static int helloworld_handler(request_rec* r) { if ( !r->handler || strcmp(r->handler, "helloworld") ) { return DECLINED ; /* none of our business */ } if ( r->method_number != M_GET ) { return HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED ; /* Reject other methods */ } ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html;charset=ascii") ; ap_rputs( "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\">\n", r) ; ap_rputs( "<html><head><title>Apache HelloWorld Module</title></head>", r) ; ap_rputs("<body><h1>Hello World!</h1>", r) ; ap_rputs("<p>This is the Apache HelloWorld module!</p>", r) ; /* Print the headers and env */ /* Note that the response headers and environment may be empty at * this point. The CGI environment is an overhead we dispense * with in a module, unless another module that requires it * (e.g. mod_rewrite) has set it up. */ printtable(r, r->headers_in, "Request Headers", "Header", "Value") ; printtable(r, r->headers_out, "Response Headers", "Header", "Value") ; printtable(r, r->subprocess_env, "Environment", "Variable", "Value") ; ap_rputs("</body></html>", r) ; return OK ; }
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){ uint32_t i; uint32_t result; uint32_t out; int k=0; int del = 0; int table[128]; i=0; while(i<128){ table[i]=0; i++; } k=0; i = (127 << 23) + (0 << 14); while(k < 16384*1024){ result=fsqrt_s(i); out = fsqrt(i,0); del = out - result; table[del+64] = table[del+64]+1; k++; i++; } printtable(table); return 0; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Unit x){ os << "Unit(" << ind << iendl << x->name; os << iendl << "PARENTS"; printtable(os, x->parents, x->parentCount); os << iendl << "GLOBALS"; printtable(os, x->globals, x->globalCount); os << iendl << "CONSTRUCTORS"; printtable(os, x->constructors, x->constructorCount); os << iendl << "NATIVEFUNCS"; printtable(os, x->nativeFuncs, x->nativeFuncCount); os << iendl << "NATIVEPREDS"; printtable(os, x->nativePreds, x->nativePredCount); os << iendl << "DENOTATIONS"; printtable(os, x->denotations, x->denotationCount); os << iendl << "initSchemaIndex=" << x->initSchemaIndex; os << iendl << "SCHEMAS"; printtable(os, x->schemas, x->schemaCount); os << iendl << "CODE"; int step = 0; while (step < x->codeSize){ os << iendl; printNext(os, x->code, step); } os << unind << ")" << iendl; return os; }
/* dump out a Paragraph in the desired manner */ static Paragraph* display(Paragraph *p, MMIOT *f) { if ( !p ) return 0; switch ( p->typ ) { case STYLE: case WHITESPACE: break; case HTML: printhtml(p->text, f); break; case CODE: printcode(p->text, f); break; case QUOTE: htmlify(p->down, p->ident ? "div" : "blockquote", p->ident, f); break; case UL: case OL: case AL: listdisplay(p->typ, p->down, f); break; #if DL_TAG_EXTENSION case DL: definitionlist(p->down, f); break; #endif case HR: Qstring("<hr />", f); break; case HDR: printheader(p, f); break; case TABLE: printtable(p, f); break; case SOURCE: htmlify(p->down, 0, 0, f); break; default: printblock(p, f); break; } return p->next; }
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){ uint32_t i,j; uint32_t result; uint32_t out; int k=0; int del = 0; int table[128]; i=0; while(i<128){ table[i]=0; i++; } //j=9; //while(j<1024){ j=0; k=0; i = (127 << 23) + (j << 13); while(k < 8192*1024){ result=finv_s(i); out = finv(i,0); del = out - result; table[del+64] = table[del+64]+1; k++; i++; } /*if(table[69]){ i=0; while(i<128){ table[i]=0; i++; } k=0; i = (127 << 23) + (j << 13); while(k < 8192){ result=finv_s(i); out = finv(i,0); del = out - result; table[del+64] = table[del+64]+1; k++; i++; } printf("offset=%d\n",j); printtable(table); return 1; } j++; }*/ printtable(table); return 0; }
static K printq(K x) { K result; if (xt < 0) result = printatom(x); else if ((xt >= 0) && (xt < 20)) result = printlist(x); else if (xt == 98) result = printtable(x); else if (xt == 99) result = printdict(x); else result = krr((S)"notimplemented"); printf("\n"); return result; }
