Ejemplo n.º 1
// Matrix power by squaring: P = A^b (A is garbage on exit)
static void matpow_by_squaring(double *A, int n, int b, double *P)
  double *TMP;
  mateye(n, P);
  // Trivial cases
  if (b == 0)
  if (b == 1)
    matcopy(n, A, P);
  // General case
  TMP = malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
  while (b)
    if (b&1)
      matprod(n, P, A, TMP);
      matcopy(n, TMP, P);
    b >>= 1;
    matprod(n, A, A, TMP);
    matcopy(n, TMP, A);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* The gateway function */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    double *inMatrix1;               /* 1xN input matrix */
    double *inMatrix2;               /* 1xN input matrix */
    size_t ncols;                   /* size of matrix */
    double *outMatrix;              /* output matrix */

    /* check for proper number of arguments */
    if(nrhs!=2) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MyToolbox:arrayProduct:nrhs","Two inputs required.");
    if(nlhs!=1) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MyToolbox:arrayProduct:nlhs","One output required.");
    /* get the value of the scalar input  */
    inMatrix1 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);

    /* create a pointer to the real data in the input matrix  */
    inMatrix2 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);

    /* get dimensions of the input matrix */
    ncols = mxGetN(prhs[1]);

    /* create the output matrix */
    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix((mwSize)ncols,(mwSize)ncols,mxREAL);

    /* get a pointer to the real data in the output matrix */
    outMatrix = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

    /* call the computational routine */
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: gnm.c Proyecto: cran/gnm
/* computes matrix product between submatrix of M and vector v */
SEXP submatprod(SEXP M, SEXP v, SEXP am, SEXP nr, SEXP nc) {
  R_len_t  a = INTEGER(am)[0], nrm = INTEGER(nr)[0], ncm = INTEGER(nc)[0];
  SEXP ans;

  PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, nrm));
  matprod(REAL(M) + a, nrm, ncm,
	  REAL(v), ncm, 1, REAL(ans));

Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int c, n_tot, n_inc, nvecs, a, b, L_inc, L_tot, l, i ;
    char *geno_file, *evec_file, *freq_file, *outfile ; //, outfile[250] ;
    double *v, *x, *xx, *y, *freq ;
    bool *snp_include, *indiv_include, *evec_include, rescale=FALSE, verbose=false ;
    FILE *f ;

    while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:N:V:L:g:e:f:o:sv")) != -1) {
	switch(c) {
	case 'a':
	    a = atoi(optarg) - 1; break ;
	case 'b':
	    b = atoi(optarg) ; break ;
	case 'N':
	    n_tot = atoi(optarg) ; break ;
	case 'V':
	    nvecs = atoi(optarg) ; break ;
	case 'L':
	    L_tot = atoi(optarg) ; break ;
	case 'g':
	    geno_file = optarg ; break ;
	case 'e':
	    evec_file = optarg ; break ;
	case 'f':
	    freq_file = optarg ; break ;
	case 'o':
	    outfile = optarg ; break ;
	case 's':
	    rescale = TRUE ; break ;
	case 'v':
	    verbose = true ; break ;
	case '?':
	    ERROR("Unrecognised option") ;

    assert(a >= 0 && b >= a) ;

    // PRINT("%s\t/* Construct inclusion vectors */\n", timestring()) ; fflush(stdout) ;
    indiv_include = NULL ;
    n_inc = n_tot ;
    evec_include = NULL ;
    snp_include = ALLOC(L_tot, bool) ;
    L_inc = 0 ;
    for(l = 0 ; l < L_tot ; l++) {
	snp_include[l] = (l >= a && l < b) ;
	if( snp_include[l] ) L_inc++ ;
    assert(L_inc == b - a) ;
    if(verbose) {
	PRINT("# %s\tComputing projection of genotype data into Principal Coordinate space\n",
	      timestring()) ; fflush(stdout) ;
	PRINT("# number of SNPs = %d\n", L_tot) ;
	// PRINT("# [a,b) = [%d,%d) -> L_inc = %d\n", a, b, L_inc) ;
	PRINT("# number of individuals = %d\n", n_tot) ;
	// PRINT("n_inc = %d\n", n_inc) ;
	PRINT("# number of PCs = %d\n", nvecs) ;
	PRINT("# genotype data file = %s\n", geno_file) ;
	PRINT("# Principal components file = %s\n", evec_file) ;
	PRINT("# Allele frequency file = %s\n", freq_file) ;
	// PRINT("outfile = %s\n", outfile) ;
	PRINT("%s\t/* Read eigenvectors */\n", timestring()) ; fflush(stdout) ;
    // v = nvecs x L_inc, column major
    v = ALLOC(L_inc * nvecs, double) ; // was nvecs * ninc in snpload.c
    f = fopen(evec_file, "r") ;
    read_submatrix_double(f, nvecs, evec_include, L_tot, snp_include,  "%lf", v) ; // differs from snpload.c
    fclose(f) ;
	PRINT("%s\t/* Read genotypes */\n", timestring()) ; fflush(stdout) ;
    // x is n_tot x L_inc, column major
    x = ALLOC(L_inc * n_inc, double) ;
    f = fopen(geno_file, "r") ;
    read_submatrix_genotypes_double(f, n_tot, indiv_include, L_tot, snp_include,  x) ;
    fclose(f) ;

