Ejemplo n.º 1
    PlanStage::StageState CollectionScan::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (_isDead) { return PlanStage::DEAD; }

        // Do some init if we haven't already.
        if (NULL == _iter) {
            if ( _params.collection == NULL ) {
                _isDead = true;
                return PlanStage::DEAD;

            if (_lastSeenLoc.isNull()) {
                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );
            else {

                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );

                // Advance _iter past where we were last time. If it returns something else, mark us
                // as dead since we want to signal an error rather than silently dropping data from
                // the stream. This is related to the _lastSeenLock handling in invalidate.
                if (_iter->getNext() != _lastSeenLoc) {
                    _isDead = true;
                    return PlanStage::DEAD;

            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        // Should we try getNext() on the underlying _iter?
        if (isEOF())
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        const DiskLoc curr = _iter->curr();
        if (curr.isNull()) {
            // We just hit EOF
            if (_params.tailable)
                _iter.reset(); // pick up where we left off on the next call to work()
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        _lastSeenLoc = curr;

        // See if the record we're about to access is in memory. If not, pass a fetch request up.
        // Note that curr() does not touch the record (on MMAPv1 which is the only place we use
        // NEED_FETCH) so we are able to yield before touching the record, as long as we do so
        // before calling getNext().
            std::auto_ptr<RecordFetcher> fetcher(
                _params.collection->documentNeedsFetch(_txn, curr));
            if (NULL != fetcher.get()) {
                WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(_wsidForFetch);
                member->loc = curr;
                // Pass the RecordFetcher off to the WSM.
                *out = _wsidForFetch;
                return NEED_FETCH;

        WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
        member->loc = curr;
        member->obj = _iter->dataFor(member->loc).releaseToBson();
        member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;

        // Advance the iterator.
        invariant(_iter->getNext() == curr);

        return returnIfMatches(member, id, out);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    PlanStage::StageState OrStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        if (0 == _specificStats.matchTested.size()) {
            _specificStats.matchTested = vector<uint64_t>(_children.size(), 0);

        WorkingSetID id;
        StageState childStatus = _children[_currentChild]->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == childStatus) {
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);

            // If we're deduping...
            if (_dedup) {

                // ...and we've seen the DiskLoc before
                if (_seen.end() != _seen.find(member->loc)) {
                    // ...drop it.
                    return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
                else {
                    // Otherwise, note that we've seen it.

            if (NULL == _matcher || _matcher->matches(member)) {
                if (NULL != _matcher) {
                // Match!  return it.
                *out = id;
                return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
            else {
                // Does not match, try again.
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == childStatus) {
            // Done with _currentChild, move to the next one.

            // Maybe we're out of children.
            if (isEOF()) {
                return PlanStage::IS_EOF;
            else {
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else {
            if (PlanStage::NEED_FETCH == childStatus) {
            else if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == childStatus) {

            // NEED_TIME, ERROR, NEED_YIELD, pass them up.
            return childStatus;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 PlanStageStats* S2NearStage::getStats() {
     // TODO: must agg stats across child ixscan/fetches.
     // TODO: we can do better than this, need own common stats.
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     return new PlanStageStats(_commonStats, STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 DiskLoc HeapRecordReverseIterator::curr() {
     if (isEOF())
         return DiskLoc();
     return _it->first;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    PlanStage::StageState OrStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        if (0 == _specificStats.matchTested.size()) {
            _specificStats.matchTested = vector<size_t>(_children.size(), 0);

        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        StageState childStatus = _children[_currentChild]->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == childStatus) {
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);

            // If we're deduping (and there's something to dedup by)
            if (_dedup && member->hasLoc()) {

                // ...and we've seen the DiskLoc before
                if (_seen.end() != _seen.find(member->loc)) {
                    // ...drop it.
                    return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
                else {
                    // Otherwise, note that we've seen it.

            if (Filter::passes(member, _filter)) {
                if (NULL != _filter) {
                // Match!  return it.
                *out = id;
                return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
            else {
                // Does not match, try again.
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == childStatus) {
            // Done with _currentChild, move to the next one.

