Ejemplo n.º 1
static void basic_do_promote(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *args, int success) {
  grpc_unary_promote_args *up_args = args;
  const grpc_pollset_vtable *original_vtable = up_args->original_vtable;
  grpc_pollset *pollset = up_args->pollset;
  grpc_fd *fd = up_args->fd;

   * This is quite tricky. There are a number of cases to keep in mind here:
   * 1. fd may have been orphaned
   * 2. The pollset may no longer be a unary poller (and we can't let case #1
   * leak to other pollset types!)
   * 3. pollset's fd (which may have changed) may have been orphaned
   * 4. The pollset may be shutting down.

  /* First we need to ensure that nobody is polling concurrently */

  /* At this point the pollset may no longer be a unary poller. In that case
   * we should just call the right add function and be done. */
  /* TODO(klempner): If we're not careful this could cause infinite recursion.
   * That's not a problem for now because empty_pollset has a trivial poller
   * and we don't have any mechanism to unbecome multipoller. */
  if (pollset->shutting_down) {
    /* We don't care about this pollset anymore. */
    if (pollset->in_flight_cbs == 0 && !pollset->called_shutdown) {
      finish_shutdown(exec_ctx, pollset);
  } else if (grpc_fd_is_orphaned(fd)) {
    /* Don't try to add it to anything, we'll drop our ref on it below */
  } else if (pollset->vtable != original_vtable) {
    pollset->vtable->add_fd(exec_ctx, pollset, fd, 0);
  } else if (fd != pollset->data.ptr) {
    grpc_fd *fds[2];
    fds[0] = pollset->data.ptr;
    fds[1] = fd;

    if (fds[0] && !grpc_fd_is_orphaned(fds[0])) {
      grpc_platform_become_multipoller(exec_ctx, pollset, fds,
      GRPC_FD_UNREF(fds[0], "basicpoll");
    } else {
      /* old fd is orphaned and we haven't cleaned it up until now, so remain a
       * unary poller */
      /* Note that it is possible that fds[1] is also orphaned at this point.
       * That's okay, we'll correct it at the next add or poll. */
      if (fds[0]) GRPC_FD_UNREF(fds[0], "basicpoll");
      pollset->data.ptr = fd;
      GRPC_FD_REF(fd, "basicpoll");


  /* Matching ref in basic_pollset_add_fd */
  GRPC_FD_UNREF(fd, "basicpoll_add");
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void basic_pollset_add_fd(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_pollset *pollset,
                                 grpc_fd *fd, int and_unlock_pollset) {
    grpc_unary_promote_args *up_args;
    if (fd == pollset->data.ptr) goto exit;

    if (!grpc_pollset_has_workers(pollset)) {
        /* Fast path -- no in flight cbs */
        /* TODO(klempner): Comment this out and fix any test failures or establish
         * they are due to timing issues */
        grpc_fd *fds[2];
        fds[0] = pollset->data.ptr;
        fds[1] = fd;

        if (fds[0] == NULL) {
            pollset->data.ptr = fd;
            GRPC_FD_REF(fd, "basicpoll");
        } else if (!grpc_fd_is_orphaned(fds[0])) {
            grpc_platform_become_multipoller(exec_ctx, pollset, fds,
            GRPC_FD_UNREF(fds[0], "basicpoll");
        } else {
            /* old fd is orphaned and we haven't cleaned it up until now, so remain a
             * unary poller */
            GRPC_FD_UNREF(fds[0], "basicpoll");
            pollset->data.ptr = fd;
            GRPC_FD_REF(fd, "basicpoll");
        goto exit;

    /* Now we need to promote. This needs to happen when we're not polling. Since
     * this may be called from poll, the wait needs to happen asynchronously. */
    GRPC_FD_REF(fd, "basicpoll_add");
    up_args = gpr_malloc(sizeof(*up_args));
    up_args->fd = fd;
    up_args->original_vtable = pollset->vtable;
    up_args->pollset = pollset;
    up_args->promotion_closure.cb = basic_do_promote;
    up_args->promotion_closure.cb_arg = up_args;

    grpc_closure_list_add(&pollset->idle_jobs, &up_args->promotion_closure, 1);
    grpc_pollset_kick(pollset, GRPC_POLLSET_KICK_BROADCAST);

    if (and_unlock_pollset) {