    if(verbose) {
	PRINT("%s\t/* First %d entries of genotypes x: */\n", timestring(), MIN(n_inc*nvecs, 100)) ;
	for(i = 0 ; i < MIN(n_inc*nvecs, 100) ; i++) PRINT("%lf ", x[i]) ;
	putchar('\n') ;

	PRINT("%s\t/* Read freqs */\n", timestring()) ; fflush(stdout) ;
    freq = ALLOC(L_inc, double) ;
    f = fopen(freq_file, "r") ;
    read_submatrix_double(f, L_tot, snp_include, 1, NULL, "%lf", freq) ;
    fclose(f) ;
	PRINT("%s\t/* Set NAs to freq */\n", timestring()) ; fflush(stdout) ;
    xx = x ;
    for(l = 0 ; l < L_inc ; l++)
	for(i = 0 ; i < n_inc ; i++, xx++) {
	    if( rescale ) {
		if(*xx == MISSING) *xx = 0.0 ;
		else {
		    *xx -= 2 * freq[l];
		    *xx /= sqrt(2 * freq[l] * (1 - freq[l]));
	    else if(*xx == MISSING) *xx = 2*freq[l] ;
    if(verbose) {
	PRINT("%s\t/* First %d entries of freqs: */\n", timestring(), MIN(L_inc, 100)) ;
	for(i = 0 ; i < MIN(L_inc, 100) ; i++) PRINT("%lf ", freq[i]) ;
	putchar('\n') ;

	PRINT("%s\t/* Compute projection */\n", timestring()) ; fflush(stdout) ;

    /* Now compute XV' which is n_tot x nvecs */
    y = matprod(x, v, FALSE, TRUE, n_tot, L_inc, nvecs, L_inc, 1.0) ; // differs from snpload.c

    // sprintf(outfile, "%s-%d-%d", outfile_partial, a+1, b) ;
    f = fopen(outfile, "w") ;
    write_matrix_double(y, f, n_tot, nvecs, "%lf ") ; // differs from snpload.c
    fclose(f) ;
    FREE(y) ;
    FREE(snp_include) ;
    FREE(v) ;
    FREE(x) ;
    FREE(freq) ;
    if(verbose) PRINT("%s\t/* Done */\n", timestring()) ;

    return 0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* "%*%" (op = 0), crossprod (op = 1) or tcrossprod (op = 2) */
SEXP attribute_hidden do_earg_matprod(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP arg_x, SEXP arg_y, SEXP rho)
    int ldx, ldy, nrx, ncx, nry, ncy, mode;
    SEXP x = arg_x, y = arg_y, xdims, ydims, ans;
    Rboolean sym;

    sym = isNull(y);
    if (sym && (PRIMVAL(op) > 0)) y = x;
    if ( !(isNumeric(x) || isComplex(x)) || !(isNumeric(y) || isComplex(y)) )
	errorcall(call, _("requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments"));

    xdims = getDimAttrib(x);
    ydims = getDimAttrib(y);
    ldx = length(xdims);
    ldy = length(ydims);

