Ejemplo n.º 1
bool GLTextureCubeMap::get( GLCubeMapFace face, Array2DView< uint8x4 > output, GLImageFormat format )
    // TODO: glPixelStorei allows some packing?

    if( output.isNull() ||
        output.width() != sideLength() ||
        output.height() != sideLength() ||
        !( output.packed() ) )
        return false;

    if( format != GLImageFormat::RGBA &&
        format != GLImageFormat::BGRA )
        return false;

    // TODO: mipmap level
    glGetTextureSubImage( id(), 0,
        0, 0, static_cast< GLenum >( face ),
        sideLength(), sideLength(), 1,
        static_cast< GLenum >( format ), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
        output.width() * output.height() * output.elementStrideBytes(), output );
    return true;

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_ARBGetTextureSubImage_nglGetTextureSubImage__IIIIIIIIIIIJ(JNIEnv *__env, jclass clazz, jint texture, jint level, jint xoffset, jint yoffset, jint zoffset, jint width, jint height, jint depth, jint format, jint type, jint bufSize, jlong pixelsAddress) {
    glGetTextureSubImagePROC glGetTextureSubImage = (glGetTextureSubImagePROC)tlsGetFunction(1021);
    intptr_t pixels = (intptr_t)pixelsAddress;
    glGetTextureSubImage(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, bufSize, pixels);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool GSTextureOGL::Map(GSMap& m, const GSVector4i* _r)
	GSVector4i r = _r ? *_r : GSVector4i(0, 0, m_size.x, m_size.y);
	// Will need some investigation
	ASSERT(r.width()  != 0);
	ASSERT(r.height() != 0);

	uint32 row_byte = r.width() << m_int_shift;
	m.pitch = row_byte;

	if (m_type == GSTexture::Offscreen) {
		// The fastest way will be to use a PBO to read the data asynchronously. Unfortunately GSdx
		// architecture is waiting the data right now.

#if 0
		// Maybe it is as good as the code below. I don't know
		// With openGL 4.5 you can use glGetTextureSubImage

		glGetTextureSubImage(m_texture_id, GL_TEX_LEVEL_0, r.x, r.y, 0, r.width(), r.height(), 1, m_int_format, m_int_type, m_size.x * m_size.y * 4, m_local_buffer);

		// Bind the texture to the read framebuffer to avoid any disturbance
		glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo_read);
		glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture_id, 0);

		glReadPixels(r.x, r.y, r.width(), r.height(), m_int_format, m_int_type, m_local_buffer);

		glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);


		m.bits = m_local_buffer;

		return true;
	} else if (m_type == GSTexture::Texture || m_type == GSTexture::RenderTarget) {
		GL_PUSH_("Upload Texture %d", m_texture_id); // POP is in Unmap

		m_clean = false;

		uint32 map_size = r.height() * row_byte;

		m.bits = (uint8*)PboPool::Map(map_size);

	g_real_texture_upload_byte += map_size;

		// Save the area for the unmap
		m_r_x = r.x;
		m_r_y = r.y;
		m_r_w = r.width();
		m_r_h = r.height();

		return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CubeMapTexture::getImageImplementationDSA(const Coordinate coordinate, const GLint level, const Vector2i& size, const ColorFormat format, const ColorType type, const std::size_t dataSize, GLvoid* const data) {
    glGetTextureSubImage(_id, level, 0, 0, GLenum(coordinate) - GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, size.x(), size.y(), 1, GLenum(format), GLenum(type), dataSize, data);