Ejemplo n.º 1
void wgem_geplot( int *iret )
 * wgem_geplot              						*
 *									*
 * This function is a wrapper for geplot. 				*
 *									*
 * void wgem_gplot( iret )						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	   		None	                   			*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int	return code				*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	11/07	initial coding                          *
    geplot( iret );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void pgfilterw_refresh ( void )
 * pgpalw_refresh    							*
 *									*
 * This function refeshes the drawn pgen elements and signals for a     *
 * reload of all frames in the loop.  The current pixmap is cleared and *
 * restored from the master copy, then cvg_redraw is called to redraw 	*
 * pgen elements.  The xw driver will then reload the pgen elements for *
 * all the remaining pixmaps in the loop.  This reload will take place  *
 * the next time they are displayed.					*
 *									*
 * static void pgfilterw_refresh ( )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 * Output parameters:							*
 * Return value:							*
 *			NONE						*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/SAIC	        07/04   copy from pgpalw_refresh()		*
 * S. Danz/AWC	        07/06   cvg_redraw before crg_rebuild so	*
 *                              autoplacement is ready			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC	        02/08   refresh under user's projection		*
    Widget	canvas;
    Cardinal	width, height;
    int		ier;
    Boolean	compWinIsUp = False;

     * Check if the comptational window is up or not.  The refresh should be
     * done on the user's projection
    if ( ncw_isup() ) {
        compWinIsUp = True;

     * Clear current display
    canvas = (Widget)mcanvw_getDrawingW();
    XtVaGetValues ( canvas,
                    XmNwidth,	&width,
                    XmNheight,	&height,
                    NULL );

    XClearArea ( XtDisplay(canvas), XtWindow(canvas),
                 0, 0, width, height, False );

     * For each frame, copy from master pixmap to displayable
     * pixmaps in gemwindow.
    xpgrestlp ();

     * Tell xw driver to refresh the vector graphics
     * for all pixmaps in the loop.
    xpgrfrsh ();

     * Load and plot the vg elements in current frame.
    cvg_redraw( cvg_getworkfile(), &ier );

     * Now that we have everything loaded, rebuild the range
     * records
    crg_rebuild ();
    geplot ( &ier );

     * Reset the comptational window if necessary.
    if ( compWinIsUp ) {
        ncw_set ();
        ncw_sproj ( "PREFS" );

Ejemplo n.º 3
static void mapset_applyFrom ( void )
 * mapset_applyFrom                                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function gets the selected settings from the specific loop	*
 * and set the current loop accordingly.				*
 *                                                                      *
 * void mapset_applyFrom()                                              *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * M. Li/SAIC           01/02                                           *
 * M. Li/SAIC           02/02   Set map to Custom if source is img.     *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          05/02   changed para list for zoomw_setZoom     *
 * T. Piper/SAIC        07/03   treat all unremapped images the same    *
 * T. Piper/SAIC	04/05	updated for nmp_smapattr CSC		*
int         ii, jj, nn, ier;
int         loop, cur_lp, ovlnum, itype, roamVal;
Boolean     changes_made, ovlflg[MAX_OVL], proj_ok;
nmpstr_t    smap, sproj, sgarea[2], tmap, tproj, tgarea[2];
nmpovlstr_t ovlattr[MAX_OVL];

 * If no selection in the options frame, do nothing
    nn = 0;
    for (ii = 0; ii < OPTIONS; ii++) {
        nn += (int) XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[ii]);

    if (nn == 0) return;

 * Search the source loop
    for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_LOOP; ii++) {
	if (XmToggleButtonGetState(_fromlp[ii])) {
	    loop = ii;

 * Get map settings
    if( XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[MAP])  ||
	XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[ZOOM]) ) {
	nmp_gmapattr ( loop, smap, sproj, sgarea, &ier );
	if (dataw_isImgInLoop(loop)) {
	    nmp_gtruattr(loop, sproj, sgarea, &ier);

 * If proj contains "SAT", as it does for some unremapped images,
 * it can not be applied to other loops.  Flag this condition.
    proj_ok = TRUE;
    if ( strstr(sproj, "SAT") != (char *)NULL ) {
        proj_ok = FALSE;

