Ejemplo n.º 1
void test_fx_fixed_limits_double(ostream& out)
  out << "****************** limits fx_fixed<8, 5>_double\n";

  sc_fixed<8, 5> zero_min("-0");     SHOW(zero_min);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> zero_plus("+0");    SHOW(zero_plus);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> zero(0);            SHOW(zero);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> long_max(LONG_MAX); SHOW(long_max);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> long_min(LONG_MIN); SHOW(long_min);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> int_max(INT_MAX);   SHOW(int_max);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> int_min(INT_MIN);   SHOW(int_min);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> uint_max(UINT_MAX); SHOW(uint_max);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> ulong_max(ULONG_MAX); SHOW(ulong_max);

  sc_fixed<8, 5> double_min(DBL_MIN); SHOW(double_min);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> double_max(DBL_MAX); SHOW(double_max);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> float_min(FLT_MIN);  SHOW(float_min);
  sc_fixed<8, 5> float_max(FLT_MAX);  SHOW(float_max);

  // sc_fixed<8, 5> res;

  // SHOW_EXPS(double_min);
  // SHOW_EXPS(double_max);
  // SHOW_EXPS(float_min);
  // SHOW_EXPS(float_max);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void test_fx_fix_limits_long(ostream& out)
  out << "****************** limits fx_fix_long\n";

  sc_fix zero_min("-0");     SHOW(zero_min);
  sc_fix zero_plus("+0");    SHOW(zero_plus);
  sc_fix zero(0);            SHOW(zero);
  sc_fix long_max(LONG_MAX); SHOW(long_max);
  sc_fix long_min(LONG_MIN); SHOW(long_min);
  sc_fix int_max(INT_MAX);   SHOW(int_max);
  sc_fix int_min(INT_MIN);   SHOW(int_min);
  sc_fix uint_max(UINT_MAX); SHOW(uint_max);
  sc_fix ulong_max(ULONG_MAX); SHOW(ulong_max);

  sc_fix double_min(DBL_MIN); SHOW(double_min);
  sc_fix double_max(DBL_MAX); SHOW(double_max);
  sc_fix float_min(FLT_MIN);  SHOW(float_min);
  sc_fix float_max(FLT_MAX);  SHOW(float_max);

  // sc_fix res;

  // SHOW_EXPS(long_max);
  // SHOW_EXPS(long_min);
  // SHOW_EXPS(int_max);
  // SHOW_EXPS(int_min);
  // SHOW_EXPS(uint_max);
  // SHOW_EXPS(ulong_max);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void test_fx_float_limits_zero(ostream& out)
  cerr << "****************** limits fx_float_zero\n";

  sc_fxval zero_min("-0");     SHOW(zero_min);
  sc_fxval zero_plus("+0");    SHOW(zero_plus);
  sc_fxval zero(0);            SHOW(zero);
  sc_fxval nan("NaN");         SHOW(nan);
  sc_fxval inf_plus("+Inf");   SHOW(inf_plus);
  sc_fxval inf_min("-Inf");    SHOW(inf_min);
  sc_fxval inf("Inf");         SHOW(inf);

  sc_fxval long_max(LONG_MAX); SHOW(long_max);
  sc_fxval long_min(LONG_MIN); SHOW(long_min);
  sc_fxval int_max(INT_MAX);   SHOW(int_max);
  sc_fxval int_min(INT_MIN);   SHOW(int_min);
  sc_fxval uint_max(UINT_MAX); SHOW(uint_max);
  sc_fxval ulong_max(ULONG_MAX); SHOW(ulong_max);

  sc_fxval double_min(DBL_MIN); SHOW(double_min);
  sc_fxval double_max(DBL_MAX); SHOW(double_max);
  sc_fxval float_min(FLT_MIN);  SHOW(float_min);
  sc_fxval float_max(FLT_MAX);  SHOW(float_max);

  sc_fxval res;

Ejemplo n.º 4
int main() {
	printf("Floating point information:\n");
	printf("float radix: %d\n", FLT_RADIX);
	printf("float exponent size: %d (%d bits)\n",
	printf("double exponent size: %d (%d bits)\n",
	printf("long double exponent size: %d (%d bits)\n",
	printf("float: [%f, %f]\n", float_min(), float_max());
	printf("float: [%f, %f] (system)\n", FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX);
	printf("double: [%f, %f]\n", double_min(), double_max());
	printf("double: [%f, %f] (system)\n", DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX);
	printf("long double: [%Lf, %Lf]\n", dlong_min(), dlong_max());
	printf("long double: [%Lf, %Lf] (system)\n", LDBL_MIN, LDBL_MAX);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main()
    printf("\nFixed Point\n");
    printf("\nBy Calculation.\n\n");
    printf("\nFrom limits.h\n\n");
    printf("\nFloating Point");
    printf("\nBy Calculation.\n\n");

    printf("\nFrom float.h\n\n");
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int advanceStroke( float* pRemainingTime, float timeStep )
    // draw stroke..
    Page* pPage = &s_renderer.pages[ s_renderer.currentPage ];
    Stroke* pStroke = &s_renderer.currentStroke;
    const StrokeCommand* pCommand = &s_renderer.strokeBuffer.commands[ s_renderer.currentCommand ];

    if( !pCommand || pCommand->type != StrokeCommandType_Draw )
        SYS_TRACE_ERROR( "no active stroke!\n" );
        return FALSE;
    const StrokeDrawCommandData* pDrawCommand = &pCommand->data.draw;

    graphics_setRenderTarget( &pPage->fgTarget );
    graphics_setShader( &s_renderer.penShader );
    graphics_setBlendMode( BlendMode_Over );

    const PenDefinition* pPen = &s_renderer.pens[ pDrawCommand->penId ];
    const float variance = pDrawCommand->variance;

