Ejemplo n.º 1
static inline void
hashHandle(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpHandle *hand, cpBB bb)
	// Find the dimensions in cell coordinates.
	cpFloat dim = hash->celldim;
	int l = floor_int(bb.l/dim); // Fix by ShiftZ
	int r = floor_int(bb.r/dim);
	int b = floor_int(bb.b/dim);
	int t = floor_int(bb.t/dim);
	int n = hash->numcells;
	for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){
		for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){
			int idx = hash_func(i,j,n);
			cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash->table[idx];
			// Don't add an object twice to the same cell.
			if(containsHandle(bin, hand)) continue;

			// Insert a new bin for the handle in this cell.
			cpSpaceHashBin *newBin = getEmptyBin(hash);
			newBin->handle = hand;
			newBin->next = bin;
			hash->table[idx] = newBin;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main() {
	int n;
	scanf("%d", &n);

	int i, l[500], w[500], h[500];
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		scanf("%d%d%d", &l[i], &w[i], &h[i]);

	int m;
	scanf("%d", &m);
	int rl[500], rw[500], rc[500];
	for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
		scanf("%d%d%d", &rl[i], &rw[i], &rc[i]);

	int j, c = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		int mc = 1000000000;
		for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
			if (rl[j] / h[i] == 0)
			int cc = floor_int(floor_int(2*l[i] + 2*w[i], rw[j]), rl[j] / h[i]) * rc[j];
			if (cc < mc)
				mc = cc;
			// printf("i = %d, j = %d, mc = %d\n", i + 1, j + 1, cc);

		c += mc;

	printf("%d\n", c);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// modified from http://playtechs.blogspot.com/2007/03/raytracing-on-grid.html
cpSpaceHashSegmentQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat t_exit, cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc func, void *data)
	a = cpvmult(a, 1.0f/hash->celldim);
	b = cpvmult(b, 1.0f/hash->celldim);
	int cell_x = floor_int(a.x), cell_y = floor_int(a.y);

	cpFloat t = 0;

	int x_inc, y_inc;
	cpFloat temp_v, temp_h;

	if (b.x > a.x){
		x_inc = 1;
		temp_h = (cpffloor(a.x + 1.0f) - a.x);
	} else {
		x_inc = -1;
		temp_h = (a.x - cpffloor(a.x));

	if (b.y > a.y){
		y_inc = 1;
		temp_v = (cpffloor(a.y + 1.0f) - a.y);
	} else {
		y_inc = -1;
		temp_v = (a.y - cpffloor(a.y));
	// Division by zero is *very* slow on ARM
	cpFloat dx = cpfabs(b.x - a.x), dy = cpfabs(b.y - a.y);
	cpFloat dt_dx = (dx ? 1.0f/dx : INFINITY), dt_dy = (dy ? 1.0f/dy : INFINITY);
	// fix NANs in horizontal directions
	cpFloat next_h = (temp_h ? temp_h*dt_dx : dt_dx);
	cpFloat next_v = (temp_v ? temp_v*dt_dy : dt_dy);
	int n = hash->numcells;
	cpSpaceHashBin **table = hash->table;

	while(t < t_exit){
		int idx = hash_func(cell_x, cell_y, n);
		t_exit = cpfmin(t_exit, segmentQuery_helper(hash, &table[idx], obj, func, data));

		if (next_v < next_h){
			cell_y += y_inc;
			t = next_v;
			next_v += dt_dy;
		} else {
			cell_x += x_inc;
			t = next_h;
			next_h += dt_dx;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void
cpSpaceHashPointQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpVect point, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, void *data)
	cpFloat dim = hash->celldim;
	int idx = hash_func(floor_int(point.x/dim), floor_int(point.y/dim), hash->numcells);  // Fix by ShiftZ
	query_helper(hash, &hash->table[idx], &point, func, data);
cpSpaceHashPointQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpVect point, cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func, void *data)
	cpFloat dim = hash->celldim;
	int idx = hash_func(floor_int(point.x/dim), floor_int(point.y/dim), hash->numcells);  // Fix by ShiftZ
	query(hash, &hash->table[idx], &point, func, data);