    if (ldx != 2 && ldy != 2) {		/* x and y non-matrices */
	if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
	    nrx = 1;
	    ncx = LENGTH(x);
	else {
	    nrx = LENGTH(x);
	    ncx = 1;
	nry = LENGTH(y);
	ncy = 1;
    else if (ldx != 2) {		/* x not a matrix */
	nry = INTEGER(ydims)[0];
	ncy = INTEGER(ydims)[1];
	nrx = 0;
	ncx = 0;
	if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
	    if (LENGTH(x) == nry) {	/* x as row vector */
		nrx = 1;
		ncx = nry; /* == LENGTH(x) */
	    else if (nry == 1) {	/* x as col vector */
		nrx = LENGTH(x);
		ncx = 1;
	else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) { /* crossprod() */
	    if (LENGTH(x) == nry) {	/* x is a col vector */
		nrx = nry; /* == LENGTH(x) */
		ncx = 1;
	    /* else if (nry == 1) ... not being too tolerant
	       to treat x as row vector, as t(x) *is* row vector */
	else { /* tcrossprod */
	    if (LENGTH(x) == ncy) {	/* x as row vector */
		nrx = 1;
		ncx = ncy; /* == LENGTH(x) */
	    else if (ncy == 1) {	/* x as col vector */
		nrx = LENGTH(x);
		ncx = 1;
    else if (ldy != 2) {		/* y not a matrix */
	nrx = INTEGER(xdims)[0];
	ncx = INTEGER(xdims)[1];
	nry = 0;
	ncy = 0;
	if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
	    if (LENGTH(y) == ncx) {	/* y as col vector */
		nry = ncx;
		ncy = 1;
	    else if (ncx == 1) {	/* y as row vector */
		nry = 1;
		ncy = LENGTH(y);
	else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) { /* crossprod() */
	    if (LENGTH(y) == nrx) {	/* y is a col vector */
		nry = nrx;
		ncy = 1;
	else { /* tcrossprod --		y is a col vector */
	    nry = LENGTH(y);
	    ncy = 1;
    else {				/* x and y matrices */
	nrx = INTEGER(xdims)[0];
	ncx = INTEGER(xdims)[1];
	nry = INTEGER(ydims)[0];
	ncy = INTEGER(ydims)[1];
    /* nr[ow](.) and nc[ol](.) are now defined for x and y */

    if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
	/* primitive, so use call */
	if (ncx != nry)
	    errorcall(call, _("non-conformable arguments"));
    else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) {
	if (nrx != nry)
	    error(_("non-conformable arguments"));
    else {
	if (ncx != ncy)
	    error(_("non-conformable arguments"));

    if (isComplex(x) || isComplex(y))
	mode = CPLXSXP;
	mode = REALSXP;
    x = coerceVector(x, mode);
    y = coerceVector(y, mode);

    if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {			/* op == 0 : matprod() */

	PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(mode, nrx, ncy));
	if (mode == CPLXSXP)
	    cmatprod(COMPLEX(x), nrx, ncx,
		     COMPLEX(y), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
	    matprod(REAL(x), nrx, ncx,
		    REAL(y), nry, ncy, REAL(ans));

	PROTECT(xdims = getDimNamesAttrib(x));
	PROTECT(ydims = getDimNamesAttrib(y));

	if (xdims != R_NilValue || ydims != R_NilValue) {
	    SEXP dimnames, dimnamesnames, dnx=R_NilValue, dny=R_NilValue;

	    /* allocate dimnames and dimnamesnames */

	    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
	    PROTECT(dimnamesnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
	    if (xdims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldx == 2 || ncx == 1) {
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, VECTOR_ELT(xdims, 0));
		    dnx = getNamesAttrib(xdims);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 0, STRING_ELT(dnx, 0));

#define YDIMS_ET_CETERA							\
	    if (ydims != R_NilValue) {					\
		if (ldy == 2) {						\
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, VECTOR_ELT(ydims, 1));	\
		    dny = getNamesAttrib(ydims);		\
		    if(!isNull(dny))					\
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 1, STRING_ELT(dny, 1)); \
		} else if (nry == 1) {					\
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, VECTOR_ELT(ydims, 0));	\
		    dny = getNamesAttrib(ydims);		\
		    if(!isNull(dny))					\
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 1, STRING_ELT(dny, 0)); \
		}							\
	    }								\
	    /* We sometimes attach a dimnames attribute			\
	     * whose elements are all NULL ...				\
	     * This is ugly but causes no real damage.			\
	     * Now (2.1.0 ff), we don't anymore: */			\
	    if (VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,0) != R_NilValue ||			\
		VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,1) != R_NilValue) {			\
		if (dnx != R_NilValue || dny != R_NilValue)		\
		    setAttrib(dimnames, R_NamesSymbol, dimnamesnames);	\
		setAttrib(ans, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames);		\
	    }								\


    else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) {	/* op == 1: crossprod() */

	PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(mode, ncx, ncy));
	if (mode == CPLXSXP)
		ccrossprod(COMPLEX(x), nrx, ncx,
			   COMPLEX(x), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
		ccrossprod(COMPLEX(x), nrx, ncx,
			   COMPLEX(y), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
	else {
		symcrossprod(REAL(x), nrx, ncx, REAL(ans));
		crossprod(REAL(x), nrx, ncx,
			  REAL(y), nry, ncy, REAL(ans));

	PROTECT(xdims = getDimNamesAttrib(x));
	if (sym)
	    PROTECT(ydims = xdims);
	    PROTECT(ydims = getDimNamesAttrib(y));

	if (xdims != R_NilValue || ydims != R_NilValue) {
	    SEXP dimnames, dimnamesnames, dnx=R_NilValue, dny=R_NilValue;

	    /* allocate dimnames and dimnamesnames */

	    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
	    PROTECT(dimnamesnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));

	    if (xdims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldx == 2) {/* not nrx==1 : .. fixed, ihaka 2003-09-30 */
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, VECTOR_ELT(xdims, 1));
		    dnx = getNamesAttrib(xdims);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 0, STRING_ELT(dnx, 1));


    else {					/* op == 2: tcrossprod() */

	PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(mode, nrx, nry));
	if (mode == CPLXSXP)
		tccrossprod(COMPLEX(x), nrx, ncx,
			    COMPLEX(x), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
		tccrossprod(COMPLEX(x), nrx, ncx,
			    COMPLEX(y), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
	else {
		symtcrossprod(REAL(x), nrx, ncx, REAL(ans));
		tcrossprod(REAL(x), nrx, ncx,
			   REAL(y), nry, ncy, REAL(ans));

	PROTECT(xdims = getDimNamesAttrib(x));
	if (sym)
	    PROTECT(ydims = xdims);
	    PROTECT(ydims = getDimNamesAttrib(y));

	if (xdims != R_NilValue || ydims != R_NilValue) {
	    SEXP dimnames, dimnamesnames, dnx=R_NilValue, dny=R_NilValue;

	    /* allocate dimnames and dimnamesnames */

	    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
	    PROTECT(dimnamesnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));

	    if (xdims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldx == 2) {
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, VECTOR_ELT(xdims, 0));
		    dnx = getNamesAttrib(xdims);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 0, STRING_ELT(dnx, 0));
	    if (ydims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldy == 2) {
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, VECTOR_ELT(ydims, 0));
		    dny = getNamesAttrib(ydims);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 1, STRING_ELT(dny, 0));
	    if (VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,0) != R_NilValue ||
		VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,1) != R_NilValue) {
		if (dnx != R_NilValue || dny != R_NilValue)
		    setAttrib(dimnames, R_NamesSymbol, dimnamesnames);
		setAttrib(ans, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames);

    return ans;
inline std::pair<typename SteadyStateUpscaler<Traits>::permtensor_t,
       typename SteadyStateUpscaler<Traits>::permtensor_t>
       upscaleSteadyState(const int flow_direction,
                          const std::vector<double>& initial_saturation,
                          const double boundary_saturation,
                          const double pressure_drop,
                          const permtensor_t& upscaled_perm)
    static int count = 0;
    int num_cells = this->ginterf_.numberOfCells();
    // No source or sink.
    std::vector<double> src(num_cells, 0.0);
    Opm::SparseVector<double> injection(num_cells);
    // Gravity.
    Dune::FieldVector<double, 3> gravity(0.0);
    if (use_gravity_) {
        gravity[2] = Opm::unit::gravity;
    if (gravity.two_norm() > 0.0) {
        OPM_MESSAGE("Warning: Gravity is experimental for flow solver.");

    // Set up initial saturation profile.
    std::vector<double> saturation = initial_saturation;

    // Set up boundary conditions.
    setupUpscalingConditions(this->ginterf_, this->bctype_, flow_direction,
                             pressure_drop, boundary_saturation, this->twodim_hack_, this->bcond_);

    // Set up solvers.
    if (flow_direction == 0) {
        this->flow_solver_.init(this->ginterf_, this->res_prop_, gravity, this->bcond_);
    transport_solver_.initObj(this->ginterf_, this->res_prop_, this->bcond_);