 * Get overlay attributes
    if(XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[OVERLAY])) {
        nmp_govlflg(loop, ovlflg, &ier);
        nmp_govlnum(&ovlnum, &ier);

	for ( ii = 0; ii < ovlnum; ii++ ) {
	    if (ovlflg[ii]) {
	        nmp_govlattr(ii, loop, &itype, ovlattr[ii], &ier);

 * Get the roam value
    if(XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[ROAM])) {
        roamVal = loop_getRoamVal(loop);

 * Set the current loop 
    changes_made = False;
    cur_lp = loop_getCurLoop();

 * Set map
    if (XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[MAP])) {

 * If image in current loop, apply source garea only
	nmp_gmapattr ( cur_lp, tmap, tproj, tgarea, &ier );
	if (dataw_isImgInLoop(cur_lp)) {
	    nmp_smapattr(cur_lp, tmap, tproj, sgarea, False, &ier);
	else {
 * No image in current loop.  Set map to "Custom",
 * apply source garea and appropriate projection.
	    if (dataw_isImgInLoop(loop)) {  /* Image in source loop */
	        if ( proj_ok ) {  /* Remapped image in source loop, use its projection */
	            nmp_smapattr(cur_lp, "Custom", sproj, sgarea, False, &ier);
	        else {  /* Unremapped image in source loop, use target loop projection */
	            nmp_smapattr(cur_lp, "Custom", tproj, sgarea, False, &ier);
	    else {  /*  No image in source or target loop, use all source info */
	        nmp_smapattr(cur_lp, smap, sproj, sgarea, False, &ier);

        changes_made = True;

 * Set zoomed area
    if (XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[ZOOM])) {
        nmp_szoom ( cur_lp, sgarea[1], &ier );
	zoomw_setZoom (cur_lp);
        changes_made = True;

 * Set overlays
    if (XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[OVERLAY])) {
        for ( jj = 0; jj < ovlnum; jj++ ) {
	    nmp_sovlflg(cur_lp, jj, ovlflg[jj], &ier);

	    if (ovlflg[jj]) {
		nmp_sovlattr(cur_lp, jj, ovlattr[jj], &ier);

	changes_made = True;

 * Set roam settings
    if (XmToggleButtonGetState(_options[ROAM])) {
        loop_setRoamVal(cur_lp, roamVal);
        changes_made = True;

    _settingChngd[cur_lp] = changes_made;

    if (changes_made) {
 * Set toggle buttons for the map and overlays on the map window

	loop_setDataChngd(cur_lp, TRUE);
 * Draw map and overlays with new changes on the map window
	nmp_setmapstr(cur_lp, &ier);
	nmp_plot(cur_lp, 0, "ALL", &ier);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main ( void )
 * TESTNSN								*
 *									*
 * This program test the NSN library of routines.			*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/99	Created					*
 * M. Li/GSC		 7/00	Added nsn_save and nsn_rest		*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 8/03	Add time interval to nsn_gtim, nsn_dspl	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 2/04	Add reference time flag to nsn_gtim	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 4/04	Added delta reference time to nsn_gtim	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		10/04	Added bin hours				*
 * T. Piper/SAIC        01/08   Added GD_INIT; removed from IN_BDTA     *
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	04/08   Insert new parms for nsn_dspl (CSC).	*
 *				Request input for bin hours.		*
	int	cont, ier, iret, numsub, id;
	char	ergrp[4], erstr[81], select[LLSCRN];

	int	iindex, jindex, knt, ntime, match, ititl, idelta,
		mode, istat, minute, isbcat, mrange, intrvl,
		ibfr, iaftr, mbfr, maftr, mstrct;
	char	alias[81], cycle[81], parms[81], color[81],
		level[81], vcord[81], filter[81], txtatt[81],
		garea[81], proj[5], panel[81], dattim[21], device[81],
		map[21], ltln[21], ans[9];
	unsigned int	jflag;
	Boolean	iflag;
	dttms_t	endtim, timarr[2000];

	char	blank[] = " ";


	in_bdta ( &ier );
	gd_init ( &ier );

	mode = 1;
	ginitp ( &mode, &istat, &ier );

	printf ( "Enter full DEVICE string:\n" );
	scanf ( " %s", device );

	gg_sdev ( device, &ier, strlen ( device ) );

	strcpy ( ergrp, "NSN" );

	cont = G_TRUE;

