Ejemplo n.º 1
// Load config info
bool ecSettings::LoadConfig()
    wxConfig config(wxGetApp().GetSettings().GetConfigAppName());
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/FrameStatus"), & m_frameStatus);
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/ShowToolBar"), (bool*) & m_showToolBar);
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/ShowSplashScreen"), (bool*) & m_showSplashScreen);
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/ShowConflictsWindow"), (bool*) & m_showConflictsWindow);
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/ShowPropertiesWindow"), (bool*) & m_showPropertiesWindow);
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/ShowShortDescrWindow"), (bool*) & m_showShortDescrWindow);
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/ShowMemoryWindow"), (bool*) & m_showMemoryWindow);
    config.Read(_("/Window Status/ShowOutputWindow"), (bool*) & m_showOutputWindow);
    config.Read(_("/Files/LastFile"), & m_lastFilename);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/WindowX"), & m_frameSize.x);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/WindowY"), & m_frameSize.y);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/WindowWidth"), & m_frameSize.width);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/WindowHeight"), & m_frameSize.height);

    config.Read(_("/Window Size/TreeSashWidth"), & m_treeSashSize.x);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/TreeSashHeight"), & m_treeSashSize.y);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/ConfigPaneWidth"), & m_configPaneWidth);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/ConflictsWidth"), & m_conflictsSashSize.x);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/ConflictsHeight"), & m_conflictsSashSize.y);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/PropertiesWidth"), & m_propertiesSashSize.x);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/PropertiesHeight"), & m_propertiesSashSize.y);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/ShortDescrWidth"), & m_shortDescrSashSize.x);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/ShortDescrHeight"), & m_shortDescrSashSize.y);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/OutputWidth"), & m_outputSashSize.x);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/OutputHeight"), & m_outputSashSize.y);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/MemoryWidth"), & m_memorySashSize.x);
    config.Read(_("/Window Size/MemoryHeight"), & m_memorySashSize.y);

    config.Read(_("/Options/ShowMacroNames"), (bool*) & m_showMacroNames);
    config.Read(_("/Options/UseCustomViewer"), (bool*) & m_bUseCustomViewer);
    config.Read(_("/Options/UseExternalBrowser"), (bool*) & m_bUseExternalBrowser);
    int tmp = (int) m_eUseCustomBrowser;
    config.Read(_("/Options/UseCustomBrowser"), & tmp);
    m_eUseCustomBrowser = (ecBrowserType) tmp;
    config.Read(_("/Options/Browser"), & m_strBrowser);
    config.Read(_("/Options/Viewer"), & m_strViewer);
    config.Read(_("/Options/HexDisplay"), (bool*) & m_bHex);
    config.Read(_("/Options/UseDefaultFonts"), (bool*) & m_windowSettings.m_useDefaults);
    config.Read(_("/Rule/Checking"), & m_nRuleChecking);

    // Find dialog settings
    config.Read(_("/Find/Text"), & m_findText);
    config.Read(_("/Find/MatchWholeWord"), (bool*) & m_findMatchWholeWord);
    config.Read(_("/Find/MatchCase"), & m_findMatchCase);
    config.Read(_("/Find/Direction"), (bool*) & m_findDirection);
    config.Read(_("/Find/SearchWhat"), & m_findSearchWhat);
    config.Read(_("/Find/DialogX"), & m_findDialogPos.x);
    config.Read(_("/Find/DialogY"), & m_findDialogPos.y);

    // Package dialog settings
    config.Read(_("/Packages/OmitHardwarePackages"), & m_omitHardwarePackages);
    config.Read(_("/Packages/MatchPackageNamesExactly"), & m_matchPackageNamesExactly);

    // Run tests settings

    // Fonts
    if (!config.Read(_("/Paths/UserToolsDir"), & m_userToolsDir))
        // Use the default provided by the installer
        config.Read(_("Default User Tools Path"), & m_userToolsDir);

    // Only to be used if we fail to find the information installed
    // with the Configuration Tool.
    config.Read(_("/Paths/BuildToolsDir"), & m_buildToolsDir);
    if (m_buildToolsDir.IsEmpty()) // first invocation by this user
        // we have no clues as to the location of the build tools so
        // test for ../../../gnutools relative to the configtool location
        wxFileName gnutools = wxFileName (wxGetApp().GetAppDir(), wxEmptyString);
        gnutools.Normalize(); // remove trailing "./" if present
		if (2 < gnutools.GetDirCount())
            gnutools.RemoveDir (gnutools.GetDirCount()-1);
            gnutools.RemoveDir (gnutools.GetDirCount()-1);
            gnutools.RemoveDir (gnutools.GetDirCount()-1);
            gnutools.AppendDir (wxT("gnutools"));
            if (gnutools.DirExists()) // we've found the gnutools
                m_buildToolsDir = gnutools.GetFullPath();

