Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Function:  p7_prior_CreateLaplace()
 * Synopsis:  Creates Laplace plus-one prior.
 * Incept:    SRE, Sat Jun 30 09:48:13 2007 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Create a Laplace plus-one prior for alphabet <abc>.
p7_prior_CreateLaplace(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc)
  P7_PRIOR *pri = NULL;
  int        status;

  ESL_ALLOC(pri, sizeof(P7_PRIOR));
  pri->tm = pri->ti = pri->td = pri->em = pri->ei = NULL;

  pri->tm = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 3);	     /* single component; 3 params */
  pri->ti = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);	     /* single component; 2 params */
  pri->td = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);	     /* single component; 2 params */
  pri->em = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, abc->K); /* single component; K params */
  pri->ei = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, abc->K); /* single component; K params */

  if (pri->tm == NULL || pri->ti == NULL || pri->td == NULL || pri->em == NULL || pri->ei == NULL) goto ERROR;

  pri->tm->pq[0] = 1.0;   esl_vec_DSet(pri->tm->alpha[0], 3,      1.0);  /* match transitions  */
  pri->ti->pq[0] = 1.0;   esl_vec_DSet(pri->ti->alpha[0], 2,      1.0);  /* insert transitions */
  pri->td->pq[0] = 1.0;   esl_vec_DSet(pri->td->alpha[0], 2,      1.0);  /* delete transitions */
  pri->em->pq[0] = 1.0;   esl_vec_DSet(pri->em->alpha[0], abc->K, 1.0);  /* match emissions    */
  pri->ei->pq[0] = 1.0;   esl_vec_DSet(pri->ei->alpha[0], abc->K, 1.0);  /* insert emissions   */
  return pri;

  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Function:  p7_prior_CreateAmino()
 * Incept:    SRE, Sat Mar 24 09:35:36 2007 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Creates the default mixture Dirichlet prior for protein
 *            sequences.
 *            The transition priors (match, insert, delete) are all
 *            single Dirichlets, originally trained by Graeme
 *            Mitchison in the mid-1990's. Notes have been lost, but
 *            we believe they were trained on an early version of
 *            Pfam. 
 *            The match emission prior is a nine-component mixture
 *            from Kimmen Sjolander, who trained it on the Blocks9
 *            database \citep{Sjolander96}.
 *            The insert emission prior is a single Dirichlet with
 *            high $|\alpha|$, such that insert emission probabilities
 *            are essentially fixed by the prior, regardless of
 *            observed count data. The slightly polar parameterization
 *            was obtained by training on Pfam 1.0.
 * Returns:   a pointer to the new <P7_PRIOR> structure.
  int status;
  P7_PRIOR *pri = NULL;
  int q;
				/* default match mixture coefficients: [Sjolander96] */
  static double defmq[9] = {
    0.178091, 0.056591, 0.0960191, 0.0781233, 0.0834977, 
    0.0904123, 0.114468, 0.0682132, 0.234585 };