	while ( cont ) {
	    printf ( "\n\n" );
	    printf ( "   1 = NSN_INIT   2 = NSN_SATT   3 = NSN_QATT\n" );
	    printf ( "   4 = NSN_GTIM   5 = NSN_DSPL   6 = NSN_SAVE\n" );
	    printf ( "   7 = NSN_REST\n\n" );
	    printf ( "  20 = Change device\n\n" );
	    printf ( "\n" );
	    printf ( "Select a subroutine number or type EXIT: " );
	    scanf ( " %s", select );
	    switch ( select[0] ) {
		case 'e':
		case 'E':
			cont = G_FALSE;
			numsub = atoi ( select );

	    if  ( numsub == 1 )  {
		nsn_init ( &iret );

		printf ( "iret = %d\n", iret );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 2 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );
		printf ( "Enter the data alias (e.g., UAIR):\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", alias );
		printf ( "Enter data subcategory number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &isbcat );
		printf ( "Enter the cycle date/time or NONE:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", cycle );
		printf ( "Enter the parm list:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", parms );
		printf ( "Enter the color list:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", color );
		printf ( "Enter the level:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", level );
		printf ( "Enter the vertical coordinate:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", vcord );
		printf ( "Enter the filter:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", filter );
		printf ( "Enter the text attributes string:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", txtatt );

		nsn_satt ( iindex, alias, isbcat, cycle, parms, color,
			   level, vcord, filter, txtatt, &jindex,
			   &iret );

		printf ( "iret   = %d\n", iret );
		printf ( "jindex = %d\n", jindex );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 3 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );

		nsn_qatt ( iindex, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parms, color,
			   level, vcord, filter, txtatt, &iret );

		printf ( "iret   = %d\n", iret );
		printf ( "alias  = %s\n", alias );
		printf ( "isbcat = %d\n", isbcat );
		printf ( "cycle  = %s\n", cycle );
		printf ( "parms  = %s\n", parms );
		printf ( "color  = %s\n", color );
		printf ( "level  = %s\n", level );
		printf ( "vcord  = %s\n", vcord );
		printf ( "filter = %s\n", filter );
		printf ( "txtatt = %s\n", txtatt );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 4 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );
                printf ( "Enter end time for range:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", endtim );
		printf ( "Enter time range in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &mrange );
		printf ( "Enter time interval in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &intrvl );
		printf ( "Enter reference time flag:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %u", &jflag );
		iflag = (Boolean) jflag;
		printf ( "Enter delta reference time in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &idelta );

		nsn_gtim ( iindex, endtim, mrange, intrvl, iflag, 
			   &idelta, &ntime, timarr, &iret );

		printf ( "idelta = %d\n", idelta );
		printf ( "iret   = %d\n", iret );
		printf ( "ntime  = %d\n", ntime );
		if  ( ntime > 0 )  {
		    for ( knt = 0; knt < ntime; knt++ ) {
			printf ( "Times: timarr[%d] = %s\n",
				 knt, timarr[knt] );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 5 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );

		nsn_qatt ( iindex, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parms, color,
			   level, vcord, filter, txtatt, &iret );

		printf ( "Enter GAREA:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", garea );

		printf ( "Default projection? (y/n)\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", ans );
		if  ( ans[0] == 'N' || ans[0] == 'n' )  {
		    printf ( "Enter PROJ:\n" );
		    scanf  ( " %s", proj );
		else {
		    strcpy ( proj, blank );

		printf ( "Enter PANEL:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", panel );
		printf ( "Enter DATTIM:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", dattim );

                printf ( "Enter end time for range:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", endtim );
		printf ( "Enter the time range in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &mrange );
		printf ( "Enter the time interval in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &intrvl );

		printf ( "Enter time match type:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &match );
		printf ( "Enter minutes for difference match:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &minute );
		printf ( "Enter title line:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &ititl );
                printf ( "Enter binning time before current time: hh mm:\n" );
                scanf  ( " %d %d", &ibfr, &mbfr );
                printf ( "Enter binning time after current time: hh mm:\n" );
                scanf  ( " %d %d", &iaftr, &maftr );
                printf ( "Enter most recent only flag (0 for no; 1 for yes)\n" );
                scanf  ( " %d", &mstrct );

		gg_maps ( proj, garea, blank, &id, &ier,
			  strlen ( proj ), strlen ( garea ),
			  strlen ( blank ) );

		gclear ( &ier );

		strcpy ( map, "1" );
		gg_map ( map, &ier, strlen ( map ) );

