Ejemplo n.º 1
LayoutUnit LayoutMultiColumnSet::nextLogicalTopForUnbreakableContent(LayoutUnit flowThreadOffset, LayoutUnit contentLogicalHeight) const
    ASSERT(pageLogicalTopForOffset(flowThreadOffset) == flowThreadOffset);
    LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread = multiColumnFlowThread()->enclosingFlowThread();
    if (!enclosingFlowThread) {
        // If there's no enclosing fragmentation context, there'll ever be only one row, and all
        // columns there will have the same height.
        return flowThreadOffset;

    // Assert the problematic situation. If we have no problem with the column height, why are we
    // even here?
    ASSERT(pageLogicalHeightForOffset(flowThreadOffset) < contentLogicalHeight);

    // There's a likelihood for subsequent rows to be taller than the first one.
    // TODO(mstensho): if we're doubly nested (e.g. multicol in multicol in multicol), we need to
    // look beyond the first row here.
    const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& firstRow = firstFragmentainerGroup();
    LayoutUnit firstRowLogicalBottomInFlowThread = firstRow.logicalTopInFlowThread() + firstRow.logicalHeight() * usedColumnCount();
    if (flowThreadOffset >= firstRowLogicalBottomInFlowThread)
        return flowThreadOffset; // We're not in the first row. Give up.
    LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight = enclosingFlowThread->pageLogicalHeightForOffset(firstRowLogicalBottomInFlowThread);
    if (contentLogicalHeight > newLogicalHeight) {
        // The next outer column or page doesn't have enough space either. Give up and stay where
        // we are.
        return flowThreadOffset;
    return firstRowLogicalBottomInFlowThread;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool RenderMultiColumnSet::recalculateColumnHeight(BalancedHeightCalculation calculationMode)

    LayoutUnit oldColumnHeight = m_columnHeight;
    if (calculationMode == GuessFromFlowThreadPortion) {
        // Post-process the content runs and find out where the implicit breaks will occur.
    LayoutUnit newColumnHeight = calculateColumnHeight(calculationMode);

    // After having calculated an initial column height, the multicol container typically needs at
    // least one more layout pass with a new column height, but if a height was specified, we only
    // need to do this if we think that we need less space than specified. Conversely, if we
    // determined that the columns need to be as tall as the specified height of the container, we
    // have already laid it out correctly, and there's no need for another pass.

    // We can get rid of the content runs now, if we haven't already done so. They are only needed
    // to calculate the initial balanced column height. In fact, we have to get rid of them before
    // the next layout pass, since each pass will rebuild this.

    if (m_columnHeight == oldColumnHeight)
        return false; // No change. We're done.

