Ejemplo n.º 1
plD_init_plm(PLStream *pls)
    PLmDev *dev;


    pls->color = 1;		/* Is a color device */
    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Handle solid fills */
    pls->dev_fill1 = 1;		/* Handle pattern fills */

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */

    pls->pdfs = pdf_finit(pls->OutFile);

/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    pls->dev = calloc(1, (size_t) sizeof(PLmDev));
    if (pls->dev == NULL)
	plexit("plD_init_plm: Out of memory.");

    dev = (PLmDev *) pls->dev;

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->xmax = PIXELS_X - 1;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->ymax = PIXELS_Y - 1;

    dev->pxlx = (double) PIXELS_X / (double) LPAGE_X;
    dev->pxly = (double) PIXELS_Y / (double) LPAGE_Y;

    plP_setpxl(dev->pxlx, dev->pxly);
    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* Write Metafile header. */


/* Write color map state info */

    plD_state_plm(pls, PLSTATE_CMAP0);
    plD_state_plm(pls, PLSTATE_CMAP1);

/* Write initialization command. */

    DEBUG_PRINT_LOCATION("before init");
    plm_wr( pdf_wr_1byte(pls->pdfs, c) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *  void plD_init_wxpng( PLStream *pls )
 *  Initialize wxpng device.
void plD_init_wxpng( PLStream *pls )
  // Log_Verbose( "plD_init_wxwidgets()" );

  wxPLDevBase* dev;
  dev = common_init( pls );

  /* Initialize family file info */
  plFamInit( pls );

  /* Prompt for a file name if not already set. */
  plOpenFile( pls );

  pls->plbuf_write = 1;        /* use the plot buffer! */
  pls->termin = 0;             /* file oriented device */
  pls->graphx = GRAPHICS_MODE; /*  No text mode for this driver (at least for now, might add a console window if I ever figure it out and have the inclination) */
  pls->page = 0;

  dev->showGUI = false;
  dev->bitmapType = wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG;
Ejemplo n.º 3
plD_init_imp(PLStream *pls)
    PLDev *dev;

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    dev = plAllocDev(pls);

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = IMPX;
    dev->ymax = IMPY;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setpxl((PLFLT) 11.81, (PLFLT) 11.81);
    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

    LineBuff = (short *) malloc(BUFFLENG * sizeof(short));
    if (LineBuff == NULL) {
	plexit("Error in memory alloc in plD_init_imp().");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "@Document(Language ImPress, jobheader off)");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_HV_SYSTEM, OPBYTE1);
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", SET_ABS_H, OPWORDH1, OPWORDH2);
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c%c", SET_ABS_V, OPWORDV1, OPWORDV2);
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%c%c", SET_HV_SYSTEM, OPBYTE2);
Ejemplo n.º 4
plD_init_xfig(PLStream *pls)
    PLDev *dev;

    if (text)
      pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    dev = plAllocDev(pls);

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->xmax = FIGX;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->ymax = FIGY;
    dev->xscale_dev = DPI/25.4;
    dev->yscale_dev = DPI/25.4;
    offset_inc = dev->ymax * (PLINT)dev->yscale_dev;
    offset = - offset_inc;
    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;	    /* Handle solid fills */
    if (!pls->colorset)
      pls->color = 1;         /* Is a color device */

    plP_setpxl(dev->xscale_dev, dev->xscale_dev); /* dpmm -- dots per mm */
    plP_setphy(0, FIGX * dev->xscale_dev, 0, FIGY * dev->yscale_dev); /* physical dimension in mm */ 

/* Write out header */

    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "#FIG 3.2\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Landscape\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Center\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Metric\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "A4\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "100.0\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "Single\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "-2\n");
    fprintf(pls->OutFile, "%d 2\n", DPI);

    /* user defined colors, for colormap0 */
    cmap0_ncol = 2 * pls->ncol0; /* allow for a maximum of 2x the default cmap0 entries */
    cmap0_pos = ftell(pls->OutFile);

    /* user defined colors, for colormap1 */
    cmap1_ncol = 2 * pls->ncol1; /* allow for a maximum of  2x the default cmap1 entries */
    cmap1_pos = ftell(pls->OutFile); 

    bufflen = 2 * BSIZE;
    buffptr = (short *) malloc(sizeof(short) * bufflen);
    if (buffptr == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory!");
Ejemplo n.º 5
plD_init_ljii(PLStream *pls)
    PLDev *dev;

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    dev = plAllocDev(pls);

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;

    plP_setpxl((PLFLT) 5.905, (PLFLT) 5.905);

/* Rotate by 90 degrees since portrait mode addressing is used */

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = JETY;
    dev->ymax = JETX;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* If portrait mode is specified, then set up an additional rotation 
 * transformation with aspect ratio allowed to adjust via freeaspect.  
 * Default orientation is landscape (ORIENTATION == 3 or 90 deg rotation 
 * counter-clockwise from portrait).  (Legacy PLplot used seascape
 * which was equivalent to ORIENTATION == 1 or 90 deg clockwise rotation 
 * from portrait.) */

    if (pls->portrait) {
       plsdiori((PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION));
       pls->freeaspect = 1;

