Ejemplo n.º 1
static int calc_one_scale(int32_t peak_cb, int abits, softfloat *quant)
    int32_t peak;
    int our_nscale, try_remove;
    softfloat our_quant;

    av_assert0(peak_cb <= 0);
    av_assert0(peak_cb >= -2047);

    our_nscale = 127;
    peak = cb_to_level[-peak_cb];

    for (try_remove = 64; try_remove > 0; try_remove >>= 1) {
        if (scalefactor_inv[our_nscale - try_remove].e + stepsize_inv[abits].e <= 17)
        our_quant.m = mul32(scalefactor_inv[our_nscale - try_remove].m, stepsize_inv[abits].m);
        our_quant.e = scalefactor_inv[our_nscale - try_remove].e + stepsize_inv[abits].e - 17;
        if ((quant_levels[abits] - 1) / 2 < quantize_value(peak, our_quant))
        our_nscale -= try_remove;

    if (our_nscale >= 125)
        our_nscale = 124;

    quant->m = mul32(scalefactor_inv[our_nscale].m, stepsize_inv[abits].m);
    quant->e = scalefactor_inv[our_nscale].e + stepsize_inv[abits].e - 17;
    av_assert0((quant_levels[abits] - 1) / 2 >= quantize_value(peak, *quant));

    return our_nscale;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void lfe_downsample(DCAContext *c, const int32_t *input)
    /* FIXME: make 128x LFE downsampling possible */
    int i, j, lfes;
    int32_t hist[512];
    int32_t accum;
    int hist_start = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
        hist[i] = c->history[i][c->channels - 1];

    for (lfes = 0; lfes < DCA_LFE_SAMPLES; lfes++) {
        /* Calculate the convolution */
        accum = 0;

        for (i = hist_start, j = 0; i < 512; i++, j++)
            accum += mul32(hist[i], lfe_fir_64i[j]);
        for (i = 0; i < hist_start; i++, j++)
            accum += mul32(hist[i], lfe_fir_64i[j]);

        c->downsampled_lfe[lfes] = accum;

        /* Copy in 64 new samples from input */
        for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
            hist[i + hist_start] = input[(lfes * 64 + i) * c->channels + c->channels - 1];

        hist_start = (hist_start + 64) & 511;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void qmf_decompose(DCAContext *c, int32_t in[32], int32_t out[32],
                          int channel)
    int band, i, j, k;
    int32_t resp;
    int32_t accum[DCA_SUBBANDS_32] = {0};

    add_new_samples(c, in, DCA_SUBBANDS_32, channel);

    /* Calculate the dot product of the signal with the (possibly inverted)
       reference decoder's response to this vector:
       (0.0, 0.0, ..., 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, ..., 0.0)
       so that -1.0 cancels 1.0 from the previous step */

    for (k = 48, j = 0, i = c->start[channel]; i < 512; k++, j++, i++)
        accum[(k & 32) ? (31 - (k & 31)) : (k & 31)] += mul32(c->history[channel][i], UnQMF[j]);
    for (i = 0; i < c->start[channel]; k++, j++, i++)
        accum[(k & 32) ? (31 - (k & 31)) : (k & 31)] += mul32(c->history[channel][i], UnQMF[j]);

    resp = 0;
    /* TODO: implement FFT instead of this naive calculation */
    for (band = 0; band < DCA_SUBBANDS_32; band++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
            resp += mul32(accum[j], band_delta_factor(band, j));

        out[band] = (band & 2) ? (-resp) : resp;
     h_generic_calc_Mul32x4 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                              V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w32[0] = mul32(argL->w32[0], argR->w32[0]);
   res->w32[1] = mul32(argL->w32[1], argR->w32[1]);
   res->w32[2] = mul32(argL->w32[2], argR->w32[2]);
   res->w32[3] = mul32(argL->w32[3], argR->w32[3]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int lfe_downsample(DCAContext *c, int32_t in[LFE_INTERPOLATION])
    int i, j;
    int channel = c->prim_channels;
    int32_t accum = 0;

    add_new_samples(c, in, LFE_INTERPOLATION, channel);
    for (i = c->start[channel], j = 0; i < 512; i++, j++)
        accum += mul32(c->history[channel][i], lfe_fir_64i[j]);
    for (i = 0; i < c->start[channel]; i++, j++)
        accum += mul32(c->history[channel][i], lfe_fir_64i[j]);
    return accum;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void subband_transform(DCAEncContext *c, const int32_t *input)
    int ch, subs, i, k, j;

    for (ch = 0; ch < c->fullband_channels; ch++) {
        /* History is copied because it is also needed for PSY */
        int32_t hist[512];
        int hist_start = 0;
        const int chi = c->channel_order_tab[ch];

        for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
            hist[i] = c->history[i][ch];

        for (subs = 0; subs < SUBBAND_SAMPLES; subs++) {
            int32_t accum[64];
            int32_t resp;
            int band;

