Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: seq_if.c Proyecto: ukaea/epics
/* Flush outstanding PV requests */
epicsShareFunc void seq_pvFlush(SS_ID ss)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: seq_if.c Proyecto: ukaea/epics
 * Put a variable's value to a PV, with timeout.
epicsShareFunc pvStat seq_pvPutTmo(SS_ID ss, CH_ID chId, enum compType compType, double tmo)
	PROG	*sp = ss->prog;
	CHAN	*ch = sp->chan + chId;
	pvStat	status;
	unsigned count;
	char	*var = valPtr(ch,ss);	/* ptr to value */
	PVREQ	*req;
	DBCHAN	*dbch = ch->dbch;
	PVMETA	*meta = metaPtr(ch,ss);

	DEBUG("pvPut: pv name=%s, var=%p\n", dbch ? dbch->dbName : "<anonymous>", var);

	/* First handle anonymous PV (safe mode only) */
	if (optTest(sp, OPT_SAFE) && !dbch)
		anonymous_put(ss, ch);
		return pvStatOK;
	if (!dbch)
			"pvPut(%s): user error (not assigned to a PV)\n",
		return pvStatERROR;

	/* Check for channel connected */
	status = check_connected(dbch, meta);
	if (status != pvStatOK) return status;

	/* Determine whether to perform synchronous, asynchronous, or
	   plain put ((+a) option was never honored for put, so DEFAULT
	   means fire-and-forget) */
	status = check_pending(pvEventPut, ss, ss->putReq + chId, ch->varName,
		dbch, meta, compType, tmo);
	if (status != pvStatOK)
		return status;

	/* Determine number of elements to put (don't try to put more
	   than db count) */
	count = dbch->dbCount;

	/* Perform the PV put operation (either non-blocking or with a
	   callback routine specified) */
	if (compType == DEFAULT)
		status = pvVarPutNoBlock(
				&dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
				ch->type->putType,	/* data type */
				count,			/* element count */
				(pvValue *)var);	/* data value */
		if (status != pvStatOK)
			pv_call_failure(dbch, meta, status);
			errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "pvPut(var %s, pv %s): pvVarPutNoBlock() failure: %s\n",
				ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
			return status;
		/* Allocate and initialize a pv request */
		req = (PVREQ *)freeListMalloc(sp->pvReqPool);
		req->ss = ss;
		req->ch = ch;

		assert(ss->putReq[chId] == NULL);
		ss->putReq[chId] = req;

		status = pvVarPutCallback(
				&dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
				ch->type->putType,	/* data type */
				count,			/* element count */
				(pvValue *)var,		/* data value */
				req);			/* user arg */
		if (status != pvStatOK)
			pv_call_failure(dbch, meta, status);
			errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "pvPut(var %s, pv %s): pvVarPutCallback() failure: %s\n",
				ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
			ss->putReq[chId] = NULL;	/* cancel the request */
			freeListFree(sp->pvReqPool, req);
			check_connected(dbch, meta);
			return status;

		if (compType == SYNC)			/* wait for completion */
			status = wait_complete(pvEventPut, ss, ss->putReq + chId, dbch, meta, tmo);
			if (status != pvStatOK)
				return status;
	return pvStatOK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: seq_if.c Proyecto: ukaea/epics
 * Get value from a channel, with timeout.
epicsShareFunc pvStat seq_pvGetTmo(SS_ID ss, CH_ID chId, enum compType compType, double tmo)
	PROG		*sp = ss->prog;
	CHAN		*ch = sp->chan + chId;
	pvStat		status;
	PVREQ		*req;
	DBCHAN		*dbch = ch->dbch;
	PVMETA		*meta = metaPtr(ch,ss);

	/* Anonymous PV and safe mode, just copy from shared buffer.
	   Note that completion is always immediate, so no distinction
	   between SYNC and ASYNC needed. See also pvGetComplete. */
	if (optTest(sp, OPT_SAFE) && !dbch)
		/* Copy regardless of whether dirty flag is set or not */
		ss_read_buffer(ss, ch, FALSE);
		return pvStatOK;
	/* No named PV and traditional mode => user error */
	if (!dbch)
			"pvGet(%s): user error (not assigned to a PV)\n",
		return pvStatERROR;

	if (compType == DEFAULT)
		compType = optTest(sp, OPT_ASYNC) ? ASYNC : SYNC;

	status = check_pending(pvEventGet, ss, ss->getReq + chId, ch->varName,
		dbch, meta, compType, tmo);
	if (status != pvStatOK)
		return status;

