Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Make sure the string s is a valid connector.
 * Return 1 if the connector is valid, else return 0,
 * and print an appropriate warning message.
static int check_connector(Dictionary dict, const char * s)
	int i;
	i = strlen(s);
	if (i < 1) {
		dict_error(dict, "Expecting a connector.");
		return 0;
	i = s[i-1];  /* the last character of the token */
	if ((i!='+') && (i!='-')) {
		dict_error(dict, "A connector must end in a \"+\" or \"-\".");
		return 0;
	if (*s == '@') s++;
	if (!isupper((int)*s)) {
		dict_error(dict, "The first letter of a connector must be in [A--Z].");
		return 0;
	if ((*s == 'I') && (*(s+1) == 'D')) {
		dict_error(dict, "Connectors beginning with \"ID\" are forbidden");
		return 0;
	while (*(s+1)) {
		if ((!isalnum((int)*s)) && (*s != '*') && (*s != '^')) {
			dict_error(dict, "All letters of a connector must be ASCII alpha-numeric.");
			return 0;
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int check_connector(Dictionary dict, wchar_t * s) {
    /* makes sure the string s is a valid connector */
    int i;
    i = wcslen(s);
    if (i < 1) {
	dict_error(dict, L"Expecting a connector.");
	return 0;
    i = s[i-1];  /* the last character of the token */
    if ((i!=L'+') && (i!=L'-')) {
	dict_error(dict, L"A connector must end in a \"+\" or \"-\".");
	return 0;
    if (*s == L'@') s++;
    if (!iswupper((wint_t)*s)) {
	dict_error(dict, L"The first letter of a connector must be in [A--Z].");
	return 0;
    if ((*s==L'I') && (*(s+1)==L'D')) {
	dict_error(dict, L"Connectors beginning with \"ID\" are forbidden");
	return 0;
    while (*(s+1)) {
	if ((!isalnum((int)*s)) && (*s != L'*') && (*s != L'^')) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"All letters of a connector must be alpha-numeric.");
	    return 0;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Exp * expression(Dictionary dict) {
/* Build (and return the root of) the tree for the expression beginning     */
/* with the current token.  At the end, the token is the first one not part */
/* of this expression.                                                      */

