Ejemplo n.º 1
filterinteg(float bmin, float bmax, float blurf)
    int i1, i2;
    float f1, f2;
    float *tab;
    float mult;

    bmin /= blurf;
    bmax /= blurf;
    tab = shape->tab;
    mult = (FILTTABSIZE - 1.0) / (2.0 * shape->rad);

    f1 = ((bmin - shape->min) * mult);
    i1 = floor(f1);
    f1 = f1 - i1;
    if (i1 < 0)
        f1 = 0.0;
    else if (i1 >= (FILTTABSIZE - 1))
        f1 = 1.0;
        f1 = flerp(tab[i1], tab[i1 + 1], f1);

    f2 = ((bmax - shape->min) * mult);
    i2 = floor(f2);
    f2 = f2 - i2;
    if (i2 < 0)
        f2 = 0.0;
    else if (i2 >= (FILTTABSIZE - 1))
        f2 = 1.0;
        f2 = flerp(tab[i2], tab[i2 + 1], f2);
    return f2 - f1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void game_lerp_apply(struct game_lerp *gl, struct game_draw *gd)
    float a = gl->alpha;

    /* Solid. */

    sol_lerp_apply(&gl->lerp, a);

    /* Particles. */


    /* Tilt. */

    v_lerp(gd->tilt.x, gl->tilt[PREV].x, gl->tilt[CURR].x, a);
    v_lerp(gd->tilt.z, gl->tilt[PREV].z, gl->tilt[CURR].z, a);

    gd->tilt.rx = flerp(gl->tilt[PREV].rx, gl->tilt[CURR].rx, a);
    gd->tilt.rz = flerp(gl->tilt[PREV].rz, gl->tilt[CURR].rz, a);

    /* View. */

    v_lerp(gd->view.c, gl->view[PREV].c, gl->view[CURR].c, a);
    v_lerp(gd->view.p, gl->view[PREV].p, gl->view[CURR].p, a);
    e_lerp(gd->view.e, gl->view[PREV].e, gl->view[CURR].e, a);

    /* Effects. */

    gd->goal_k = flerp(gl->goal_k[PREV], gl->goal_k[CURR], a);
    gd->jump_dt = flerp(gl->jump_dt[PREV], gl->jump_dt[CURR], a);
Ejemplo n.º 3
	void	rgba::set_lerp(const rgba& a, const rgba& b, float f)
		m_r = (Uint8) frnd(flerp(a.m_r, b.m_r, f));
		m_g = (Uint8) frnd(flerp(a.m_g, b.m_g, f));
		m_b = (Uint8) frnd(flerp(a.m_b, b.m_b, f));
		m_a = (Uint8) frnd(flerp(a.m_a, b.m_a, f));
Ejemplo n.º 4
vec3	axial_box::get_random_point() const
// Return a random point inside this box.
	return vec3(
		flerp(m_min[0], m_max[0], tu_random::get_unit_float()),
		flerp(m_min[1], m_max[1], tu_random::get_unit_float()),
		flerp(m_min[2], m_max[2], tu_random::get_unit_float()));
Ejemplo n.º 5
	void	rect::set_lerp(const rect& a, const rect& b, float t)
	// Set this to the lerp of a and b.
		m_x_min = flerp(a.m_x_min, b.m_x_min, t);
		m_y_min = flerp(a.m_y_min, b.m_y_min, t);
		m_x_max = flerp(a.m_x_max, b.m_x_max, t);
		m_y_max = flerp(a.m_y_max, b.m_y_max, t);
Ejemplo n.º 6
// dyna algorithm
int KisToolDyna::applyFilter(qreal mx, qreal my)
    /* calculate mass and drag */
    qreal mass = flerp(MIN_MASS, MAX_MASS, m_curmass);
    qreal drag = flerp(MIN_DRAG, MAX_DRAG, m_curdrag * m_curdrag);

    /* calculate force and acceleration */
    qreal fx = mx - m_mouse.curx;
    qreal fy = my - m_mouse.cury;

    m_mouse.acc = sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy);

    if (m_mouse.acc < MIN_ACC) {
        return 0;

    m_mouse.accx = fx / mass;
    m_mouse.accy = fy / mass;