            // Maybe we're out of children.
            if (isEOF()) {
                return PlanStage::IS_EOF;
            else {
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == childStatus) {
            *out = id;
            // If a stage fails, it may create a status WSM to indicate why it
            // failed, in which case 'id' is valid.  If ID is invalid, we
            // create our own error message.
            if (WorkingSet::INVALID_ID == id) {
                mongoutils::str::stream ss;
                ss << "OR stage failed to read in results from child " << _currentChild;
                Status status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, ss);
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember( _ws, status);
            return childStatus;
        else if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == childStatus) {
        else if (PlanStage::NEED_FETCH == childStatus) {
            *out = id;

        // NEED_TIME, ERROR, NEED_FETCH, pass them up.
        return childStatus;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    PlanStage::StageState GroupStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        // Set the completed flag; this stage returns all results in a single call to work.
        // Subsequent calls will return EOF.
        _groupCompleted = true;

        // Initialize the Scope object.
        const std::string userToken =
        auto_ptr<Scope> s = globalScriptEngine->getPooledScope(_txn, _db->name(),
                                                               "group" + userToken);
        if (!_request.reduceScope.isEmpty()) {
        s->setObject("$initial", _request.initial, true);
        s->exec("$reduce = " + _request.reduceCode, "$group reduce setup", false, true, true, 100);
        s->exec("$arr = [];", "$group reduce setup 2", false, true, true, 100);
        ScriptingFunction f =
            s->createFunction("function(){ "
                              "  if ( $arr[n] == null ){ "
                              "    next = {}; "
                              "    Object.extend( next , $key ); "
                              "    Object.extend( next , $initial , true ); "
                              "    $arr[n] = next; "
                              "    next = null; "
                              "  } "
                              "  $reduce( obj , $arr[n] ); "
        ScriptingFunction keyFunction = 0;
        if (_request.keyFunctionCode.size()) {
            keyFunction = s->createFunction(_request.keyFunctionCode.c_str());

        // Construct the set of groups.
        map<BSONObj, int, BSONObjCmp> map;
        while (!_child->isEOF()) {
            WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
            StageState status = _child->work(&id);

            if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == status) {
            else if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == status) {
            else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == status) {
                *out = id;
                // If a stage fails, it may create a status WSM to indicate why it failed, in which
                // case 'id' is valid.  If ID is invalid, we create our own error message.
                if (WorkingSet::INVALID_ID == id) {
                    const std::string errmsg = "group stage failed to read in results from child";
                    *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws,
                return status;
            else if (PlanStage::DEAD == status) {
                return status;
            invariant(PlanStage::ADVANCED == status);

            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
            // Group queries can't have projections. This means that covering analysis will always
            // add a fetch. We should always get fetched data, and never just key data.
            BSONObj obj = member->obj;

            BSONObj key;
            Status getKeyStatus = getKey(obj, _request.keyPattern, keyFunction, s.get(), &key);
            if (!getKeyStatus.isOK()) {
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, getKeyStatus);
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;

            int& n = map[key];
            if (n == 0) {
                n = map.size();
                s->setObject("$key", key, true);
                if (n > 20000) {
                    const std::string errmsg = "group() can't handle more than 20000 unique keys";
                    *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                    return PlanStage::FAILURE;

            s->setObject("obj", obj, true);
            s->setNumber("n", n - 1);
            if (s->invoke(f, 0, 0, 0, true)) {
                const std::string errmsg = str::stream() << "reduce invoke failed: "
                                                         << s->getError();
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;
        _specificStats.nGroups = map.size();

        // Invoke the finalize function.
        if (!_request.finalize.empty()) {
            s->exec("$finalize = " + _request.finalize, "$group finalize define", false, true,
                    true, 100);
            ScriptingFunction g =
                s->createFunction("function(){ "
                                  "  for(var i=0; i < $arr.length; i++){ "
                                  "  var ret = $finalize($arr[i]); "
                                  "  if (ret !== undefined) "
                                  "    $arr[i] = ret; "
                                  "  } "
            s->invoke(g, 0, 0, 0, true);

        // Return array of results.
        *out = _ws->allocate();
        WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(*out);
        member->obj = s->getObject("$arr").getOwned();
        member->state = WorkingSetMember::OWNED_OBJ;

        s->exec("$arr = [];", "$group reduce setup 2", false, true, true, 100);

        return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    PlanStage::StageState TwoDNear::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (!_initted) {
            _initted = true;

            if ( !_params.collection )
                return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

            IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = _params.collection->getIndexCatalog();

            IndexDescriptor* desc = indexCatalog->findIndexByKeyPattern(_params.indexKeyPattern);
            if ( desc == NULL )
                return PlanStage::IS_EOF;
            TwoDAccessMethod* am = static_cast<TwoDAccessMethod*>( indexCatalog->getIndex( desc ) );

            auto_ptr<twod_exec::GeoSearch> search;
            search.reset(new twod_exec::GeoSearch(_params.collection,
                                           _params.nearQuery.isNearSphere ? twod_exec::GEO_SPHERE
                                                                          : twod_exec::GEO_PLANE));