    Exp * n;
    if (is_equal(dict, L'(')) {
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	n = in_parens(dict);
	if (!is_equal(dict, L')')) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"Expecting a \")\".");
	    return NULL;
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
    } else if (is_equal(dict, L'{')) {
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	n = in_parens(dict);
	if (!is_equal(dict, L'}')) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"Expecting a \"}\".");
	    return NULL;
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	n = make_optional_node(dict, n);
    } else if (is_equal(dict, L'[')) {
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	n = in_parens(dict);
	if (!is_equal(dict, L']')) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"Expecting a \"]\".");
	    return NULL;
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	n->cost += 1;
    } else if (!dict->is_special) {
	n = connector(dict);
	if (n == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
    } else if (is_equal(dict, L')') || is_equal(dict, L']')) {    
	/* allows "()" or "[]" */
        n = make_zeroary_node(dict);
    } else {
    	dict_error(dict, L"Connector, \"(\", \"[\", or \"{\" expected.");
	return NULL;
    return n;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Build (and return the root of) the tree for the expression beginning
 * with the current token.  At the end, the token is the first one not
 * part of this expression.
Exp * expression(Dictionary dict)
	Exp * n;
	if (is_equal(dict, '(')) {
		if (!link_advance(dict)) {
			return NULL;
		n = in_parens(dict);
		if (!is_equal(dict, ')')) {
			dict_error(dict, "Expecting a \")\".");
			return NULL;
		if (!link_advance(dict)) {
			return NULL;
	} else if (is_equal(dict, '{')) {
		if (!link_advance(dict)) {
			return NULL;
		n = in_parens(dict);
		if (!is_equal(dict, '}')) {
			dict_error(dict, "Expecting a \"}\".");
			return NULL;
		if (!link_advance(dict)) {
			return NULL;
		n = make_optional_node(dict, n);
	} else if (is_equal(dict, '[')) {
		if (!link_advance(dict)) {
			return NULL;
		n = in_parens(dict);
		if (!is_equal(dict, ']')) {
			dict_error(dict, "Expecting a \"]\".");
			return NULL;
		if (!link_advance(dict)) {
			return NULL;
		n->cost += 1.0f;
	} else if (!dict->is_special) {
		n = connector(dict);
		if (n == NULL) {
			return NULL;
	} else if (is_equal(dict, ')') || is_equal(dict, ']')) {
		/* allows "()" or "[]" */
		n = make_zeroary_node(dict);
	} else {
			dict_error(dict, "Connector, \"(\", \"[\", or \"{\" expected.");
		return NULL;
	return n;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Exp * operator_exp(Dictionary dict, int type) {
/* We're looking at the first of the stuff after an "and" or "or".     */
/* Build a Exp node for this expression.  Set the cost and optional    */
/* fields to the default values.  Set the type field according to type */
    Exp * n;
    E_list first;
    E_list * elist;
    n = Exp_create(dict);
    n->type = type;
    n->cost = 0;
    elist = &first;
    while((!is_equal(dict, L')')) && (!is_equal(dict, L']')) && (!is_equal(dict, L'}'))) {
	elist->next = (E_list *) xalloc(sizeof(E_list));
	elist = elist->next;
	elist->next = NULL;
	elist->e = expression(dict);
	if (elist->e == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
    if (elist == &first) {
	dict_error(dict, L"An \"or\" or \"and\" of nothing");
	return NULL;
    n->u.l = first.next;
    return n;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * We're looking at the first of the stuff after an "and" or "or".
 * Build a Exp node for this expression.  Set the cost and optional
 * fields to the default values.  Set the type field according to type
Exp * operator_exp(Dictionary dict, int type)
	Exp * n;
	E_list first;
	E_list * elist;
	n = Exp_create(dict);
	n->type = type;
	n->cost = 0.0f;
	elist = &first;
	while((!is_equal(dict, ')')) && (!is_equal(dict, ']')) && (!is_equal(dict, '}'))) {
		elist->next = (E_list *) xalloc(sizeof(E_list));
		elist = elist->next;
		elist->next = NULL;
		elist->e = expression(dict);
		if (elist->e == NULL) {
			return NULL;
	if (elist == &first) {
		dict_error(dict, "An \"or\" or \"and\" of nothing");
		return NULL;
	n->u.l = first.next;
	return n;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * connector() -- make a node for a connector or dictionary word.
 * Assumes the current token is a connector or dictionary word.
static Exp * connector(Dictionary dict)
	Exp * n;
	Dict_node *dn, *dn_head;
	int i;

	i = strlen(dict->token) - 1;  /* this must be + or - if a connector */
	if ((dict->token[i] != '+') && (dict->token[i] != '-'))
		/* If we are here, token is a word */
		dn_head = abridged_lookup_list(dict, dict->token);
		dn = dn_head;
		while ((dn != NULL) && (strcmp(dn->string, dict->token) != 0))
			dn = dn->right;
		if (dn == NULL)
			dict_error(dict, "\nPerhaps missing + or - in a connector.\n"
			                 "Or perhaps you forgot the suffix on a word.\n"
			                 "Or perhaps a word is used before it is defined.\n");
			return NULL;
		n = make_unary_node(dict, dn->exp);
		/* If we are here, token is a connector */
		if (!check_connector(dict, dict->token))
			return NULL;
		n = Exp_create(dict);
		n->dir = dict->token[i];
		dict->token[i] = '\0';				   /* get rid of the + or - */
		if (dict->token[0] == '@')
			n->u.string = string_set_add(dict->token+1, dict->string_set);
			n->multi = TRUE;
			n->u.string = string_set_add(dict->token, dict->string_set);
			n->multi = FALSE;
		n->type = CONNECTOR_type;
		n->cost = 0.0f;