    /* calculate new velocity */
    m_mouse.velx += m_mouse.accx;
    m_mouse.vely += m_mouse.accy;
    m_mouse.vel = sqrt(m_mouse.velx * m_mouse.velx + m_mouse.vely * m_mouse.vely);
    m_mouse.angx = -m_mouse.vely;
    m_mouse.angy = m_mouse.velx;
    if (m_mouse.vel < MIN_VEL) {
        return 0;

    /* calculate angle of drawing tool */
    if (m_mouse.fixedangle) {
        m_mouse.angx = m_xangle;
        m_mouse.angy = m_yangle;
    } else {
        m_mouse.angx /= m_mouse.vel;
        m_mouse.angy /= m_mouse.vel;

    m_mouse.velx = m_mouse.velx * (1.0 - drag);
    m_mouse.vely = m_mouse.vely * (1.0 - drag);

    m_mouse.lastx = m_mouse.curx;
    m_mouse.lasty = m_mouse.cury;
    m_mouse.curx = m_mouse.curx + m_mouse.velx;
    m_mouse.cury = m_mouse.cury + m_mouse.vely;

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
filterapply(filter *f, float mx, float my)
	float mass, drag;
	float fx, fy, force;

	/* calculate mass and drag */
	mass = flerp(1.0,160.0,curmass);
	drag = flerp(0.00,0.5,curdrag*curdrag);

	/* calculate force and acceleration */
	fx = mx-f->curx;
	fy = my-f->cury;
	f->acc = sqrt(fx*fx+fy*fy);
		return 0;
	f->accx = fx/mass;
	f->accy = fy/mass;

	/* calculate new velocity */
	f->velx += f->accx;
	f->vely += f->accy;
	f->vel = sqrt(f->velx*f->velx+f->vely*f->vely);
	f->angx = -f->vely;
	f->angy = f->velx;
		return 0;

	/* calculate angle of drawing tool */
	f->angx /= f->vel;
	f->angy /= f->vel;
	if(f->fixedangle) {
		f->angx = 0.6;
		f->angy = 0.2;

	/* apply drag */
	f->velx = f->velx*(1.0-drag);
	f->vely = f->vely*(1.0-drag);

	/* update position */
	f->lastx = f->curx;
	f->lasty = f->cury;
	f->curx = f->curx+f->velx;
	f->cury = f->cury+f->vely;
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void sol_lerp_apply(struct s_lerp *fp, float a)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < fp->mc; i++)
        if (fp->mv[i][PREV].pi == fp->mv[i][CURR].pi)
            fp->vary->mv[i].t = flerp(fp->mv[i][PREV].t, fp->mv[i][CURR].t, a);
            fp->vary->mv[i].t = fp->mv[i][CURR].t * a;

        fp->vary->mv[i].pi = fp->mv[i][CURR].pi;

    for (i = 0; i < fp->uc; i++)
        e_lerp(fp->vary->uv[i].e, fp->uv[i][PREV].e, fp->uv[i][CURR].e, a);
        v_lerp(fp->vary->uv[i].p, fp->uv[i][PREV].p, fp->uv[i][CURR].p, a);
        e_lerp(fp->vary->uv[i].E, fp->uv[i][PREV].E, fp->uv[i][CURR].E, a);

        fp->vary->uv[i].r = flerp(fp->uv[i][PREV].r, fp->uv[i][CURR].r, a);
Ejemplo n.º 9
	static void	software_trapezoid(
		float y0, float y1,
		float xl0, float xl1,
		float xr0, float xr1)
	// Fill the specified trapezoid in the software output buffer.

