1;
						if (body0->m_continueCollisionMode | body1->m_continueCollisionMode) {
							dgVector p;
							dgVector q;
							dgVector normal;
							timeToImpact = dgMin (timeToImpact, world->CalculateTimeToImpact (contact, timeToImpact, threadID, p, q, normal, dgFloat32 (-1.0f / 256.0f)));

				if (timeToImpact > timeTol) {
					timeRemaining -= timeToImpact;
					for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
						dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
						if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
				} else {
					if (timeToImpact >= dgFloat32 (-1.0e-5f)) {
						for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j++) {
							dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*)bodyArray[j].m_body;
							if (body->IsRTTIType(dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {

					CalculateClusterContacts (cluster, timeRemaining, lru, threadID);
					BuildJacobianMatrix (cluster, threadID, 0.0f);
					IntegrateReactionsForces (cluster, threadID, 0.0f, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);

					bool clusterReceding = true;
					const dgFloat32 step = timestep * dgFloat32 (1.0f / DG_MAX_CONTINUE_COLLISON_STEPS); 
					for (dgInt32 k = 0; (k < DG_MAX_CONTINUE_COLLISON_STEPS) && clusterReceding; k ++) {
						dgFloat32 smallTimeStep = dgMin (step, timeRemaining);
						timeRemaining -= smallTimeStep;
						for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
							dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
							if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
								body->IntegrateVelocity (smallTimeStep);

						clusterReceding = false;
						if (timeRemaining > timeTol) {
							CalculateClusterContacts (cluster, timeRemaining, lru, threadID);

							bool isColliding = false;
							for (dgInt32 j = 0; (j < jointCount) && !isColliding; j ++) {
								dgContact* const contact = (dgContact*) constraintArray[j].m_joint;
								if (contact->GetId() == dgConstraint::m_contactConstraint) {

									const dgBody* const body0 = contact->m_body0;
									const dgBody* const body1 = contact->m_body1;

									const dgVector& veloc0 = body0->m_veloc;
									const dgVector& veloc1 = body1->m_veloc;

									const dgVector& omega0 = body0->m_omega;
									const dgVector& omega1 = body1->m_omega;

									const dgVector& com0 = body0->m_globalCentreOfMass;
									const dgVector& com1 = body1->m_globalCentreOfMass;
									for (dgList<dgContactMaterial>::dgListNode* node = contact->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
										const dgContactMaterial* const contactMaterial = &node->GetInfo();
										dgVector vel0 (veloc0 + omega0.CrossProduct3(contactMaterial->m_point - com0));
										dgVector vel1 (veloc1 + omega1.CrossProduct3(contactMaterial->m_point - com1));
										dgVector vRel (vel0 - vel1);
										dgAssert (contactMaterial->m_normal.m_w == dgFloat32 (0.0f));
										dgFloat32 speed = vRel.DotProduct4(contactMaterial->m_normal).m_w;
										isColliding |= (speed < dgFloat32 (0.0f));
							clusterReceding = !isColliding;

			if (timeRemaining > dgFloat32 (0.0)) {
				for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
					dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
					if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
						body->UpdateCollisionMatrix (timeRemaining, threadID);
			} else {
				for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
					dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
					if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
						body->UpdateCollisionMatrix (timestep, threadID);
void dgCollisionTaperedCylinder::Init (dgFloat32 radio0, dgFloat32 radio1, dgFloat32 height)
	m_rtti |= dgCollisionTaperedCylinder_RTTI;
	m_radio0 = dgAbsf (radio0);
	m_radio1 = dgAbsf (radio1);
	m_height = dgAbsf (height * dgFloat32 (0.5f));
	m_skinthickness = dgMin (dgMin (m_radio0, m_radio1, m_height) * dgFloat32 (0.005f), dgFloat32 (1.0f / 64.0f));

	m_dirVector.m_x = radio1 - radio0;
	m_dirVector.m_y = m_height * dgFloat32 (2.0f);
	m_dirVector.m_z = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_dirVector.m_w = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	m_dirVector = m_dirVector.Scale3(dgRsqrt(m_dirVector % m_dirVector));

	dgFloat32 angle = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
	for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) {
		dgFloat32 sinAngle = dgSin (angle);
		dgFloat32 cosAngle = dgCos (angle);
		m_vertex[i                       ] = dgVector (- m_height, m_radio1 * cosAngle, m_radio1 * sinAngle, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		m_vertex[i + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS] = dgVector (  m_height, m_radio0 * cosAngle, m_radio0 * sinAngle,  dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		angle += dgPI2 / DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;

	m_edgeCount = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS * 6;
	m_vertexCount = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS * 2;
	dgCollisionConvex::m_vertex = m_vertex;

	if (!m_shapeRefCount) {
		dgPolyhedra polyhedra(m_allocator);
		dgInt32 wireframe[DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS];

		dgInt32 j = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS - 1;
		polyhedra.BeginFace ();
		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) { 
			wireframe[0] = j;
			wireframe[1] = i;
			wireframe[2] = i + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;
			wireframe[3] = j + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;
			j = i;
			polyhedra.AddFace (4, wireframe);

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) { 
			wireframe[i] = DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS - 1 - i;
		polyhedra.AddFace (DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS, wireframe);

		for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS; i ++) { 
			wireframe[i] = i + DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS;
		polyhedra.AddFace (DG_CYLINDER_SEGMENTS, wireframe);
		polyhedra.EndFace ();

		dgAssert (SanityCheck (polyhedra));

		dgUnsigned64 i = 0;
		dgPolyhedra::Iterator iter (polyhedra);
		for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
			dgEdge* const edge = &(*iter);
			edge->m_userData = i;
			i ++;

		for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
			dgEdge* const edge = &(*iter);

			dgConvexSimplexEdge* const ptr = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_userData];
			ptr->m_vertex = edge->m_incidentVertex;
			ptr->m_next = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_next->m_userData];
			ptr->m_prev = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_prev->m_userData];
			ptr->m_twin = &m_edgeArray[edge->m_twin->m_userData];

	m_shapeRefCount ++;
	dgCollisionConvex::m_simplex = m_edgeArray;

	SetVolumeAndCG ();