            // This is where all the work is done.  :(
            _specificStats.objectsLoaded = search->_objectsLoaded;
            _specificStats.nscanned = search->_lookedAt;

            for (twod_exec::GeoHopper::Holder::iterator it = search->_points.begin();
                 it != search->_points.end(); it++) {

                WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
                WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
                member->loc = it->_loc;
                member->obj = _params.collection->docFor(member->loc);
                member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;
                if (_params.addDistMeta) {
                    member->addComputed(new GeoDistanceComputedData(it->_distance));
                if (_params.addPointMeta) {
                    member->addComputed(new GeoNearPointComputedData(it->_pt));
                _results.push(Result(id, it->_distance));
                _invalidationMap.insert(pair<DiskLoc, WorkingSetID>(it->_loc, id));

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        Result result = _results.top();
        *out = result.id;

        // Remove from invalidation map.
        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(*out);

        // The WSM may have been mutated or deleted so it may not have a loc.
        if (member->hasLoc()) {
            typedef multimap<DiskLoc, WorkingSetID>::iterator MMIT;
            pair<MMIT, MMIT> range = _invalidationMap.equal_range(member->loc);
            for (MMIT it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
                if (it->second == *out) {

        return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 void IndexScan::prepareToYield() {
     if (isEOF()) { return; }
     _savedKey = _indexCursor->getKey().getOwned();
     _savedLoc = _indexCursor->getValue();
Ejemplo n.º 9
    PlanStage::StageState DeleteStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }
        invariant(_collection); // If isEOF() returns false, we must have a collection.

        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        StageState status = _child->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == status) {
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
            if (!member->hasLoc()) {
                const std::string errmsg = "delete stage failed to read member w/ loc from child";
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;
            DiskLoc rloc = member->loc;

            BSONObj deletedDoc;

            WriteUnitOfWork wunit(_txn);

            // TODO: Do we want to buffer docs and delete them in a group rather than
            // saving/restoring state repeatedly?
            const bool deleteCappedOK = false;
            const bool deleteNoWarn = false;
            _collection->deleteDocument(_txn, rloc, deleteCappedOK, deleteNoWarn,
                                        _params.shouldCallLogOp ? &deletedDoc : NULL);


            if (_params.shouldCallLogOp) {
                if (deletedDoc.isEmpty()) {
                    log() << "Deleted object without id in collection " << _collection->ns()
                          << ", not logging.";
                else {
                    bool replJustOne = true;
                    repl::logOp(_txn, "d", _collection->ns().ns().c_str(), deletedDoc, 0,
                                &replJustOne, _params.fromMigrate);



            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == status) {
            *out = id;
            // If a stage fails, it may create a status WSM to indicate why it failed, in which case
            // 'id' is valid.  If ID is invalid, we create our own error message.
            if (WorkingSet::INVALID_ID == id) {
                const std::string errmsg = "delete stage failed to read in results from child";
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;
            return status;
        else {
            if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == status) {
            return status;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    bool parseForNextToken()
        size_t pos      = getCurrentPosition();
        assert( pos < codestr.size() );

        // Consume whitespace
        for ( ; 
              pos < codestr.size() && isWhitespace(codestr[pos]);
            ++pos )
            // do nothing, just consume space. 

        // End of the line?
        if ( pos == codestr.size() )
            setLastToken( "", TOK_EOF );
            return false;

        size_t startPos = pos;

        // Search for the next token
        TokenType type  = TOK_UNKNOWN;
        bool      done  = false;
        bool      error = false;

        for ( ;
            (!done) && pos < codestr.size() && (!isWhitespace(codestr[pos]))
                    && ((pos == startPos) || !isEndOfToken(codestr[pos]) );
            ++pos )
            char c = codestr[pos];

            switch ( type )
                case TOK_UNKNOWN:
                    if ( c == '(' )
                        type = TOK_OPEN;
                        done = true;
                    else if ( c == ')' )
                        type = TOK_CLOSE;
                        done = true;
                    else if ( c == ',' )
                        type = TOK_SEP;
                        done = true;
                    else if ( isNumeric( c ) )
                        type = TOK_NUMERIC;
                    else if ( isIdent( c ) )
                        type = TOK_IDENT;
                        error = true;
                case TOK_NUMERIC:
                    if ( isNumeric( c ) == false )
                        error = true;

                case TOK_IDENT:
                    if ( isIdent( c ) == false )
                        error = true;

                    error = true;

