Ejemplo n.º 1
static int __init testfunc(void)
	unsigned char	buf[6];
	unsigned char	i, j;
	unsigned int	ret;

	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]byte stream fifo test start\n");

	/* put string into the fifo */
	kfifo_in(&test, "hello", 5);

	/* put values into the fifo */
	for (i = 0; i != 10; i++)
		kfifo_put(&test, &i);

	/* show the number of used elements */
	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]fifo len: %u\n", kfifo_len(&test));

	/* get max of 5 bytes from the fifo */
	i = kfifo_out(&test, buf, 5);
	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]buf: %.*s\n", i, buf);

	/* get max of 2 elements from the fifo */
	ret = kfifo_out(&test, buf, 2);
	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]ret: %d\n", ret);
	/* and put it back to the end of the fifo */
	ret = kfifo_in(&test, buf, ret);
	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]ret: %d\n", ret);

	/* skip first element of the fifo */
	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]skip 1st element\n");

	/* put values into the fifo until is full */
	for (i = 20; kfifo_put(&test, &i); i++)

	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]queue len: %u\n", kfifo_len(&test));

	/* show the first value without removing from the fifo */
	if (kfifo_peek(&test, &i))
		printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]%d\n", i);

	/* check the correctness of all values in the fifo */
	j = 0;
	while (kfifo_get(&test, &i)) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "item = %d\n", i);
		if (i != expected_result[j++]) {
			printk(KERN_WARNING "value mismatch: test failed\n");
			return -EIO;
	if (j != ARRAY_SIZE(expected_result)) {
		printk(KERN_WARNING "size mismatch: test failed\n");
		return -EIO;
	printk(KERN_INFO "[fifo]test passed\n");

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static ssize_t threadrw_write_onece(
	struct threadrw_write_task *task,
	struct file *file,
	struct stream_buf_s *stbuf,
	const char __user *buf, size_t count)
	struct threadrw_buf *rwbuf = NULL;
	int ret = 0;
	int to_write;

	if (!kfifo_get(&task->freefifo, (void *)&rwbuf)) {
		if (task->errors)
			return task->errors;
		return -EAGAIN;

	to_write = min_t(u32, rwbuf->buffer_size, count);
	if (copy_from_user(rwbuf->vbuffer, buf, to_write)) {
		kfifo_put(&task->freefifo, (const void *)buf);
		ret = -EFAULT;
		goto err;
	rwbuf->data_size = to_write;
	rwbuf->write_off = 0;
	kfifo_put(&task->datafifo, (const void *)rwbuf);
	threadrw_schedule_delayed_work(task, 0);
	return to_write;
	return ret;
static int __init testfunc(void)
	int		buf[6];
	int		i, j;
	unsigned int	ret;

	printk(KERN_INFO "int fifo test start\n");

	for (i = 0; i != 10; i++)
		kfifo_put(&test, &i);

	printk(KERN_INFO "fifo len: %u\n", kfifo_len(&test));

	ret = kfifo_out(&test, buf, 2);
	printk(KERN_INFO "ret: %d\n", ret);
	ret = kfifo_in(&test, buf, ret);
	printk(KERN_INFO "ret: %d\n", ret);

	printk(KERN_INFO "skip 1st element\n");

	for (i = 20; kfifo_put(&test, &i); i++)

	printk(KERN_INFO "queue len: %u\n", kfifo_len(&test));

	if (kfifo_peek(&test, &i))
		printk(KERN_INFO "%d\n", i);

	j = 0;
	while (kfifo_get(&test, &i)) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "item = %d\n", i);
		if (i != expected_result[j++]) {
			printk(KERN_WARNING "value mismatch: test failed\n");
			return -EIO;
	if (j != ARRAY_SIZE(expected_result)) {
		printk(KERN_WARNING "size mismatch: test failed\n");
		return -EIO;
	printk(KERN_INFO "test passed\n");