/* Allocate storage for bit map matrix */

#ifdef MSDOS
    if ((bitmap = (char _HUGE *) halloc((long) NBYTES, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory in call to calloc");
    if ((bitmap = (void *) calloc(NBYTES, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
	plexit("Out of memory in call to calloc");

/* Reset Printer */

    fprintf(OF, "%cE", ESC);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void
ps_init(PLStream *pls)
    PSDev *dev;


    if (text) 
	pls->dev_text = 1; /* want to draw text */
	pls->dev_unicode = 1; /* want unicode */
	if(hrshsym) pls->dev_hrshsym = 1; /* want Hershey symbols */

    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;		/* Can do solid fills */

/* Initialize family file info */


/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */


/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    if (pls->dev != NULL)
	free((void *) pls->dev);

    pls->dev = calloc(1, (size_t) sizeof(PSDev));
    if (pls->dev == NULL)
	plexit("ps_init: Out of memory.");

    dev = (PSDev *) pls->dev;

    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;

    plP_setpxl(pxlx, pxly);

    dev->llx = XPSSIZE;
    dev->lly = YPSSIZE;
    dev->urx = 0;
    dev->ury = 0;
    dev->ptcnt = 0;

/* Rotate by 90 degrees since portrait mode addressing is used */

    dev->xmin = 0;
    dev->ymin = 0;
    dev->xmax = PSY;
    dev->ymax = PSX;
    dev->xlen = dev->xmax - dev->xmin;
    dev->ylen = dev->ymax - dev->ymin;

    plP_setphy(dev->xmin, dev->xmax, dev->ymin, dev->ymax);

/* If portrait mode is specified, then set up an additional rotation 
 * transformation with aspect ratio allowed to adjust via freeaspect.  
 * Default orientation is landscape (ORIENTATION == 3 or 90 deg rotation 
 * counter-clockwise from portrait).  (Legacy PLplot used seascape
 * which was equivalent to ORIENTATION == 1 or 90 deg clockwise rotation 
 * from portrait.) */

    if (pls->portrait) {
       plsdiori((PLFLT)(4 - ORIENTATION));
       pls->freeaspect = 1;

/* Header comments into PostScript file */

    fprintf(OF, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%BoundingBox:         \n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n");

    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Title: PLplot Graph\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Creator: PLplot Version %s\n", VERSION);
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", ps_getdate());
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%Pages: (atend)\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%%%%EndComments\n\n");

/* Definitions */
/* Save VM state */

    fprintf(OF, "/PSSave save def\n");

/* Define a dictionary and start using it */

    fprintf(OF, "/PSDict 200 dict def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "PSDict begin\n");

    fprintf(OF, "/@restore /restore load def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {vmstatus pop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    dup @VMused lt {pop @VMused} if\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    exch pop exch @restore /@VMused exch def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@pri\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    ( ) print\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    (                                       ) cvs print\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* n @copies - */

    fprintf(OF, "/@copies\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    /#copies exch def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - @start -  -- start everything */

    fprintf(OF, "/@start\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    vmstatus pop /@VMused exch def pop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - @end -  -- finished */

    fprintf(OF, "/@end\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {flush\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    end\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    PSSave restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* bop -  -- begin a new page */
/* Only fill background if we are using color and if the bg isn't white */

    fprintf(OF, "/bop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    /SaveImage save def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* - eop -  -- end a page */

    fprintf(OF, "/eop\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    showpage\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    SaveImage restore\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* Set line parameters */

    fprintf(OF, "/@line\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {0 setlinecap\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    0 setlinejoin\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    1 setmiterlimit\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* d @hsize -  horizontal clipping dimension */

    fprintf(OF, "/@hsize   {/hs exch def} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@vsize   {/vs exch def} def\n");

/* d @hoffset - shift for the plots */

    fprintf(OF, "/@hoffset {/ho exch def} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/@voffset {/vo exch def} def\n");

/* Set line width */

    fprintf(OF, "/lw %d def\n", (int) (
	(pls->width < MIN_WIDTH) ? DEF_WIDTH :
	(pls->width > MAX_WIDTH) ? MAX_WIDTH : pls->width));

/* Setup user specified offsets, scales, sizes for clipping */

    fprintf(OF, "/@SetPlot\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    ho vo translate\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    XScale YScale scale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "    lw setlinewidth\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   } def\n");

/* Setup x & y scales */

    fprintf(OF, "/XScale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {hs %d div} def\n", YPSSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "/YScale\n");
    fprintf(OF, "   {vs %d div} def\n", XPSSIZE);