		int	iy0 = (int) ceilf(y0);
		int	iy1 = (int) ceilf(y1);
		float	dy = y1 - y0;

		for (int y = iy0; y < iy1; y++)
			if (y < 0) 
			if (y >= s_rendering_box)

			float	f = (y - y0) / dy;
			int	xl = (int) ceilf(flerp(xl0, xl1, f));
			int	xr = (int) ceilf(flerp(xr0, xr1, f));
			xl = iclamp(xl, 0, s_rendering_box - 1);
			xr = iclamp(xr, 0, s_rendering_box - 1);

			if (xr > xl)
				memset(s_render_buffer + y * s_rendering_box + xl, 255, xr - xl);
Ejemplo n.º 10
	void	matrix::set_lerp(const matrix& m1, const matrix& m2, float t)
	// Set this matrix to a blend of m1 and m2, parameterized by t.
		m_[0][0] = flerp(m1.m_[0][0], m2.m_[0][0], t);
		m_[1][0] = flerp(m1.m_[1][0], m2.m_[1][0], t);
		m_[0][1] = flerp(m1.m_[0][1], m2.m_[0][1], t);
		m_[1][1] = flerp(m1.m_[1][1], m2.m_[1][1], t);
		m_[0][2] = flerp(m1.m_[0][2], m2.m_[0][2], t);
		m_[1][2] = flerp(m1.m_[1][2], m2.m_[1][2], t);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void calcMinBoundingSphere(Sphere& _sphere, const void* _vertices, uint32_t _numVertices, uint32_t _stride, float _step)
	bx::RngMwc rng;

	uint8_t* vertex = (uint8_t*)_vertices;

	float center[3];
	float* position = (float*)&vertex[0];
	center[0] = position[0];
	center[1] = position[1];
	center[2] = position[2];

	position = (float*)&vertex[1*_stride];
	center[0] += position[0];
	center[1] += position[1];
	center[2] += position[2];

	center[0] *= 0.5f;
	center[1] *= 0.5f;
	center[2] *= 0.5f;

	float xx = position[0] - center[0];
	float yy = position[1] - center[1];
	float zz = position[2] - center[2];
	float maxDistSq = xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz;

	float radiusStep = _step * 0.37f;

	bool done;
		done = true;
		for (uint32_t ii = 0, index = rng.gen()%_numVertices; ii < _numVertices; ++ii, index = (index + 1)%_numVertices)
			position = (float*)&vertex[index*_stride];

			float xx = position[0] - center[0];
			float yy = position[1] - center[1];
			float zz = position[2] - center[2];
			float distSq = xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz;

			if (distSq > maxDistSq)
				done = false;

				center[0] += xx * radiusStep;
				center[1] += yy * radiusStep;
				center[2] += zz * radiusStep;
				maxDistSq = flerp(maxDistSq, distSq, _step);


	} while (!done);

	_sphere.m_center[0] = center[0];
	_sphere.m_center[1] = center[1];
	_sphere.m_center[2] = center[2];
	_sphere.m_radius = sqrtf(maxDistSq);
Ejemplo n.º 12
	void	morph2_character_def::display(character* inst)
		int i;
		float ratio = inst->m_ratio;

		// bounds
		rect	new_bound;
		new_bound.set_lerp(m_shape1->get_bound_local(), m_shape2->get_bound_local(), ratio);

		// fill styles
		for (i=0; i < m_fill_styles.size(); i++)
			fill_style* fs = &m_fill_styles[i];

			const fill_style& fs1 = m_shape1->get_fill_styles()[i];
			const fill_style& fs2 = m_shape2->get_fill_styles()[i];

			fs->set_lerp(fs1, fs2, ratio);

		// line styles
		for (i=0; i < m_line_styles.size(); i++)
			line_style& ls = m_line_styles[i];
			const line_style& ls1 = m_shape1->get_line_styles()[i];
			const line_style& ls2 = m_shape2->get_line_styles()[i];
			ls.m_width = (Uint16)frnd(flerp(ls1.get_width(), ls2.get_width(), ratio));
			ls.m_color.set_lerp(ls1.get_color(), ls2.get_color(), ratio);

		// shape
		int k = 0, n = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < m_paths.size(); i++) {
			path& p = m_paths[i];
			const path& p1 = m_shape1->get_paths()[i];

