Ejemplo n.º 1
// Help function to keep code base small
//  _kf     :   modulation factor
//  _type   :   demodulation type {LIQUID_FREQDEM_DELAYCONJ, LIQUID_FREQDEM_PLL}
void freqmodem_test(float               _kf,
                    liquid_freqdem_type _type)
    // options
    unsigned int num_samples = 1024;
    //float tol = 1e-2f;

    unsigned int i;

    // create mod/demod objects
    freqmod mod = freqmod_create(_kf);          // modulator
    freqdem dem = freqdem_create(_kf,_type);    // demodulator

    // allocate arrays
    float         m[num_samples];   // message signal
    float complex r[num_samples];   // received signal (complex baseband)
    float         y[num_samples];   // demodulator output

    // generate message signal (single-frequency sine)
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        m[i] = 0.7f*cosf(2*M_PI*0.013f*i + 0.0f);

    // modulate/demodulate signal
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // modulate
        freqmod_modulate(mod, m[i], &r[i]);

        // demodulate
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[i], &y[i]);

    // delete modem objects

#if 0
    // compute power spectral densities and compare
    float complex mcf[num_samples];
    float complex ycf[num_samples];
    float complex M[num_samples];
    float complex Y[num_samples];
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        mcf[i] = m[i] * hamming(i,num_samples);
        ycf[i] = y[i] * hamming(i,num_samples);
    fft_run(num_samples, mcf, M, LIQUID_FFT_FORWARD, 0);
    fft_run(num_samples, ycf, Y, LIQUID_FFT_FORWARD, 0);

    // run test: compare spectral magnitude
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        CONTEND_DELTA( cabsf(Y[i]), cabsf(M[i]), tol );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// frequency demodulator benchmark
void benchmark_freqdem(struct rusage *     _start,
                       struct rusage *     _finish,
                       unsigned long int * _num_iterations)
    // create demodulator
    float   kf  = 0.05f; // modulation index
    freqdem dem = freqdem_create(kf);

    float complex r[20];    // modulated signal
    float         m[20];    // message signal

    unsigned long int i;

    // generate modulated signal
    for (i=0; i<20; i++)
        r[i] = 0.3f*cexpf(_Complex_I*2*M_PI*i/20.0f);

    // start trials
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, _start);
    for (i=0; i<(*_num_iterations); i++) {
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 0], &m[ 0]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 1], &m[ 1]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 2], &m[ 2]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 3], &m[ 3]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 4], &m[ 4]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 5], &m[ 5]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 6], &m[ 6]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 7], &m[ 7]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 8], &m[ 8]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[ 9], &m[ 9]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[10], &m[10]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[11], &m[11]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[12], &m[12]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[13], &m[13]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[14], &m[14]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[15], &m[15]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[16], &m[16]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[17], &m[17]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[18], &m[18]);
        freqdem_demodulate(dem, r[19], &m[19]);
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, _finish);
    *_num_iterations *= 20;

    // destroy demodulator
Ejemplo n.º 3
ModemNBFM::ModemNBFM() : ModemAnalog() {
    demodFM = freqdem_create(0.5);
Ejemplo n.º 4
ModemFMStereo::ModemFMStereo() {
    demodFM = freqdem_create(0.5);
    _demph = 75;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// main program
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    // command-line options
    int verbose = 1;

    int ppm_error = 0;
    int gain = 0;
    float rx_resamp_rate;
    float bandwidth      = 800e3f;
    int r, n_read;

    uint32_t frequency = 100000000;
    uint32_t samp_rate = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE;
    uint32_t out_block_size = DEFAULT_BUF_LENGTH;
    uint8_t *buffer;
    complex float *buffer_norm;

    int dev_index = 0;
    int dev_given = 0;

    struct sigaction sigact;
    normalizer_t *norm;

    float kf = 0.1f;                    // modulation factor
    liquid_freqdem_type type = LIQUID_FREQDEM_DELAYCONJ;