	if (!link_advance(dict))
		return NULL;
	return n;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Exp * connector(Dictionary dict) {
/* the current token is a connector (or a dictionary word)           */
/* make a node for it                                                */   
    Exp * n;
    Dict_node * dn;
    int i;

    i = wcslen(dict->token)-1;  /* this must be + or - if a connector */
    if ((dict->token[i] != L'+') && (dict->token[i] != L'-')) {
	dn = abridged_lookup(dict, dict->token);
	while((dn != NULL) && (wcscmp(dn->string, dict->token) != 0)) {
	    dn = dn->right;
	if (dn == NULL) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"\nPerhaps missing + or - in a connector.\n"
		             L"Or perhaps you forgot the suffix on a word.\n"
		             L"Or perhaps a word is used before it is defined.\n");
	    return NULL;
	n = make_unary_node(dict, dn->exp);
    } else {
	if (!check_connector(dict, dict->token)) {
	    return NULL;
	n = Exp_create(dict);
	n->dir = dict->token[i];
	dict->token[i] = L'\0';                   /* get rid of the + or - */
	if (dict->token[0] == L'@') {
	    n->u.string = string_set_add(dict->token+1, dict->string_set);
	    n->multi = TRUE;
	} else {
	    n->u.string = string_set_add(dict->token, dict->string_set);
	    n->multi = FALSE;
	n->type = CONNECTOR_type;		
	n->cost = 0;
    if (!advance(dict)) {
	return NULL;
    return n;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Insert the new node into the dictionary below node n.
 * Give error message if the new element's string is already there.
 * Assumes that the "n" field of new is already set, and the left
 * and right fields of it are NULL.
 * The resulting tree is highly unbalanced. It needs to be rebalanced
 * before used.
Dict_node * insert_dict(Dictionary dict, Dict_node * n, Dict_node * newnode)
	int comp;

	if (NULL == n) return newnode;

	comp = dict_order(newnode->string, n->string);
	if (comp < 0)
		if (NULL == n->left)
			n->left = newnode;
			return n;
		n->left = insert_dict(dict, n->left, newnode);
		return n;
		/* return rebalance(n); Uncomment to get an AVL tree */
	else if (comp > 0)
		if (NULL == n->right)
			n->right = newnode;
			return n;
		n->right = insert_dict(dict, n->right, newnode);
		return n;
		/* return rebalance(n); Uncomment to get an AVL tree */
		char t[256];
		snprintf(t, 256, "The word \"%s\" has been multiply defined\n", newnode->string);
		dict_error(dict, t);
		return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Exp * restricted_expression(Dictionary dict, int and_ok, int or_ok) {
    Exp * nl=NULL, * nr, * n;
    E_list *ell, *elr;
    if (is_equal(dict, L'(')) {
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	nl = expression(dict);
	if (nl == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	if (!is_equal(dict, L')')) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"Expecting a \")\".");
	    return NULL;
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
    } else if (is_equal(dict, L'{')) {
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	nl = expression(dict);
	if (nl == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	if (!is_equal(dict, L'}')) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"Expecting a \"}\".");
	    return NULL;
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	nl = make_optional_node(dict, nl);
    } else if (is_equal(dict, L'[')) {
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	nl = expression(dict);
	if (nl == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	if (!is_equal(dict, L']')) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"Expecting a \"]\".");
	    return NULL;
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	nl->cost += 1;
    } else if (!dict->is_special) {
	nl = connector(dict);
	if (nl == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
    } else if (is_equal(dict, L')') || is_equal(dict, L']')) {    
	/* allows "()" or "[]" */
        nl = make_zeroary_node(dict);
    } else {
    	dict_error(dict, L"Connector, \"(\", \"[\", or \"{\" expected.");
	return NULL;
    if (is_equal(dict, L'&') || (wcscmp(dict->token, L"and")==0)) {
	if (!and_ok) {
	    warning(dict, L"\"and\" and \"or\" at the same level in an expression");
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	nr = restricted_expression(dict, TRUE,FALSE);
	if (nr == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	n = Exp_create(dict);
	n->u.l = ell = (E_list *) xalloc(sizeof(E_list));
	ell->next = elr = (E_list *) xalloc(sizeof(E_list));
	elr->next = NULL;
	ell->e = nl;
	elr->e = nr;
	n->type = AND_type;
	n->cost = 0;
    } else if (is_equal(dict, L'|') || (wcscmp(dict->token, L"or")==0)) {
	if (!or_ok) {
	    warning(dict, L"\"and\" and \"or\" at the same level in an expression");
	if (!advance(dict)) {
	    return NULL;
	nr = restricted_expression(dict, FALSE,TRUE);
	if (nr == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	n = Exp_create(dict);
	n->u.l = ell = (E_list *) xalloc(sizeof(E_list));
	ell->next = elr = (E_list *) xalloc(sizeof(E_list));
	elr->next = NULL;