			// Swap fill styles -- for some reason, morph
			// shapes seem to be defined with their fill
			// styles backwards!
			p.m_fill0 = p1.m_fill1;
			p.m_fill1 = p1.m_fill0;

			p.m_line = p1.m_line;

			p.m_ax = flerp(p1.m_ax, m_shape2->get_paths()[n].m_ax, ratio);
			p.m_ay = flerp(p1.m_ay, m_shape2->get_paths()[n].m_ay, ratio);
			//  edges;
			int len = p1.m_edges.size();

			for (int j=0; j < p.m_edges.size(); j++) {
				p.m_edges[j].m_cx = flerp(p1.m_edges[j].m_cx, m_shape2->get_paths()[n].m_edges[k].m_cx, ratio);
				p.m_edges[j].m_cy = flerp(p1.m_edges[j].m_cy, m_shape2->get_paths()[n].m_edges[k].m_cy, ratio);
				p.m_edges[j].m_ax = flerp(p1.m_edges[j].m_ax, m_shape2->get_paths()[n].m_edges[k].m_ax, ratio);
				p.m_edges[j].m_ay = flerp(p1.m_edges[j].m_ay, m_shape2->get_paths()[n].m_edges[k].m_ay, ratio);
				if (m_shape2->get_paths()[n].m_edges.size() <= k) {
					k = 0;
		//  display

		matrix mat = inst->get_world_matrix();
		cxform cx = inst->get_world_cxform();
		float max_error = 20.0f / mat.get_max_scale() /	inst->get_parent()->get_pixel_scale();

		if (ratio != m_last_ratio) {
			delete m_mesh;
			m_last_ratio = ratio;
			m_mesh = new mesh_set(this, max_error * 0.75f);
		m_mesh->display(mat, cx, m_fill_styles, m_line_styles);
Ejemplo n.º 13
int InterpretCameraForUse(NVAnimObject *Cam, double Moment, osg::Vec3 &EyePoint, osg::Quat &Orientation, float &HFOV)
int NumValid;


NumValid = Cam->GetBracketingKeyFrames(Moment, PrevKey, NextKey, false); // don't use caching yet, we're not set up for it

	if(NumValid == 2)
		{ // interpolate
		double KeyTimeDif, MomentTimeDif;

		//determine interpolation fraction
		KeyTimeDif = NextKey->GetTimeValue() - PrevKey->GetTimeValue();
		MomentTimeDif = Moment - PrevKey->GetTimeValue();

		if(KeyTimeDif > 0.0 && MomentTimeDif >= 0.0) // do rationality checking before a risky divide
			double MomentFrac;
			osg::Vec3 EyePoint_S, EyePoint_E;
			osg::Quat Orientation_S, Orientation_E;

			MomentFrac = MomentTimeDif / KeyTimeDif; // divide by zero prevented by rationality checking above
			MiscReadout = MomentFrac;
			if(MomentFrac > 1.0)
				Cam->GetBracketingKeyFrames(Moment, PrevKey, NextKey, false); // trace only
				} // if

			// HFOV
			HFOV_S = PrevKey->ChannelValues[NVAnimObject::CANONHANGLE];
			HFOV_E = NextKey->ChannelValues[NVAnimObject::CANONHANGLE];
			HFOV_N = flerp(MomentFrac, HFOV_S, HFOV_E);

			// create start and end eye/orient pairs
			InterpretCameraConfiguration(PrevKey, EyePoint_S, Orientation_S);
			InterpretCameraConfiguration(NextKey, EyePoint_E, Orientation_E);

			// Eye position
			EyePoint = EyePoint_S + ((EyePoint_E - EyePoint_S) * MomentFrac);

			// Orientation quat via slerp
			Orientation.slerp(MomentFrac, Orientation_S, Orientation_E);

			} // if
			{ // drop back ten and punt by going with NumValid == 1 code below
			NumValid = 1;
			} // else
		} // if
	if(NumValid == 1) // not an else-if, this is a fail-safe case if the above NumValid=2 fails somehow
		{ // only have one, only use PrevKey, NextKey is identical and tweening would be a waste of time
		InterpretCameraConfiguration(PrevKey, EyePoint, Orientation);
		HFOV = PrevKey->ChannelValues[NVAnimObject::CANONHANGLE];
		} // else
	} // if
} // InterpretCameraForUse