    // look for *objcopy in and under the build tools directory
    if (! m_buildToolsDir.IsEmpty())
        wxArrayString objcopyFiles;
        wxString objcopyFileSpec(wxT("objcopy"));
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        objcopyFileSpec += wxT(".exe");
        size_t objcopyCount = wxDir::GetAllFiles(m_buildToolsDir, &objcopyFiles, wxT("*") + objcopyFileSpec, wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_DIRS);
        for (int count=0; count < objcopyCount; count++)
            wxFileName file (objcopyFiles [count]);
            wxString new_prefix (file.GetFullName().Left (file.GetFullName().Find(objcopyFileSpec)));
            if ((! new_prefix.IsEmpty()) && ('-' == new_prefix.Last()))
                new_prefix = new_prefix.Left (new_prefix.Len() - 1); // strip off trailing hyphen
            m_arstrBinDirs.Set(new_prefix, file.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME));

    if (!config.Read(_("/Build/Make Options"), & m_strMakeOptions))
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo;
//        disable -j option for now due to problem with Cygwin 1.3.18
//        m_strMakeOptions.Printf(_T("-j%d"),SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors);
    // Set default build tools binary directories as specified by the installer
    ecFileName strDefaultBuildToolsPath;

#ifdef __WXMSW__
        // This should look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

        wxConfig config2(wxT("eCos"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE|wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE);

        wxString versionKey = GetInstallVersionKey();
        wxConfigPathChanger path(& config2, wxString(wxT("/")) + versionKey + wxT("/"));

        if (!versionKey.IsEmpty() && config2.Read(wxT("Default Build Tools Path"), & strDefaultBuildToolsPath))
#ifdef __WXMSW__
            wxString gccExe(wxT("*-gcc.exe"));
            wxString gccExe(wxT("*-gcc"));
            // Note that this is not a recursive search. Compilers for
            // different targets may be in the same directory. This finds all targets.
            // look for *-gcc[.exe] in the default build tools directory
            wxLogNull log;
            wxDir finder(strDefaultBuildToolsPath);
            wxString filename;
            if (finder.IsOpened())
                bool bMore = finder.GetFirst(& filename, gccExe);
                while (bMore)
                    wxString targetName = filename.Left(filename.Find(wxT("-gcc")));
                    m_arstrBinDirs.Set(targetName, strDefaultBuildToolsPath);
                    bMore = finder.GetNext(& filename);

#ifndef __WXMSW__
    // Look in the PATH for build tools, under Unix
        wxString strPath;
        if (wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), & strPath))
	    wxString gccExe(wxT("*-gcc"));

	    wxArrayString arstrPath;
            ecUtils::Chop(strPath, arstrPath, wxT(':'));

            for (int i = arstrPath.GetCount()-1;i >= 0; --i)
            { // Reverse order is important to treat path correctly
                if (wxT(".") != arstrPath[i] && !arstrPath[i].IsEmpty())
                    wxLogNull log;
                    wxDir finder(arstrPath[i]);
                    wxString filename;

                    if (finder.IsOpened())
                        bool bMore = finder.GetFirst(& filename, gccExe);
                        while (bMore)
                            wxString targetName = filename.Left(filename.Find(wxT("-gcc")));
                            m_arstrBinDirs.Set(targetName, arstrPath[i]);

                            bMore = finder.GetNext(& filename);
    // Read build tools directories (current user)
        wxConfigPathChanger path(& config, wxT("/Build Tools/"));
        //config.SetPath(wxT("/Build Tools"));
        wxString key(wxT(""));
        long index;
        bool bMore = config.GetFirstEntry(key, index);
        while (bMore)
            wxString value;
            if (config.Read(key, & value))
                m_arstrBinDirs.Set(key, value);
            bMore = config.GetNextEntry(key, index);
    // Read toolchain paths (local machine again)
#ifdef __WXMSW__    
    wxArrayString arstrToolChainPaths;