				/* default match mixture Dirichlet components [Sjolander96] */
  static double defm[9][20] = {
    { 0.270671, 0.039848, 0.017576, 0.016415, 0.014268, 
      0.131916, 0.012391, 0.022599, 0.020358, 0.030727, 
      0.015315, 0.048298, 0.053803, 0.020662, 0.023612,
      0.216147, 0.147226, 0.065438, 0.003758, 0.009621 },
    { 0.021465, 0.010300, 0.011741, 0.010883, 0.385651, 
      0.016416, 0.076196, 0.035329, 0.013921, 0.093517, 
      0.022034, 0.028593, 0.013086, 0.023011, 0.018866, 
      0.029156, 0.018153, 0.036100, 0.071770, 0.419641 },
    { 0.561459, 0.045448, 0.438366, 0.764167, 0.087364,
      0.259114, 0.214940, 0.145928, 0.762204, 0.247320,
      0.118662, 0.441564, 0.174822, 0.530840, 0.465529, 
      0.583402, 0.445586, 0.227050, 0.029510, 0.121090 },
    { 0.070143, 0.011140, 0.019479, 0.094657, 0.013162, 
      0.048038, 0.077000, 0.032939, 0.576639, 0.072293, 
      0.028240, 0.080372, 0.037661, 0.185037, 0.506783, 
      0.073732, 0.071587, 0.042532, 0.011254, 0.028723 },
    { 0.041103, 0.014794, 0.005610, 0.010216, 0.153602, 
      0.007797, 0.007175, 0.299635, 0.010849, 0.999446, 
      0.210189, 0.006127, 0.013021, 0.019798, 0.014509, 
      0.012049, 0.035799, 0.180085, 0.012744, 0.026466 },
    { 0.115607, 0.037381, 0.012414, 0.018179, 0.051778, 
      0.017255, 0.004911, 0.796882, 0.017074, 0.285858, 
      0.075811, 0.014548, 0.015092, 0.011382, 0.012696, 
      0.027535, 0.088333, 0.944340, 0.004373, 0.016741 },
    { 0.093461, 0.004737, 0.387252, 0.347841, 0.010822, 
      0.105877, 0.049776, 0.014963, 0.094276, 0.027761, 
      0.010040, 0.187869, 0.050018, 0.110039, 0.038668, 
      0.119471, 0.065802, 0.025430, 0.003215, 0.018742 },
    { 0.452171, 0.114613, 0.062460, 0.115702, 0.284246,
      0.140204, 0.100358, 0.550230, 0.143995, 0.700649, 
      0.276580, 0.118569, 0.097470, 0.126673, 0.143634, 
      0.278983, 0.358482, 0.661750, 0.061533, 0.199373 },
    { 0.005193, 0.004039, 0.006722, 0.006121, 0.003468, 
      0.016931, 0.003647, 0.002184, 0.005019, 0.005990, 
      0.001473, 0.004158, 0.009055, 0.003630, 0.006583, 
      0.003172, 0.003690, 0.002967, 0.002772, 0.002686 },

  ESL_ALLOC(pri, sizeof(P7_PRIOR));
  pri->tm = pri->ti = pri->td = pri->em = pri->ei = NULL;

  pri->tm = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 3);	 /* single component; 3 params */
  pri->ti = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);	 /* single component; 2 params */
  pri->td = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);	 /* single component; 2 params */
  pri->em = esl_mixdchlet_Create(9, 20); /* 9 component; 20 params */
  pri->ei = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 20); /* single component; 20 params */

  if (pri->tm == NULL || pri->ti == NULL || pri->td == NULL || pri->em == NULL || pri->ei == NULL) goto ERROR;

  /* Transition priors: originally from Graeme Mitchison. Notes are lost, but we believe
   * they were trained on an early version of Pfam. 
  pri->tm->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->tm->alpha[0][0] = 0.7939; /* TMM */
  pri->tm->alpha[0][1] = 0.0278; /* TMI */ /* Markus suggests ~10x MD, ~0.036; test! */
  pri->tm->alpha[0][2] = 0.0135; /* TMD */ /* Markus suggests 0.1x MI, ~0.004; test! */

  pri->ti->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->ti->alpha[0][0] = 0.1551; /* TIM */
  pri->ti->alpha[0][1] = 0.1331; /* TII */

  pri->td->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->td->alpha[0][0] = 0.9002; /* TDM */
  pri->td->alpha[0][1] = 0.5630; /* TDD */

  /* Match emission priors are from Kimmen Sjolander, trained
   * on the Blocks9 database. [Sjolander96]
  for (q = 0; q < 9; q++)
      pri->em->pq[q] = defmq[q];
      esl_vec_DCopy(defm[q], 20, pri->em->alpha[q]);

  /* Insert emission priors were trained on Pfam 1.0, 10 Nov 1996;
   *  see  ~/projects/plan7/InsertStatistics.
   * Inserts are slightly biased towards polar residues and away from
   * hydrophobic residues.
  pri->ei->pq[0] = 1.0;
  pri->ei->alpha[0][0]  = 681.;         /* A */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][1]  = 120.;         /* C */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][2]  = 623.;         /* D */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][3]  = 651.;         /* E */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][4]  = 313.;         /* F */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][5]  = 902.;         /* G */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][6]  = 241.;         /* H */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][7]  = 371.;         /* I */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][8]  = 687.;         /* K */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][9]  = 676.;         /* L */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][10] = 143.;         /* M */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][11] = 548.;         /* N */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][12] = 647.;         /* P */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][13] = 415.;         /* Q */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][14] = 551.;         /* R */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][15] = 926.;         /* S */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][16] = 623.;         /* T */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][17] = 505.;         /* V */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][18] = 102.;         /* W */
  pri->ei->alpha[0][19] = 269.;         /* Y */