            /* Calculate the convolutions at once */
            for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                accum[i] = 0;

            for (k = 0, i = hist_start, j = 0;
                    i < 512; k = (k + 1) & 63, i++, j++)
                accum[k] += mul32(hist[i], c->band_interpolation[j]);
            for (i = 0; i < hist_start; k = (k + 1) & 63, i++, j++)
                accum[k] += mul32(hist[i], c->band_interpolation[j]);

            for (k = 16; k < 32; k++)
                accum[k] = accum[k] - accum[31 - k];
            for (k = 32; k < 48; k++)
                accum[k] = accum[k] + accum[95 - k];

            for (band = 0; band < 32; band++) {
                resp = 0;
                for (i = 16; i < 48; i++) {
                    int s = (2 * band + 1) * (2 * (i + 16) + 1);
                    resp += mul32(accum[i], cos_t(s << 3)) >> 3;

                c->subband[subs][band][ch] = ((band + 1) & 2) ? -resp : resp;

            /* Copy in 32 new samples from input */
            for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                hist[i + hist_start] = input[(subs * 32 + i) * c->channels + chi];
            hist_start = (hist_start + 32) & 511;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void JIT::compileOpCallVarargs(Instruction* instruction)
    int callee = instruction[1].u.operand;
    int argCountRegister = instruction[2].u.operand;
    int registerOffset = instruction[3].u.operand;

    emitGetVirtualRegister(argCountRegister, regT1);
    emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, regT0);
    addPtr(Imm32(registerOffset), regT1, regT2);

    // Check for JSFunctions.
    addSlowCase(branchPtr(NotEqual, Address(regT0), TrustedImmPtr(m_globalData->jsFunctionVPtr)));

    // Speculatively roll the callframe, assuming argCount will match the arity.
    mul32(TrustedImm32(sizeof(Register)), regT2, regT2);
    intptr_t offset = (intptr_t)sizeof(Register) * (intptr_t)RegisterFile::CallerFrame;
    addPtr(Imm32((int32_t)offset), regT2, regT3);
    addPtr(callFrameRegister, regT3);
    storePtr(callFrameRegister, regT3);
    addPtr(regT2, callFrameRegister);

Ejemplo n.º 8
void JIT::compileOpCallVarargs(Instruction* instruction)
    int callee = instruction[1].u.operand;
    int argCountRegister = instruction[2].u.operand;
    int registerOffset = instruction[3].u.operand;

    emitLoad(callee, regT1, regT0);
    emitLoadPayload(argCountRegister, regT2); // argCount
    addPtr(Imm32(registerOffset), regT2, regT3); // registerOffset

    emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(callee, regT1);
    addSlowCase(branchPtr(NotEqual, Address(regT0), TrustedImmPtr(m_globalData->jsFunctionVPtr)));

    // Speculatively roll the callframe, assuming argCount will match the arity.
    mul32(TrustedImm32(sizeof(Register)), regT3, regT3);
    addPtr(callFrameRegister, regT3);
    store32(TrustedImm32(JSValue::CellTag), tagFor(RegisterFile::CallerFrame, regT3));
    storePtr(callFrameRegister, payloadFor(RegisterFile::CallerFrame, regT3));
    move(regT3, callFrameRegister);

    move(regT2, regT1); // argCount


Ejemplo n.º 9
static int32_t quantize_value(int32_t value, softfloat quant)
    int32_t offset = 1 << (quant.e - 1);

    value = mul32(value, quant.m) + offset;
    value = value >> quant.e;
    return value;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void qmf_init(void)
    int i;
    int32_t c[17], s[17];
    s[0] = 0;           /* sin(index * PI / 64) * 0x7fffffff */
    c[0] = 0x7fffffff;  /* cos(index * PI / 64) * 0x7fffffff */

    for (i = 1; i <= 16; i++) {
        s[i] = 2 * (mul32(c[i - 1], 105372028)  + mul32(s[i - 1], 2144896908));
        c[i] = 2 * (mul32(c[i - 1], 2144896908) - mul32(s[i - 1], 105372028));

