Ejemplo n.º 1
/* {{{ grapheme_split_string: find and optionally return grapheme boundaries */
int grapheme_split_string(const UChar *text, int32_t text_length, int boundary_array[], int boundary_array_len TSRMLS_DC )
	unsigned char u_break_iterator_buffer[U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE];
	UErrorCode		status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	int ret_len, pos;
	UBreakIterator* bi;

	bi = grapheme_get_break_iterator((void*)u_break_iterator_buffer, &status TSRMLS_CC );

	if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
		return -1;
	ubrk_setText(bi, text, text_length,	&status);

	pos = 0;
	for ( ret_len = 0; pos != UBRK_DONE; ) {
		pos = ubrk_next(bi);
		if ( pos != UBRK_DONE ) {
			if ( NULL != boundary_array && ret_len < boundary_array_len ) {
				boundary_array[ret_len] = pos;

	return ret_len;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* {{{ grapheme_strrpos_utf16 - strrpos using utf16 */
grapheme_strrpos_utf16(unsigned char *haystack, int32_t haystack_len, unsigned char*needle, int32_t needle_len, int32_t offset, int f_ignore_case TSRMLS_DC)
    UChar *uhaystack, *puhaystack, *uhaystack_end, *uneedle;
    int32_t uhaystack_len, uneedle_len;
    UErrorCode status;
    unsigned char u_break_iterator_buffer[U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE];
    UBreakIterator* bi = NULL;
    int ret_pos, pos;

    /* convert the strings to UTF-16. */
    uhaystack = NULL;
    uhaystack_len = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uhaystack, &uhaystack_len, (char *) haystack, haystack_len, &status );

    if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) {
        /* Set global error code. */
        intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC );

        /* Set error messages. */
        intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
        efree( uhaystack );
        return -1;

    if ( f_ignore_case ) {
        grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uhaystack, &uhaystack, &uhaystack_len, &status );

    /* get a pointer to the haystack taking into account the offset */
    bi = NULL;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    bi = grapheme_get_break_iterator(u_break_iterator_buffer, &status TSRMLS_CC );

    puhaystack = grapheme_get_haystack_offset(bi, uhaystack, uhaystack_len, offset);

    if ( NULL == puhaystack ) {
        intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "grapheme_strpos: Offset not contained in string", 1 TSRMLS_CC );
        efree( uhaystack );
        ubrk_close (bi);
        return -1;

    uneedle = NULL;
    uneedle_len = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uneedle, &uneedle_len, (char *) needle, needle_len, &status );

    if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) {
        /* Set global error code. */
        intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC );

        /* Set error messages. */
        intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
        efree( uhaystack );
        efree( uneedle );
        ubrk_close (bi);
        return -1;

    if ( f_ignore_case ) {
        grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uneedle, &uneedle, &uneedle_len, &status );

    ret_pos = -1;   /* -1 represents 'not found' */

    /* back up until there's needle_len characters to compare */

    uhaystack_end = uhaystack + uhaystack_len;
    pos = ubrk_last(bi);
    puhaystack = uhaystack + pos;

    while ( uhaystack_end - puhaystack < uneedle_len ) {

        pos = ubrk_previous(bi);

        if ( UBRK_DONE == pos ) {

        puhaystack = uhaystack + pos;

    /* is there enough haystack left to hold the needle? */
    if ( ( uhaystack_end - puhaystack ) < uneedle_len ) {
        /* not enough, not found */
        goto exit;

    while ( UBRK_DONE != pos ) {

        if (!u_memcmp(uneedle, puhaystack, uneedle_len)) {  /* needle_len - 1 in zend memnstr? */

            /* does the grapheme in the haystack end at the same place as the last grapheme in the needle? */

            if ( ubrk_isBoundary(bi, pos + uneedle_len) ) {

                /* found it, get grapheme count offset */
                ret_pos = grapheme_count_graphemes(bi, uhaystack, pos);

            /* set position back */
            ubrk_isBoundary(bi, pos);

        pos = ubrk_previous(bi);
        puhaystack = uhaystack + pos;

    efree( uhaystack );
    efree( uneedle );
    ubrk_close (bi);

    return ret_pos;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* {{{ grapheme_strpos_utf16 - strrpos using utf16*/
grapheme_strpos_utf16(unsigned char *haystack, int32_t haystack_len, unsigned char*needle, int32_t needle_len, int32_t offset, int32_t *puchar_pos, int f_ignore_case TSRMLS_DC)
	UChar *uhaystack, *puhaystack, *uneedle;
	int32_t uhaystack_len, uneedle_len;
	int ret_pos;
	unsigned char u_break_iterator_buffer[U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE];
	UBreakIterator* bi;
	UErrorCode status;