    int d;
    while ((d = getopt(argc,argv,"hf:b:B:G:p:s:")) != EOF) {
            switch (d) {
                case 'h':   usage();                    return 0;
                case 'f':   frequency   = atof(optarg); break;
                case 'b':   bandwidth   = atof(optarg); break;
                case 'B':   out_block_size = (uint32_t)atof(optarg); break;
                case 'G':   gain = (int)(atof(optarg) * 10); break;
                case 'p':   ppm_error = atoi(optarg); break;
                case 's':   samp_rate = (uint32_t)atofs(optarg); break;
                case 'd':
                    dev_index = verbose_device_search(optarg);
                    dev_given = 1;
                default:    usage();                    return 1;

    if (!dev_given) {
            dev_index = verbose_device_search("0");

    if (dev_index < 0) {

    r = rtlsdr_open(&dev, (uint32_t)dev_index);
    if (r < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open rtlsdr device #%d.\n", dev_index);

    sigact.sa_handler = sighandler;
    sigact.sa_flags = 0;
    sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigact, NULL);

    /* Set the sample rate */
    verbose_set_sample_rate(dev, samp_rate);

    /* Set the frequency */
    verbose_set_frequency(dev, frequency);

    if (0 == gain) {
            /* Enable automatic gain */
    } else {
            /* Enable manual gain */
            gain = nearest_gain(dev, gain);
            verbose_gain_set(dev, gain);

    verbose_ppm_set(dev, ppm_error);

    rx_resamp_rate = bandwidth/samp_rate;

    printf("frequency       :   %10.4f [MHz]\n", frequency*1e-6f);
    printf("bandwidth       :   %10.4f [kHz]\n", bandwidth*1e-3f);
    printf("sample rate     :   %10.4f kHz = %10.4f kHz * %8.6f\n",
           samp_rate * 1e-3f,
           bandwidth    * 1e-3f,
           1.0f / rx_resamp_rate);
    printf("verbosity       :    %s\n", (verbose?"enabled":"disabled"));

    unsigned int i,j;

    // add arbitrary resampling component
    msresamp_crcf resamp = msresamp_crcf_create(rx_resamp_rate, 60.0f);

    //allocate recv buffer
    buffer = malloc(out_block_size * sizeof(uint8_t));

    buffer_norm = malloc(out_block_size * sizeof(complex float));

    // create buffer for arbitrary resamper output
    int b_len = ((int)(out_block_size * rx_resamp_rate) + 64) >> 1;
    complex float buffer_resamp[b_len];
    int16_t buffer_demod[b_len];
    debug("resamp_buffer_len: %d\n", b_len);

    norm = normalizer_create();


    freqdem dem = freqdem_create(kf,type);

    while (!do_exit) {
            // grab data from device
            r = rtlsdr_read_sync(dev, buffer, out_block_size, &n_read);
            if (r < 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: sync read failed.\n");

            if ((bytes_to_read > 0) && (bytes_to_read < (uint32_t)n_read)) {
                    n_read = bytes_to_read;
                    do_exit = 1;

            // push data through arbitrary resampler and give to frame synchronizer
            // TODO : apply bandwidth-dependent gain
            for (i=0; i<n_read/2; i++) {
                    // grab sample from usrp buffer
                    buffer_norm[i] = normalizer_normalize(norm, *((uint16_t*)buffer+i));
            // push through resampler (one at a time)
            unsigned int nw;
            float demod;
            msresamp_crcf_execute(resamp, buffer_norm, n_read/2, buffer_resamp, &nw);

                    freqdem_demodulate(dem, buffer_resamp[j], &demod);
                    buffer_demod[j] = to_int16(demod);


            if (fwrite(buffer_demod, 2, nw, stdout) != (size_t)nw) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Short write, samples lost, exiting!\n");

            if ((uint32_t)n_read < out_block_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Short read, samples lost, exiting!\n");

            if (bytes_to_read > 0)
                bytes_to_read -= n_read;


    // destroy objects

    free (buffer);

    return 0;