  return pri;

  if (pri != NULL) p7_prior_Destroy(pri);
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Function:  p7_prior_CreateNucleic()
 * Purpose:   Creates the default mixture Dirichlet prior for nucleotide
 *            sequences.
 *            The transition priors (match, insert, delete) are all
 *            single Dirichlets, trained on a portion of the rmark dataset
 *            The match emission prior is an eight-component mixture
 *            trained against a portion of the rmark dataset
 *            The insert emission prior is a single Dirichlet with
 *            high $|\alpha|$, such that insert emission probabilities
 *            are essentially fixed by the prior, regardless of
 *            observed count data.
 * Returns:   a pointer to the new <P7_PRIOR> structure.
  int status;
  P7_PRIOR *pri = NULL;
  int q;

  /* Plus-1 Laplace prior
  int num_comp = 1;
  static double defmq[2] =  { 1.0  };
  static double defm[1][4] = {
         { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} //

  /* Match emission priors are trained on Rmark3 database
   * Xref: ~wheelert/notebook/2011/0325_nhmmer_new_parameters
   int num_comp = 4;
   static double defmq[4] = { 0.24, 0.26, 0.08, 0.42  };
   static double defm[4][4] = {
         { 0.16,  0.45,  0.12,   0.39},
         { 0.09,  0.03,  0.09,   0.04},
         { 1.29,  0.40,  6.58,   0.51},
         { 1.74,  1.49,  1.57,   1.95}

  ESL_ALLOC(pri, sizeof(P7_PRIOR));
  pri->tm = pri->ti = pri->td = pri->em = pri->ei = NULL;

  pri->tm = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 3);  // match transitions; single component; 3 params
  pri->ti = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);  // insert transitions; single component; 2 params
  pri->td = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);  // delete transitions; single component; 2 params
  pri->em = esl_mixdchlet_Create(num_comp, 4); // match emissions; X component; 4 params
  pri->ei = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 4); // insert emissions; single component; 4 params

  if (pri->tm == NULL || pri->ti == NULL || pri->td == NULL || pri->em == NULL || pri->ei == NULL) goto ERROR;

  /* Transition priors: roughly, learned from rmark benchmark - hand-beautified (trimming overspecified significant digits)
  pri->tm->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->tm->alpha[0][0] = 2.0; // TMM
  pri->tm->alpha[0][1] = 0.1; // TMI
  pri->tm->alpha[0][2] = 0.1; // TMD

  pri->ti->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->ti->alpha[0][0] = 0.06; // TIM
  pri->ti->alpha[0][1] = 0.2; // TII

  pri->td->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->td->alpha[0][0] = 0.1; // TDM
  pri->td->alpha[0][1] = 0.2; // TDD

  /* Match emission priors  */
  for (q = 0; q < num_comp; q++)
      pri->em->pq[q] = defmq[q];
      esl_vec_DCopy(defm[q], 4, pri->em->alpha[q]);

  /* Insert emission priors. Should that alphas be lower? higher?
  pri->ei->pq[0] = 1.0;
  esl_vec_DSet(pri->ei->alpha[0], 4, 1.0);

  return pri;

  if (pri != NULL) p7_prior_Destroy(pri);
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Function:  p7_prior_CreateNucleicNew()
 * Incept:    TJW, Thu Nov 12 21:15:11 EST 2009 [Couch at home]
 * Purpose:   Creates the default mixture Dirichlet prior for nucleotiden
 *            sequences.
 *            The transition priors (match, insert, delete) are all
 *            single Dirichlets, originally trained by Graeme
 *            Mitchison in the mid-1990's. Notes have been lost, but
 *            we believe they were trained on an early version of
 *            Pfam.
 *            The match emission prior is an eight-component mixture
 *            trained against a portion of the rmark dataset
 *            The insert emission prior is a single Dirichlet with
 *            high $|\alpha|$, such that insert emission probabilities
 *            are essentially fixed by the prior, regardless of
 *            observed count data.
 * Returns:   a pointer to the new <P7_PRIOR> structure.
  int status;
  P7_PRIOR *pri = NULL;
  int q;

  /* Match emission priors are trained on rmark database [Nawrocki 08]