/** * scramble function, for io_pipes and files (not parm). * @param method The method type, as defined in the enum. * @return Void Nothing. * @author Erik Greenwald <*****@*****.**> * @remarks Thanks to Dr Eric Shade for helping out. */ void scramble (char method, FILE * io_pipes[2]) { char **table = NULL; int size = 0; if (method == LINE || method == WORD) { struct ll *ptr = NULL; /*** make linked list ***/ if (method == LINE) ptr = readlines (io_pipes, &size); if (method == WORD) ptr = readwords (io_pipes, &size); /*** make table from list ***/ if (size == 0) return; table = (char **)malloc (size * sizeof (void *)); if (table == NULL) { printf ("%s", NOMEM); return; } list_to_table (ptr, table, size); /*** delete the linked list and clean up ***/ freelist (ptr); } /* * shuffle it (thanks to Dr Shade) */ shuffle (table, size); /*** print it ***/ printtable (table, size, io_pipes[1]); freetable (table, size); free (table); return; }
static int dist_generate(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; double mu, sigma, rho; if (argc == 1) { if (!(fp = fopen(argv[0], "r"))) error(-1, errno, "Failed to open file: %s", argv[0]); } else fp = stdin; short *inverse = dist_make(fp, &mu, &sigma, &rho); if (!inverse) error(-1, 0, "Failed to generate distribution"); printtable(inverse, TABLESIZE); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; double *x; double mu, sigma, rho; int limit; int *table; short *inverse; int total; if (argc > 1) { if (!(fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) { perror(argv[1]); exit(1); } } else { fp = stdin; } x = readdoubles(fp, &limit); if (limit <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Nothing much read!\n"); exit(2); } arraystats(x, limit, &mu, &sigma, &rho); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%d values, mu %10.4f, sigma %10.4f, rho %10.4f\n", limit, mu, sigma, rho); #endif table = makedist(x, limit, mu, sigma); free((void *) x); cumulativedist(table, DISTTABLESIZE, &total); inverse = inverttable(table, TABLESIZE, DISTTABLESIZE, total); interpolatetable(inverse, TABLESIZE); printtable(inverse, TABLESIZE); return 0; }
int main(void) { list *head, *tail, *current; int mode = 0; head = tail = current = NULL; while (1) { puts("[1] 테이블 생성"); puts("[2] 테이블 입력"); puts("[3] 테이블 삭제"); puts("[4] 데이터 삭제"); puts("[5] 출력"); puts("[6] 검색"); puts("[7] 저장"); puts("[8] 로드"); puts("[0] 종료"); scanf("%d%*c", &mode); if (mode == 1) { current = makelist(); putlist(&head, &tail, current); } else if (mode == 2) { simpleinput(head); } else if (mode == 3) { deltable(&head, &tail); } else if (mode == 4) { killvar(head); } else if (mode == 5) { printtable(head); } else if (mode == 6) { search(head); } else if (mode == 7) { save(head); } else if (mode == 8) { head = tail = current = NULL; load(&head, &tail); } else if (mode == 0) { exit(1); } else { continue; } } }
extern void flushout (struct table *p) { char *name; FILE *outfile; struct llist *lptr; int i,j; char *newvar1,*newvar2; int printed; name = getfilename(p->procname); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n\n name: %s\n",name); printf("entry: \n"); printtable(p); #endif outfile = fopen(name,"w"); if (outfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: unable to open %s\n",name); exit(1); } /* print includes */ for (lptr = p->includs; lptr != NULL; lptr= lptr->nextl) fprintf(outfile,"#include %s\n",lptr->entry); /* print proc name */ fprintf(outfile,"\n%s",p->procname); /* print parameters in proc line */ for (i = 0; i< p->declnum; i++){ fprintf(outfile," x%d",i); if (i != p->declnum-1) fprintf(outfile,","); } fprintf(outfile,")\n"); /* print var declarations */ i = 0; for (lptr = p->decls; lptr != NULL; lptr= lptr->nextl){ printed = FALSE; for (j=0; lptr->entry[j] != '\0'; j++){ if (lptr->entry[j] == '[') { printed = TRUE; newvar1 = (char *) calloc(1,40); strncpy(newvar1,lptr->entry,j); newvar2 = (char *) calloc(1,40); strcpy(newvar2,&(lptr->entry[j])); fprintf(outfile,"%s x%d %s;\n",newvar1,i++,newvar2); } } if (!printed) fprintf(outfile,"%s x%d;\n",lptr->entry,i++); } /* print body */ fprintf(outfile,"{\n"); /* use procn, set by getfilename as system name called */ fprintf(outfile,"\nreturn(%s(",procn); for (i=0; i< p->declnum; i++){ fprintf(outfile," x%d",i); if (i != p->declnum-1) fprintf(outfile,","); } fprintf(outfile,"));\n}\n"); if (fclose(outfile) != 0) perror(name); }