    // Run pressure solver.
    this->flow_solver_.solve(this->res_prop_, saturation, this->bcond_, src,
                             this->residual_tolerance_, this->linsolver_verbosity_,
                             this->linsolver_type_, false,
                             this->linsolver_maxit_, this->linsolver_prolongate_factor_,
    double max_mod = this->flow_solver_.postProcessFluxes();
    std::cout << "Max mod = " << max_mod << std::endl;

    // Do a run till steady state. For now, we just do some pressure and transport steps...
    std::vector<double> saturation_old = saturation;
    for (int iter = 0; iter < simulation_steps_; ++iter) {
        // Run transport solver.
        transport_solver_.transportSolve(saturation, stepsize_, gravity, this->flow_solver_.getSolution(), injection);

        // Run pressure solver.
        this->flow_solver_.solve(this->res_prop_, saturation, this->bcond_, src,
                                 this->residual_tolerance_, this->linsolver_verbosity_,
                                 this->linsolver_type_, false,
                                 this->linsolver_maxit_, this->linsolver_prolongate_factor_,
        max_mod = this->flow_solver_.postProcessFluxes();
        std::cout << "Max mod = " << max_mod << std::endl;

        // Print in-out flows if requested.
        if (print_inoutflows_) {
            std::pair<double, double> w_io, o_io;
            computeInOutFlows(w_io, o_io, this->flow_solver_.getSolution(), saturation);
            std::cout << "Pressure step " << iter
                      << "\nWater flow [in] " << w_io.first
                      << "  [out] " << w_io.second
                      << "\nOil flow   [in] " << o_io.first
                      << "  [out] " << o_io.second
                      << std::endl;

        // Output.
        if (output_vtk_) {
                           + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(count)
                           + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(flow_direction)
                           + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(iter));

        // Comparing old to new.
        int num_cells = saturation.size();
        double maxdiff = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; ++i) {
            maxdiff = std::max(maxdiff, std::fabs(saturation[i] - saturation_old[i]));
#ifdef VERBOSE
        std::cout << "Maximum saturation change: " << maxdiff << std::endl;
        if (maxdiff < sat_change_threshold_) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
            std::cout << "Maximum saturation change is under steady state threshold." << std::endl;

        // Copy to old.
        saturation_old = saturation;

    // Compute phase mobilities.
    // First: compute maximal mobilities.
    typedef typename Super::ResProp::Mobility Mob;
    Mob m;
    double m1max = 0;
    double m2max = 0;
    for (int c = 0; c < num_cells; ++c) {
        this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(0, c, saturation[c], m.mob);
        m1max = maxMobility(m1max, m.mob);
        this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(1, c, saturation[c], m.mob);
        m2max = maxMobility(m2max, m.mob);
    // Second: set thresholds.
    const double mob1_abs_thres = relperm_threshold_ / this->res_prop_.viscosityFirstPhase();
    const double mob1_rel_thres = m1max / maximum_mobility_contrast_;
    const double mob1_threshold = std::max(mob1_abs_thres, mob1_rel_thres);
    const double mob2_abs_thres = relperm_threshold_ / this->res_prop_.viscositySecondPhase();
    const double mob2_rel_thres = m2max / maximum_mobility_contrast_;
    const double mob2_threshold = std::max(mob2_abs_thres, mob2_rel_thres);
    // Third: extract and threshold.
    std::vector<Mob> mob1(num_cells);
    std::vector<Mob> mob2(num_cells);
    for (int c = 0; c < num_cells; ++c) {
        this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(0, c, saturation[c], mob1[c].mob);
        thresholdMobility(mob1[c].mob, mob1_threshold);
        this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(1, c, saturation[c], mob2[c].mob);
        thresholdMobility(mob2[c].mob, mob2_threshold);

    // Compute upscaled relperm for each phase.
    ReservoirPropertyFixedMobility<Mob> fluid_first(mob1);
    permtensor_t eff_Kw = Super::upscaleEffectivePerm(fluid_first);
    ReservoirPropertyFixedMobility<Mob> fluid_second(mob2);
    permtensor_t eff_Ko = Super::upscaleEffectivePerm(fluid_second);

    // Set the steady state saturation fields for eventual outside access.