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void nc_handler(void *ctx, char *pkt, unsigned len)
	struct nc_priv *priv = g_priv;
	unsigned char *packet = net_eth_to_udp_payload(pkt);

	kfifo_put(priv->fifo, packet, net_eth_to_udplen(pkt));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * usb_serial_generic_write - generic write function for serial USB devices
 * @tty:	Pointer to &struct tty_struct for the device
 * @port:	Pointer to the &usb_serial_port structure for the device
 * @buf:	Pointer to the data to write
 * @count:	Number of bytes to write
 * Returns the number of characters actually written, which may be anything
 * from zero to @count. If an error occurs, it returns the negative errno
 * value.
int usb_serial_generic_write(struct tty_struct *tty,
                             struct usb_serial_port *port, const unsigned char *buf, int count)
    struct usb_serial *serial = port->serial;
    int result;

    dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);

    if (count == 0) {
        dbg("%s - write request of 0 bytes", __func__);
        return 0;

    /* only do something if we have a bulk out endpoint */
    if (!serial->num_bulk_out)
        return 0;

    if (serial->type->max_in_flight_urbs)
        return usb_serial_multi_urb_write(tty, port,
                                          buf, count);

    count = kfifo_put(port->write_fifo, buf, count);
    result = usb_serial_generic_write_start(port);

    if (result >= 0)
        result = count;

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static s32 usart1_irq_send(u8* buff, u32 buff_len)
		u8 BoxErr  = 0;				//邮箱接收错误标志
		u8 tx_data = 0;

		if(buff_len == 0)
				return 0;
		while(USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_TXE) == RESET); //如果连续调用此函数,等待发送数据寄存器为空,也就是等待上一次发送的数据已经发送完毕
		//while(USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET); //如果连续调用此函数,等待发送数据寄存器为空,也就是等待上一次发送的数据已经发送完毕

		if( 0 == kfifo_getc( &tx_fifo,&tx_data ) )

			USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_TXE, ENABLE);						//开启发送中断

		if(BoxErr != 0)
			return 0;
		return buff_len;			
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* stp_uart_tty_receive()
 *     Called by tty low level driver when receive data is
 *     available.
 * Arguments:  tty          pointer to tty isntance data
 *             data         pointer to received data
 *             flags        pointer to flags for data
 *             count        count of received data in bytes
 * Return Value:    None
static void stp_uart_tty_receive(struct tty_struct *tty, const u8 *data, char *flags, int count)
    unsigned int written;

    //UART_LOUD_FUNC("URX:%d\n", count);
    if (unlikely(count > 2000)) {
        UART_WARN_FUNC("abnormal: buffer count = %d\n", count);

    if (unlikely(!g_stp_uart_rx_fifo || !g_stp_uart_rx_work || !g_stp_uart_rx_wq)) {
        UART_ERR_FUNC("abnormal g_stp_uart_rx_fifo(0x%p),g_stp_uart_rx_work(0x%p),g_stp_uart_rx_wq(0x%p)\n",
            g_stp_uart_rx_fifo, g_stp_uart_rx_work, g_stp_uart_rx_wq);

    /* need to check available buffer size? skip! */

    /* need to lock fifo? skip for single writer single reader! */

    written = kfifo_put(g_stp_uart_rx_fifo, (unsigned char *) data, count);
    written = kfifo_in(g_stp_uart_rx_fifo, (unsigned char *) data, count);

    queue_work(g_stp_uart_rx_wq, g_stp_uart_rx_work);

    if (unlikely(written != count)) {
        UART_ERR_FUNC("c(%d),w(%d) bytes dropped\n", count, written);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 * nfs_read_req - Read File on NFS Server
static int nfs_read_req(struct file_priv *priv, int offset, int readlen)
	uint32_t data[1024];
	uint32_t *p;
	uint32_t *filedata;
	int len;
	int ret;
	int rlen;

	p = &(data[0]);
	p = rpc_add_credentials(p);