            // Was there an error while parsing the token?
            if ( error )
                    std::cerr << "Error while parsing token. "
                            << "start=" << startPos << ", "
                            << "pos="   << pos      << ", "
                            << "type="  << toString(type) << ", "
                            << "value: "
                            << codestr.substr( startPos, pos - startPos+1 )
                            << std::endl;

                    return false;

        setLastToken( codestr.substr(startPos, pos - startPos), type );
        setCurrentPosition( pos );

        return !isEOF();
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Gets the next reference section from the file & stores it in the
// passed in section.  It will read until a new section is found.
bool GlfFile::getNextRefSection(GlfRefSection& refSection)
    if(myIsOpenForRead == false)
        // File is not open for read
                           "Cannot read reference section since the file is not open for reading");

    if(myNextSection == HEADER)
        // The header has not yet been read.
        // TODO - maybe just read the header.
                           "Cannot read reference section since the header has not been read.");

    // Keep reading until the next section is found.
    if(myNextSection == RECORD)
        GlfRecord record;
            // Nothing to do, with the record.

    // Check for end of file.  If end of file, return false.

    if(myNextSection != REF_SECTION)
        // Failed reading all the records, so throw exception.
                           "Failed to get to a reference section.");

    // Ready to read the section:
        myStatus = GlfStatus::SUCCESS;
        // Next a record should be read.
        myNextSection = RECORD;

    // If it is the EOF, just return false.
                       "Failed reading a reference section from the file.");
Ejemplo n.º 12
    PlanStage::StageState IndexScan::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        if (NULL == _indexCursor.get()) {
            // First call to work().  Perform cursor init.
            CursorOptions cursorOptions;

            // The limit is *required* for 2d $near, which is the only index that pays attention to
            // it anyway.
            cursorOptions.numWanted = _params.limit;

            if (1 == _params.direction) {
                cursorOptions.direction = CursorOptions::INCREASING;
            else {
                cursorOptions.direction = CursorOptions::DECREASING;

            IndexCursor *cursor;

            if (_params.bounds.isSimpleRange) {
                // Start at one key, end at another.
            else {
                // "Fast" Btree-specific navigation.
                _btreeCursor = static_cast<BtreeIndexCursor*>(_indexCursor.get());
                _checker.reset(new IndexBoundsChecker(&_params.bounds,

                int nFields = _descriptor->keyPattern().nFields();
                vector<const BSONElement*> key;
                vector<bool> inc;
                _checker->getStartKey(&key, &inc);
                _btreeCursor->seek(key, inc);


        else if (_yieldMovedCursor) {
            _yieldMovedCursor = false;
            // Note that we're not calling next() here.
        else {
            // You're allowed to call work() even if the stage is EOF, but we can't call
            // _indexCursor->next() if we're EOF.
            if (!isEOF()) {

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        DiskLoc loc = _indexCursor->getValue();

        if (_shouldDedup) {
            if (_returned.end() != _returned.find(loc)) {
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
            else {

        WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
        member->loc = loc;
        member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_IDX;

        if (Filter::passes(member, _filter)) {
            if (NULL != _filter) {
            *out = id;
            return PlanStage::ADVANCED;

        return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 PlanStageStats* IndexScan::getStats() {
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     auto_ptr<PlanStageStats> ret(new PlanStageStats(_commonStats));
     return ret.release();
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: count.cpp Proyecto: 3rf/mongo
    PlanStage::StageState CountStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        // This stage never returns a working set member.
        *out = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;

        // If we don't have a query and we have a non-NULL collection, then we can execute this
        // as a trivial count (just ask the collection for how many records it has).
        if (_request.query.isEmpty() && NULL != _collection) {
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        if (isEOF()) {
            _commonStats.isEOF = true;
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        // For non-trivial counts, we should always have a child stage from which we can retrieve
        // results.
        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        PlanStage::StageState state = _child->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == state) {
            _commonStats.isEOF = true;
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;
        else if (PlanStage::DEAD == state) {
            return state;
        else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == state) {
            *out = id;
            // If a stage fails, it may create a status WSM to indicate why it failed, in which cas
            // 'id' is valid. If ID is invalid, we create our own error message.
            if (WorkingSet::INVALID_ID == id) {
                const std::string errmsg = "count stage failed to read result from child";
                Status status = Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, errmsg);
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, status);
            return state;
        else if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == state) {
            // We got a result. If we're still skipping, then decrement the number left to skip.
            // Otherwise increment the count until we hit the limit.
            if (_leftToSkip > 0) {
            else {

            // Count doesn't need the actual results, so we just discard any valid working
            // set members that got returned from the child.
            if (WorkingSet::INVALID_ID != id) {
        else if (PlanStage::NEED_FETCH == state) {
            *out = id;
            return PlanStage::NEED_FETCH;

        return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: 2d.cpp Proyecto: dwight/misc
 PlanStageStats* TwoD::getStats() {
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     return new PlanStageStats(_commonStats, STAGE_GEO_2D);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    PlanStage::StageState IndexScan::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        // If we examined multiple keys in a prior work cycle, make up for it here by returning
        // NEED_TIME. This is done for plan ranking. Refer to the comment for '_checkEndKeys'
        // in the .h for details.
        if (_checkEndKeys > 0) {
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        if (NULL == _indexCursor.get()) {
            // First call to work().  Perform possibly heavy init.
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (_yieldMovedCursor) {
            _yieldMovedCursor = false;
            // Note that we're not calling next() here.  We got the next thing when we recovered
            // from yielding.