    // Use eCos just as a test.
    GetRepositoryRegistryClues(arstrToolChainPaths,_T("GNUPro eCos"));
    size_t i;
    for (i = (size_t) 0; i < arstrToolChainPaths.GetCount(); i++)
        ecFileName strDir(arstrToolChainPaths[i]);
        strDir += wxT("H-i686-cygwin32\\bin");
        if (strDir.IsDir())
            // This is a potential toolchain location. Look for *-gcc.exe
            wxLogNull log;
            wxDir finder(strDefaultBuildToolsPath);
            wxString filename;
            if (finder.IsOpened())
                bool bMore = finder.GetFirst(& filename, wxT("*-gcc.exe"));
                while (bMore)
                    // TODO: if there is more than one path, we will have to
                    // check the existance of this target name in m_arstrBinDirs and
                    // append to the end, or something.
                    wxString targetName = filename.Left(filename.Find(wxT("-gcc")));
                    m_arstrBinDirs.Set(targetName, strDefaultBuildToolsPath);
                    bMore = finder.GetNext(& filename);

    // The official user tools are now Cygwin 00r1. If you can't find these,
    // try GNUPro unsupported.
    GetRepositoryRegistryClues(m_userToolPaths, wxT("GNUPro 00r1"));
    if (m_userToolPaths.GetCount() == 0)
        GetRepositoryRegistryClues(m_userToolPaths, wxT("Cygwin 00r1"));

    if (m_userToolPaths.GetCount() > 0)
        for ( i = (size_t) 0 ; i < m_userToolPaths.GetCount(); i++)
            ecFileName str(m_userToolPaths[i]);
            str += "H-i686-cygwin32\\bin";
                m_userToolPaths[i] = str;
            } else
        GetRepositoryRegistryClues(m_userToolPaths, wxT("GNUPro unsupported"));
        for ( i = (size_t) 0 ; i < m_userToolPaths.GetCount(); i++)
            ecFileName str(m_userToolPaths[i]);
            str += "H-i686-cygwin32\\bin";
                m_userToolPaths[i] = str;
            } else
    // Include the path in the set of potential user paths
        wxString strPath;
        if (wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), & strPath))
            wxArrayString arstrPath;
            ecUtils::Chop(strPath, arstrPath, wxT(';'));
            for (int i = arstrPath.GetCount()-1;i >= 0; --i)
            { // Reverse order is important to treat path correctly

                const ecFileName &strFolder = arstrPath[i];
                if (wxT(".") != strFolder && !strFolder.IsEmpty())
                    ecFileName strFile(strFolder);
                    strFile += wxT("ls.exe");
                    if ( strFile.Exists() )
                        if (!wxArrayStringIsMember(m_userToolPaths, strFolder))

                        if ( m_userToolsDir.IsEmpty() )
                            m_userToolsDir = strFolder;
    // Load current repository from eCos Configuration Tool/Paths/RepositoryDir
        wxConfig eCosConfig(wxGetApp().GetSettings().GetConfigAppName(), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE|wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE);
        wxConfigPathChanger path(& config, wxT("/Repository/"));

        //if (!eCosConfig.Read(wxT("Folder"), & m_strRepository))
        if (!eCosConfig.Read(wxT("/Paths/RepositoryDir"), & m_strRepository))
#ifdef __WXMSW__
            // If we can't find the current folder, look for clues in the registry.
            wxArrayString arstr;
            switch (GetRepositoryRegistryClues(arstr, wxT("eCos")))
            case 0:
            case 1:
                m_strRepository = arstr[0];
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
            // If we can't find the current folder, look for the latest version
            // in /opt/ecos
            m_strRepository = FindLatestVersion();
            // Unsupported platform
            m_strRepositor = wxEmptyString;

        // If we have set ECOS_REPOSITORY, this overrides whatever we have
        // read or found.
        wxString envVarValue = wxGetenv(wxT("ECOS_REPOSITORY"));
        if (!envVarValue.IsEmpty())
            // Note that ECOS_REPOSITORY has the packages (or ecc) folder in the name.
            // In order to be in the form that is compatible with configtool operation,
            // it needs to have that stripped off.
            envVarValue = ecUtils::PosixToNativePath(envVarValue); // accommodate posix-style ECOS_REPOSITORY value under Cygwin
            wxString packagesName = wxFileNameFromPath(envVarValue);
            if (packagesName == wxT("ecc") || packagesName == wxT("packages"))
                envVarValue = wxPathOnly(envVarValue);

            m_strRepository = envVarValue;