/* Macro definitions of common instructions, to keep output small */

    fprintf(OF, "/M {moveto} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/D {lineto} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/A {0.5 0 360 arc} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/S {stroke} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/Z {stroke newpath} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/F {fill} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/C {setrgbcolor} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/G {setgray} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/W {setlinewidth} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/SF {selectfont} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/R {rotate} def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/SW {stringwidth 2 index mul exch 2 index mul exch rmoveto pop} bind def\n");
    fprintf(OF, "/B {Z %d %d M %d %d D %d %d D %d %d D %d %d closepath} def\n",
    fprintf(OF, "/CL {newpath M D D D closepath clip} def\n");

/* End of dictionary definition */

    fprintf(OF, "end\n\n");

/* Set up the plots */

    fprintf(OF, "PSDict begin\n");
    fprintf(OF, "@start\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%d @copies\n", COPIES);
    fprintf(OF, "@line\n");
    fprintf(OF, "%d @hsize\n", YSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @vsize\n", XSIZE);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @hoffset\n", YOFFSET);
    fprintf(OF, "%d @voffset\n", XOFFSET);

    fprintf(OF, "@SetPlot\n\n");
Ejemplo n.º 7
void plD_init_gif(PLStream *pls)
    png_Dev *dev=NULL;

    pls->termin = 0;            /* Not an interactive device */
    pls->icol0 = 1;
    pls->bytecnt = 0;
    pls->page = 0;
    pls->dev_fill0 = 1;         /* Can do solid fills */
    pls->family = 1;            /* pmr:  allow multiple pages. */

    if (!pls->colorset)
	pls->color = 1;         /* Is a color device */

/* Initialize family file info */

/* Prompt for a file name if not already set */

/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */
    dev=(png_Dev *)pls->dev;

      if (pls->xlength <= 0 || pls->ylength <=0)
/* use default width, height of 800x600 if not specifed by -geometry option
 * or plspage */
	 plspage(0., 0., 800, 600, 0, 0);

     pls->graphx = GRAPHICS_MODE;

     dev->pngx = pls->xlength - 1;	/* should I use -1 or not??? */
     dev->pngy = pls->ylength - 1;

#ifdef use_experimental_hidden_line_hack

     if (dev->pngx>dev->pngy)    /* Work out the scaling factor for the  */
        {                        /* "virtual" (oversized) page           */



     if (pls->xdpi<=0)
/* This corresponds to a typical monitor resolution of 4 pixels/mm. */
        plspage(4.*25.4, 4.*25.4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        pls->ydpi=pls->xdpi;        /* Set X and Y dpi's to the same value */
/* Convert DPI to pixels/mm */

     plP_setphy(0, dev->scale*dev->pngx, 0, dev->scale*dev->pngy);

if (pls->dev_text)

Ejemplo n.º 8
static void
tek_init(PLStream *pls)
    TekDev *dev;
    int xmin = 0;
    int xmax = TEKX;
    int ymin = 0;
    int ymax = TEKY;

    PLFLT pxlx = 4.771;
    PLFLT pxly = 4.653;

    pls->graphx = TEXT_MODE;

/* Allocate and initialize device-specific data */

    pls->dev = calloc(1, (size_t) sizeof(TekDev));
    if (pls->dev == NULL)
	plexit("tek_init: Out of memory.");

    dev = (TekDev *) pls->dev;

    dev->curcolor = 1;
    dev->xold = PL_UNDEFINED;
    dev->yold = PL_UNDEFINED;

    plP_setpxl(pxlx, pxly);
    plP_setphy(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);

/* Terminal/file initialization */

    if (pls->termin) {
	pls->OutFile = stdout;
    else {

    switch (pls->dev_minor) {
#ifdef PLD_tek4107
    case tek4107:
	pls->graphx = GRAPHICS_MODE;
	fprintf(pls->OutFile, "\033%%!0");	/* set tek mode */
	fprintf(pls->OutFile, "\033KN1");	/* clear the view */
	fprintf(pls->OutFile, "\033LZ");	/* clear dialog buffer */
	fprintf(pls->OutFile, "\033ML1");	/* set default color */
#endif	/* PLD_tek4107 */

/* A sneaky hack: VLT sometimes has leftover panel information, causing 
 * garbage at the beginning of a sequence of color fills.  Since 
 * there is no clear panel command, instead I set the fill color to the
 * same as background and issue an end panel command.
#ifdef PLD_vlt
    case vlt:{
	char fillcol[4];
	encode_int(fillcol, 0);
	fprintf(pls->OutFile, "\033MP%s\033LE", fillcol);
#endif	/* PLD_vlt */


/* Initialize palette */

   if ( pls->color & 0x01 ) {
       printf("\033TM111");	/* Switch to RGB colors */

/* Finish initialization */

    fprintf(pls->OutFile, VECTOR_MODE);	/* Enter vector mode */
    if (pls->termin)
	fprintf(pls->OutFile, CLEAR_VIEW);/* erase and home */