	memcpy (p, priv->filefh, NFS_FHSIZE);
	p += (NFS_FHSIZE / 4);
	*p++ = htonl(offset);
	*p++ = htonl(readlen);
	*p++ = 0;

	len = p - &(data[0]);

	ret = rpc_req(priv->npriv, PROG_NFS, NFS_READ, data, len);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	filedata = (uint32_t *)(nfs_packet + sizeof(struct rpc_reply));

	rlen = ntohl(net_read_uint32(filedata + 18));

	kfifo_put(priv->fifo, (char *)(filedata + 19), rlen);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void printl(const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list args;
	int len;
	struct timeval now;
	char tbuf[256];

	va_start(args, fmt);

	now.tv_sec -= tcpw.tstart.tv_sec;
	now.tv_usec -= tcpw.tstart.tv_usec;
	if (now.tv_usec < 0) {
		now.tv_usec += 1000000;

	len = sprintf(tbuf, "%lu.%06lu ",
		      (unsigned long) now.tv_sec,
		      (unsigned long) now.tv_usec);
	len += vscnprintf(tbuf+len, sizeof(tbuf)-len, fmt, args);

	kfifo_put(tcpw.fifo, tbuf, len);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void mt76x2_mac_poll_tx_status(struct mt76x2_dev *dev, bool irq)
	struct mt76x2_tx_status stat = {};
	unsigned long flags;
	u8 update = 1;
	bool ret;

	if (!test_bit(MT76_STATE_RUNNING, &dev->mt76.state))


	while (!irq || !kfifo_is_full(&dev->txstatus_fifo)) {
		spin_lock_irqsave(&dev->irq_lock, flags);
		ret = mt76x2_mac_load_tx_status(dev, &stat);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->irq_lock, flags);

		if (!ret)

		trace_mac_txstat_fetch(dev, &stat);

		if (!irq) {
			mt76x2_send_tx_status(dev, &stat, &update);

		kfifo_put(&dev->txstatus_fifo, stat);
Ejemplo n.º 11
UNS8 canSend_driver(CAN_HANDLE fd0, Message const *m)
	int i;

	printk(KERN_INFO "%x->[ ", (CANPipe*)fd0 - &canpipes[0]); 
	for(i=0; i < MAX_NB_CAN_PIPES; i++)
		if(canpipes[i].used && &canpipes[i] != (CANPipe*)fd0)
			printk("%x ",i);	
	printk(" ]");
	// send to all readers, except myself
	for(i=0; i < MAX_NB_CAN_PIPES; i++)
		if(canpipes[i].used && &canpipes[i] != (CANPipe*)fd0)
			unsigned int len;
			len = kfifo_put (canpipes[i].pipe, (unsigned char *)m, sizeof(Message));
			if (len != sizeof(Message)) {
				printk(KERN_NOTICE "can_virtual: error sending data to kernel fifo.\n");
				return 1;

			// wake up canReceive_driver()
			wake_up_interruptible (&canpipes[i].w_queue);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static int tftp_write(struct device_d *_dev, FILE *f, const void *inbuf,
		size_t insize)
	struct file_priv *priv = f->inode;
	size_t size, now;
	int ret;

	debug("%s: %zu\n", __func__, insize);

	size = insize;

	while (size) {
		now = kfifo_put(priv->fifo, inbuf, size);

		while (kfifo_len(priv->fifo) >= priv->blocksize) {
			kfifo_get(priv->fifo, priv->buf, priv->blocksize);

			tftp_send_write(priv, priv->buf, priv->blocksize);

			while (priv->state == STATE_WAITACK) {
				ret = tftp_poll(priv);
				if (ret == TFTP_ERR_RESEND)
					tftp_send_write(priv, priv->buf,
				if (ret < 0)
					return ret;
		size -= now;
		inbuf += now;

	return insize;
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* stp_uart_tty_receive()
 *     Called by tty low level driver when receive data is
 *     available.
 * Arguments:  tty          pointer to tty isntance data
 *             data         pointer to received data
 *             flags        pointer to flags for data
 *             count        count of received data in bytes
 * Return Value:    None
static void stp_uart_tty_receive(struct tty_struct *tty, const u8 *data, char *flags, int count)
    unsigned int fifo_avail_len;/* = LDISC_RX_FIFO_SIZE - kfifo_len(g_stp_uart_rx_fifo);*/
    unsigned int how_much_put = 0;