  /* Plus-1 Laplace prior
  int num_comp = 1;
  static double defmq[2] =  { 1.0  };
  static double defm[1][4] = {
         { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} //
  int num_comp = 2;
  static double defmq[2] =  { 0.42,  0.58   };
  static double defm[2][4] = {
         { 0.94,   0.90,   0.89,   1.13}, //
         { 0.096,  0.078,  0.093,   0.089} //
   //weird - but this performs marginally better than the best 2- 5- or 8-component mixtures tested
  // (on rmark - MER: 2 better than 5/8-comp  , 3 better than 2-comp )
   int num_comp = 4;
   static double defmq[4] = { 0.16, 0.29, 0.12, 0.43  };
   static double defm[4][4] = {
         { 0.36,   0.10,   5.3,   0.13}, // G
         { 0.05,  0.18,  0.03,   0.19}, // CT
         { 7.1,  0.13,  0.35,   0.17}, // A
         { 0.96,  0.92,  0.91,   1.19} // uniform

   /*On rmark, this model does only slightly better than the 2-component model
     It's chosen as the default on grounds of reasonableness, given that it shows
     a non-uniform transition:transversion ratio. It's based on the results
     of training against a portion of rmark, but the overspecified numbers
     resulting from that training have been rounded/simplified.
   int num_comp = 5;
   static double defmq[5] = { 0.16, 0.13, 0.17, 0.15, 0.39 };
   static double defm[5][4] = {
         { 6.0,   0.2,  0.5,   0.2}, // A
         { 0.2,  8.0,  0.2,   0.5}, // C
         { 0.5,  0.2,  8.0,   0.2}, // G
         { 0.2,  0.5,  0.2,   4.0}, // T
         { 1.3,  1.2,  1.2,   1.4}   // uniform

/* gives no improved performance in my hands over the 5-component model
  int num_comp = 8;
  static double defmq[8] = { 0.13, 0.08, 0.08, 0.13, 0.08, 0.08, 0.17, 0.25 } ;
  static double defm[8][4] = {
       { 4.0,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4}, // A
       { 0.3,   22.0,  0.3,   0.8}, // C
       { 1.0,   0.4,   28.0,  0.4}, // G
       { 0.5,   0.8,   0.3,   6.0}, // T
       { 1.8,   0.8,   6.0,   1.0}, // AG
       { 0.6,   6.0,   0.6,   2.4}, // CT
       { 0.03,  0.01,  0.02,  0.02}, // anything, but highly conserved
       { 2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0}  // anything, not much conservation

  ESL_ALLOC(pri, sizeof(P7_PRIOR));
  pri->tm = pri->ti = pri->td = pri->em = pri->ei = NULL;

  pri->tm = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 3);  // match transitions; single component; 3 params
  pri->ti = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);  // insert transitions; single component; 2 params
  pri->td = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 2);  // delete transitions; single component; 2 params
  pri->em = esl_mixdchlet_Create(num_comp, 4); // match emissions; X component; 4 params
  pri->ei = esl_mixdchlet_Create(1, 4); // insert emissions; single component; 4 params

  if (pri->tm == NULL || pri->ti == NULL || pri->td == NULL || pri->em == NULL || pri->ei == NULL) goto ERROR;

  /* Transition priors: roughly, learned from rmark benchmark - hand-beautified (trimming overspecified significant digits)
  pri->tm->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->tm->alpha[0][0] = 2.0; // TMM
  pri->tm->alpha[0][1] = 0.1; // TMI
  pri->tm->alpha[0][2] = 0.1; // TMD

  pri->ti->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->ti->alpha[0][0] = 0.06; // TIM
  pri->ti->alpha[0][1] = 0.2; // TII

  pri->td->pq[0]       = 1.0;
  pri->td->alpha[0][0] = 0.1; // TDM
  pri->td->alpha[0][1] = 0.2; // TDD

  /* Match emission priors  */
  for (q = 0; q < num_comp; q++)
      pri->em->pq[q] = defmq[q];
      esl_vec_DCopy(defm[q], 4, pri->em->alpha[q]);

  /* Insert emission priors. Should that alphas be lower? higher?
  pri->ei->pq[0] = 1.0;
  esl_vec_DSet(pri->ei->alpha[0], 4, 1.0);

  return pri;

  if (pri != NULL) p7_prior_Destroy(pri);
  return NULL;