    // Compute the (anisotropic) upscaled mobilities.
    // eff_Kw := lambda_w*K
    //  =>  lambda_w = eff_Kw*inv(K);
    permtensor_t lambda_w(matprod(eff_Kw, inverse3x3(upscaled_perm)));
    permtensor_t lambda_o(matprod(eff_Ko, inverse3x3(upscaled_perm)));

    // Compute (anisotropic) upscaled relative permeabilities.
    // lambda = k_r/mu
    permtensor_t k_rw(lambda_w);
    k_rw *= this->res_prop_.viscosityFirstPhase();
    permtensor_t k_ro(lambda_o);
    k_ro *= this->res_prop_.viscositySecondPhase();
    return std::make_pair(k_rw, k_ro);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: skyguy94/R
/* "%*%" (op = 0), crossprod (op = 1) or tcrossprod (op = 2) */
SEXP attribute_hidden do_matprod(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
    int ldx, ldy, nrx, ncx, nry, ncy, mode;
    SEXP x = CAR(args), y = CADR(args), xdims, ydims, ans;
    Rboolean sym;

    if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0 && /* %*% is primitive, the others are .Internal() */
       (IS_S4_OBJECT(x) || IS_S4_OBJECT(y))
       && R_has_methods(op)) {
	SEXP s, value;
	/* Remove argument names to ensure positional matching */
	for(s = args; s != R_NilValue; s = CDR(s)) SET_TAG(s, R_NilValue);
	value = R_possible_dispatch(call, op, args, rho, FALSE);
	if (value) return value;

    sym = isNull(y);
    if (sym && (PRIMVAL(op) > 0)) y = x;
    if ( !(isNumeric(x) || isComplex(x)) || !(isNumeric(y) || isComplex(y)) )
	errorcall(call, _("requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments"));

    xdims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol);
    ydims = getAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol);
    ldx = length(xdims);
    ldy = length(ydims);

    if (ldx != 2 && ldy != 2) {		/* x and y non-matrices */
	// for crossprod, allow two cases: n x n ==> (1,n) x (n,1);  1 x n = (n, 1) x (1, n)
	if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1 && LENGTH(x) == 1) {
	    nrx = ncx = nry = 1;
	    ncy = LENGTH(y);
	else {
	    nry = LENGTH(y);
	    ncy = 1;
	    if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
		nrx = 1;
		ncx = LENGTH(x);
		if(ncx == 1) {	        // y as row vector
		    ncy = nry;
		    nry = 1;
	    else {
		nrx = LENGTH(x);
		ncx = 1;
    else if (ldx != 2) {		/* x not a matrix */
	nry = INTEGER(ydims)[0];
	ncy = INTEGER(ydims)[1];
	nrx = 0;
	ncx = 0;
	if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
	    if (LENGTH(x) == nry) {	/* x as row vector */
		nrx = 1;
		ncx = nry; /* == LENGTH(x) */
	    else if (nry == 1) {	/* x as col vector */
		nrx = LENGTH(x);
		ncx = 1;
	else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) { /* crossprod() */
	    if (LENGTH(x) == nry) {	/* x is a col vector */
		nrx = nry; /* == LENGTH(x) */
		ncx = 1;
	    /* else if (nry == 1) ... not being too tolerant
	       to treat x as row vector, as t(x) *is* row vector */
	else { /* tcrossprod */
	    if (LENGTH(x) == ncy) {	/* x as row vector */
		nrx = 1;
		ncx = ncy; /* == LENGTH(x) */
	    else if (ncy == 1) {	/* x as col vector */
		nrx = LENGTH(x);
		ncx = 1;
    else if (ldy != 2) {		/* y not a matrix */
	nrx = INTEGER(xdims)[0];
	ncx = INTEGER(xdims)[1];
	nry = 0;
	ncy = 0;
	if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
	    if (LENGTH(y) == ncx) {	/* y as col vector */
		nry = ncx;
		ncy = 1;
	    else if (ncx == 1) {	/* y as row vector */
		nry = 1;
		ncy = LENGTH(y);
	else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) { /* crossprod() */
	    if (LENGTH(y) == nrx) {	/* y is a col vector */
		nry = nrx;
		ncy = 1;
	    } else if (nrx == 1) {	// y as row vector
		nry = 1;
		ncy = LENGTH(y);
	else { // tcrossprod
	    if (nrx == 1) {		// y as row vector
		nry = 1;
		ncy = LENGTH(y);
	    else {			// y is a col vector
		nry = LENGTH(y);
		ncy = 1;
    else {				/* x and y matrices */
	nrx = INTEGER(xdims)[0];
	ncx = INTEGER(xdims)[1];
	nry = INTEGER(ydims)[0];
	ncy = INTEGER(ydims)[1];
    /* nr[ow](.) and nc[ol](.) are now defined for x and y */