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        // Grab the next (key, value) from the index.
        BSONObj keyObj = _indexCursor->getKey();
        DiskLoc loc = _indexCursor->getValue();

        // Move to the next result.
        // The underlying IndexCursor points at the *next* thing we want to return.  We do this so
        // that if we're scanning an index looking for docs to delete we don't continually clobber
        // the thing we're pointing at.

        if (_shouldDedup) {
            if (_returned.end() != _returned.find(loc)) {
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
            else {

        if (Filter::passes(keyObj, _keyPattern, _filter)) {
            if (NULL != _filter) {

            // We must make a copy of the on-disk data since it can mutate during the execution of
            // this query.
            BSONObj ownedKeyObj = keyObj.getOwned();

            // Fill out the WSM.
            WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
            WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
            member->loc = loc;
            member->keyData.push_back(IndexKeyDatum(_keyPattern, ownedKeyObj));
            member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_IDX;

            if (_params.addKeyMetadata) {
                BSONObjBuilder bob;
                bob.appendKeys(_keyPattern, ownedKeyObj);
                member->addComputed(new IndexKeyComputedData(bob.obj()));

            *out = id;
            return PlanStage::ADVANCED;

        return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 PlanStageStats* CollectionScan::getStats() {
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     auto_ptr<PlanStageStats> ret(new PlanStageStats(_commonStats, STAGE_COLLSCAN));
     ret->specific.reset(new CollectionScanStats(_specificStats));
     return ret.release();
Ejemplo n.º 18
    void IndexScan::checkEnd() {
        if (isEOF()) {
            _commonStats.isEOF = true;

        if (_params.bounds.isSimpleRange) {
            // "Normal" start -> end scanning.
            verify(NULL == _btreeCursor);
            verify(NULL == _checker.get());

            // If there is an empty endKey we will scan until we run out of index to scan over.
            if (_params.bounds.endKey.isEmpty()) { return; }

            int cmp = sgn(_params.bounds.endKey.woCompare(_indexCursor->getKey(), _keyPattern));

            if ((cmp != 0 && cmp != _params.direction)
                || (cmp == 0 && !_params.bounds.endKeyInclusive)) {

                _hitEnd = true;
                _commonStats.isEOF = true;

            if (!isEOF() && _params.bounds.isSimpleRange) {
        else {
            verify(NULL != _btreeCursor);
            verify(NULL != _checker.get());

            // Use _checker to see how things are.
            for (;;) {
                //cout << "current index key is " << _indexCursor->getKey().toString() << endl;
                //cout << "keysExamined is " << _specificStats.keysExamined << endl;
                IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState keyState;
                keyState = _checker->checkKey(_indexCursor->getKey(),

                if (IndexBoundsChecker::DONE == keyState) {
                    _hitEnd = true;

                // This seems weird but it's the old definition of nscanned.

                if (IndexBoundsChecker::VALID == keyState) {

                //cout << "skipping...\n";
                verify(IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE == keyState);
                _btreeCursor->skip(_indexCursor->getKey(), _keyEltsToUse, _movePastKeyElts,
                                   _keyElts, _keyEltsInc);

                // Must check underlying cursor EOF after every cursor movement.
                if (_btreeCursor->isEOF()) {
                    _hitEnd = true;

Ejemplo n.º 19
 PlanStageStats* TextStage::getStats() {
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     return new PlanStageStats(_commonStats, STAGE_TEXT);
Ejemplo n.º 20
    void IndexScan::initIndexScan() {
        // Perform the possibly heavy-duty initialization of the underlying index cursor.
        if (_params.doNotDedup) {
            _shouldDedup = false;
        else {
            _shouldDedup = _params.descriptor->isMultikey();

        // We can't always access the descriptor in the call to getStats() so we pull
        // the status-only information we need out here.
        _specificStats.indexName = _params.descriptor->infoObj()["name"].String();
        _specificStats.isMultiKey = _params.descriptor->isMultikey();

