Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Process a keypress event
 * Also appears in "main-x11.c".
static void react_keypress(XKeyEvent *xev)
	int i, n, mc, ms, mo, mx;

	uint ks1;

	XKeyEvent *ev = (XKeyEvent*)(xev);

	KeySym ks;

	char buf[128];
	char msg[128];

	/* Check for "normal" keypresses */
	n = XLookupString(ev, buf, 125, &ks, NULL);

	/* Terminate */
	buf[n] = '\0';

	/* Hack -- Ignore "modifier keys" */
	if (IsModifierKey(ks)) return;

	/* Hack -- convert into an unsigned int */
	ks1 = (uint)(ks);

	/* Extract four "modifier flags" */
	mc = (ev->state & ControlMask) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	ms = (ev->state & ShiftMask) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	mo = (ev->state & Mod1Mask) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	mx = (ev->state & Mod2Mask) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	/* Normal keys with no modifiers */
	if (n && !mo && !mx && !IsSpecialKey(ks))
		/* Enqueue the normal key(s) */
		for (i = 0; buf[i]; i++) Term_keypress(buf[i]);

		/* All done */

	/* Handle a few standard keys (bypass modifiers) XXX XXX XXX */
	switch (ks1)
		case XK_Escape:

		case XK_Return:

		case XK_Tab:

		case XK_Delete:
		case XK_BackSpace:

	/* Hack -- Use the KeySym */
	if (ks)
		sprintf(msg, "%c%s%s%s%s_%lX%c", 31,
		        mc ? "N" : "", ms ? "S" : "",
		        mo ? "O" : "", mx ? "M" : "",
		        (unsigned long)(ks), 13);

	/* Hack -- Use the Keycode */
		sprintf(msg, "%c%s%s%s%sK_%X%c", 31,
		        mc ? "N" : "", ms ? "S" : "",
		        mo ? "O" : "", mx ? "M" : "",
		        ev->keycode, 13);

	/* Enqueue the "macro trigger" string */
	for (i = 0; msg[i]; i++) Term_keypress(msg[i]);

	/* Hack -- auto-define macros as needed */
	if (n && (macro_find_exact(msg) < 0))
		/* Create a macro */
		macro_add(msg, buf);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: cmd4.c Proyecto: jcubic/ToME
 * Interact with "macros"
 * Note that the macro "action" must be defined before the trigger.
 * Could use some helpful instructions on this page.  XXX XXX XXX
void do_cmd_macros(void)
	s32b i;

	char tmp[1024];

	char buf[1024];

	s32b mode;

	/* Roguelike */
	if (rogue_like_commands)

	/* Original */

	/* Enter "icky" mode */

	/* Save screen */

	/* Process requests until done */
	while (1)
		/* Clear screen */

		/* Describe */
		prt("Interact with Macros", 2, 0);

		/* Describe that action */
		prt("Current action (if any) shown below:", 20, 0);

		/* Analyze the current action */
		ascii_to_text(buf, macro__buf);

		/* Display the current action */
		prt(buf, 22, 0);

		/* Selections */
		prt("(1) Load a user pref file", 4, 5);
		prt("(2) Append macros to a file", 5, 5);
		prt("(3) Query a macro", 6, 5);
		prt("(4) Create a macro", 7, 5);
		prt("(5) Remove a macro", 8, 5);
		prt("(6) Append keymaps to a file", 9, 5);
		prt("(7) Query a keymap", 10, 5);
		prt("(8) Create a keymap", 11, 5);
		prt("(9) Remove a keymap", 12, 5);
		prt("(0) Enter a new action", 13, 5);
#endif /* ALLOW_MACROS */

		/* Prompt */
		prt("Command: ", 16, 0);

		/* Get a command */
		i = inkey();

		/* Leave */
		if (i == ESCAPE) break;

		/* Load a 'macro' file */
		else if (i == '1')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Load a user pref file", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 18, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 1024, "%s.prf", player_name);

			/* Ask for a file */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 80)) continue;

			/* Process the given filename */
			if (0 != process_pref_file(tmp))
				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Could not load file!");