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        cos_table[i      ]  =  c[i]      >> 3; /* avoid output overflow */
        cos_table[i +  16]  =  s[16 - i] >> 3;
        cos_table[i +  32]  = -s[i]      >> 3;
        cos_table[i +  48]  = -c[16 - i] >> 3;
        cos_table[i +  64]  = -c[i]      >> 3;
        cos_table[i +  80]  = -s[16 - i] >> 3;
        cos_table[i +  96]  =  s[i]      >> 3;
        cos_table[i + 112]  =  c[16 - i] >> 3;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void main() {
   struct long32  first, second, working;
   char s[20];

   while (TRUE) {
      printf ("\r\n\r\nEnter the first number: ");
      get_string (s,20);
      atol32 (s,&first);

      printf ("\r\nEnter the second number: ");
      get_string (s,20);
      atol32 (s,&second);

      printf ("\r\n\r\nA: ");
      print_long32 (&first);

      printf ("\r\nB: ");
      print_long32 (&second);

      working.hi = first.hi;
      working.lo = first.lo;
      add32 (&working, &second);
      printf ("\r\na +  b = ");
      print_long32 (&working);

      working.hi = first.hi;
      working.lo = first.lo;
      sub32 (&working, &second);
      printf ("\r\na -  b = ");
      print_long32 (&working);

      working.hi = first.hi;
      working.lo = first.lo;
      mul32 (&working, &second);
      printf ("\r\na *  b = ");
      print_long32 (&working);

      working.hi = first.hi;
      working.lo = first.lo;
      div32 (&working, &second);
      printf ("\r\na /  b = ");
      print_long32 (&working);

      rem32 (&first, &second, &working);
      printf ("\r\na modulus  b = ");
      print_long32 (&working);

Ejemplo n.º 12
static int init_quantization_noise(DCAContext *c, int noise)
    int ch, band, ret = 0;

    c->consumed_bits = 132 + 493 * c->fullband_channels;
    if (c->lfe_channel)
        c->consumed_bits += 72;

    /* attempt to guess the bit distribution based on the prevoius frame */
    for (ch = 0; ch < c->fullband_channels; ch++) {
        for (band = 0; band < 32; band++) {
            int snr_cb = c->peak_cb[band][ch] - c->band_masking_cb[band] - noise;

            if (snr_cb >= 1312) {
                c->abits[band][ch] = 26;
                ret |= USED_26ABITS;
            } else if (snr_cb >= 222) {
                c->abits[band][ch] = 8 + mul32(snr_cb - 222, 69000000);
                ret |= USED_NABITS;
            } else if (snr_cb >= 0) {
                c->abits[band][ch] = 2 + mul32(snr_cb, 106000000);
                ret |= USED_NABITS;
            } else {
                c->abits[band][ch] = 1;
                ret |= USED_1ABITS;

    for (band = 0; band < 32; band++)
        for (ch = 0; ch < c->fullband_channels; ch++) {
            c->consumed_bits += bit_consumption[c->abits[band][ch]];

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void print_long32 (struct long32 *input) {
   byte i;
   struct long32 divisor, digit, temp, value;

   divisor.hi = 0x3B9A;
   divisor.lo = 0xCA00;
   value.hi = input->hi;
   value.lo = input->lo;
   for(i=0;i<10;++i) {
      digit = value;
      div32 (&digit,&divisor);
      temp = digit;
      mul32 (&temp,&divisor);
      sub32 (&value, &temp);
      temp.hi = 0;
      temp.lo = 0x000A;
      div32 (&divisor, &temp);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static VOID UpdateTimeStamp( USHORT new8253 )
    USHORT delta;
    ULONG  nanos;
    USHORT mills;
    if( Last8253 >= new8253 ) {
        delta = Last8253-new8253;
    } else {  // wrapped
        delta = 0xFFFF - new8253 + Last8253;
    nanos = mul32( delta, NANOS_IN_TIC );
    Last8253 = new8253;
    nanos += ReadDataBuf.nanosecs;
    if( nanos >= AMILL ) { // overflow to millsecs
        mills = 1;
        nanos -= AMILL;             // the most we need to do this is 5 times anyways
        while( nanos >= AMILL ) {   // overflow into millisecs
            ++mills;                // try and avoid a runtime divide
            nanos -= AMILL;
        ReadDataBuf.millisecs += mills;
    ReadDataBuf.nanosecs = nanos;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void fft(const int32_t in[2 * 256], cplx32 out[256])
    cplx32 buf[256], rin[256], rout[256];
    int i, j, k, l;

    /* do two transforms in parallel */
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        /* Apply the Hann window */
        rin[i].re = mul32(in[2 * i], 0x3fffffff - (cos_t(8 * i + 2) >> 1));
        rin[i].im = mul32(in[2 * i + 1], 0x3fffffff - (cos_t(8 * i + 6) >> 1));
    /* pre-rotation */
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        buf[i].re = mul32(cos_t(4 * i + 2), rin[i].re)
                  - mul32(sin_t(4 * i + 2), rin[i].im);
        buf[i].im = mul32(cos_t(4 * i + 2), rin[i].im)
                  + mul32(sin_t(4 * i + 2), rin[i].re);