    if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {
	/* primitive, so use call */
	if (ncx != nry)
	    errorcall(call, _("non-conformable arguments"));
    else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) {
	if (nrx != nry)
	    error(_("non-conformable arguments"));
    else {
	if (ncx != ncy)
	    error(_("non-conformable arguments"));

    if (isComplex(CAR(args)) || isComplex(CADR(args)))
	mode = CPLXSXP;
	mode = REALSXP;
    SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), mode));
    SETCADR(args, coerceVector(CADR(args), mode));

    if (PRIMVAL(op) == 0) {			/* op == 0 : matprod() */

	PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(mode, nrx, ncy));
	if (mode == CPLXSXP)
	    cmatprod(COMPLEX(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
		     COMPLEX(CADR(args)), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
	    matprod(REAL(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
		    REAL(CADR(args)), nry, ncy, REAL(ans));

	PROTECT(xdims = getAttrib(CAR(args), R_DimNamesSymbol));
	PROTECT(ydims = getAttrib(CADR(args), R_DimNamesSymbol));

	if (xdims != R_NilValue || ydims != R_NilValue) {
	    SEXP dimnames, dimnamesnames, dnx=R_NilValue, dny=R_NilValue;

	    /* allocate dimnames and dimnamesnames */

	    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
	    PROTECT(dimnamesnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
	    if (xdims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldx == 2 || ncx == 1) {
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, VECTOR_ELT(xdims, 0));
		    dnx = getAttrib(xdims, R_NamesSymbol);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 0, STRING_ELT(dnx, 0));

#define YDIMS_ET_CETERA							\
	    if (ydims != R_NilValue) {					\
		if (ldy == 2) {						\
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, VECTOR_ELT(ydims, 1));	\
		    dny = getAttrib(ydims, R_NamesSymbol);		\
		    if(!isNull(dny))					\
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 1, STRING_ELT(dny, 1)); \
		} else if (nry == 1) {					\
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, VECTOR_ELT(ydims, 0));	\
		    dny = getAttrib(ydims, R_NamesSymbol);		\
		    if(!isNull(dny))					\
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 1, STRING_ELT(dny, 0)); \
		}							\
	    }								\
	    /* We sometimes attach a dimnames attribute			\
	     * whose elements are all NULL ...				\
	     * This is ugly but causes no real damage.			\
	     * Now (2.1.0 ff), we don't anymore: */			\
	    if (VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,0) != R_NilValue ||			\
		VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,1) != R_NilValue) {			\
		if (dnx != R_NilValue || dny != R_NilValue)		\
		    setAttrib(dimnames, R_NamesSymbol, dimnamesnames);	\
		setAttrib(ans, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames);		\
	    }								\


    else if (PRIMVAL(op) == 1) {	/* op == 1: crossprod() */

	PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(mode, ncx, ncy));
	if (mode == CPLXSXP)
		ccrossprod(COMPLEX(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
			   COMPLEX(CAR(args)), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
		ccrossprod(COMPLEX(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
			   COMPLEX(CADR(args)), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
	else {
		symcrossprod(REAL(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx, REAL(ans));
		crossprod(REAL(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
			  REAL(CADR(args)), nry, ncy, REAL(ans));

	PROTECT(xdims = getAttrib(CAR(args), R_DimNamesSymbol));
	if (sym)
	    PROTECT(ydims = xdims);
	    PROTECT(ydims = getAttrib(CADR(args), R_DimNamesSymbol));

	if (xdims != R_NilValue || ydims != R_NilValue) {
	    SEXP dimnames, dimnamesnames, dnx=R_NilValue, dny=R_NilValue;

	    /* allocate dimnames and dimnamesnames */

	    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
	    PROTECT(dimnamesnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));

	    if (xdims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldx == 2) {/* not nrx==1 : .. fixed, ihaka 2003-09-30 */
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, VECTOR_ELT(xdims, 1));
		    dnx = getAttrib(xdims, R_NamesSymbol);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 0, STRING_ELT(dnx, 1));


    else {					/* op == 2: tcrossprod() */

	PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(mode, nrx, nry));
	if (mode == CPLXSXP)
		tccrossprod(COMPLEX(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
			    COMPLEX(CAR(args)), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
		tccrossprod(COMPLEX(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
			    COMPLEX(CADR(args)), nry, ncy, COMPLEX(ans));
	else {
		symtcrossprod(REAL(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx, REAL(ans));
		tcrossprod(REAL(CAR(args)), nrx, ncx,
			   REAL(CADR(args)), nry, ncy, REAL(ans));