        // Set up the index cursor.
        CursorOptions cursorOptions;

        if (1 == _params.direction) {
            cursorOptions.direction = CursorOptions::INCREASING;
        else {
            cursorOptions.direction = CursorOptions::DECREASING;

        IndexCursor *cursor;
        Status s = _iam->newCursor(_txn, cursorOptions, &cursor);

        if (_params.bounds.isSimpleRange) {
            // Start at one key, end at another.
            Status status = _indexCursor->seek(_params.bounds.startKey);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                warning() << "IndexCursor seek failed: " << status.toString();
                _hitEnd = true;
            if (!isEOF()) {
                _specificStats.keysExamined = 1;
        else {
            // "Fast" Btree-specific navigation.
            _btreeCursor = static_cast<BtreeIndexCursor*>(_indexCursor.get());
            _checker.reset(new IndexBoundsChecker(&_params.bounds,

            int nFields = _keyPattern.nFields();
            vector<const BSONElement*> key;
            vector<bool> inc;
            if (_checker->getStartKey(&key, &inc)) {
                _btreeCursor->seek(key, inc);
            else {
                _hitEnd = true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    PlanStage::StageState UpdateStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        if (doneUpdating()) {
            // Even if we're done updating, we may have some inserting left to do.
            if (needInsert()) {

            // At this point either we're done updating and there was no insert to do,
            // or we're done updating and we're done inserting. Either way, we're EOF.
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        // If we're here, then we still have to ask for results from the child and apply
        // updates to them. We should only get here if the collection exists.

        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        StageState status = _child->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == status) {
            // Need to get these things from the result returned by the child.
            DiskLoc loc;
            BSONObj oldObj;

            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);

            if (!member->hasLoc()) {
                const std::string errmsg = "update stage failed to read member w/ loc from child";
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;
            loc = member->loc;

            // Updates can't have projections. This means that covering analysis will always add
            // a fetch. We should always get fetched data, and never just key data.
            oldObj = member->obj;

            // If we're here, then we have retrieved both a DiskLoc and the corresponding
            // unowned object from the child stage. Since we have the object and the diskloc,
            // we can free the WSM.

            // We fill this with the new locs of moved doc so we don't double-update.
            if (_updatedLocs && _updatedLocs->count(loc) > 0) {
                // Found a loc that we already updated.
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;


            // Do the update and return.
            transformAndUpdate(oldObj, loc);
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == status) {
            // The child is out of results, but we might not be done yet because we still might
            // have to do an insert.
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == status) {
            *out = id;
            // If a stage fails, it may create a status WSM to indicate why it failed, in which case
            // 'id' is valid.  If ID is invalid, we create our own error message.
            if (WorkingSet::INVALID_ID == id) {
                const std::string errmsg = "delete stage failed to read in results from child";
                *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember(_ws, Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;
            return status;
        else {
            if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == status) {
            return status;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 PlanStageStats* CollectionScan::getStats() {
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     return new PlanStageStats(_commonStats);
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: 2d.cpp Proyecto: hshinde/mongo
    PlanStage::StageState TwoD::work(WorkingSetID* out) {
        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        if (!_initted) {
            _initted = true;

            if ( !_params.collection )
                return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

            IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = _params.collection->getIndexCatalog();

            _descriptor = indexCatalog->findIndexByKeyPattern(_params.indexKeyPattern);
            if ( _descriptor == NULL )
                return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

            _am = static_cast<TwoDAccessMethod*>( indexCatalog->getIndex( _descriptor ) );
            verify( _am );

            if (NULL != _params.gq.getGeometry()._cap.get()) {
                _browse.reset(new twod_exec::GeoCircleBrowse(_params, _am));
            else if (NULL != _params.gq.getGeometry()._polygon.get()) {
                _browse.reset(new twod_exec::GeoPolygonBrowse(_params, _am));
            else {
                verify(NULL != _params.gq.getGeometry()._box.get());
                _browse.reset(new twod_exec::GeoBoxBrowse(_params, _am));

            // Fill out static portion of plan stats.
            // We will retrieve the geo hashes used by the geo browser
            // when the search is complete.
            _specificStats.type = _browse->_type;
            _specificStats.field = _params.gq.getField();
            _specificStats.converterParams = _browse->_converter->getParams();

            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        verify(NULL != _browse.get());

        if (!_browse->ok()) {
            // Grab geo hashes before disposing geo browser.
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
        member->loc = _browse->currLoc();
        member->obj = _params.collection->docFor(member->loc);
        member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;


        *out = id;
        return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    PlanStage::StageState SubplanStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (_killed) {
            return PlanStage::DEAD;