    m_minSpaceShortage = RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight();
    return true; // Need another pass.
LayoutUnit LayoutMultiColumnSet::pageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread) const
    const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup &lastRow = lastFragmentainerGroup();
    if (!lastRow.logicalHeight()) {
        // In the first layout pass of an auto-height multicol container, height isn't set. No need
        // to perform the series of complicated dance steps below to figure out that we should
        // simply return 0. Bail now.
        ASSERT(m_fragmentainerGroups.size() == 1);
        return LayoutUnit();
    if (offsetInFlowThread >= lastRow.logicalTopInFlowThread() + fragmentainerGroupCapacity(lastRow)) {
        // The offset is outside the bounds of the fragmentainer groups that we have established at
        // this point. If we're nested inside another fragmentation context, we need to calculate
        // the height on our own.
        const LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread();
        if (FragmentationContext* enclosingFragmentationContext = flowThread->enclosingFragmentationContext()) {
            // We'd ideally like to translate |offsetInFlowThread| to an offset in the coordinate
            // space of the enclosing fragmentation context here, but that's hard, since the offset
            // is out of bounds. So just use the bottom we have found so far.
            LayoutUnit enclosingContextBottom = lastRow.blockOffsetInEnclosingFragmentationContext() + lastRow.logicalHeight();
            LayoutUnit enclosingFragmentainerHeight = enclosingFragmentationContext->fragmentainerLogicalHeightAt(enclosingContextBottom);
            // Constrain against specified height / max-height.
            LayoutUnit currentMulticolHeight = logicalTopFromMulticolContentEdge() + lastRow.logicalTop() + lastRow.logicalHeight();
            LayoutUnit multicolHeightWithExtraRow = currentMulticolHeight + enclosingFragmentainerHeight;
            multicolHeightWithExtraRow = std::min(multicolHeightWithExtraRow, flowThread->maxColumnLogicalHeight());
            return std::max(LayoutUnit(1), multicolHeightWithExtraRow - currentMulticolHeight);
    return fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(offsetInFlowThread).logicalHeight();
void LayoutMultiColumnSet::expandToEncompassFlowThreadContentsIfNeeded()
    ASSERT(multiColumnFlowThread()->lastMultiColumnSet() == this);
    // FIXME: this may result in the need for creating additional rows, since there may not be
    // enough space remaining in the currently last row.
Ejemplo n.º 5
void RenderMultiColumnSet::addForcedBreak(LayoutUnit offsetFromFirstPage)
    if (!multiColumnFlowThread()->requiresBalancing())
    if (!m_contentRuns.isEmpty() && offsetFromFirstPage <= m_contentRuns.last().breakOffset())
    // Append another item as long as we haven't exceeded used column count. What ends up in the
    // overflow area shouldn't affect column balancing.
    if (m_contentRuns.size() < m_computedColumnCount)
Ejemplo n.º 6
LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::calculateMaxColumnHeight() const
    RenderBlockFlow* multicolBlock = multiColumnBlockFlow();
    RenderStyle* multicolStyle = multicolBlock->style();
    LayoutUnit availableHeight = multiColumnFlowThread()->columnHeightAvailable();
    LayoutUnit maxColumnHeight = availableHeight ? availableHeight : RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight();
    if (!multicolStyle->logicalMaxHeight().isUndefined()) {
        LayoutUnit logicalMaxHeight = multicolBlock->computeContentLogicalHeight(multicolStyle->logicalMaxHeight(), -1);
        if (logicalMaxHeight != -1 && maxColumnHeight > logicalMaxHeight)
            maxColumnHeight = logicalMaxHeight;
    return heightAdjustedForSetOffset(maxColumnHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void RenderMultiColumnSet::resetColumnHeight()
    // Nuke previously stored minimum column height. Contents may have changed for all we know.
    m_minimumColumnHeight = 0;

    m_maxColumnHeight = calculateMaxColumnHeight();

    LayoutUnit oldColumnHeight = pageLogicalHeight();

    if (multiColumnFlowThread()->requiresBalancing())
        m_columnHeight = 0;

    if (pageLogicalHeight() != oldColumnHeight)

    // Content runs are only needed in the initial layout pass, in order to find an initial column
    // height, and should have been deleted afterwards. We're about to rebuild the content runs, so
    // the list needs to be empty.
LayoutUnit LayoutMultiColumnSet::logicalTopFromMulticolContentEdge() const
    // We subtract the position of the first column set or spanner placeholder, rather than the
    // "before" border+padding of the multicol container. This distinction doesn't matter after
    // layout, but during layout it does: The flow thread (i.e. the multicol contents) is laid out
    // before the column sets and spanner placeholders, which means that compesating for a top
    // border+padding that hasn't yet been baked into the offset will produce the wrong results in
    // the first layout pass, and we'd end up performing a wasted layout pass in many cases.
    const LayoutBox& firstColumnBox = *multiColumnFlowThread()->firstMultiColumnBox();
    // The top margin edge of the first column set or spanner placeholder is flush with the top
    // content edge of the multicol container. The margin here never collapses with other margins,
    // so we can just subtract it. Column sets never have margins, but spanner placeholders may.
    LayoutUnit firstColumnBoxMarginEdge = firstColumnBox.logicalTop() - multiColumnBlockFlow()->marginBeforeForChild(firstColumnBox);
    return logicalTop() - firstColumnBoxMarginEdge;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool LayoutMultiColumnSet::recalculateColumnHeight()
    if (m_oldLogicalTop != logicalTop() && multiColumnFlowThread()->enclosingFlowThread()) {
        // Preceding spanners or column sets have been moved or resized. This means that the
        // fragmentainer groups that we have inserted need to be re-inserted. Restart column
        // balancing.
        return true;