		strcpy ( ltln, "2" );
		gg_ltln ( ltln, &ier, strlen ( ltln ) );

		nsn_dspl ( panel, dattim, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parms,
			   color, level, vcord, filter, txtatt,       
			   endtim, &mrange, &intrvl, &match, &minute, 
			   &ititl, &ibfr, &mbfr, &iaftr, &maftr,
			   &mstrct, &iret,
			   strlen ( panel ), strlen ( dattim ),
			   strlen ( alias ), strlen ( cycle ),
			   strlen ( parms ), strlen ( color ),
			   strlen ( level ), strlen ( vcord ),
			   strlen ( filter ), strlen ( txtatt ),
			   strlen ( endtim ) );

		geplot ( &ier );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

            if  ( numsub == 6 )  {
                nsn_save ( &iret );

                printf ( "iret = %d\n", iret );

                if  ( iret != 0 )  {
                    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
                    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
                              strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

            if  ( numsub == 7 )  {
                nsn_rest ( &iret );

                printf ( "iret = %d\n", iret );

                if  ( iret != 0 )  {
                    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
                    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
                              strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 10 )  {
		dumpcmn ( &iret );

	    if  ( numsub == 20 )  {
		printf ( "Enter full DEVICE string:\n" );
		scanf ( " %s", device );

		gg_sdev ( device, &ier, strlen ( device ) );

Ejemplo n.º 5
void cvg_load ( char *fname, Boolean selflag, Boolean wrtflg, 
			Boolean plotflg, int layer, int icol, int *iret )
 * cvg_load								*
 *									*
 * This function loads data from a VGF formatted file and converts 	*
 * encountered records to a set of actions that display the feature	*
 * to an appropriate driver.  The parameter icol controls whether the	*
 * graphics will be plotted with the file-specified colors (icol=0)	*
 * or whether the VGF file will be plotted monochrome (icol=other).	*
 *									*
 * void cvg_load ( fname, selflag, wrtflg, plotflg, layer, icol, iret )	*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*fname		char		Name of file to load		*
 *	selflag		Boolean		Are elements "selectable"	*
 *	wrtflg		Boolean		Write flag for file		*
 *	plotflg		Boolean		Display the elements or not	*
 *	layer		int		Layer the file contents will be	*
 *					   assigned to			*
 *	icol		int		Plot color			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  1 = elms in file exceeded 	*
 *				              (MAX_EDITABLE_ELEMS)	*
 *					 -1 = error opening VG file	*
 *					 -2 = error closing VG file	*
 *					 -4 = error reading el hdr      *
 *					 -5 = VG file is empty		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	10/96	Created					*
 * D. Keiser/GSC	 1/97	Clean up				*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 2/97	Added selection flag.			*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 5/97	Add double tier loading 		*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 5/97	Stop loading if > MAX_EDITABLE_ELEMS	*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 5/97	Added refresh after displaying 		*
 * D. Keiser/GSC	 5/97	Change cvg_dsply to cds_dspvg		*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/97	Added write flag			*
 * C. Lin/NCEP	 	 6/97	Bug fix in calling cfl_ropn 		*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 6/97	Added check to not load header		*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 7/97	Filled areas on all elements		*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 8/97	Removed the graphics info record.	*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 9/97	Allow NULL file name			*
 * F. Yen/NCEP		 1/98	Updated calls for crg library cleanup	*
 * I. Durham/GSC	 5/98	Changed underscore decl. to an include	*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 5/98	Updated cds function names		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	10/98	added display levels revised file reads *
 * T. Piper/GSC		10/98	Prolog update				*
 * E. Safford/GSC	12/98	move display levels to pgprm.h		*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 3/99	Added symbols to the last display level	*
 * A. Hardy/GSC          1/01   changed fptr from int to FILE           *
 * J. WU/SAIC           11/01   change prototype & add plotflg param	*
 * J. WU/SAIC           12/01   add layer param to feed crg_set()	*
 * J. WU/SAIC           12/01   locate displaying level	with cvg_level  *
 * T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	changed .DEFAULT.vgf to work_file	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	used cvgcmn.h				*
 * M. Li/SAIC		08/04	Added time filter			*
 * B. Yin/SAIC          08/04   Added code to free TCA memory           *
 * B. Yin/SAIC          08/04   changed pgtca_freeBkpts to cvg_freeBkpts*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		10/04	free GFA block pointers			*
 * S. Danz/AWC          03/06   Call autoplacement if enabled           *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		06/06	call cvg_matchfilter 			*
 * M. Li/SAIC           03/07   Updated cvg_matchfilter                 *
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	06/07	Add code to free TCB and TCT memory	*
    int		    curpos, ier, flag, el_level;
    long	    maxbytes;
    int		    ier1, loglev, ic, icx, ii, jj, kk, one=1;
    int		    elms[3][MAX_EDITABLE_ELEMS], lvl_cnt[LEVELS], total_elms;
    char	    newfil[LLPATH], reqfil[LLPATH], grp[4], dbgfile[LLPATH];
    Boolean         autopl_enabled;
    VG_DBStruct	    el;
    filter_t	    el_filter, timeMatched;
    Boolean	    filter_match, matchAny = False;
    FILE	    *fptr;
    CMDObjectSet    nmap_metadata = NULL;
    PlacementSet    nmap_placements = NULL;
    cvg_group_info  *nmap_group_check = NULL;

