Ejemplo n.º 1
extern int parseUciMove(Board_t self, const char *line, int xMoves[maxMoves], int xlen, int *move)
        int ix = 0; // index into line
        int rawMove = 0;

        while (isspace(line[ix])) // Skip white space

        int castleLen;
        int nrOh = parseCastling(&line[ix], &castleLen);

        if (nrOh == 2) { // King-side castling
                int rank = (sideToMove(self) == white) ? rank1 : rank8;
                rawMove = move(square(fileE, rank), square(fileG, rank));
                ix += castleLen;
        } else if (nrOh == 3) { // Queen-side castling
                int rank = (sideToMove(self) == white) ? rank1 : rank8;
                rawMove = move(square(fileE, rank), square(fileC, rank));
                ix += castleLen;
        } else { // Regular move
                if ('a' > line[ix+0] || line[ix+0] > 'h'
                 || '1' > line[ix+1] || line[ix+1] > '8'
                 || 'a' > line[ix+2] || line[ix+2] > 'h'
                 || '1' > line[ix+3] || line[ix+3] > '8')
                        return 0;

                int fromFile = charToFile(line[ix++]);
                int fromRank = charToRank(line[ix++]);
                int toFile   = charToFile(line[ix++]);
                int toRank   = charToRank(line[ix++]);

                rawMove = move(square(fromFile, fromRank), square(toFile, toRank));

                if (line[ix] == 'q' || line[ix] == 'r'
                 || line[ix] == 'b' || line[ix] == 'n')
                        rawMove += promotionFlags[(int)line[ix++]];

        if (!isspace(line[ix]) && line[ix] != '\0')
                return 0; // Reject garbage following the move

        // Find matching move from move list and verify its legality
        for (int i=0; i<xlen; i++) {
                int xMove = xMoves[i];
                if ((xMove & ~specialMoveFlag) == rawMove && isLegalMove(self, xMove)) {
                        *move = xMove;
                        return ix;
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Move Notation::value(const Board & board, ColorType side, InputFormat format, const string &image) 
    int rank = 0;
    int file = 0;

    PieceType piece = Empty;
    PieceType promotion = Empty;
    Square dest = InvalidSquare, start = InvalidSquare;
    int capture = 0;

    stringstream s(image);
    string::const_iterator it = image.begin();
    int i = 0;
    while (it != image.end() && isspace(*it)) {
    if (it == image.end() || !isalpha(*it)) return NullMove;
    string img(image,i); // string w/o leading spaces
    it = img.begin();
    if (*it == 'O' || *it == '0') {
       // castling, we presume
       return parseCastling(board, side, img);
    } else if (format == WB_IN) {
       if (img.length() < 4) return NullMove;
       Square start = SquareValue(img.substr(0,2));
       if (!OnBoard(start)) return NullMove;
       Square dest = SquareValue(img.substr(2,2));
       if (!OnBoard(dest)) return NullMove;
       PieceType promotion = Empty;
       if (img.length() > 4) {
          promotion = PieceCharValue(toupper(img[4]));
       return CreateMove(board,start,dest,promotion);
    int have_start = 0;
    if (isupper(*it)) {
       piece = PieceCharValue(*it);
    else {
       piece = Pawn;
       if ((it+1) != img.end()) {
          char next = *it;
          file = next-'a'+1;
          if (file < 1 || file > 8) return NullMove;
          char next2 = *(it+1);
          if (next2 == 'x' || is_file(next2)) {
             // allow "dc4" as in Informant, instead of dxc4
             capture = 1;
          else if (isdigit(next2) && img.length()>2) {
             char next3 = *(it+2);
             if ((next3 == 'x' || next3 == '-') && img.length()>=5) {
                // long algebraic notation
                start = SquareValue(next,next2);
                if (start == InvalidSquare) return NullMove;
                it+=3; // point to dest
                piece = TypeOfPiece(board[start]);
    if (piece == Empty) {
       return NullMove;
    if (piece != Pawn && !have_start && it != img.end()) {
       char next = *it;
       char next2 = '\0';
       if (it + 1 != img.end()) next2 = *(it+1);
       if (is_file(next) && isdigit(next2) && img.length()>=5) {
          // long algebraic notation, or a SAN move like Qd1d3
          start = SquareValue(next,next2);
          if (IsInvalid(start)) return NullMove;
       // also look for disambiguating rank, e.g. '2' in "N2e4".
       else if (isdigit(next)) {
          rank = next - '0';
          if (rank < 1 || rank > 8) return NullMove;
       else if (is_file(next) && isalpha(next2)) {
          // disamiguating rank, e.g. "Rfd1"
          file = next - 'a' + 1;
          if (file < 1 || file > 8) return NullMove;