    bool changed = false;
    for (auto& group : m_fragmentainerGroups)
        changed = group.recalculateColumnHeight() || changed;
    m_initialHeightCalculated = true;
    return changed;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void RenderMultiColumnSet::expandToEncompassFlowThreadContentsIfNeeded()
    ASSERT(multiColumnFlowThread()->lastMultiColumnSet() == this);
    LayoutRect rect(flowThreadPortionRect());

    // Get the offset within the flow thread in its block progression direction. Then get the
    // flow thread's remaining logical height including its overflow and expand our rect
    // to encompass that remaining height and overflow. The idea is that we will generate
    // additional columns and pages to hold that overflow, since people do write bad
    // content like <body style="height:0px"> in multi-column layouts.
    bool isHorizontal = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
    LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset = isHorizontal ? rect.y() : rect.x();
    LayoutRect layoutRect = flowThread()->layoutOverflowRect();
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightWithOverflow = (isHorizontal ? layoutRect.maxY() : layoutRect.maxX()) - logicalTopOffset;
    setFlowThreadPortionRect(LayoutRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), isHorizontal ? rect.width() : logicalHeightWithOverflow, isHorizontal ? logicalHeightWithOverflow : rect.height()));
Ejemplo n.º 11
void LayoutMultiColumnSet::recordSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread, LayoutUnit spaceShortage)
    MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& row = fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(offsetInFlowThread);

    // Since we're at a potential break here, take the opportunity to check if we need another
    // fragmentainer group. If we've run out of columns in the last fragmentainer group (column
    // row), we need to insert another fragmentainer group to hold more columns.
    if (!row.isLastGroup())
    LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread();
    if (!flowThread->multiColumnBlockFlow()->isInsideFlowThread())
        return; // Early bail. We're not nested, so waste no more time on this.
    if (!flowThread->isInInitialLayoutPass())
    // Move the offset to where the next column starts, if we're not there already.
    offsetInFlowThread += flowThread->pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(offsetInFlowThread, AssociateWithFormerPage);

bool LayoutMultiColumnSet::heightIsAuto() const
    LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread();
    if (!flowThread->isLayoutPagedFlowThread()) {
        // If support for the column-fill property isn't enabled, we want to behave as if
        // column-fill were auto, so that multicol containers with specified height don't get their
        // columns balanced (auto-height multicol containers will still get their columns balanced,
        // even if column-fill isn't 'balance' - in accordance with the spec). Pretending that
        // column-fill is auto also matches the old multicol implementation, which has no support
        // for this property.
        if (multiColumnBlockFlow()->style()->getColumnFill() == ColumnFillBalance)
            return true;
        if (LayoutBox* next = nextSiblingBox()) {
            if (next->isLayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder()) {
                // If we're followed by a spanner, we need to balance.
                return true;
    return !flowThread->columnHeightAvailable();
Ejemplo n.º 13
void RenderMultiColumnSet::updateLogicalWidth()
    RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread();
    setComputedColumnWidthAndCount(flowThread->columnWidth(), flowThread->columnCount());

    // FIXME: When we add regions support, we'll start it off at the width of the multi-column
    // block in that particular region.