	ell->e = nl;
	elr->e = nr;
	n->type = OR_type;
	n->cost = 0;
    } else return nl;
    return n;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int advance(Dictionary dict) {
   /* this reads the next token from the input into token */
    wint_t c;
	int i, quote_mode;

    dict->is_special = FALSE;

    if (dict->already_got_it != L'\0') {
		dict->is_special = (wcschr(SPECIAL, dict->already_got_it) != NULL);
		if (dict->already_got_it == WEOF) {
			dict->token[0] = L'\0';
		} else {
			dict->token[0] = dict->already_got_it;
			dict->token[1] = L'\0';
		dict->already_got_it = L'\0';
		return 1;

    do c=get_character(dict, FALSE); while (iswspace(c));

    quote_mode = FALSE;

    i = 0;
    for (;;) {
	if (i > MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH-1) {
	    dict_error(dict, L"Token too long");
	    return 0;
	if (quote_mode) {
	    if (c == L'\"') {
		quote_mode = FALSE;
		dict->token[i] = L'\0';
		return 1;
	    if (iswspace(c)) {
		dict_error(dict, L"White space inside of token");
		return 0;
	    dict->token[i] = c;
	} else {
	    if (wcschr(SPECIAL, c) != NULL) {
		if (i==0) {
		    dict->token[0] = c;
		    dict->token[1] = L'\0';
		    dict->is_special = TRUE;
		    return 1;
		dict->token[i] = L'\0';
		dict->already_got_it = c;
		return 1;
	    if (c==WEOF) {
		if (i==0) {
		    dict->token[0] = L'\0';
		    return 1;
		dict->token[i] = L'\0';
		dict->already_got_it = c;
		return 1;
	    if (iswspace(c)) {
		dict->token[i] = L'\0';
		return 1;
	    if (c == L'\"') {
		quote_mode = TRUE;
	    } else {
		dict->token[i] = c;
	c = get_character(dict, quote_mode);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * This reads the next token from the input into token.
 * Return 1 if a character was read, else return 0 (and print a warning).
static int link_advance(Dictionary dict)
	wchar_t c;
	int nr, i;
	int quote_mode;

	dict->is_special = FALSE;

	if (dict->already_got_it != '\0')
		dict->is_special = is_special(dict->already_got_it, &dict->mbss);
		if (dict->already_got_it == WEOF) {
			dict->token[0] = '\0';
		} else {
			dict->token[0] = dict->already_got_it; /* specials are one byte */
			dict->token[1] = '\0';
		dict->already_got_it = '\0';
		return 1;

	do { c = get_character(dict, FALSE); } while (iswspace(c));

	quote_mode = FALSE;

	i = 0;
	for (;;)
		if (i > MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH-3) {  /* 3 for multi-byte tokens */
			dict_error(dict, "Token too long");
			return 0;
		if (quote_mode) {
			if (c == '\"') {
				quote_mode = FALSE;
				dict->token[i] = '\0';
				return 1;
			if (iswspace(c)) {
				dict_error(dict, "White space inside of token");
				return 0;

