Ejemplo n.º 1
static SECStatus
generate_prime(mp_int *prime, int primeLen)
    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
    unsigned long counter = 0;
    int piter;
    unsigned char *pb = NULL;
    pb = PORT_Alloc(primeLen);
    if (!pb) {
	goto cleanup;
    for (piter = 0; piter < MAX_PRIME_GEN_ATTEMPTS; piter++) {
	CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(pb, primeLen) );
	pb[0]          |= 0xC0; /* set two high-order bits */
	pb[primeLen-1] |= 0x01; /* set low-order bit       */
	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(prime, pb, primeLen) );
	err = mpp_make_prime(prime, primeLen * 8, PR_FALSE, &counter);
	if (err != MP_NO)
	    goto cleanup;
	/* keep going while err == MP_NO */
    if (pb)
	PORT_ZFree(pb, primeLen);
    if (err) {
	rv = SECFailure;
    return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 2
DH_GenParam(int primeLen, DHParams **params)
    PLArenaPool *arena;
    DHParams *dhparams;
    unsigned char *pb = NULL;
    unsigned char *ab = NULL;
    unsigned long counter = 0;
    mp_int p, q, a, h, psub1, test;
    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
    if (!params || primeLen < 0) {
	return SECFailure;
    if (!arena) {
	return SECFailure;
    dhparams = (DHParams *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(DHParams));
    if (!dhparams) {
	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
	return SECFailure;
    dhparams->arena = arena;
    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
    MP_DIGITS(&a) = 0;
    MP_DIGITS(&h) = 0;
    MP_DIGITS(&psub1) = 0;
    MP_DIGITS(&test) = 0;
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&a) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&h) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&psub1) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&test) );
    /* generate prime with MPI, uses Miller-Rabin to generate strong prime. */
    pb = PORT_Alloc(primeLen);
    CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(pb, primeLen) );
    pb[0]          |= 0x80; /* set high-order bit */
    pb[primeLen-1] |= 0x01; /* set low-order bit  */
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&p, pb, primeLen) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mpp_make_prime(&p, primeLen * 8, PR_TRUE, &counter) );
    /* construct Sophie-Germain prime q = (p-1)/2. */
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&p, 1, &psub1) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div_2(&psub1, &q)    );
    /* construct a generator from the prime. */
    ab = PORT_Alloc(primeLen);
    /* generate a candidate number a in p's field */
    CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(ab, primeLen) );
    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&a, ab, primeLen) );
    /* force a < p (note that quot(a/p) <= 1) */
    if ( mp_cmp(&a, &p) > 0 )
	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub(&a, &p, &a) );
    do {
	/* check that a is in the range [2..p-1] */
	if ( mp_cmp_d(&a, 2) < 0 || mp_cmp(&a, &psub1) >= 0) {
	    /* a is outside of the allowed range.  Set a=3 and keep going. */
            mp_set(&a, 3);
	/* if a**q mod p != 1 then a is a generator */
	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&a, &q, &p, &test) );
	if ( mp_cmp_d(&test, 1) != 0 )
	/* increment the candidate and try again. */
	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&a, 1, &a) );
    } while (PR_TRUE);
    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&p, &dhparams->prime, arena);
    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&a, &dhparams->base, arena);
    *params = dhparams;
    if (pb) PORT_ZFree(pb, primeLen);
    if (ab) PORT_ZFree(ab, primeLen);
    if (err) {
	rv = SECFailure;
    if (rv)
	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
    return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned char *raw;
  char          *out;
  unsigned long nTries;
  int		rawlen, bits, outlen, ngen, ix, jx;
  int           g_strong = 0;
  mp_int	testval;
  mp_err	res;
  clock_t	start, end;

  /* We'll just use the C library's rand() for now, although this
     won't be good enough for cryptographic purposes */
  if((out = PR_GetEnvSecure("SEED")) == NULL) {
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
  } else {
    srand((unsigned int)atoi(out));

  if(argc < 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <bits> [<count> [strong]]\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;
  if((bits = abs(atoi(argv[1]))) < CHAR_BIT) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: please request at least %d bits.\n",
	    argv[0], CHAR_BIT);
    return 1;

  /* If optional third argument is given, use that as the number of
     primes to generate; otherwise generate one prime only.
  if(argc < 3) {
    ngen = 1;
  } else {
    ngen = abs(atoi(argv[2]));

  /* If fourth argument is given, and is the word "strong", we'll 
     generate strong (Sophie Germain) primes. 
  if(argc > 3 && strcmp(argv[3], "strong") == 0)
    g_strong = 1;

  /* testval - candidate being tested; nTries - number tried so far */
  if ((res = mp_init(&testval)) != MP_OKAY) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: %s\n", argv[0], mp_strerror(res));
    return 1;
  if(g_strong) {
    printf("Requested %d strong prime value(s) of %d bits.\n", 
	   ngen, bits);
  } else {
    printf("Requested %d prime value(s) of %d bits.\n", ngen, bits);

  rawlen = (bits / CHAR_BIT) + ((bits % CHAR_BIT) ? 1 : 0) + 1;

  if((raw = calloc(rawlen, sizeof(unsigned char))) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory, sorry.\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  /* This loop is one for each prime we need to generate */
  for(jx = 0; jx < ngen; jx++) {

    raw[0] = 0;  /* sign is positive */

    /*	Pack the initializer with random bytes	*/
    for(ix = 1; ix < rawlen; ix++) 
      raw[ix] = (rand() * rand()) & UCHAR_MAX;

    raw[1] |= 0x80;             /* set high-order bit of test value     */
    raw[rawlen - 1] |= 1;       /* set low-order bit of test value      */

    /* Make an mp_int out of the initializer */
    mp_read_raw(&testval, (char *)raw, rawlen);

    /* Initialize candidate counter */
    nTries = 0;

    start = clock(); /* time generation for this prime */
    do {
      res = mpp_make_prime(&testval, bits, g_strong, &nTries);
      if (res != MP_NO)
      /* This code works whether digits are 16 or 32 bits */
      res = mp_add_d(&testval, 32 * 1024, &testval);
      res = mp_add_d(&testval, 32 * 1024, &testval);
      FPUTC(',', stderr);
    } while (1);
    end = clock();

    if (res != MP_YES) {
    FPUTC('\n', stderr);
    puts("The following value is probably prime:");
    outlen = mp_radix_size(&testval, 10);
    out = calloc(outlen, sizeof(unsigned char));
    mp_toradix(&testval, (char *)out, 10);
    printf("10: %s\n", out);
    mp_toradix(&testval, (char *)out, 16);
    printf("16: %s\n\n", out);
    printf("Number of candidates tried: %lu\n", nTries);
    printf("This computation took %ld clock ticks (%.2f seconds)\n",
	   (end - start), ((double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
    FPUTC('\n', stderr);
  } /* end of loop to generate all requested primes */
  if(res != MP_OKAY) 
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: %s\n", argv[0], mp_strerror(res));

  return 0;