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    if (m_userToolsDir.IsEmpty())
        m_userToolsDir = GetCygwinInstallPath() + wxT("\\bin");
    if (m_userToolsDir.IsEmpty())
        m_userToolsDir = wxT("/bin");
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CompilerLocatorMinGW::Locate()
    // for wxRegKey
#ifdef __WXMSW__ 
        // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\codelite\settings
        wxRegKey regClMinGW(wxRegKey::HKLM, "SOFTWARE\\codelite\\settings");
        wxString clInstallFolder;
        if ( regClMinGW.QueryValue("MinGW", clInstallFolder) && wxDirExists(clInstallFolder)) {
            wxFileName gccExe(clInstallFolder, "gcc.exe");
            wxString ver;
            regClMinGW.QueryValue("MinGW_Version", ver);
            if ( gccExe.FileExists() ) {
                AddTools(gccExe.GetPath(), "CodeLite-" + ver);
        // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\codelite\settings
        wxRegKey regClMinGW(wxRegKey::HKLM, "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\codelite\\settings");
        wxString clInstallFolder;
        if ( regClMinGW.QueryValue("MinGW", clInstallFolder) && wxDirExists(clInstallFolder)) {
            wxFileName gccExe(clInstallFolder, "gcc.exe");
            wxString ver;
            regClMinGW.QueryValue("MinGW_Version", ver);
            if ( gccExe.FileExists() ) {
                AddTools(gccExe.GetPath(), "CodeLite-" + ver);
    // Check registry for TDM-GCC-64 
    wxRegKey regTDM(wxRegKey::HKCU, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\TDM-GCC");
    wxString tdmInstallFolder;
    if ( regTDM.QueryValue("InstallLocation", tdmInstallFolder) && wxFileName::DirExists(tdmInstallFolder)) {
        wxFileName fnTDMBinFolder( tdmInstallFolder, "" );
        AddTools(fnTDMBinFolder.GetPath(), "TDM-GCC-64");
    // Check for 32 bit
    wxRegKey regTDM_32(wxRegKey::HKLM, "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\TDM-GCC");
    if ( regTDM_32.QueryValue("InstallLocation", tdmInstallFolder) && wxFileName::DirExists(tdmInstallFolder)) {
        wxFileName fnTDMBinFolder( tdmInstallFolder, "" );
        AddTools(fnTDMBinFolder.GetPath(), "TDM-GCC-32");
    // locate codeblock's MinGW
    wxRegKey regCB(wxRegKey::HKCU, "SOFTWARE\\CodeBlocks");
    wxString cbInstallPath;
    if ( regCB.QueryValue("Path", cbInstallPath) ) {
        wxFileName mingwBinFolder( cbInstallPath, "" );
        if ( mingwBinFolder.DirExists() && wxFileName(mingwBinFolder.GetFullPath(), "gcc.exe").FileExists() ) {
            AddTools(mingwBinFolder.GetPath(), "Code::Blocks");
    // Last: many people install MinGW by simply extracting it into the 
    // root folder:
    // C:\MinGW-X.Y.Z
    wxArrayString volumes = wxFSVolume::GetVolumes();
    wxArrayString mingwFolderArr;
    // Get list of folders for the volume only
    for(size_t i=0; i<volumes.GetCount(); ++i) {
        wxDir dir( volumes.Item(i) );
        if ( dir.IsOpened() ) {
            wxString path;
            bool cont = dir.GetFirst(&path, "*mingw*", wxDIR_DIRS);
            while (cont ) {
                wxString fullpath;
                fullpath << volumes.Item(i) << path;
                CL_DEBUG("Found folder containing MinGW: %s", fullpath);
                mingwFolderArr.Add( fullpath );
                cont = dir.GetNext( &path );
    for(size_t i=0; i<mingwFolderArr.GetCount(); ++i) {
        wxString binFolder = FindBinFolder( mingwFolderArr.Item(i) );
        if ( binFolder.IsEmpty() )
        wxFileName gcc(binFolder, "gcc.exe");
        if( gcc.FileExists() ) {
    // try to find MinGW in environment variable PATH (last)
    wxString pathValues;
    wxGetEnv("PATH", &pathValues);

    if ( !pathValues.IsEmpty() ) {
        wxArrayString pathArray = ::wxStringTokenize(pathValues, wxPATH_SEP, wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < pathArray.GetCount(); ++i) {
            wxFileName gccComp( pathArray.Item(i), "gcc.exe" );
            if ( gccComp.GetDirs().Last() == "bin" && gccComp.Exists() ) {
                // We found gcc.exe
                wxString pathToGcc = gccComp.GetPath();
                // Don't mix cygwin and mingw
                if ( !pathToGcc.Contains("cygwin") ) {
                    AddTools( gccComp.GetPath() );

    return !m_compilers.empty();