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        if (SubplanStage::PLANNING == _state) {
            // Try to run as sub-plans.
            if (runSubplans()) {
                // If runSubplans returns true we expect something here.
            else if (!_killed) {
                // Couldn't run as subplans so we'll just call normal getExecutor.
                PlanExecutor* exec;
                Status status = getExecutorAlwaysPlan(_collection, _query, _plannerParams, &exec);

                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    // We utterly failed.
                    _killed = true;

                    // Propagate the error to the user wrapped in a BSONObj
                    WorkingSetID id = _ws->allocate();
                    WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
                    member->state = WorkingSetMember::OWNED_OBJ;
                    member->loc = DiskLoc();

                    BSONObjBuilder bob;
                    bob.append("ok", status.isOK() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
                    bob.append("code", status.code());
                    bob.append("errmsg", status.reason());
                    member->obj = bob.obj();

                    *out = id;
                    return PlanStage::FAILURE;
                else {
                    scoped_ptr<PlanExecutor> cleanupExec(exec);

            // We can change state when we're either killed or we have an underlying runner.
            invariant(_killed || NULL != _child.get());
            _state = SubplanStage::RUNNING;

        if (_killed) {
            return PlanStage::DEAD;

        if (isEOF()) {
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        // If we're here we should have planned already.
        invariant(SubplanStage::RUNNING == _state);
        return _child->work(out);
Ejemplo n.º 25
    PlanStage::StageState KeepMutationsStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        // If we've returned as many results as we're limited to, isEOF will be true.
        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        // Stream child results until the child is all done.
        if (!_doneReadingChild) {
            StageState status = _child->work(out);

            // Child is still returning results.  Pass them through.
            if (PlanStage::IS_EOF != status) {
                if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == status) {
                else if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == status) {
                else if (PlanStage::NEED_FETCH == status) {

                return status;

            // Child is EOF.  We want to stream flagged results if there are any.
            _doneReadingChild = true;

            // Read out all of the flagged results from the working set.  We can't iterate through
            // the working set's flagged result set directly, since it may be modified later if
            // further documents are invalidated during a yield.
            std::copy(_workingSet->getFlagged().begin(), _workingSet->getFlagged().end(),
            _flaggedIterator = _flagged.begin();

        // We're streaming flagged results.
        if (_flaggedIterator == _flagged.end()) {
            _doneReturningFlagged = true;
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        WorkingSetID idToTest = *_flaggedIterator;

        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(idToTest);
        if (Filter::passes(member, _filter)) {
            *out = idToTest;
            return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
        else {
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
Ejemplo n.º 26
    PlanStage::StageState MergeSortStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        if (!_noResultToMerge.empty()) {
            // We have some child that we don't have a result from.  Each child must have a result
            // in order to pick the minimum result among all our children.  Work a child.
            PlanStage* child = _noResultToMerge.front();
            WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
            StageState code = child->work(&id);

            if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == code) {
                // If we're deduping...
                if (_dedup) {
                    WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);

                    if (!member->hasLoc()) {
                        // Can't dedup data unless there's a DiskLoc.  We go ahead and use its
                        // result.
                    else {
                        // ...and there's a diskloc and and we've seen the DiskLoc before
                        if (_seen.end() != _seen.find(member->loc)) {
                            // ...drop it.
                            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
                        else {
                            // Otherwise, note that we've seen it.
                            // We're going to use the result from the child, so we remove it from
                            // the queue of children without a result.
                else {
                    // Not deduping.  We use any result we get from the child.  Remove the child
                    // from the queue of things without a result.

                // Store the result in our list.
                StageWithValue value;
                value.id = id;
                value.stage = child;

                // Insert the result (indirectly) into our priority queue.

                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
            else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == code) {
                // There are no more results possible from this child.  Don't bother with it
                // anymore.
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
            else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == code) {
                *out = id;
                // If a stage fails, it may create a status WSM to indicate why it
                // failed, in which case 'id' is valid.  If ID is invalid, we
                // create our own error message.
                if (WorkingSet::INVALID_ID == id) {
                    mongoutils::str::stream ss;
                    ss << "merge sort stage failed to read in results from child";
                    Status status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, ss);
                    *out = WorkingSetCommon::allocateStatusMember( _ws, status);
                return code;
            else {
                if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == code) {
                return code;

        // If we're here, for each non-EOF child, we have a valid WSID.

        // Get the 'min' WSID.  _merging is a priority queue so its top is the smallest.
        MergingRef top = _merging.top();

        // Since we're returning the WSID that came from top->stage, we need to work(...) it again
        // to get a new result.