	/* Allocate and initialize a pv request */
	req = (PVREQ *)freeListMalloc(sp->pvReqPool);
	req->ss = ss;
	req->ch = ch;

	assert(ss->getReq[chId] == NULL);
	ss->getReq[chId] = req;

	/* Perform the PV get operation with a callback routine specified.
	   Requesting more than db channel has available is ok. */
	status = pvVarGetCallback(
			&dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
			ch->type->getType,	/* request type */
			ch->count,		/* element count */
			req);			/* user arg */
	if (status != pvStatOK)
		pv_call_failure(dbch, meta, status);
			"pvGet(var %s, pv %s): pvVarGetCallback() failure: %s\n",
			ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
		ss->getReq[chId] = NULL;	/* cancel the request */
		freeListFree(sp->pvReqPool, req);
		check_connected(dbch, meta);
		return status;

	/* Synchronous: wait for completion */
	if (compType == SYNC)
		status = wait_complete(pvEventGet, ss, ss->getReq + chId, dbch, meta, tmo);
		if (status != pvStatOK)
			return status;
		if (optTest(sp, OPT_SAFE))
			/* Copy regardless of whether dirty flag is set or not */
			ss_read_buffer(ss, ch, FALSE);

	return pvStatOK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * ss_entry() - Thread entry point for all state sets.
 * Provides the main loop for state set processing.
static void ss_entry(void *arg)
	SSCB		*ss = (SSCB *)arg;
	PROG		*sp = ss->prog;

	/* Attach to PV system; was already done for the first state set */
	if (ss != sp->ss)
		ss->threadId = epicsThreadGetIdSelf();

	/* Register this thread with the EPICS watchdog (no callback func) */
	taskwdInsert(ss->threadId, 0, 0);

	/* In safe mode, update local var buffer with global one before
	   entering the event loop. Must do this using
	   ss_read_all_buffer since CA and other state sets could
	   already post events resp. pvPut. */
	if (optTest(sp, OPT_SAFE))
		ss_read_all_buffer(sp, ss);

	/* Initial state is the first one */
	ss->currentState = 0;
	ss->nextState = -1;
	ss->prevState = -1;

	DEBUG("ss %s: entering main loop\n", ss->ssName);

	 * ============= Main loop ==============
	while (TRUE)
		boolean	ev_trig;
		int	transNum = 0;	/* highest prio trans. # triggered */
		STATE	*st = ss->states + ss->currentState;
		double	now;

		/* Set state to current state */
		assert(ss->currentState >= 0);

		/* Set state set event mask to this state's event mask */
		ss->mask = st->eventMask;

		/* If we've changed state, do any entry actions. Also do these
		 * even if it's the same state if option to do so is enabled.
		if (st->entryFunc && (ss->prevState != ss->currentState
			|| optTest(st, OPT_DOENTRYFROMSELF)))

		/* Flush any outstanding DB requests */

		/* Setting this semaphore here guarantees that a when() is
		 * always executed at least once when a state is first entered.


		/* Set time we entered this state if transition from a different
		 * state or else if option not to do so is off for this state.
		if ((ss->currentState != ss->prevState) ||
			!optTest(st, OPT_NORESETTIMERS))
			ss->timeEntered = now;
		ss->wakeupTime = epicsINF;

		/* Loop until an event is triggered, i.e. when() returns TRUE
		do {
			/* Wake up on PV event, event flag, or expired delay */
			DEBUG("before epicsEventWaitWithTimeout(ss=%d,timeout=%f)\n",
				ss - sp->ss, ss->wakeupTime - now);
			epicsEventWaitWithTimeout(ss->syncSem, ss->wakeupTime - now);
			DEBUG("after epicsEventWaitWithTimeout()\n");

			/* Check whether we have been asked to exit */
			if (sp->die) goto exit;

			/* Copy dirty variable values from CA buffer
			 * to user (safe mode only).
			if (optTest(sp, OPT_SAFE))
				ss_read_all_buffer(sp, ss);

			ss->wakeupTime = epicsINF;

			/* Check state change conditions */
			ev_trig = st->eventFunc(ss,
				&transNum, &ss->nextState);

			/* Clear all event flags (old ef mode only) */
			if (ev_trig && !optTest(sp, OPT_NEWEF))
				unsigned i;
				for (i = 0; i < NWORDS(sp->numEvFlags); i++)
					sp->evFlags[i] &= ~ss->mask[i];
			if (!ev_trig)
		} while (!ev_trig);