#if 0
        struct timeval now;
        printk("[+STP][  ][R] %4d --> sec = %lu, --> usec --> %lu\n",
            count, now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec);


    if (count > 2000) {
        /*this is abnormal*/
        UART_ERR_FUNC("abnormal: buffer count = %d\n", count);
    /*How much empty seat?*/
    fifo_avail_len = LDISC_RX_FIFO_SIZE - kfifo_len(g_stp_uart_rx_fifo);
    if (fifo_avail_len > 0) {
        //UART_INFO_FUNC ("fifo left(%d), count(%d)\n", fifo_avail_len, count);
        how_much_put = kfifo_put(g_stp_uart_rx_fifo,(unsigned char *) data, count);
        how_much_put = kfifo_in(g_stp_uart_rx_fifo,(unsigned char *) data, count);

        /* George Test */

        /*schedule it!*/
    else {
        UART_ERR_FUNC("stp_uart_tty_receive rxfifo is full!!\n");

#if 0
        struct timeval now;
        printk("[-STP][  ][R] %4d --> sec = %lu, --> usec --> %lu\n",
            count, now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec);

    /* George Test */

Ejemplo n.º 14
/* Must be called with dev->event_lock held */
void __armada_drm_queue_unref_work(struct drm_device *dev,
                                   struct drm_framebuffer *fb)
    struct armada_private *priv = dev->dev_private;

    WARN_ON(!kfifo_put(&priv->fb_unref, fb));
Ejemplo n.º 15
void srp_iu_put(struct iu_entry *iue)
	kfifo_put(iue->target->iu_queue.queue, (void *) &iue, sizeof(void *));
	kfifo_in_locked(&iue->target->iu_queue.queue, (void *) &iue,
			sizeof(void *), &iue->target->iu_queue.lock);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * drm_flip_work_queue - queue work
 * @work: the flip-work
 * @val: the value to queue
 * Queues work, that will later be run (passed back to drm_flip_func_t
 * func) on a work queue after drm_flip_work_commit() is called.
void drm_flip_work_queue(struct drm_flip_work *work, void *val)
	if (kfifo_put(&work->fifo, val)) {
	} else {
		DRM_ERROR("%s fifo full!\n", work->name);
		work->func(work, val);
Ejemplo n.º 17
/* Transmitter */
static int cx25840_ir_tx_write(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, u8 *buf, size_t count,
			       ssize_t *num)
	struct cx25840_ir_state *ir_state = to_ir_state(sd);
	struct i2c_client *c;

	if (ir_state == NULL)
		return -ENODEV;

	c = ir_state->c;
#if 0
	 * FIXME - the code below is an incomplete and untested sketch of what
	 * may need to be done.  The critical part is to get 4 (or 8) pulses
	 * from the tx_kfifo, or converted from ns to the proper units from the
	 * input, and push them off to the hardware Tx FIFO right away, if the
	 * HW TX fifo needs service.  The rest can be pushed to the tx_kfifo in
	 * a less critical timeframe.  Also watch out for overruning the
	 * tx_kfifo - don't let it happen and let the caller know not all his
	 * pulses were written.
	u32 *ns_pulse = (u32 *) buf;
	unsigned int n;
	u32 fifo_pulse[FIFO_TX_DEPTH];
	u32 mark;

	/* Compute how much we can fit in the tx kfifo */
	n = CX25840_IR_TX_KFIFO_SIZE - kfifo_len(ir_state->tx_kfifo);
	n = min(n, (unsigned int) count);
	n /= sizeof(u32);