	// Increment the stamp.
	// Only one cell is checked, but query() requires it anyway.
// Hashset iterator func used with cpSpaceHashQueryRehash().
static void
handleQueryRehashHelper(void *elt, void *data)
	cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)elt;
	// Unpack the user callback data.
	queryRehashPair *pair = (queryRehashPair *)data;
	cpSpaceHash *hash = pair->hash;
	cpSpaceHashQueryFunc func = pair->func;

	cpFloat dim = hash->celldim;
	int n = hash->numcells;

	void *obj = hand->obj;
	cpBB bb = hash->bbfunc(obj);

	int l = floor_int(bb.l/dim);
	int r = floor_int(bb.r/dim);
	int b = floor_int(bb.b/dim);
	int t = floor_int(bb.t/dim);
	cpSpaceHashBin **table = hash->table;

	for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){
		for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){
//			// exit the loops if the object has been deleted in func().
//			if(!hand->obj) goto break_out;
			int idx = hash_func(i,j,n);
			cpSpaceHashBin *bin = table[idx];
			if(containsHandle(bin, hand)) continue;
			cpHandleRetain(hand); // this MUST be done first in case the object is removed in func()
			query(hash, &bin, obj, func, pair->data);
			cpSpaceHashBin *newBin = getEmptyBin(hash);
			newBin->handle = hand;
			newBin->next = bin;
			table[idx] = newBin;
//	break_out:
	// Increment the stamp for each object we hash.
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Hashset iterator func used with cpSpaceHashQueryRehash().
static void
queryRehash_helper(cpHandle *hand, queryRehashContext *context)
	cpSpaceHash *hash = context->hash;
	cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func = context->func;
	void *data = context->data;

	cpFloat dim = hash->celldim;
	int n = hash->numcells;

	void *obj = hand->obj;
	cpBB bb = hash->spatialIndex.bbfunc(obj);

	int l = floor_int(bb.l/dim);
	int r = floor_int(bb.r/dim);
	int b = floor_int(bb.b/dim);
	int t = floor_int(bb.t/dim);
	cpSpaceHashBin **table = hash->table;

	for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){
		for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){
			int idx = hash_func(i,j,n);
			cpSpaceHashBin *bin = table[idx];
			if(containsHandle(bin, hand)) continue;
			cpHandleRetain(hand); // this MUST be done first in case the object is removed in func()
			query_helper(hash, &bin, obj, func, data);
			cpSpaceHashBin *newBin = getEmptyBin(hash);
			newBin->handle = hand;
			newBin->next = bin;
			table[idx] = newBin;
	// Increment the stamp for each object hashed.
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void
cpSpaceHashQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, cpBB bb, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, void *data)
	// Get the dimensions in cell coordinates.
	cpFloat dim = hash->celldim;
	int l = floor_int(bb.l/dim);  // Fix by ShiftZ
	int r = floor_int(bb.r/dim);
	int b = floor_int(bb.b/dim);
	int t = floor_int(bb.t/dim);
	int n = hash->numcells;
	cpSpaceHashBin **table = hash->table;
	// Iterate over the cells and query them.
	for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){
		for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){
			query_helper(hash, &table[hash_func(i,j,n)], obj, func, data);
Ejemplo n.º 9
	// Constructors & Destuctors
	TraversingVolumeAlgorithm(Ray& r) 
		Length = 0.f;
		tDelta = glm::vec3(100000);
		tMax = glm::vec3(100000);
		sDelta = sign(r.Direction);
		voxID = floor_int(r.Position);

		// Initialisation tDelta
		if(r.Direction.x != 0)
			tDelta.x = 1.f/abs(r.Direction.x);
		if(r.Direction.y != 0)
			tDelta.y = 1.f/abs(r.Direction.y);
		if(r.Direction.z != 0)
			tDelta.z = 1.f/abs(r.Direction.z);

		// Initialise tMax
		// * x Initialisation
		if(r.Direction.x < 0)
			tMax.x = (voxID.x - r.Position.x) / r.Direction.x;
		else if(r.Direction.x > 0)
			tMax.x = (voxID.x + 1.f - r.Position.x) / r.Direction.x;
		// * y Initialisation
		if(r.Direction.y < 0)
			tMax.y = (voxID.y - r.Position.y) / r.Direction.y;
		else if(r.Direction.y > 0)
			tMax.y = (voxID.y + 1.f - r.Position.y) / r.Direction.y;
		// * z Initialisation
		if(r.Direction.z < 0)
			tMax.z = (voxID.z - r.Position.z) / r.Direction.z;
		else if(r.Direction.z > 0)
			tMax.z = (voxID.z + 1.f - r.Position.z) / r.Direction.z;

		glm::vec3 DirectionAbs = glm::vec3(abs(r.Direction.x), 

		// know the main direction
		bool xMainDirection =DirectionAbs.x > DirectionAbs.y && DirectionAbs.x > DirectionAbs.z;
		bool yMainDirection =DirectionAbs.y > DirectionAbs.x && DirectionAbs.y > DirectionAbs.z;
		bool zMainDirection =DirectionAbs.z > DirectionAbs.x && DirectionAbs.z > DirectionAbs.y;
		bMainDirection = glm::bvec3(xMainDirection, yMainDirection, zMainDirection);