Ejemplo n.º 1
void parseScoringEvents(std::string page, std::vector<ScoringEvent> *scoringEvents, Game *game, League *league){

	For goals, we dont' want anything above the scoring summary, or below the next </table>
	std::string goals = split(page, "Scoring Summary")[1];
	goals = split(goals, "</table>")[0];

	Split by </td> to break up the periods. The first and last elements are garbage, just toss them.
	std::vector<std::string> goalVec = split(goals, "</td>");

	Go through and remove the opening <td> tag now from every element, it's unnecessary.
	for(int i = 0; i < goalVec.size(); i++){
		goalVec[i] = extract(goalVec[i] + "</td>", "td");

	Cycle through goals by period
	for(int i = 0; i < goalVec.size(); i+=2){

		Only if there was a goal in that period

		if(goalVec[i+1].find("(no scoring)") == std::string::npos ){

			Get the actual number for this period
			int per = getPeriod(goalVec[i]);

			If there are more than one goals in that period, split them up and process them seperately.
			If there is only one goal, process it directly.
			if(goalVec[i+1].find("<tr>") != std::string::npos){
				std::vector<std::string> firstsplit = split(goalVec[i+1], "<tr>");
				for(int n = 0; n < firstsplit.size(); n++){
					If it wasn't the first goal of the period, there will be another <td> tag on it. We can't have that, so strip it off.
					if(firstsplit[n].find("<td") != std::string::npos)
						firstsplit[n] = extract(firstsplit[n], "td");
					scoringEvents->push_back(processGoal(game, league, per, firstsplit[n]));
				scoringEvents->push_back(processGoal(game, league, per, goalVec[i+1]));
  // Action server sends goals here
  void goalCB()
    ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("pick_place_moveit","Received goal -----------------------------------------------");

    pick_place_goal_ = action_server_.acceptNewGoal();
    base_link_ = pick_place_goal_->frame;

    processGoal(pick_place_goal_->pickup_pose, pick_place_goal_->place_pose);
  // Skip perception
  void fake_goalCB()
    ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("pick_place_moveit","Received fake goal ----------------------------------------");

    // Position
    geometry_msgs::Pose start_block_pose;
    geometry_msgs::Pose end_block_pose;

    // Does not work
    start_block_pose.position.x = 0.35;
    start_block_pose.position.y = 0.2;
    start_block_pose.position.z = 0.02;

    // Works - close
    start_block_pose.position.x = 0.2;
    start_block_pose.position.y = 0.0;
    start_block_pose.position.z = 0.02;

    // 3rd try
    start_block_pose.position.x = 0.35;
    start_block_pose.position.y = 0.1;
    start_block_pose.position.z = 0.02;

    nh_.param<double>("/block_pick_place_server/block_x", start_block_pose.position.x, 0.2);
    nh_.param<double>("/block_pick_place_server/block_y", start_block_pose.position.y, 0.0);
    nh_.param<double>("/block_pick_place_server/block_z", start_block_pose.position.z, 0.02);

    ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("pick_place_moveit","start block is \n" << start_block_pose.position);

    end_block_pose.position.x = 0.25;
    end_block_pose.position.y = 0.15;
    end_block_pose.position.z = 0.02;

    // Orientation
    double angle = M_PI / 1.5;
    Eigen::Quaterniond quat(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(double(angle), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
    start_block_pose.orientation.x = quat.x();
    start_block_pose.orientation.y = quat.y();
    start_block_pose.orientation.z = quat.z();
    start_block_pose.orientation.w = quat.w();

    angle = M_PI / 1.1;
    quat = Eigen::Quaterniond(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(double(angle), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
    end_block_pose.orientation.x = quat.x();
    end_block_pose.orientation.y = quat.y();
    end_block_pose.orientation.z = quat.z();
    end_block_pose.orientation.w = quat.w();

    // Fill goal
    base_link_ = "base_link";

    processGoal(start_block_pose, end_block_pose);