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){ int failed=0; uint32_t i; uint32_t result; uint32_t out; int aaa[1024]; int k=0; int m=0; int del = 0; int table[128]; if(argc < 4){ printf("few args!!\n"); return 1; } i=0; while(i<128){ table[i]=0; i++; } int offset = atoi(argv[1]); int offset_term = atoi(argv[2]); i=(127<<23) + (offset << 13); int j=0 - (atoi(argv[3])); int dist=1000; int best=0; while(offset < offset_term){ dist=1000; j=0 - (atoi(argv[3])); while(j < atoi(argv[3]) + 1){ k=0; i=(127<<23) + (offset << 13); while(k < 8192*1024){ result=finv_s(i); out = finv(i,j); del = out - result; /*if(del > 4 || del < -4){ printf("offset: %d\n",offset); printf("del: %d\n",del); printbin(i); printbin(out); printbin(result); return 0; }*/ table[del+64] = table[del+64]+1; k++; i++; } printtable(table); return 1; if(distri(table) < dist){ best = j; dist = distri(table); } m=0; while(m<128){ table[m]=0; m++; } j++; } k=0; i=(127<<23) + (offset << 13); while(k < 8192){ result=finv_s(i); out = finv(i,best); del = out - result; table[del+64] = table[del+64]+1; k++; i++; } //print23bin(ctou(dummy[offset])); //printtable(table); //printf("%d\n",lub(table)); aaa[offset] = 0 - ((lub(table)+glb(table)) /2); /*m=0; while(m<128){ table[m]=0; m++; }*/ if(dist < 10){ fprintf(stderr,"clear: offset=%d,dist=%d,exp=%d,best=%d,glb=%d,lub=%d\n",offset,dist,aaa[offset],best,glb(table),lub(table)); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"FAILED...: offset=%d,dist=%d,exp=%d,best=%d,glb=%d,lub=%d\n",offset,dist,aaa[offset],best,glb(table),lub(table)); failed++; } fprintf(stderr,"sinchoku...%d/%d\n",offset-atoi(argv[1]),atoi(argv[2])-atoi(argv[1])); incdecprint2(dummy2,best,offset); m=0; while(m<128){ table[m]=0; m++; } offset++; } offset=atoi(argv[1]); while(offset < atoi(argv[2])){ incdecprint(dummy,aaa[offset],offset); offset++; } //printf("best case: %d dist: %d\n",best,dist); fprintf(stderr,"failed cases: %d/%d\n",failed,atoi(argv[2])-atoi(argv[1])); return 0; }
/* dump out a Paragraph in the desired manner */ static Paragraph* display(Paragraph *p, MMIOT *f, int easyNewLine) { if ( !p ) return 0; switch ( p->typ ) { case STYLE: case WHITESPACE: break; case HTML: printhtml(p->text, f); break; case CODE: printcode(p->text, f); break; case QUOTE: if (p->down) { p->down->easyNewline = p->easyNewline; } htmlify(p->down, p->ident ? "div" : "blockquote", p->ident, f); break; case UL: case OL: case AL: listdisplay(p->typ, p->down, f); break; case DL: definitionlist(p->down, f); break; case HR: Qstring("<hr />", f); break; case HDR: printheader(p, f); break; case TABLE: printtable(p, f); break; case SOURCE: if (p->down) { p->down->easyNewline = p->easyNewline; } htmlify(p->down, 0, 0, f); break; default: printblock(p, f, easyNewLine); break; } // MK HACK, copy easyNewLine Paragraph *pNext = p->next; if (pNext) { pNext->easyNewline = p->easyNewline; } return pNext; }
int main (void) { initRecordManager(NULL); int in; int cl = 0; while(cl == 0){ printf("What to do:\n1.Add new table\n2.insert\n3.update\n4.delete\n5.scan\n6.print table\n7.close\n"); in=0; scanf("%d",&in); RM_TableData *table; Record *result,*r; Value *value,*v; int i,j; switch(in) { case 0: printf("invalid input\n"); break; case 1: printf("\nAdding new table:\n"); printf("Table name: "); char tbn[50]; scanf("%s",tbn); char* tbnp = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(tbn)); memcpy(tbnp,tbn,sizeof(tbn)); printf("number of attributes: "); int nat = 0; scanf("%d",&nat); printf("number of keys: "); int nk = 0; scanf("%d",&nk); Schema *sch; char **names = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*) * nat); DataType* dt = (DataType *) malloc(sizeof(DataType) * nat); int* sizes = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nat); int* keys = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nk); int kptr = 0; for(i=0;i<nat;i++){ printf("Attribute %d name: ", i+1); char