    if (it != img.end() && *it == 'x') {
       capture = 1;
    if (it != img.end() && (it+1) != img.end()) {
       // remainder of move should be a square identifier, e.g. "g7"
       dest = SquareValue(*it,*(it+1));
       it += 2;
    if (IsInvalid(dest)) {
       return NullMove;
    if (it != img.end() && *it == '=') {
       if (it == img.end()) {
          return NullMove;
       } else {
          promotion = PieceCharValue(*it);
          if (piece != Pawn || promotion == Empty)
             return NullMove;
    else if (piece == Pawn && it != img.end() && isupper(*it)) {
       // Quite a few "PGN" files have a8Q instead of a8=Q.
       promotion = PieceCharValue(*it);
       if (promotion == Empty || Rank(dest,side) != 8)
          return NullMove;
    } else if (piece == Pawn && Rank(dest,side) == 8) {
       // promotion but no piece specified, treat as error
       return NullMove;

    // Informant does not use "x" for captures.  Assume that if the destination
    // is occupied, this is a capture move.
    if (board[dest] != EmptyPiece) {
       capture = 1;
    // Do a sanity check on capture moves:
    if (capture && !IsEmptyPiece(board[dest]) && PieceColor(board[dest]) == board.sideToMove()) {
       return NullMove;

    // Ok, now we need to figure out where the start square is. For pawn
    // moves this is implicit.

    int dups = 0;

    if (!have_start) {
       if (capture && piece == Pawn && IsEmptyPiece(board[dest]) &&
           Rank(dest,board.sideToMove()) != 8) {
          // en passant capture, special case
          int start_rank = (board.sideToMove() == White) ?
             Rank(dest,White) - 1 :
             Rank(dest,White) + 1;

          start = MakeSquare(file, start_rank, White);
          dups = 1;
       else if (piece == Pawn && board[dest] == EmptyPiece) {
          start = MakeSquare(file,Rank(dest,board.sideToMove())-1,board.sideToMove());
          if (board[start] == EmptyPiece && Rank(dest,board.sideToMove())==4) {
             start = MakeSquare(file,Rank(dest,board.sideToMove())-2,board.sideToMove());
          if (board[start] == EmptyPiece) return NullMove;
          dups = 1;
       else {
          Bitboard attacks = board.calcAttacks(dest,side);
          Square maybe;
          while (attacks.iterate(maybe)) {
             if (TypeOfPiece(board[maybe]) == piece &&
                 PieceColor(board[maybe]) == board.sideToMove()) {
                if (file && File(maybe) != file)
                if (rank && Rank(maybe,White) != rank)
                if (PieceColor(board[maybe]) == board.sideToMove()) {
                   // Possible move to this square.  Make sure it is legal.
                   Board board_copy(board);
                   Move emove = CreateMove(board,maybe,dest,
                   if (!board_copy.anyAttacks(
                          board_copy.sideToMove())) {
                      start = maybe;
    if (dups == 1 || have_start) {
       if (start == InvalidSquare || board[start] == EmptyPiece)
          return NullMove;
          return CreateMove(board, start, dest, promotion);
    else                                           // ambiguous move
       return NullMove;