    ic = icol;
    icx = 256;
    if ( ic > icx || ic < 0 )  ic = 0;
    cds_scol ( ic, iret );

    strcpy(grp, "CVG");
    loglev = 0;
    *iret = 0;
    curpos  = 0;
    maxbytes = 0;    

    if (!fname) {
	strcpy(reqfil, work_file);
    else {
	strcpy(reqfil, fname);

    cvg_open(reqfil, (int)wrtflg, &fptr, &ier);

    if (( ier != 0 ) || ( fptr == NULL )) {
	*iret = -1;
	er_lmsg( &loglev, grp, &ier, reqfil, &ier1, strlen(grp),strlen(reqfil));

    cfl_inqr(reqfil, NULL, &maxbytes, newfil, &ier);
    if (ier < 0) {
	*iret = -1;
	er_lmsg( &loglev, grp, &ier, reqfil, &ier1, strlen(grp),strlen(reqfil));

     * Get each el.hdr and assign each elem offset to one of the levels.
    for (ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
        lvl_cnt[ii] = 0;

     *  Scan the vg file and load the offsets of all non-deleted elements.
     *  Stop loading at end of file or MAX_EDITABLE_ELEMS.
    total_elms = 0;
    while (((long)curpos < maxbytes) && (total_elms < MAX_EDITABLE_ELEMS))  {

        cvg_rdhdr(newfil, fptr, curpos, (int)maxbytes, &el, &flag, &ier);
	if (ier < 0 || el.hdr.recsz < 0 || el.hdr.recsz > 65536) {
	    *iret = -4;

        cvg_level( &el.hdr, &el_level, &ier );
	if ( ier == 0 ) {	
	    elms[ el_level ] [ lvl_cnt[el_level]++ ] = curpos;
 	curpos += el.hdr.recsz;	

    if (total_elms >= MAX_EDITABLE_ELEMS) {
	*iret = 1;
	er_lmsg( &loglev, grp, &ier, newfil, &ier1, 

     *  Create the structures to manage the metadata and object placement
     *  information.  If there were structures already in place, hold them
     *  aside as they were put there by product generation.
    ctb_pfbool( "ENABLE_AUTOPLACE", &autopl_enabled, &ier );
    if (autopl_enabled) {
        if (cvg_metadata) {
            nmap_metadata = cvg_metadata;
            nmap_placements = cvg_placements;
            nmap_group_check = cvg_group_check;
        cmd_osnew(&cvg_metadata, &ier);
        cap_psnew(&cvg_placements, &ier);
        G_CALLOC(cvg_group_check, cvg_group_info, one, "cvg_load: cvg_group_check");

         * Fill in the structures with the information needed
        cvg_ld4place(fname, iret);

         * Ok, its all loaded, so place all the objects where they belong
        cap_psplace(cvg_placements, cvg_metadata, iret);

        ctb_pfstr("AUTOPLACE_DBG", dbgfile, &ier );
        if (dbgfile[0] != '\0') {
            dump_objects(dbgfile, cvg_metadata, cvg_placements);

