Ejemplo n.º 1
TAO::Unknown_IDL_Type::_tao_decode (TAO_InputCDR & cdr)
  // @@ (JP) The following code depends on the fact that
  //         TAO_InputCDR does not contain chained message blocks,
  //         otherwise <begin> and <end> could be part of
  //         different buffers!

  // This will be the start of a new message block.
  char const * const begin = cdr.rd_ptr ();

  // Skip over the next argument.
  TAO::traverse_status const status =
    TAO_Marshal_Object::perform_skip (this->type_, &cdr);

  if (status != TAO::TRAVERSE_CONTINUE)
      throw ::CORBA::MARSHAL ();

  // This will be the end of the new message block.
  char const * const end = cdr.rd_ptr ();

  // The ACE_CDR::mb_align() call can shift the rd_ptr by up to
  // ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT - 1 bytes. Similarly, the offset adjustment
  // can move the rd_ptr by up to the same amount. We accommodate
  // this by including 2 * ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT bytes of additional
  // space in the message block.
  size_t const size = end - begin;

  ACE_Message_Block new_mb (size + 2 * ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT);

  ACE_CDR::mb_align (&new_mb);
  ptrdiff_t offset = ptrdiff_t (begin) % ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT;

  if (offset < 0)
      offset += ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT;

  new_mb.rd_ptr (offset);
  new_mb.wr_ptr (offset + size);

  ACE_OS::memcpy (new_mb.rd_ptr (), begin, size);

  this->cdr_.reset (&new_mb, cdr.byte_order ());
  this->cdr_.char_translator (cdr.char_translator ());
  this->cdr_.wchar_translator (cdr.wchar_translator ());

  this->cdr_.set_repo_id_map (cdr.get_repo_id_map ());
  this->cdr_.set_codebase_url_map (cdr.get_codebase_url_map ());
  this->cdr_.set_value_map (cdr.get_value_map ());

  // Take over the GIOP version, the input cdr can have a different
  // version then our current GIOP version.
  ACE_CDR::Octet major_version;
  ACE_CDR::Octet minor_version;
  cdr.get_version (major_version, minor_version);
  this->cdr_.set_version (major_version, minor_version);
 * create new mailbox in hashtable for given pid
mailbox* create_mailbox(pid_t pid) {
	mailbox* mb = new_mb();
	unsigned hashval;
	mb->stop = FALSE;
	mb->full = FALSE;
	mb->size = 0;
	mb->pid = pid;
	mb->msg = NULL;


	hashval = hash(pid);
	mb->next = all[hashval];
	all[hashval] = mb;

	return mb;