        // Save the ID that we're returning and remove the returned result from our data.
        WorkingSetID idToTest = top->id;

        // Return the min.
        *out = idToTest;

        // But don't return it if it's flagged.
        if (_ws->isFlagged(*out)) {
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 PlanStageStats* LimitStage::getStats() {
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     auto_ptr<PlanStageStats> ret(new PlanStageStats(_commonStats, STAGE_LIMIT));
     return ret.release();
Ejemplo n.º 28
    PlanStage::StageState AndHashStage::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }

        // An AND is either reading the first child into the hash table, probing against the hash
        // table with subsequent children, or checking the last child's results to see if they're
        // in the hash table.

        // We read the first child into our hash table.
        if (_hashingChildren) {
            if (0 == _currentChild) {
                return readFirstChild(out);
            else if (_currentChild < _children.size() - 1) {
                return hashOtherChildren(out);
            else {
                _hashingChildren = false;
                // We don't hash our last child.  Instead, we probe the table created from the
                // previous children, returning results in the order of the last child.
                // Fall through to below.

        // Returning results.  We read from the last child and return the results that are in our
        // hash map.

        // We should be EOF if we're not hashing results and the dataMap is empty.

        // We probe _dataMap with the last child.
        verify(_currentChild == _children.size() - 1);

        // Work the last child.
        StageState childStatus = _children[_children.size() - 1]->work(out);
        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED != childStatus) {
            return childStatus;

        // We know that we've ADVANCED.  See if the WSM is in our table.
        WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(*out);

        // Maybe the child had an invalidation.  We intersect DiskLoc(s) so we can't do anything
        // with this WSM.
        if (!member->hasLoc()) {
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        DataMap::iterator it = _dataMap.find(member->loc);
        if (_dataMap.end() == it) {
            // Child's output wasn't in every previous child.  Throw it out.
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else {
            // Child's output was in every previous child.  Merge any key data in
            // the child's output and free the child's just-outputted WSM.
            WorkingSetID hashID = it->second;

            WorkingSetMember* olderMember = _ws->get(hashID);
            AndCommon::mergeFrom(olderMember, *member);

            // We should check for matching at the end so the matcher can use information in the
            // indices of all our children.
            if (Filter::passes(olderMember, _filter)) {
                *out = hashID;
                return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
            else {
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: 2d.cpp Proyecto: 504com/mongo
 PlanStageStats* TwoD::getStats() {
     _commonStats.isEOF = isEOF();
     auto_ptr<PlanStageStats> ret(new PlanStageStats(_commonStats, STAGE_GEO_2D));
     ret->specific.reset(new TwoDStats(_specificStats));
     return ret.release();
Ejemplo n.º 30
    PlanStage::StageState CollectionScan::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (_isDead) { return PlanStage::DEAD; }

        // Do some init if we haven't already.
        if (NULL == _iter) {
            if ( _params.collection == NULL ) {
                _isDead = true;
                return PlanStage::DEAD;

            if (_lastSeenLoc.isNull()) {
                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );
            else {

                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );

                // Advance _iter past where we were last time. If it returns something else, mark us
                // as dead since we want to signal an error rather than silently dropping data from
                // the stream. This is related to the _lastSeenLock handling in invalidate.
                if (_iter->getNext() != _lastSeenLoc) {
                    _isDead = true;
                    return PlanStage::DEAD;

            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        // Should we try getNext() on the underlying _iter?
        if (isEOF())
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        // See if the record we're about to access is in memory. If not, pass a fetch request up.
        // Note that curr() returns the same thing as getNext() will, except without advancing the
        // iterator or touching the DiskLoc. This means that we can use curr() to check whether we
        // need to fetch on the DiskLoc prior to touching it with getNext().
        DiskLoc curr = _iter->curr();
        if (!curr.isNull()) {
            std::auto_ptr<RecordFetcher> fetcher(
                _params.collection->documentNeedsFetch(_txn, curr));
            if (NULL != fetcher.get()) {
                WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(_wsidForFetch);
                member->loc = curr;
                // Pass the RecordFetcher off to the WSM.
                *out = _wsidForFetch;
                return NEED_FETCH;

        // What we'll return to the user.
        DiskLoc nextLoc;

        // See if _iter gives us anything new.
        nextLoc = _iter->getNext();
        if (nextLoc.isNull()) {
            if (_params.tailable)
                _iter.reset(); // pick up where we left off on the next call to work()
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        _lastSeenLoc = nextLoc;

        WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
        member->loc = nextLoc;
        member->obj = _iter->dataFor(member->loc).releaseToBson();
        member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;

        return returnIfMatches(member, id, out);