     *  Now loop thru the levels and display the elements
    kk = 0;

    for (ii = 0; ii < LEVELS; ii++) {

	for (jj=0; jj<lvl_cnt[kk]; jj++) {
	    curpos = elms[ii][jj];
            cvg_rdhdr(newfil, fptr, curpos, (int)maxbytes, &el, &flag, &ier);
	    cvg_rdele(&el, curpos, el.hdr.recsz, fptr, &ier);

	    cvg_getElFilter ( &el, el_filter, &ier ); 

            cvg_matchfilter ( el_filter, matchAny, &filter_match, timeMatched, &ier );

	    if (selflag) {
	        crg_set(&el, curpos, layer, &ier);

	    if ( filter_match ) {
	        cds_dspelm( &el, &ier); 

             * Free TCA/GFA/TCT/TCB memory
            if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
                cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
            else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
                cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );
            else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCTRK_ELM ) {
                cvg_freeTct ( &el );
            else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCBKL_ELM ) {
                cvg_freeTcb ( &el );


    cvg_clos(fptr, &ier);
    if ( ier != 0 )
	*iret = -2;

    if ( plotflg ) geplot(&ier);
    ic = 0;
    cds_scol ( ic, iret );

     * Free up the metadata and placement information now that we 
     * are done plotting everything
    if (autopl_enabled) {
        cmd_osdel(cvg_metadata, iret);
        cap_psdel(cvg_placements, iret);
        G_FREE(cvg_group_check, cvg_group_info);

         * Put back the product generation metadata
        cvg_metadata = nmap_metadata;
        cvg_placements = nmap_placements;
        cvg_group_check = nmap_group_check;


Ejemplo n.º 6
void cvg_redraw ( char *fname, int *iret )
 * cvg_redraw								*
 *									*
 * This function re-displays all records in a given VG file. If no file	*
 * name is given, records in WORK_FILE will be redrawn.			*
 *									*
 * cvg_redraw  ( fname, iret )						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*fname		char		File name to redraw from	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					 -1 = error opening VG file	*
 *					 -2 = error closing VG file	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/SAIC           12/01   modify from cvg_rfrsh()			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC           02/02   add layering with cvg_drawLayer()	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC           03/02   change loop max. from 2 to MAX_LAYERS	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC           03/02   set proper color/fill mode for redraw	*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	03/02	rm the display-on check for cur layer	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC          11/03   added user directory to work_file       *
 * T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	used cvgcmn.h				*
 * S. Danz/AWC		08/06	Call cvg_rebuildplace to update placement	*
 *							before the redraw in case the device changed*
    int 		ii, ier, icol, ifill, cur_layer;
    long		maxbytes;
    char		newfil[256], reqfil[256];
    FILE		*fp;
    *iret = 0;

    cur_layer = pglayer_getCurLayer ();
    if (!fname)
	strcpy( reqfil, work_file );
 	strcpy( reqfil, fname );

     * Update the placement info
    cvg_rebuildplace(fname, &ier);

     *  Open the specified file or WORK_FILE if it exists.
    cfl_inqr( reqfil, NULL, &maxbytes, newfil, &ier );

     *  If empty file just return, otherwise, attempt to open the file.
     *  Report an error if applicable.
    if (maxbytes == 0) {
    else {
	fp = (FILE *) cfl_ropn( newfil, NULL, &ier );
	if ( ( ier != 0 ) || ( fp == NULL ) ) {
	    *iret = -1;

     *  Draw elements layer by layer except those on the current layer.       
    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_LAYERS; ii++ ) {
        icol = 0;
        ifill = G_TRUE;

	 *  skip current layer, layers not in use or dsply_on is off.
	if ( ii == cur_layer || ( !pglayer_getInUse(ii) ) || 
	                        ( !pglayer_getDsplOn(ii) ) ) {
	 *  Set required color & fill mode.
	if ( !pglayer_getDsplClr(ii) )  icol = pglayer_getMonoClr ( ii );
	if ( !pglayer_getFill(ii) )  ifill = G_FALSE;

	cds_scol ( icol, iret );
	cds_sfill ( &ifill, &ier );
	 *  Draw elements.
	cvg_drawLayer ( fp, newfil, ii, (int)maxbytes, &ier );

     *  Always draw elements on the current layer in full color &
     *  fill mode if its dspl_on flag is on.       
    icol = 0;
    ifill = G_TRUE;
    cds_scol ( icol, iret );
    cds_sfill ( &ifill, &ier );
    cvg_drawLayer ( fp, newfil, cur_layer, (int)maxbytes, &ier ); 

    cfl_clos( fp, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	*iret = -2;