    // set constant shader parameters:
    graphics_setFp4f( 0u, 0.5f * pPen->width, variance, 0.05f * variance, 0.0f );
    graphics_setFp4f( 1u, pPen->color.x, pPen->color.y, pPen->color.z, 1.0f );

    float currentProgress = pStroke->progress;
    const float strokeLength = pStroke->length;
    float newProgress;
    if( s_renderer.strokeDrawSpeed <= 0.0f )
        // always finish the whole stroke:
        newProgress = strokeLength;

        // and we don't need any time:
        *pRemainingTime = timeStep;
        // how long until we reach the end of this stroke?:
        const float remainingStrokeTime = ( strokeLength - pStroke->progress ) / s_renderer.strokeDrawSpeed;        
        const float usedTime = float_min( timeStep, remainingStrokeTime );

        newProgress = pStroke->progress + usedTime * s_renderer.strokeDrawSpeed;
        *pRemainingTime = timeStep - usedTime;

//    SYS_TRACE_DEBUG( "advancing stroke from %f to %f! length=%f\n", currentProgress, newProgress, strokeLength );

    if( newProgress <= currentProgress )
        return TRUE;

    const uint segmentCount = pDrawCommand->pointCount - 1u;
    float remainingLength = newProgress - currentProgress;

    const float2* pStrokePoints = &s_renderer.strokeBuffer.points[ pDrawCommand->pointIndex ];
    const float2* pStrokeNormals = &s_renderer.strokeBuffer.pointNormals[ pDrawCommand->pointIndex ];
    while( pStroke->activeSegment < segmentCount && remainingLength > 0.0f )
        const float2 segmentStart = pStrokePoints[ pStroke->activeSegment ];
        const float2 segmentEnd = pStrokePoints[ pStroke->activeSegment + 1u ];
        const float2 segmentNormalStart = pStrokeNormals[ pStroke->activeSegment ];
        const float2 segmentNormalEnd = pStrokeNormals[ pStroke->activeSegment + 1u ];

        // get remaining length in current segment:
        float activeSegmentLength = float2_distance( &segmentStart, &segmentEnd );

        if( activeSegmentLength <= 0.0f )

        float remainingSegmentLength = activeSegmentLength - pStroke->segmentProgress;
        const float segmentAdvance = float_min( remainingSegmentLength, remainingLength );

        // draw segment part:
        const float partStart = pStroke->segmentProgress;
        const float partEnd = partStart + segmentAdvance;

        const float strokeU0 = currentProgress / strokeLength;
        const float strokeU1 = ( currentProgress + segmentAdvance ) / strokeLength;

        const float segmentU0 = partStart / activeSegmentLength;
        const float segmentU1 = partEnd / activeSegmentLength;
        // draw the active segment between partStart and partEnd:
        //SYS_TRACE_DEBUG( "drawing segment part from %f to %f!\n", partStart / activeSegmentLength, partEnd / activeSegmentLength );
        // compute part 

        // :todo: draw start and end parts if this is the start/end of the segment

        // compute coordinates of quad enclosing the segment part:
        float2 segmentDir;
        float2_normalize( float2_sub( &segmentDir, &segmentEnd, &segmentStart ) );
        float2 normalStart, normalEnd;
        float2_lerp( &normalStart, &segmentNormalStart, &segmentNormalEnd, segmentU0 );
        float2_lerp( &normalEnd, &segmentNormalStart, &segmentNormalEnd, segmentU1 );

        float2 startPos, endPos;
        float2_addScaled1f( &startPos, &segmentStart, &segmentDir, partStart );
        float2_addScaled1f( &endPos, &segmentStart, &segmentDir, partEnd );

        const float ws = 2.0f * ( 64.0f / sys_getScreenWidth() );
        float2 vertices[ 4u ];
        float2_addScaled1f( &vertices[ 0u ], &startPos, &normalStart,  ws * pPen->width );
        float2_addScaled1f( &vertices[ 1u ], &startPos, &normalStart, -ws * pPen->width );
        float2_addScaled1f( &vertices[ 2u ], &endPos, &normalEnd, -ws * pPen->width );
        float2_addScaled1f( &vertices[ 3u ], &endPos, &normalEnd,  ws * pPen->width );

        const float u0 = strokeU0;
        const float u1 = strokeU1;

        //SYS_TRACE_DEBUG( "u0=%f u1=%f v0=%f,%f v3=%f,%f\n", u0, u1, vertices[ 0u ].x, vertices[ 0u ].y, vertices[ 3u ].x, vertices[ 3u ].y );

        graphics_drawQuad( vertices, u0, 0.0f, u1, 1.0f );
        pStroke->segmentProgress += segmentAdvance;
        remainingLength -= segmentAdvance;
        currentProgress += segmentAdvance;

        if( segmentAdvance >= remainingSegmentLength )
            // next segment:
            pStroke->segmentProgress = 0.0f;

    if( newProgress < strokeLength )
        pStroke->progress = newProgress;  
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;