	/* FIXME - turn on Tx Fifo service interrupt
	 * check hardware fifo level, and other stuff
	for (i = 0; i < n; ) {
		for (j = 0; j < FIFO_TX_DEPTH / 2 && i < n; j++) {
			mark = ns_pulse[i] & LEVEL_MASK;
			fifo_pulse[j] = ns_to_pulse_width_count(
					 ns_pulse[i] &
			if (mark)
				fifo_pulse[j] &= FIFO_RXTX_LVL;
		kfifo_put(ir_state->tx_kfifo, (u8 *) fifo_pulse,
							       j * sizeof(u32));
	*num = n * sizeof(u32);
	/* For now enable the Tx FIFO Service interrupt & pretend we did work */
	irqenable_tx(sd, IRQEN_TSE);
	*num = count;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static void sun4i_drv_traverse_endpoints(struct endpoint_list *list,
					 struct device_node *node,
					 int port_id)
	struct device_node *ep, *remote, *port;

	port = of_graph_get_port_by_id(node, port_id);
	if (!port) {
		DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("No output to bind on port %d\n", port_id);

	for_each_available_child_of_node(port, ep) {
		remote = of_graph_get_remote_port_parent(ep);
		if (!remote) {
			DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Error retrieving the output node\n");

		if (sun4i_drv_node_is_tcon(node)) {
			 * TCON TOP is always probed before TCON. However, TCON
			 * points back to TCON TOP when it is source for HDMI.
			 * We have to skip it here to prevent infinite looping
			 * between TCON TOP and TCON.
			if (sun4i_drv_node_is_tcon_top(remote)) {
				DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("TCON output endpoint is TCON TOP... skipping\n");

			 * If the node is our TCON with channel 0, the first
			 * port is used for panel or bridges, and will not be
			 * part of the component framework.
			if (sun4i_drv_node_is_tcon_with_ch0(node)) {
				struct of_endpoint endpoint;

				if (of_graph_parse_endpoint(ep, &endpoint)) {
					DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Couldn't parse endpoint\n");

				if (!endpoint.id) {
					DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("Endpoint is our panel... skipping\n");

		kfifo_put(&list->fifo, remote);
Ejemplo n.º 19
static int __init testfunc(void)
	unsigned char	buf[6];
	unsigned char	i;
	unsigned int	ret;

	printk(KERN_INFO "byte stream fifo test start\n");

	/* put string into the fifo */
	kfifo_in(&test, "hello", 5);

	/* put values into the fifo */
	for (i = 0; i != 10; i++)
		kfifo_put(&test, &i);

	/* show the number of used elements */
	printk(KERN_INFO "fifo len: %u\n", kfifo_len(&test));

	/* get max of 5 bytes from the fifo */
	i = kfifo_out(&test, buf, 5);
	printk(KERN_INFO "buf: %.*s\n", i, buf);

	/* get max of 2 elements from the fifo */
	ret = kfifo_out(&test, buf, 2);
	printk(KERN_INFO "ret: %d\n", ret);
	/* and put it back to the end of the fifo */
	ret = kfifo_in(&test, buf, ret);
	printk(KERN_INFO "ret: %d\n", ret);

	/* put values into the fifo until is full */
	for (i = 20; kfifo_put(&test, &i); i++)

	printk(KERN_INFO "queue len: %u\n", kfifo_len(&test));

