Ejemplo n.º 1
static SoundDeviceDescription *lookup_sound_device(const char *manufacturer, const char* model, const char *platform) {
	MSList *list = sound_device_descriptions;
	SoundDeviceDescription *d;
	for(; list != NULL; list = list->next) {
		d = (SoundDeviceDescription*) list->data;
		if (strcasecmp(d->manufacturer, manufacturer) == 0 
			&& strcmp(d->model, model) == 0
			&& platform && d->platform && strcmp(d->platform, platform)==0) {
			return d;
	d = &devices[0];
	while (d->manufacturer != NULL) {
		if (strcasecmp(d->manufacturer, manufacturer) == 0
			&& strcmp(d->model, model) == 0
			&& platform && d->platform && strcmp(d->platform, platform)==0) {
			return d;
	if (platform){
		/*retry without platform*/
		return lookup_sound_device(manufacturer, model, NULL);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
SoundDeviceDescription * sound_device_description_get(void){
	SoundDeviceDescription *d;
	char manufacturer[PROP_VALUE_MAX]={0};
	char model[PROP_VALUE_MAX]={0};
	char platform[PROP_VALUE_MAX]={0};
	bool_t exact_match=FALSE;
	bool_t declares_builtin_aec=FALSE;

#ifdef ANDROID
	if (__system_property_get("ro.product.manufacturer",manufacturer)<=0){
		ms_warning("Could not get product manufacturer.");
	if (__system_property_get("ro.product.model",model)<=0){
		ms_warning("Could not get product model.");
	if (__system_property_get("ro.board.platform",platform)<=0){
		ms_warning("Could not get board platform.");
	/* First ask android if the device has an hardware echo canceller (only >=4.2)*/
		JNIEnv *env=ms_get_jni_env();
		jclass aecClass = (*env)->FindClass(env,"android/media/audiofx/AcousticEchoCanceler");
		if (aecClass!=NULL){
			jmethodID isAvailableID = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env,aecClass,"isAvailable","()Z");
			if (isAvailableID!=NULL){
				jboolean ret=(*env)->CallStaticBooleanMethod(env,aecClass,isAvailableID);
				if (ret){
					ms_message("This device (%s/%s/%s) declares it has a built-in echo canceller.",manufacturer,model,platform);
				}else ms_message("This device (%s/%s/%s) says it has no built-in echo canceller.",manufacturer,model,platform);
				ms_error("isAvailable() not found in class AcousticEchoCanceler !");
				(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); //very important.
			(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); //very important.
	d=lookup_sound_device(manufacturer, model, platform);
	if (!d){
		ms_message("No AEC information available for  [%s/%s/%s],",manufacturer,model,platform);
		ms_message("Found AEC information for [%s/%s/%s] from internal table",manufacturer,model,platform);
	if (declares_builtin_aec){
		if (exact_match && (d->flags & DEVICE_HAS_BUILTIN_AEC_CRAPPY)){
			ms_warning("This device declares a builtin AEC but according to internal tables it is known to be misfunctionning, so trusting tables.");
	if (d->flags & DEVICE_HAS_CRAPPY_ANDROID_FASTTRACK) ms_warning("Fasttrack playback mode is crappy on this device, not using it.");
	if (d->flags & DEVICE_HAS_CRAPPY_ANDROID_FASTRECORD) ms_warning("Fasttrack record mode is crappy on this device, not using it.");
	if (d->flags & DEVICE_HAS_UNSTANDARD_LIBMEDIA) ms_warning("This device has unstandart libmedia.");
	ms_message("Sound device information for [%s/%s/%s] is: builtin=[%s], delay=[%i] ms",
				manufacturer,model,platform, (d->flags & DEVICE_HAS_BUILTIN_AEC) ? "yes" : "no", d->delay);
	return d;