		/* Save macros */
		else if (i == '2')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Append macros to a file", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 18, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 1024, "%s.prf", player_name);

			/* Ask for a file */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 80)) continue;

			/* Dump the macros */

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Appended macros.");

		/* Query a macro */
		else if (i == '3')
			s32b k;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Query a macro", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Trigger: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a macro trigger */
			do_cmd_macro_aux(buf, TRUE);

			/* Acquire action */
			k = macro_find_exact(buf);

			/* Nothing found */
			if (k < 0)
				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found no macro.");

			/* Found one */
				/* Obtain the action */
				strcpy(macro__buf, macro__act[k]);

				/* Analyze the current action */
				ascii_to_text(buf, macro__buf);

				/* Display the current action */
				prt(buf, 22, 0);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found a macro.");

		/* Create a macro */
		else if (i == '4')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Create a macro", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Trigger: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a macro trigger */
			do_cmd_macro_aux(buf, TRUE);

			/* Clear */

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Action: ", 20, 0);

			/* Convert to text */
			ascii_to_text(tmp, macro__buf);

			/* Get an encoded action */
			if (askfor_aux(tmp, 80))
				/* Convert to ascii */
				text_to_ascii(macro__buf, tmp);

				/* Link the macro */
				macro_add(buf, macro__buf);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Added a macro.");

		/* Remove a macro */
		else if (i == '5')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Remove a macro", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Trigger: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a macro trigger */
			do_cmd_macro_aux(buf, TRUE);

			/* Link the macro */
			macro_add(buf, buf);

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Removed a macro.");

		/* Save keymaps */
		else if (i == '6')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Append keymaps to a file", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("File: ", 18, 0);

			/* Default filename */
			strnfmt(tmp, 1024, "%s.prf", player_name);

			/* Ask for a file */
			if (!askfor_aux(tmp, 80)) continue;

			/* Dump the macros */

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Appended keymaps.");

		/* Query a keymap */
		else if (i == '7')
			cptr act;

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Query a keymap", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Keypress: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a keymap trigger */

			/* Look up the keymap */
			act = keymap_act[mode][(byte)(buf[0])];

			/* Nothing found */
			if (!act)
				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found no keymap.");

			/* Found one */
				/* Obtain the action */
				strcpy(macro__buf, act);

				/* Analyze the current action */
				ascii_to_text(buf, macro__buf);

				/* Display the current action */
				prt(buf, 22, 0);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Found a keymap.");

		/* Create a keymap */
		else if (i == '8')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Create a keymap", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Keypress: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a keymap trigger */

			/* Clear */

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Action: ", 20, 0);

			/* Convert to text */
			ascii_to_text(tmp, macro__buf);

			/* Get an encoded action */
			if (askfor_aux(tmp, 80))
				/* Convert to ascii */
				text_to_ascii(macro__buf, tmp);

				/* Free old keymap */

				/* Make new keymap */
				keymap_act[mode][(byte)(buf[0])] = string_make(macro__buf);

				/* Prompt */
				msg_print("Added a keymap.");

		/* Remove a keymap */
		else if (i == '9')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Remove a keymap", 16, 0);

			/* Prompt */
			prt("Keypress: ", 18, 0);

			/* Get a keymap trigger */

			/* Free old keymap */

			/* Make new keymap */
			keymap_act[mode][(byte)(buf[0])] = NULL;

			/* Prompt */
			msg_print("Removed a keymap.");

		/* Enter a new action */
		else if (i == '0')
			/* Prompt */
			prt("Command: Enter a new action", 16, 0);

			/* Go to the correct location */
			Term_gotoxy(0, 22);

			/* Hack -- limit the value */
			tmp[80] = '\0';

			/* Get an encoded action */
			if (!askfor_aux(buf, 80)) continue;

			/* Extract an action */
			text_to_ascii(macro__buf, buf);

#endif /* ALLOW_MACROS */

		/* Oops */
			/* Oops */

		/* Flush messages */

	/* Load screen */

	/* Leave "icky" mode */