Ejemplo n.º 1
void set_gclk2_freq(int freq_hz)
  const int gc_master_clock = 0;
  const int gc_tx_clock = 2;
  int temp;

  pm_gc_disable(&AVR32_PM, gc_master_clock);
  pm_gc_disable(&AVR32_PM, gc_tx_clock);
  switch (freq_hz)
  // 32000 - stereo - 16 bits -> PLL0 (62.092MHz)
  case (32000*2*16):
    // Codec master clock - 12MHz
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_master_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC0, 0, 0);
    // I2S TX clock - 48MHz/46 ~ 1.024MHz = freq_hz
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_tx_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_PLL, AVR32_GC_USES_PLL1, 1, 22);
    // Configure the DAC
    aic23b_configure_freq(FOSC0, 32000);
  // 44100 - stereo - 16 bits -> OSC1 (11.289600MHz)
  case (44100*2*16):
    // Codec master clock - 11.289600MHz
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_master_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC1, 0, 0);
    // I2S TX clock - 11.289600MHz/8 = 1.4112MHz = freq_hz
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_tx_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC1, 1, 3);
    // Configure the DAC
    aic23b_configure_freq(FOSC1, 44100);
  // 48000 - stereo - 16 bits -> PLL1 (48MHz)
  case (48000*2*16):
    // Codec master clock - 12MHz
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_master_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC0, 0, 0);
    // I2S TX clock - 48MHz/32 ~ 1.536MHz = freq_hz
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_tx_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_PLL, AVR32_GC_USES_PLL1, 1, 15);
    // Configure the DAC
    aic23b_configure_freq(FOSC0, 48000);
    // not supported! (but we try anyway! to avoid locked-up conditions)
    // Codec master clock - 12MHz
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_master_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC0, 0, 0);
    // I2S TX clock
    temp = (FOSC0 + freq_hz) / (2*freq_hz) - 1;
    pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, gc_tx_clock, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC, AVR32_GC_USES_OSC0, 1, temp);
    // Configure the DAC
    aic23b_configure_freq(FOSC0, freq_hz / (2*16));
  pm_gc_enable(&AVR32_PM, gc_tx_clock);
  pm_gc_enable(&AVR32_PM, gc_master_clock);
Ejemplo n.º 2
//! @brief Entry point of the AK5394A task management
void AK5394A_task(void *pvParameters)
  portTickType xLastWakeTime;
  xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  int i;

  while (TRUE)
	  // All the hardwork is done by the pdca and the interrupt handler.
	  // Just check whether sampling freq is changed, to do rate change etc.

    vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, configTSK_AK5394A_PERIOD);

    if (freq_changed){

    	if (current_freq.frequency == 96000){

    		gpio_set_gpio_pin(AK5394_DFS0);		// L H  -> 96khz

    		pm_gc_disable(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1);
    		pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1, // gc
    						  0,                  // osc_or_pll: use Osc (if 0) or PLL (if 1)
    						  1,                  // pll_osc: select Osc0/PLL0 or Osc1/PLL1
    						  1,                  // diven - enabled
    						  0);                 // divided by 2.  Therefore GCLK1 = 6.144Mhz
    		pm_gc_enable(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1);

    	   	if (Is_usb_full_speed_mode()) FB_rate = 96 << 14;
    	    	else FB_rate = (96) << 13;

    	else if (current_freq.frequency == 192000)

				gpio_clr_gpio_pin(AK5394_DFS0);		// H L -> 192khz

           		pm_gc_disable(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1);
            	pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1, // gc
            						  0,                  // osc_or_pll: use Osc (if 0) or PLL (if 1)
            						  1,                  // pll_osc: select Osc0/PLL0 or Osc1/PLL1
            						  0,                  // diven - disabled
            						  0);                 // GCLK1 = 12.288Mhz
            	pm_gc_enable(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1);

              	if (Is_usb_full_speed_mode()) FB_rate = 192 << 14;
                	else FB_rate = (192) << 13;

    	else if (current_freq.frequency == 48000) // 48khz


				gpio_clr_gpio_pin(AK5394_DFS0);		// L L  -> 48khz

           		pm_gc_disable(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1);
            	pm_gc_setup(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1, // gc
            						  0,                  // osc_or_pll: use Osc (if 0) or PLL (if 1)
            						  1,                  // pll_osc: select Osc0/PLL0 or Osc1/PLL1
            						  1,                  // diven - enabled
            						  1);                 // divided by 4.  Therefore GCLK1 = 3.072Mhz
            	pm_gc_enable(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_GCLK_GCLK1);

            	if (Is_usb_full_speed_mode()) FB_rate = 48 << 14;
                	else FB_rate = (48) << 13;


    	// re-sync SSC to LRCK
        // Wait for the next frame synchronization event
        // to avoid channel inversion.  Start with left channel - FS goes low
    	// However, the channels are reversed at 192khz

    	if (current_freq.frequency == 192000) {
			while (gpio_get_pin_value(AK5394_LRCK));
			while (!gpio_get_pin_value(AK5394_LRCK));	// exit when FS goes high
    	else {
			while (!gpio_get_pin_value(AK5394_LRCK));
			while (gpio_get_pin_value(AK5394_LRCK));	// exit when FS goes low
        // Enable now the transfer.

        // Init PDCA channel with the pdca_options.
        pdca_init_channel(PDCA_CHANNEL_SSC_RX, &PDCA_OPTIONS); // init PDCA channel with options.

        // reset freq_changed flag
        freq_changed = FALSE;
    if (usb_alternate_setting_out_changed){
    	if (usb_alternate_setting_out != 1){
    		for (i = 0; i < SPK_BUFFER_SIZE; i++){
    			spk_buffer_0[i] = 0;
    			spk_buffer_1[i] = 0;

    	usb_alternate_setting_out_changed = FALSE;