	PROTECT(xdims = getAttrib(CAR(args), R_DimNamesSymbol));
	if (sym)
	    PROTECT(ydims = xdims);
	    PROTECT(ydims = getAttrib(CADR(args), R_DimNamesSymbol));

	if (xdims != R_NilValue || ydims != R_NilValue) {
	    SEXP dimnames, dimnamesnames, dnx=R_NilValue, dny=R_NilValue;

	    /* allocate dimnames and dimnamesnames */

	    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
	    PROTECT(dimnamesnames = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));

	    if (xdims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldx == 2) {
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, VECTOR_ELT(xdims, 0));
		    dnx = getAttrib(xdims, R_NamesSymbol);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 0, STRING_ELT(dnx, 0));
	    if (ydims != R_NilValue) {
		if (ldy == 2) {
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, VECTOR_ELT(ydims, 0));
		    dny = getAttrib(ydims, R_NamesSymbol);
			SET_STRING_ELT(dimnamesnames, 1, STRING_ELT(dny, 0));
	    if (VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,0) != R_NilValue ||
		VECTOR_ELT(dimnames,1) != R_NilValue) {
		if (dnx != R_NilValue || dny != R_NilValue)
		    setAttrib(dimnames, R_NamesSymbol, dimnamesnames);
		setAttrib(ans, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames);

    return ans;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(void) {

  // Construct a new 3x6 matrix
  MATRIX a = new_matrix(3,6);

  puts("Initial matrix a:");

  puts("Modified matrix a:");
  set(&a, 1, 1, 20.0);
  set(&a, 2, 2, 40.0);
  set(&a, 0, 4, 60.0);
  set(&a, 2, 5, 80.0);

  puts("Element a(2,2):");
  print_value(get(&a, 2, 2));
  puts("Element a(0,4):");
  print_value(get(&a, 0, 4));

  // Construct a new 6x5 matrix
  MATRIX b = new_matrix(6,5);
  set(&b, 0, 4, 10.0);
  set(&b, 2, 3, 30.0);
  set(&b, 3, 1, 50.0);
  set(&b, 5, 0, 70.0);

  puts("Matrix b:");

  // Construct a new 4x7 matrix
  MATRIX c = new_matrix(4,7);
  set(&c, 0, 1, 10.0);
  set(&c, 1, 2, 10.0);
  set(&c, 2, 3, 10.0);
  set(&c, 3, 4, 10.0);
  set(&c, 3, 5, 10.0);
  set(&c, 2, 6, 10.0);

  puts("Matrix c:");

  // Test matprod with a product defined case
  puts("The product ab is:");
  MATRIX m = matprod(&a,&b);

  // Test matprod with an undefined product case
  puts("The product ac is:");
  MATRIX n = matprod(&a,&c);

  // Destruct matrices when done

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

  int  n=1000,i,k, tb=100;
  clock_t tic,toc;
  int nb=n/tb; //numero de bloques
  double *A = (double *) malloc( n*n*sizeof(double) );
  double *B = (double *) malloc( n*n*sizeof(double) );
  double *C = (double *) malloc( n*n*sizeof(double) ); 
  /* Reservamos memoria para los datos */

  /* Lo probamos */
  int j;
  for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
    for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
      A[i+j*n] = ((double) rand()/ RAND_MAX);
   for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
    for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
      B[i+j*n] = ((double) rand()/ RAND_MAX);
tic = clock();
toc = clock();
printf("\n Elapsed: %f seconds\n", (double)(toc - tic) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  //   Print_matrix(C, n);
     /*a bloques sin copia*/
    for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
    for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
      C[i+j*n] = 0.0;
  //     Print_matrix(C, n);  
 tic = clock();
toc = clock();
printf("\n Elapsed bloques sin copia: %f seconds\n", (double)(toc - tic) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
 //    Print_matrix(C, n);  
         for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
    for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
      C[i+j*n] = 0.0;
       /*a bloques con copia*/  
   tic = clock();
     To_blocked(A, n, tb);
   To_blocked(B, n, tb);
         From_blocked(C, n, tb);
toc = clock();
printf("\n Elapsed bloques con copia: %f seconds\n", (double)(toc - tic) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

 //  Print_matrix(C, n);       
      return 0;