	*puchar_pos = -1;

	/* convert the strings to UTF-16. */

	uhaystack = NULL;
	uhaystack_len = 0;
	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uhaystack, &uhaystack_len, (char *) haystack, haystack_len, &status );

	if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) {
		/* Set global error code. */
		intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC );

		/* Set error messages. */
		intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
		efree( uhaystack );
		return -1;

	/* get a pointer to the haystack taking into account the offset */
	bi = NULL;
	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	bi = grapheme_get_break_iterator(u_break_iterator_buffer, &status TSRMLS_CC );
	puhaystack = grapheme_get_haystack_offset(bi, uhaystack, uhaystack_len, offset);
	uhaystack_len = (uhaystack_len - ( puhaystack - uhaystack));

	if ( NULL == puhaystack ) {
		intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "grapheme_strpos: Offset not contained in string", 1 TSRMLS_CC );
		efree( uhaystack );
		ubrk_close (bi);
		return -1;

	if ( f_ignore_case ) {
		grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uhaystack, &puhaystack, &uhaystack_len, &status );

	uneedle = NULL;
	uneedle_len = 0;
	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uneedle, &uneedle_len, (char *) needle, needle_len, &status );

	if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) {
		/* Set global error code. */
		intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC );

		/* Set error messages. */
		intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 0 TSRMLS_CC );
		efree( uhaystack );
		efree( uneedle );
		ubrk_close (bi);
		return -1;

	if ( f_ignore_case ) {
		grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uneedle, &uneedle, &uneedle_len, &status );

	ret_pos = grapheme_memnstr_grapheme(bi, puhaystack, uneedle, uneedle_len, puhaystack + uhaystack_len );
	*puchar_pos = ubrk_current(bi);

	efree( uhaystack );
	efree( uneedle );
	ubrk_close (bi);

	return ret_pos;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* {{{ grapheme_strpos_utf16 - strrpos using utf16*/
int32_t grapheme_strpos_utf16(char *haystack, size_t haystack_len, char *needle, size_t needle_len, int32_t offset, int32_t *puchar_pos, int f_ignore_case, int last)
	UChar *uhaystack = NULL, *uneedle = NULL;
	int32_t uhaystack_len = 0, uneedle_len = 0, char_pos, ret_pos, offset_pos = 0;
	unsigned char u_break_iterator_buffer[U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE];
	UBreakIterator* bi = NULL;
	UErrorCode status;
	UStringSearch* src = NULL;
	UCollator *coll;

	if(puchar_pos) {
		*puchar_pos = -1;
	/* convert the strings to UTF-16. */

	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uhaystack, &uhaystack_len, haystack, haystack_len, &status );
	STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Error converting input string to UTF-16");

	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uneedle, &uneedle_len, needle, needle_len, &status );
	STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Error converting needle string to UTF-16");

	/* get a pointer to the haystack taking into account the offset */
	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	bi = grapheme_get_break_iterator(u_break_iterator_buffer, &status );
	STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Failed to get iterator");
	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	ubrk_setText(bi, uhaystack, uhaystack_len, &status);
	STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Failed to set up iterator");

	status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
	src = usearch_open(uneedle, uneedle_len, uhaystack, uhaystack_len, "", bi, &status);
	STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Error creating search object");

	if(f_ignore_case) {
		coll = usearch_getCollator(src);
		status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		ucol_setAttribute(coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_SECONDARY, &status);
		STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Error setting collation strength");

	if(offset != 0) {
		offset_pos = grapheme_get_haystack_offset(bi, offset);
		if(offset_pos == -1) {
			STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Invalid search offset");	
		status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		usearch_setOffset(src, offset_pos, &status);	
		STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Invalid search offset");

	if(last) {
		char_pos = usearch_last(src, &status);
		if(char_pos < offset_pos) {
			/* last one is beyound our start offset */
			char_pos = USEARCH_DONE;
	} else {
		char_pos = usearch_next(src, &status);
	STRPOS_CHECK_STATUS(status, "Error looking up string");
	if(char_pos != USEARCH_DONE && ubrk_isBoundary(bi, char_pos)) {
		ret_pos = grapheme_count_graphemes(bi, uhaystack,char_pos);
		if(puchar_pos) {
			*puchar_pos = char_pos;
	} else {
		ret_pos = -1;

	if (uhaystack) {
		efree( uhaystack );
	if (uneedle) {
		efree( uneedle );
	ubrk_close (bi);
	usearch_close (src);

	return ret_pos;