	/* print out all values in the fifo */
	while (kfifo_get(&test, &i))
		printk("%d ", i);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static void inline add2kfifo(const unsigned char *pdata,const unsigned int len)
    if(kfifo_len(g_kfifo) < MAX_BUF_SIZE)
Ejemplo n.º 21
static size_t uart16550_write(struct file *filp, const char *user_buffer, size_t size, loff_t *offset)
        struct task_struct **task_user_push_data = ftask_user_push_data(filp->private_data);
        struct kfifo* data_from_user = fdata_from_user(filp->private_data);
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i<size; i++){
        return size;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static int do_write_work_in(struct threadrw_write_task *task)
	struct threadrw_buf *rwbuf = NULL;
	int ret;
	int need_re_write = 0;
	int write_len = 0;
	unsigned long flags;

	if (kfifo_is_empty(&task->datafifo))
		return 0;
	if (!kfifo_peek(&task->datafifo, (void *)&rwbuf))
		return 0;
	if (task->codec_mm_buffer && !rwbuf->write_off)

	ret = task->write(task->file, task->sbuf,
		(const char __user *)rwbuf->dma_handle + rwbuf->write_off,
		3);	/* noblock,phy addr */
	if (ret == -EAGAIN) {
		need_re_write = 0;
		/*do later retry. */
	} else if (ret >= rwbuf->data_size) {
		write_len += rwbuf->data_size;
		if (kfifo_get(&task->datafifo, (void *)&rwbuf)) {
			rwbuf->data_size = 0;
			kfifo_put(&task->freefifo, (const void *)rwbuf);
			/*wakeup write thread. */
		} else
			pr_err("write ok,but kfifo_get data failed.!!!\n");
		need_re_write = 1;
	} else if (ret > 0) {
		rwbuf->data_size -= ret;	/* half data write */
		rwbuf->write_off += ret;
		write_len += ret;
		need_re_write = 1;
	} else {		/*ret <=0 */
		pr_err("get errors ret=%d size=%d\n", ret,
		task->errors = ret;
	if (write_len > 0) {
		task->passed_data_len += write_len;
		spin_lock_irqsave(&task->lock, flags);
		task->buffered_data_size -= write_len;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&task->lock, flags);
	return need_re_write;

Ejemplo n.º 23
static int init_task_buffers(struct threadrw_write_task *task, int num,
							 int block_size)
	struct threadrw_buf *rwbuf;
	int i;
	int used_codec_mm = 1;
	int buffers_num = num;
	if (used_codec_mm && (block_size * buffers_num) >= 128 * 1024) {
		int total_mm = ALIGN(block_size * buffers_num, (1 << 17));
		task->codec_mm_buffer = codec_mm_alloc_for_dma(BUF_NAME,
					total_mm / PAGE_SIZE, 0,
		task->buffer_size = total_mm;
		buffers_num = total_mm / block_size;
	for (i = 0; i < buffers_num; i++) {
		rwbuf = &task->buf[i];
		rwbuf->buffer_size = block_size > 0 ?
					block_size : DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
		if (task->codec_mm_buffer) {
			rwbuf->buffer_size = block_size;
			if (i == buffers_num - 1)
				rwbuf->buffer_size = task->buffer_size -
						block_size * i;
			rwbuf->dma_handle = (dma_addr_t) task->codec_mm_buffer +
						block_size * i;
			rwbuf->vbuffer = codec_mm_phys_to_virt(

		} else {
			rwbuf->vbuffer = dma_alloc_coherent(
					&rwbuf->dma_handle, GFP_KERNEL);
			if (!rwbuf->vbuffer) {
				rwbuf->buffer_size = 0;
				rwbuf->dma_handle = 0;
				task->max_buf = i + 1;
			task->buffer_size += rwbuf->buffer_size;

		kfifo_put(&task->freefifo, (const void *)rwbuf);
		task->max_buf = i + 1;
	if (task->max_buf >= 3 || task->max_buf == num)
		return 0;	/*must >=3 for swap buffers. */
	if (task->max_buf > 0)
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static void tmsi_enqueue_data(struct tmsi_data *dev, const char * buffer, size_t length)
    if (length == 0)
    kfifo_in_spinlocked(dev->packet_buffer, buffer, length, &dev->buffer_lock);
    kfifo_in_locked(dev->packet_buffer, buffer, length, &dev->buffer_lock);
    kfifo_put(dev->packet_buffer, buffer, length);
Ejemplo n.º 25
Archivo: kfifo.c Proyecto: rosrez/drv2
static int __init fifo_init(void)
    int i, val, ret;

    ret = kfifo_alloc(&fifo, size * sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (ret)
        return -ENOMEM;

    printk("%s: populating fifo\n", MODNAME);
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) 
        kfifo_put(&fifo, i + 1);