		/* Execute the state change action */
		st->actionFunc(ss, transNum, &ss->nextState);

		/* Check whether we have been asked to exit */
		if (sp->die) goto exit;

		/* If changing state, do exit actions */
		if (st->exitFunc && (ss->currentState != ss->nextState
			|| optTest(st, OPT_DOEXITTOSELF)))

		/* Change to next state */
		ss->prevState = ss->currentState;
		ss->currentState = ss->nextState;

	/* Thread exit has been requested */
	/* Declare ourselves dead */
	if (ss != sp->ss)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Get value from a channel.
 * TODO: add optional timeout argument.
epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI seq_pvGet(SS_ID ss, VAR_ID varId, enum compType compType)
	SPROG		*sp = ss->sprog;
	CHAN		*ch = sp->chan + varId;
	pvStat		status;
	PVREQ		*req;
	epicsEventId	getSem = ss->getSemId[varId];
	DBCHAN		*dbch = ch->dbch;
	PVMETA		*meta = metaPtr(ch,ss);
	double		tmo = seq_sync_timeout;

	/* Anonymous PV and safe mode, just copy from shared buffer.
	   Note that completion is always immediate, so no distinction
	   between SYNC and ASYNC needed. See also pvGetComplete. */
	if ((sp->options & OPT_SAFE) && !dbch)
		/* Copy regardless of whether dirty flag is set or not */
		ss_read_buffer(ss, ch, FALSE);
		return pvStatOK;
	/* No named PV and traditional mode => user error */
	if (!dbch)
			"pvGet(%s): user error (variable not assigned)\n",
		return pvStatERROR;

	if (compType == DEFAULT)
		compType = (sp->options & OPT_ASYNC) ? ASYNC : SYNC;

	if (compType == SYNC)
		double before, after;
		switch (epicsEventWaitWithTimeout(getSem, tmo))
		case epicsEventWaitOK:
			status = check_connected(dbch, meta);
			if (status) return epicsEventSignal(getSem), status;
			tmo -= (after - before);
		case epicsEventWaitTimeout:
				"pvGet(ss %s, var %s, pv %s): failed (timeout "
				"waiting for other get requests to finish)\n",
				ss->ssName, ch->varName, dbch->dbName
			return pvStatERROR;
		case epicsEventWaitError:
			/* try to recover */
			ss->getReq[varId] = NULL;
				"pvGet: epicsEventWaitWithTimeout() failure\n");
			return pvStatERROR;
	else if (compType == ASYNC)
		switch (epicsEventTryWait(getSem))
		case epicsEventWaitOK:
			if (ss->getReq[varId] != NULL)
				/* previous request timed out but user
				   did not call pvGetComplete */
				ss->getReq[varId] = NULL;
			status = check_connected(dbch, meta);
			if (status) return epicsEventSignal(getSem), status;
		case epicsEventWaitTimeout:
				"pvGet(ss %s, var %s, pv %s): user error "
				"(there is already a get pending for this variable/"
				"state set combination)\n",
				ss->ssName, ch->varName, dbch->dbName
			return pvStatERROR;
		case epicsEventWaitError:
			/* try to recover */
			ss->getReq[varId] = NULL;
				"pvGet: epicsEventTryWait() failure\n");
			return pvStatERROR;

	/* Allocate and initialize a pv request */
	req = (PVREQ *)freeListMalloc(sp->pvReqPool);
	req->ss = ss;
	req->ch = ch;

	assert(ss->getReq[varId] == NULL);
	ss->getReq[varId] = req;

	/* Perform the PV get operation with a callback routine specified.
	   Requesting more than db channel has available is ok. */
	status = pvVarGetCallback(
			dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
			ch->type->getType,	/* request type */
			ch->count,		/* element count */
			seq_get_handler,	/* callback handler */
			req);			/* user arg */
	if (status != pvStatOK)
		meta->status = pvStatERROR;
		meta->severity = pvSevrMAJOR;
		meta->message = "get failure";
		errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "pvGet(var %s, pv %s): pvVarGetCallback() failure: %s\n",
			ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
		ss->getReq[varId] = NULL;
		freeListFree(sp->pvReqPool, req);
		check_connected(dbch, meta);
		return status;