			/* Although we read wide chars, we store UTF8 internally, always. */
			nr = wcrtomb(&dict->token[i], c, &dict->mbss);
			if (nr < 0) {
#ifndef _WIN32
				dict_error2(dict, "Unable to read UTF8 string in current locale",
				fprintf (stderr, "\tTry setting the locale with \"export LANG=en_US.UTF-8\"\n");
				dict_error(dict, "Unable to read UTF8 string in current locale");
				return 0;
			i += nr;
		} else {
			if (is_special(c, &dict->mbss))
				if (i == 0)
					dict->token[0] = c;  /* special toks are one char always */
					dict->token[1] = '\0';
					dict->is_special = TRUE;
					return 1;
				dict->token[i] = '\0';
				dict->already_got_it = c;
				return 1;
			if (c == 0x0) {
				if (i == 0) {
					dict->token[0] = '\0';
					return 1;
				dict->token[i] = '\0';
				dict->already_got_it = c;
				return 1;
			if (iswspace(c)) {
				dict->token[i] = '\0';
				return 1;
			if (c == '\"') {
				quote_mode = TRUE;
			} else {
				/* store UTF8 internally, always. */
				nr = wctomb_check(&dict->token[i], c, &dict->mbss);
				if (nr < 0) {
#ifndef _WIN32
					dict_error2(dict, "Unable to read UTF8 string in current locale",
					fprintf (stderr, "\tTry setting the locale with \"export LANG=en_US.UTF-8\"\n");
					dict_error(dict, "Unable to read UTF8 string in current locale");
					return 0;
				i += nr;
		c = get_character(dict, quote_mode);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * read_entry() -- read one dictionary entry
 * Starting with the current token, parse one dictionary entry.
 * A single dictionary entry must have one and only one colon in it,
 * and is terminated by a semi-colon.
 * Add these words to the dictionary.
static int read_entry(Dictionary dict)
	Exp *n;
	int i;

	Dict_node *dn_new, *dnx, *dn = NULL;

	/* Reset multi-byte shift state every line. */
	memset(&dict->mbss, 0, sizeof(dict->mbss));

	while (!is_equal(dict, ':'))
		if (dict->is_special)
			dict_error(dict, "I expected a word but didn\'t get it.");
			return 0;

		/* If it's a word-file name */
		/* However, be careful to reject "/.v" which is the division symbol
		 * used in equations (.v means verb-like) */
		if ((dict->token[0] == '/') && (dict->token[1] != '.'))
			dn = read_word_file(dict, dn, dict->token);
			if (dn == NULL)
				err_ctxt ec;
				ec.sent = NULL;
				err_msg(&ec, Error, "Error opening word file %s\n", dict->token);
				return 0;
			dn_new = dict_node_new();
			dn_new->left = dn;
			dn = dn_new;
			dn->file = NULL;
			dn->string = string_set_add(dict->token, dict->string_set);

		/* Advance to next entry, unless error */
		if (0 == link_advance(dict)) goto syntax_error;

	/* pass the : */
	if (!link_advance(dict))
		goto syntax_error;

	n = expression(dict);
	if (n == NULL)
		goto syntax_error;

	if (!is_equal(dict, ';'))
		dict_error(dict, "Expecting \";\" at the end of an entry.");
		goto syntax_error;

	/* pass the ; */
	if (!link_advance(dict))
		goto syntax_error;

	/* At this point, dn points to a list of Dict_nodes connected by
	 * their left pointers. These are to be inserted into the dictionary */
	i = 0;
	for (dnx = dn; dnx != NULL; dnx = dnx->left)
		dnx->exp = n;
	insert_list(dict, dn, i);
	return 1;

	return 0;