Ejemplo n.º 1
int gps_opentty(GpsState *state)

	DFR("%s", __FUNCTION__);

	if(strlen(prop) <= 0)
		state->fd  = -1;
		return state->fd;

	if(state->fd != -1)

    do {
        state->fd = open( prop, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
    } while (state->fd < 0 && errno == EINTR);

    if (state->fd < 0) {
        char device[256];

        // let's try add /dev/ to the property name as a last resort
        if ( snprintf(device, sizeof(device), "/dev/%s0", prop) >= (int)sizeof(device) ) {
            DFR("gps serial device name too long: '%s'", prop);
            return -1;

        do {
            state->fd = open( device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
        } while (state->fd < 0 && errno == EINTR);

        if (state->fd < 0)
            ALOGE("could not open gps serial device %s: %s", prop, strerror(errno) );
            return -1;

    D("gps will read from %s", prop);

    // disable echo on serial lines
    if ( isatty( state->fd ) ) {
        struct termios  ios;
        tcgetattr( state->fd, &ios );
        bzero(&ios, sizeof(ios));
        ios.c_cflag = B115200 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
        ios.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
        ios.c_oflag = 0;
        ios.c_lflag = 0;  /* disable ECHO, ICANON, etc... */
        tcsetattr( state->fd, TCSANOW, &ios );

	epoll_register( epoll_nmeafd, state->fd );

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* this is the main thread, it waits for commands from gps_state_start/stop and,
 * when started, messages from the QEMU GPS daemon. these are simple NMEA sentences
 * that must be parsed to be converted into GPS fixes sent to the framework
static void
gps_state_thread( void*  arg )
    GpsState*   state = (GpsState*) arg;
    NmeaReader  reader[1];
    int         epoll_fd   = epoll_create(2);
    int         started    = 0;
    int         gps_fd     = state->fd;
    int         control_fd = state->control[1];

    nmea_reader_init( reader );

    // register control file descriptors for polling
    epoll_register( epoll_fd, control_fd );
    epoll_register( epoll_fd, gps_fd );

    D("gps thread running");

    // now loop
    for (;;) {
        struct epoll_event   events[2];
        int                  ne, nevents;

        nevents = epoll_wait( epoll_fd, events, 2, -1 );
        if (nevents < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
                LOGE("epoll_wait() unexpected error: %s", strerror(errno));
        D("gps thread received %d events", nevents);
        for (ne = 0; ne < nevents; ne++) {
            if ((events[ne].events & (EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP)) != 0) {
                LOGE("EPOLLERR or EPOLLHUP after epoll_wait() !?");
            if ((events[ne].events & EPOLLIN) != 0) {
                int  fd = events[ne].data.fd;

                if (fd == control_fd)
                    char  cmd = 255;
                    int   ret;
                    D("gps control fd event");
                    do {
                        ret = read( fd, &cmd, 1 );
                    } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);

                    if (cmd == CMD_QUIT) {
                        D("gps thread quitting on demand");
                    else if (cmd == CMD_START) {
                        if (!started) {
                            D("gps thread starting  location_cb=%p", state->callbacks.location_cb);
                            started = 1;
                            nmea_reader_set_callback( reader, state->callbacks.location_cb );
							state->init = 1;
                            /*char testbuf[100];
							int nn;
							for (nn = 0; nn < strlen(testbuf); nn++)
								nmea_reader_addc( reader, testbuf[nn]);
                    else if (cmd == CMD_STOP) {
                        if (started) {
                            D("gps thread stopping");
                            started = 0;
                            nmea_reader_set_callback( reader, NULL );
                else if (fd == gps_fd)
                    char  buff[32];
                    D("gps fd event");
                    for (;;) {
                        int  nn, ret;

                        ret = read( fd, buff, sizeof(buff) );
                        if (ret < 0) {
                            if (errno == EINTR)
                            if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                                LOGE("error while reading from gps daemon socket: %s:", strerror(errno));
                        D("received %d bytes: %.*s", ret, ret, buff);
                        for (nn = 0; nn < ret; nn++)
                            nmea_reader_addc( reader, buff[nn] );
                    D("gps fd event end");
                    LOGE("epoll_wait() returned unkown fd %d ?", fd);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
gps_state_thread( void*  arg )
    GpsState*   state = (GpsState*) arg;
    int         gps_fd     = state->fd;
    int         control_fd = state->control[1];
	epoll_ctrlfd   = epoll_create(1);
	epoll_nmeafd   = epoll_create(1);

    // register control file descriptors for polling
    epoll_register( epoll_ctrlfd, control_fd );

    D("gps thread running");

	state->tmr_thread = state->callbacks.create_thread_cb("athr_gps_tmr", gps_timer_thread, state);
	if (!state->tmr_thread)
		ALOGE("could not create gps timer thread: %s", strerror(errno));
		started = 0;
		state->init = STATE_INIT;
		goto Exit;

	state->nmea_thread = state->callbacks.create_thread_cb("athr_nmea_thread", gps_nmea_thread, state);
	if (!state->nmea_thread)
		ALOGE("could not create gps nmea thread: %s", strerror(errno));
		started = 0;
		state->init = STATE_INIT;
		goto Exit;

	started = 0;
	state->init = STATE_INIT;

    // now loop
    for (;;) {
        struct epoll_event   events[1];
        int                  ne, nevents;

        nevents = epoll_wait( epoll_ctrlfd, events, 1, -1 );
        if (nevents < 0) {
            if (errno != EINTR)
                ALOGE("epoll_wait() unexpected error: %s", strerror(errno));
        // D("gps thread received %d events", nevents);
        for (ne = 0; ne < nevents; ne++) {
            if ((events[ne].events & (EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP)) != 0) {
                ALOGE("EPOLLERR or EPOLLHUP after epoll_wait() !?");
                goto Exit;
            if ((events[ne].events & EPOLLIN) != 0) {
                int  fd = events[ne].data.fd;

                if (fd == control_fd)
                    char  cmd = 255;
                    int   ret;
                    D("gps control fd event");
                    do {
                        ret = read( fd, &cmd, 1 );
                    } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);

                    if (cmd == CMD_QUIT) {
                        D("gps thread quitting on demand");
                        goto Exit;
                    else if (cmd == CMD_START)
                        if (!started)
							NmeaReader  *reader;
							reader = &state->reader;
							nmea_reader_init( reader );
                            D("gps thread starting  location_cb=%p", state->callbacks.location_cb);
                            started = 1;
                            state->init = STATE_START;
							/* handle wakeup routine*/
							D("LM already start");

                    else if (cmd == CMD_STOP) {
                        if (started) {
                            state->init = STATE_INIT;
                    ALOGE("epoll_wait() returned unkown fd %d ?", fd);
					gps_fd = _gps_state->fd; //resign fd to gps_fd
		void *dummy;
		continue_thread = 0;
		pthread_join(state->tmr_thread, &dummy);
		pthread_join(state->nmea_thread, &dummy);
		DFR("gps control thread destroyed");