    for (j = 256, l = 1; j != 1; j >>= 1, l <<= 1) {
        for (k = 0; k < 256; k += j) {
            for (i = k; i < k + j / 2; i++) {
                cplx32 sum, diff;
                int t = 8 * l * i;

                sum.re = buf[i].re + buf[i + j / 2].re;
                sum.im = buf[i].im + buf[i + j / 2].im;

                diff.re = buf[i].re - buf[i + j / 2].re;
                diff.im = buf[i].im - buf[i + j / 2].im;

                buf[i].re = half32(sum.re);
                buf[i].im = half32(sum.im);

                buf[i + j / 2].re = mul32(diff.re, cos_t(t))
                                  - mul32(diff.im, sin_t(t));
                buf[i + j / 2].im = mul32(diff.im, cos_t(t))
                                  + mul32(diff.re, sin_t(t));
    /* post-rotation */
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        int b = ff_reverse[i];
        rout[i].re = mul32(buf[b].re, cos_t(4 * i))
                   - mul32(buf[b].im, sin_t(4 * i));
        rout[i].im = mul32(buf[b].im, cos_t(4 * i))
                   + mul32(buf[b].re, sin_t(4 * i));
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        /* separate the results of the two transforms */
        cplx32 o1, o2;

        o1.re =  rout[i].re - rout[255 - i].re;
        o1.im =  rout[i].im + rout[255 - i].im;

        o2.re =  rout[i].im - rout[255 - i].im;
        o2.im = -rout[i].re - rout[255 - i].re;

        /* combine them into one long transform */
        out[i].re = mul32( o1.re + o2.re, cos_t(2 * i + 1))
                  + mul32( o1.im - o2.im, sin_t(2 * i + 1));
        out[i].im = mul32( o1.im + o2.im, cos_t(2 * i + 1))
                  + mul32(-o1.re + o2.re, sin_t(2 * i + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 16
static int init_quantization_noise(DCAEncContext *c, int noise)
    int ch, band, ret = 0;
    uint32_t huff_bit_count_accum[MAX_CHANNELS][DCA_CODE_BOOKS][7];
    uint32_t clc_bit_count_accum[MAX_CHANNELS][DCA_CODE_BOOKS];
    uint32_t bits_counter = 0;

    c->consumed_bits = 132 + 333 * c->fullband_channels;
    if (c->lfe_channel)
        c->consumed_bits += 72;

    /* attempt to guess the bit distribution based on the prevoius frame */
    for (ch = 0; ch < c->fullband_channels; ch++) {
        for (band = 0; band < 32; band++) {
            int snr_cb = c->peak_cb[ch][band] - c->band_masking_cb[band] - noise;

            if (snr_cb >= 1312) {
                c->abits[ch][band] = 26;
                ret |= USED_26ABITS;
            } else if (snr_cb >= 222) {
                c->abits[ch][band] = 8 + mul32(snr_cb - 222, 69000000);
                ret |= USED_NABITS;
            } else if (snr_cb >= 0) {
                c->abits[ch][band] = 2 + mul32(snr_cb, 106000000);
                ret |= USED_NABITS;
            } else {
                c->abits[ch][band] = 1;
                ret |= USED_1ABITS;
        c->consumed_bits += set_best_abits_code(c->abits[ch], 32, &c->bit_allocation_sel[ch]);

    /* Recalc scale_factor each time to get bits consumption in case of Huffman coding.
       It is suboptimal solution */
    /* TODO: May be cache scaled values */
    for (ch = 0; ch < c->fullband_channels; ch++) {
        for (band = 0; band < 32; band++) {
            c->scale_factor[ch][band] = calc_one_scale(c->peak_cb[ch][band],

    memset(huff_bit_count_accum, 0, MAX_CHANNELS * DCA_CODE_BOOKS * 7 * sizeof(uint32_t));
    memset(clc_bit_count_accum, 0, MAX_CHANNELS * DCA_CODE_BOOKS * sizeof(uint32_t));
    for (ch = 0; ch < c->fullband_channels; ch++) {
        for (band = 0; band < 32; band++) {
            if (c->abits[ch][band] && c->abits[ch][band] <= DCA_CODE_BOOKS) {
                accumulate_huff_bit_consumption(c->abits[ch][band], c->quantized[ch][band], huff_bit_count_accum[ch][c->abits[ch][band] - 1]);
                clc_bit_count_accum[ch][c->abits[ch][band] - 1] += bit_consumption[c->abits[ch][band]];
            } else {
                bits_counter += bit_consumption[c->abits[ch][band]];

    for (ch = 0; ch < c->fullband_channels; ch++) {
        bits_counter += set_best_code(huff_bit_count_accum[ch], clc_bit_count_accum[ch], c->quant_index_sel[ch]);

    c->consumed_bits += bits_counter;

    return ret;