Ejemplo n.º 1
void threadExp(char *asciiSize, char *asciiJobCount, char *asciiThreadCount)
/* threadExp - Some pthread experiments. */
int size = atoi(asciiSize);
int jobCount = atoi(asciiJobCount);
int threadCount = atoi(asciiThreadCount);
pthread_t *threads;
int i;

double *results;
double sumErr = 0;
struct calcJob *jobList, *job;
if (size <= 0)
AllocArray(results, size);
AllocArray(threads, threadCount);
toDo = cacheQueueAlloc();
done = cacheQueueAlloc();
jobList = makeJobs(results, size, jobCount);
uglyTime("To init and alloc %d\n", size);
for (i=0; i<threadCount; ++i)
    pthreadCreate(&threads[i], NULL, workerBee, NULL);
uglyTime("Thread spwan time");
uglyTime("job time");
for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
    sumErr += (results[i]-i);
uglyTime("summing err");
printf("Total error = %e\n", sumErr);
printf("Total incer = %d\n", incer);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*              Main Body                   */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /*          PRINTF OVERRIDE                */
    if (LOG_MODE)
        FILE *log_file;
        if((log_file=freopen("JBUP_LOG_FILE", "a" ,stdout))==NULL)
            printf("Cannot open LOG.\n");
    } // END IF LOG_MODE
    jobs jlist [MAX_JOBS];
    int result = 0;
    int number_of_jobs = 0;
    number_of_jobs = loadJobs( jlist ); 
    result = doJobs( jlist, number_of_jobs );

    if(BUGS) printf("\n\n\tNumber of jobs loaded : %i \n\n", number_of_jobs);

    /*       DEV C++     */
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;