    // If we overflow, increase our logical width.
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    LayoutUnit minimumContentLogicalWidth = colCount * computedColumnWidth() + (colCount - 1) * colGap;
    LayoutUnit currentContentLogicalWidth = contentLogicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit delta = max(LayoutUnit(), minimumContentLogicalWidth - currentContentLogicalWidth);
    if (!delta)

    // Increase our logical width by the delta.
    setLogicalWidth(logicalWidth() + delta);
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool RenderMultiColumnSet::recalculateBalancedHeight(bool initial)

    LayoutUnit oldColumnHeight = m_computedColumnHeight;
    if (initial)
    LayoutUnit newColumnHeight = calculateBalancedHeight(initial);

    // After having calculated an initial column height, the multicol container typically needs at
    // least one more layout pass with a new column height, but if a height was specified, we only
    // need to do this if we think that we need less space than specified. Conversely, if we
    // determined that the columns need to be as tall as the specified height of the container, we
    // have already laid it out correctly, and there's no need for another pass.

    if (m_computedColumnHeight == oldColumnHeight)
        return false; // No change. We're done.

    m_minSpaceShortage = RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight();
    return true; // Need another pass.
Ejemplo n.º 15
void RenderSVGText::layout()
    StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;
    LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, SVGRenderSupport::checkForSVGRepaintDuringLayout(*this));

    bool updateCachedBoundariesInParents = false;
    if (m_needsTransformUpdate) {
        m_localTransform = textElement().animatedLocalTransform();
        m_needsTransformUpdate = false;
        updateCachedBoundariesInParents = true;

    if (!everHadLayout()) {
        // When laying out initially, collect all layout attributes, build the character data map,
        // and propogate resulting SVGLayoutAttributes to all RenderSVGInlineText children in the subtree.
        collectLayoutAttributes(this, m_layoutAttributes);

        m_needsReordering = true;
        m_needsTextMetricsUpdate = false;
        m_needsPositioningValuesUpdate = false;
        updateCachedBoundariesInParents = true;
    } else if (m_needsPositioningValuesUpdate) {
        // When the x/y/dx/dy/rotate lists change, recompute the layout attributes, and eventually
        // update the on-screen font objects as well in all descendants.
        if (m_needsTextMetricsUpdate) {
            m_needsTextMetricsUpdate = false;

        m_needsReordering = true;
        m_needsPositioningValuesUpdate = false;
        updateCachedBoundariesInParents = true;
    } else if (m_needsTextMetricsUpdate || SVGRenderSupport::findTreeRootObject(*this).isLayoutSizeChanged()) {
        // If the root layout size changed (eg. window size changes) or the transform to the root
        // context has changed then recompute the on-screen font size.
        updateFontInAllDescendants(this, &m_layoutAttributesBuilder);

        m_needsTextMetricsUpdate = false;
        updateCachedBoundariesInParents = true;

    checkLayoutAttributesConsistency(this, m_layoutAttributes);

    // Reduced version of RenderBlock::layoutBlock(), which only takes care of SVG text.
    // All if branches that could cause early exit in RenderBlocks layoutBlock() method are turned into assertions.

    if (!firstChild())

    // FIXME: We need to find a way to only layout the child boxes, if needed.
    FloatRect oldBoundaries = objectBoundingBox();
    LayoutUnit repaintLogicalTop = 0;
    LayoutUnit repaintLogicalBottom = 0;
    layoutInlineChildren(true, repaintLogicalTop, repaintLogicalBottom);

    if (m_needsReordering)
        m_needsReordering = false;

    if (!updateCachedBoundariesInParents)
        updateCachedBoundariesInParents = oldBoundaries != objectBoundingBox();

    // Invalidate all resources of this client if our layout changed.
    if (everHadLayout() && selfNeedsLayout())

    // If our bounds changed, notify the parents.
    if (updateCachedBoundariesInParents)

void LayoutMultiColumnSet::layout()
    if (recalculateColumnHeight())