Ejemplo n.º 1
PatchData& ObjectiveFunctionTests::patch() {
  static PatchData the_pd;
  static bool did_init = init_pd( the_pd );
  return the_pd;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void init_gmx(t_x11 *x11, char *program, int nfile, t_filenm fnm[],
                     const output_env_t oenv)
    Pixmap                pm;
    t_gmx                *gmx;
    XSizeHints            hints;
    int                   w0, h0;
    int                   natom, natom_trx;
    t_topology            top;
    int                   ePBC;
    matrix                box;
    t_trxframe            fr;
    t_trxstatus          *status;
    char                  quote[256];

    snew(gmx, 1);
    snew(gmx->wd, 1);

    ePBC = read_tpx_top(ftp2fn(efTPR, nfile, fnm),
                        NULL, box, &natom, NULL, NULL, &top);

    read_first_frame(oenv, &status, ftp2fn(efTRX, nfile, fnm), &fr, TRX_DONT_SKIP);
    natom_trx = fr.natoms;

    /* Creates a simple window */
    w0 = DisplayWidth(x11->disp, x11->screen)-132;
    h0 = DisplayHeight(x11->disp, x11->screen)-140;
    bromacs(quote, 255);
    InitWin(gmx->wd, 0, 0, w0, h0, 3, quote);
    gmx->wd->self = XCreateSimpleWindow(x11->disp, x11->root,
                                        gmx->wd->x, gmx->wd->y,
                                        gmx->wd->width, gmx->wd->height,
                                        gmx->wd->bwidth, WHITE, BLACK);
    pm = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(x11->disp, x11->root,
                                     (char *)gromacs_bits, gromacs_width,
                                     WHITE, BLACK, 1);
    hints.flags      = PMinSize;
    hints.min_width  = 2*EWIDTH+40;
    hints.min_height = EHEIGHT+LDHEIGHT+LEGHEIGHT+40;
    XSetStandardProperties(x11->disp, gmx->wd->self, gmx->wd->text, program,
                           pm, NULL, 0, &hints);

    x11->RegisterCallback(x11, gmx->wd->self, x11->root, MainCallBack, gmx);
    x11->SetInputMask(x11, gmx->wd->self,
                      ButtonPressMask     | ButtonReleaseMask |
                      OwnerGrabButtonMask | ExposureMask      |

    /* The order of creating windows is important here! */
    /* Manager */
    gmx->man  = init_man(x11, gmx->wd->self, 0, 0, 1, 1, WHITE, BLACK, ePBC, box, oenv);
    gmx->logo = init_logo(x11, gmx->wd->self, false);

    /* Now put all windows in the proper place */
    move_gmx(x11, gmx, w0, h0, false);

    XMapWindow(x11->disp, gmx->wd->self);
    map_man(x11, gmx->man);

    /* Pull Down menu */
    gmx->pd = init_pd(x11, gmx->wd->self, gmx->wd->width,
                      x11->fg, x11->bg,
                      MSIZE, gmx_pd_size, gmx_pd, MenuTitle);

    /* Dialogs & Filters */

    gmx->filter = init_filter(&(top.atoms), ftp2fn_null(efNDX, nfile, fnm),

    init_dlgs(x11, gmx);

    /* Now do file operations */
    set_file(x11, gmx->man, ftp2fn(efTRX, nfile, fnm), ftp2fn(efTPR, nfile, fnm));