buf[100]; scanf("%s", buf); char* tmp = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(buf)); memcpy(tmp,buf,sizeof(buf)); names[i] = tmp; printf("Attribute %d datatype: [I/S/F/B]: ", i+1); char dtp; scanf(" %c", &dtp); //printf("\ndtp = %c", dtp); switch(dtp) { case 'I': dt[i] = DT_INT; sizes[i] = 0; break; case 'S': dt[i] = DT_STRING; printf("Attribute %d length: ", i+1); scanf("%d",&sizes[i]); printf("length is: %d\n", sizes[i]); break; case 'F': dt[i] = DT_FLOAT; sizes[i] = 0; break; case 'B': dt[i] = DT_BOOL; sizes[i] = 0; break; } printf("Is Attribute %d a key?: [Y/N] ", i+1); char isk; scanf(" %c", &isk); if(isk == 'Y'){ keys[kptr] = i; kptr++; } //printf("schema add: %s,%d,%c\n",names[i],sizes[i],isk); } sch = createSchema(nat,names,dt,sizes,nk,keys); createTable(tbnp,sch); break; case 2: printf("Insert record\n"); printf("table name: "); char buf2[100]; scanf("%s", buf2); char* tmp2 = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(buf2)); memcpy(tmp2,buf2,sizeof(buf2)); table = (RM_TableData *) malloc(sizeof(RM_TableData)); openTable(table, tmp2); createRecord(&result, table->schema); for(i=0;i<table->schema->numAttr;i++){ if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_INT) { printf("intput int attr[%d/%d] value -- %s: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); int intt = 0; scanf("%d",&intt); //printf("\n%d is %d\n", i, intt); MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_INT,intt); setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } else if (table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_STRING) { printf("intput string attr[%d/%d] value -- %s: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); char instrbuf[100]; scanf("%s",instrbuf); char* instr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(instrbuf)); memcpy(instr,instrbuf,sizeof(instrbuf)); MAKE_STRING_VALUE(value,instr); setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } else if (table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_FLOAT) { printf("intput float attr[%d/%d] value -- %s: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); float infl; scanf("%fl",&infl); MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_FLOAT,infl); setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } else if (table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_BOOL) { printf("intput boolean attr[%d/%d] value -- %s [T/F]: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); char inbl; scanf(" %c",&inbl); if(inbl == 'T'){ MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_BOOL,true); } else if (inbl == 'F'){ MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_BOOL,false); } setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } if(i==table->schema->numAttr-1){ printf("\n"); } } insertRecord(table,result); break; case 3: printf("update record\n"); printf("table name: "); char buf3[100]; scanf("%s", buf3); char* tmp3 = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(buf3)); memcpy(tmp3,buf3,sizeof(buf3)); table = (RM_TableData *) malloc(sizeof(RM_TableData)); openTable(table, tmp3); createRecord(&result, table->schema); r = (Record *) malloc(sizeof(Record)); RM_ScanHandle *sc = (RM_ScanHandle *) malloc(sizeof(RM_ScanHandle)); startScan(table, sc, NULL); printf("Select record to update: \n"); j=0; int rids[100][2]; while(next(sc, r) == RC_OK){ printf("(%d) ",j+1); rids[j][0] = r->; rids[j][1] = r->id.slot; for(i=0;i<table->schema->numAttr;i++){ if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_INT) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15d",v->v.intV); } else if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_STRING) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15s",v->v.stringV); } else if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_FLOAT) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15fl",v->v.floatV); } else if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_BOOL) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15s",v->v.boolV ? "true" : "false"); } } printf("\n"); j++; } int sele; scanf("%d", &sele); sele--; if(sele >= 0 && sele < j+1){ createRecord(&result, table->schema); for(i=0;i<table->schema->numAttr;i++){ if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_INT) { printf("intput int attr[%d/%d] value -- %s: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); int intt = 0; scanf("%d",&intt); //printf("\n%d is %d\n", i, intt); MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_INT,intt); setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } else if (table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_STRING) { printf("intput string attr[%d/%d] value -- %s: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); char instrbuf[100]; scanf("%s",instrbuf); char* instr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(instrbuf)); memcpy(instr,instrbuf,sizeof(instrbuf)); MAKE_STRING_VALUE(value,instr); setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } else if (table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_FLOAT) { printf("intput float attr[%d/%d] value -- %s: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); float infl; scanf("%fl",&infl); MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_FLOAT,infl); setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } else if (table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_BOOL) { printf("intput boolean attr[%d/%d] value -- %s [T/F]: ", i+1,table->schema->numAttr,table->schema->attrNames[i]); char inbl; scanf(" %c",&inbl); if(inbl == 'T'){ MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_BOOL,true); } else if (inbl == 'F'){ MAKE_VALUE(value,DT_BOOL,false); } setAttr(result, table->schema, i, value); freeVal(value); } if(i==table->schema->numAttr-1){ printf("\n"); } } result-> = rids[sele][0]; result->id.slot = rids[sele][1]; updateRecord(table,result); } break; case 4: printf("delete record\n"); printf("table name: "); char buf4[100]; scanf("%s", buf4); char* tmp4 = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(buf3)); memcpy(tmp4,buf4,sizeof(buf4)); table = (RM_TableData *) malloc(sizeof(RM_TableData)); openTable(table, tmp4); createRecord(&result, table->schema); r = (Record *) malloc(sizeof(Record)); RM_ScanHandle *sc2 = (RM_ScanHandle *) malloc(sizeof(RM_ScanHandle)); startScan(table, sc2, NULL); printf("Select record to delete: \n"); j=0; int rids2[100][2]; while(next(sc2, r) == RC_OK){ printf("(%d) ",j+1); rids2[j][0] = r->; rids2[j][1] = r->id.slot; for(i=0;i<table->schema->numAttr;i++){ if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_INT) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15d",v->v.intV); } else if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_STRING) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15s",v->v.stringV); } else if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_FLOAT) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15fl",v->v.floatV); } else if(table->schema->dataTypes[i] == DT_BOOL) { getAttr(r,table->schema,i,&v); printf("%-15s",v->v.boolV ? "true" : "false"); } } printf("\n"); j++; } int sele2; scanf("%d", &sele2); sele2--; if(sele2 >= 0 && sele2 < j+1){ RID rid; = rids[sele2][0]; rid.slot = rids[sele2][1]; deleteRecord(table,rid); } break; case 5: printf("scan\n"); break; case 6: printf("table name: "); char buf[100]; scanf("%s", buf); char* tmp = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*sizeof(buf)); memcpy(tmp,buf,sizeof(buf)); printtable(buf); break; case 7: cl = 1; break; default: printf("invalid input\n"); break; } } }
int main() { table *tbl; char *word; int size = 53; char compmethod = '1'; printf("Testing all of table (EEE!!)'s methods!!\n\n"); printf("Creating tbl, adding stuff, searching for stuff.\n"); tbl = createtable(size); word = "hoi"; printf("Adding word %s\n",word); addtable(tbl, size, word, compmethod); printtable(tbl, size); word = "boi"; printf("Adding word %s\n",word); addtable(tbl, size, word, compmethod); printtable(tbl, size); word = "owijf"; printf("Adding word %s\n",word); addtable(tbl, size, word, compmethod); printtable(tbl, size); /* llist *listt; char *word; int line; printf("Testing all of llist's methods!!