Ejemplo n.º 1
OwncloudSetupWizard::OwncloudSetupWizard( FolderMan *folderMan, QObject *parent ) :
    QObject( parent ),
    _process = new QProcess( this );

    QObject::connect(_process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),

    QObject::connect(_process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),

    QObject::connect(_process, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState)),

    QObject::connect(_process, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)),

    QObject::connect(_process, SIGNAL(started()),

    QObject::connect(_process, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)),
                     SLOT(slotProcessFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)));

    _ocWizard = new OwncloudWizard();

    connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(connectToOCUrl( const QString& ) ),
             this, SLOT(slotConnectToOCUrl( const QString& )));

    connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(installOCServer()),
             this, SLOT(slotInstallOCServer()));

    connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(installOCLocalhost()),
             this, SLOT(slotCreateOCLocalhost()));

    // in case of cancel, terminate the owncloud-admin script.
    connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(rejected()), _process, SLOT(terminate()));

Ejemplo n.º 2
void OwncloudWizard::slotCurrentPageChanged( int id )
  qDebug() << "Current Wizard page changed to " << id;
  qDebug() << "Page_install is " << Page_Install;

  if( id == Page_FTP ) {
    // preset the ftp url field
    CreateAnOwncloudPage *p = static_cast<CreateAnOwncloudPage*> (page( Page_Create_OC ));
    QString domain = p->domain();
    if( domain.startsWith( QLatin1String("http://") )) {
      domain = domain.right( domain.length()-7 );
    if( domain.startsWith( QLatin1String("https://") )) {
      domain = domain.right( domain.length()-8 );

    QString host = QLatin1String("ftp.") +domain;
    OwncloudFTPAccessPage *p1 = static_cast<OwncloudFTPAccessPage*> (page( Page_FTP ));
    p1->setFTPUrl( host );
  if( id == Page_Install ) {
    appendToResultWidget( QString::null );
    showOCUrlLabel( false );
    if( field(QLatin1String("connectMyOC")).toBool() ) {
      // check the url and connect.
      _oCUrl = ocUrl();
      emit connectToOCUrl( _oCUrl);
    } else if( field(QLatin1String("createLocalOC")).toBool() ) {
      qDebug() << "Connect to local!";
      emit installOCLocalhost();
    } else if( field(QLatin1String("createNewOC")).toBool() ) {
      // call in installation mode and install to ftp site.
      emit installOCServer();
    } else {
  if( id == Page_oCSetup ) {
      emit clearPendingRequests();