#if 0
    printk("%s: iterating over fifo\n", MODNAME);

    /* dequeue one item -- and discard it */
    if (!kfifo_get(&fifo, &val))
        /* use the result and silence the compiler */;

    /* enqueue one more item */
    kfifo_put(&fifo, size + 1);

#if 0
    printk("%s: iterating over updated fifo\n", MODNAME);

    printk("printing -- draining the queue\n");
    i = 1;
    while(kfifo_get(&fifo, &val)) {
        printk("item[%d] = %d\n", i++, val);
    printk("%s: init complete\n", MODNAME);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void unpin(void *arg, struct drm_gem_object *bo)
	struct drm_plane *plane = arg;
	struct omap_plane *omap_plane = to_omap_plane(plane);

	if (kfifo_put(&omap_plane->unpin_fifo,
			(const struct drm_gem_object **)&bo)) {
		/* also hold a ref so it isn't free'd while pinned */
	} else {
		dev_err(plane->dev->dev, "unpin fifo full!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * ir_raw_event_store() - pass a pulse/space duration to the raw ir decoders
 * @dev:	the struct rc_dev device descriptor
 * @ev:		the struct ir_raw_event descriptor of the pulse/space
 * This routine (which may be called from an interrupt context) stores a
 * pulse/space duration for the raw ir decoding state machines. Pulses are
 * signalled as positive values and spaces as negative values. A zero value
 * will reset the decoding state machines.
int ir_raw_event_store(struct rc_dev *dev, struct ir_raw_event *ev)
	if (!dev->raw)
		return -EINVAL;

	IR_dprintk(2, "sample: (%05dus %s)\n",
		   TO_US(ev->duration), TO_STR(ev->pulse));

	if (!kfifo_put(&dev->raw->kfifo, *ev)) {
		dev_err(&dev->dev, "IR event FIFO is full!\n");
		return -ENOSPC;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static int gs_put_char(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned char ch)
	struct gs_port	*port = tty->driver_data;
	unsigned long	flags;
	int		status;

	pr_vdebug("gs_put_char: (%d,%p) char=0x%x, called from %ps\n",
		port->port_num, tty, ch, __builtin_return_address(0));

	spin_lock_irqsave(&port->port_lock, flags);
	status = kfifo_put(&port->port_write_buf, ch);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->port_lock, flags);

	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 29
/* Must be called with dev->event_lock held */
void __armada_drm_queue_unref_work(struct drm_device *dev,
	struct drm_framebuffer *fb)
	struct armada_private *priv = dev->dev_private;

	 * Yes, we really must jump through these hoops just to store a
	 * _pointer_ to something into the kfifo.  This is utterly insane
	 * and idiotic, because it kfifo requires the _data_ pointed to by
	 * the pointer const, not the pointer itself.  Not only that, but
	 * you have to pass a pointer _to_ the pointer you want stored.
	const struct drm_framebuffer *silly_api_alert = fb;
	WARN_ON(!kfifo_put(&priv->fb_unref, &silly_api_alert));
Ejemplo n.º 30
void BSP_Ser_WrStr_To_Buffer( char *p_str )
    CPU_INT16U len;
    CPU_INT16U temp;

    len  = strlen( p_str );
    temp = kfifo_get_free_space( &DBG_UART_Send_kFIFO );
    if( len > temp ) {
        len = temp ;      
        debug_uart_fifo_oveflow_counter++ ;        
    kfifo_put( &DBG_UART_Send_kFIFO, (unsigned char *)p_str,  len); 