\n\n"); printf("Creating llist listt. Adding stuff to it.\n"); listt = createllist(); word = "hoi"; line = 11; printf("Adding misspelled word %s at line %d\n",word,line); addllist(listt, word, line); printlist(listt); word = "zuh"; line = 11; printf("Adding misspelled word %s at line %d\n",word,line); addllist(listt, word, line); printlist(listt); word = "ajia"; line = 12; printf("Adding misspelled word %s at line %d\n",word,line); addllist(listt, word, line); printlist(listt); word = "hoi"; line = 15; printf("Adding misspelled word %s at line %d\n",word,line); addllist(listt, word, line); printlist(listt); char* buffer = "a wefe"; int size = 53; char compmethod = '2'; int shash; printf("Testing all of hash's methods!!\n\n"); printf("Using string %s, size %d, compmethod %c\n",buffer,size,compmethod); shash = hash( buffer, size, compmethod ); printf("Result of hashing: %d\n",shash); */ return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ptr<locationtable> locs = New refcounted<locationtable> (10); Configurator::only ().set_int ("chord.max_vnodes", 1024); chord_node n; ptr<location> l; n.r.hostname = ""; n.r.port = 11977; n.vnode_num = 0; n.age = 0; n.x = make_chordID (n.r.hostname, n.r.port, n.vnode_num); n.coords.setsize (Coord::NCOORD + Coord::USING_HT); warnx << "base insert... "; l = locs->insert (n); assert (l); assert (locs->size () == 1); assert (locs->usablenodes() == 1); assert (locs->cached (l->id ())); assert (!locs->pinned (l->id ())); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "setting dead... "; l->set_alive (false); assert (locs->usablenodes () == 0); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "flushing... "; locs->flush (); assert (locs->size () == 0); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "reinsert... "; locs->insert (l); assert (locs->size () == 1); assert (locs->usablenodes () == 0); assert (locs->cached (l->id ())); assert (locs->lookup (l->id ()) == l); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "back to life... "; l->set_alive (true); assert (locs->usablenodes () == 1); warnx << "pinning sole node... "; locs->pin (n.x, 0); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "verifying pinned... "; assert (locs->pinned (l->id ())); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "attempting flush of pin node... "; locs->flush (); assert (locs->cached (l->id ())); assert (locs->lookup (l->id ()) == l); assert (locs->size () == 1); warnx << "failed as expected.\n"; warnx << "pinning a successor and attempting flush... "; locs->pin (n.x, 1); locs->flush (); assert (locs->cached (l->id ())); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "resetting locationtable... "; locs = New refcounted<locationtable> (10); warnx << "ok\n"; locs->insert (l); warnx << "pinning self, pred and succlist... "; locs->pin (n.x, 0); locs->pin (n.x, -1); locs->pin (n.x, 16); warnx << " ok\n"; warnx << "flushing... "; locs->flush (); assert (locs->cached (l->id ())); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "testing with 2 nodes... "; n.vnode_num = 1; n.x = make_chordID (n.r.hostname, n.r.port, n.vnode_num); l = locs->insert (n); assert (locs->size () == 2); assert (locs->pinned (n.x)); locs->flush (); assert (locs->size () == 2); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "pinning new self, pred and succlist and then flushing... "; locs->pin (n.x, 0); locs->pin (n.x, -1); locs->pin (n.x, 16); locs->flush (); assert (locs->cached (l->id ())); assert (locs->size () == 2); warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "inserting 10 nodes... "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { n.r.hostname = ""; n.r.port = 1000 + i; n.vnode_num = i; n.x = make_chordID (n.r.hostname, n.r.port, i); l = locs->insert (n); assert (l); assert (l->alive ()); assert (locs->size () == 2 + i + 1); assert (locs->usablenodes () == 2 + i + 1); } warnx << "ok\n"; warnx << "testing duplicate insert... "; ptr<location> w = locs->insert (n); assert (l == w); assert (locs->size () == 12); assert (locs->usablenodes () == 12); warnx << "ok\n"; printtable (locs, "insert", ""); }