	/* Synchronous: wait for completion */
	if (compType == SYNC)
		epicsEventWaitStatus event_status;

		event_status = epicsEventWaitWithTimeout(getSem, tmo);
		ss->getReq[varId] = NULL;
		switch (event_status)
		case epicsEventWaitOK:
			status = check_connected(dbch, meta);
			if (status) return status;
			if (sp->options & OPT_SAFE)
				/* Copy regardless of whether dirty flag is set or not */
				ss_read_buffer(ss, ch, FALSE);
		case epicsEventWaitTimeout:
			meta->status = pvStatTIMEOUT;
			meta->severity = pvSevrMAJOR;
			meta->message = "get completion timeout";
			return meta->status;
		case epicsEventWaitError:
			meta->status = pvStatERROR;
			meta->severity = pvSevrMAJOR;
			meta->message = "get completion failure";
			return meta->status;

	return pvStatOK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Put a variable's value to a PV.
epicsShareFunc pvStat epicsShareAPI seq_pvPut(SS_ID ss, VAR_ID varId, enum compType compType)
	SPROG	*sp = ss->sprog;
	CHAN	*ch = sp->chan + varId;
	pvStat	status;
	unsigned count;
	char	*var = valPtr(ch,ss);	/* ptr to value */
	PVREQ	*req;
	DBCHAN	*dbch = ch->dbch;
	PVMETA	*meta = metaPtr(ch,ss);
	epicsEventId	putSem = ss->putSemId[varId];
	double	tmo = seq_sync_timeout;

	DEBUG("pvPut: pv name=%s, var=%p\n", dbch ? dbch->dbName : "<anonymous>", var);

	/* First handle anonymous PV (safe mode only) */
	if ((sp->options & OPT_SAFE) && !dbch)
		anonymous_put(ss, ch);
		return pvStatOK;
	if (!dbch)
			"pvPut(%s): user error (variable not assigned)\n",
		return pvStatERROR;

	/* Check for channel connected */
	status = check_connected(dbch, meta);
	if (status) return status;

	/* Determine whether to perform synchronous, asynchronous, or
	   plain put ((+a) option was never honored for put, so DEFAULT
	   means non-blocking and therefore implicitly asynchronous) */
	if (compType == SYNC)
		double before, after;
		switch (epicsEventWaitWithTimeout(putSem, tmo))
		case epicsEventWaitOK:
			tmo -= (after - before);
		case epicsEventWaitTimeout:
				"pvPut(ss %s, var %s, pv %s): failed (timeout "
				"waiting for other put requests to finish)\n",
				ss->ssName, ch->varName, dbch->dbName
			return pvStatERROR;
		case epicsEventWaitError:
			/* try to recover */
			ss->putReq[varId] = NULL;
				"pvPut: epicsEventWaitWithTimeout() failure\n");
			return pvStatERROR;
	else if (compType == ASYNC)
		switch (epicsEventTryWait(putSem))
		case epicsEventWaitOK:
			if (ss->putReq[varId] != NULL)
				/* previous request timed out but user
				   did not call pvPutComplete */
				ss->putReq[varId] = NULL;
		case epicsEventWaitTimeout:
			meta->status = pvStatERROR;
			meta->severity = pvSevrMAJOR;
			meta->message = "already one put pending";
			status = meta->status;
				"pvPut(ss %s, var %s, pv %s): user error "
				"(there is already a put pending for this variable/"
				"state set combination)\n",
				ss->ssName, ch->varName, dbch->dbName
			return pvStatERROR;
		case epicsEventWaitError:
			/* try to recover */
			ss->putReq[varId] = NULL;
				"pvPut: epicsEventTryWait() failure\n");
			return pvStatERROR;

	/* Determine number of elements to put (don't try to put more
	   than db count) */
	count = dbch->dbCount;

	/* Perform the PV put operation (either non-blocking or with a
	   callback routine specified) */
	if (compType == DEFAULT)
		status = pvVarPutNoBlock(
				dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
				ch->type->putType,	/* data type */
				count,			/* element count */
				(pvValue *)var);	/* data value */
		if (status != pvStatOK)
			errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "pvPut(var %s, pv %s): pvVarPutNoBlock() failure: %s\n",
				ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
			return status;
		/* Allocate and initialize a pv request */
		req = (PVREQ *)freeListMalloc(sp->pvReqPool);
		req->ss = ss;
		req->ch = ch;

		assert(ss->putReq[varId] == NULL);
		ss->putReq[varId] = req;

		status = pvVarPutCallback(
				dbch->pvid,		/* PV id */
				ch->type->putType,	/* data type */
				count,			/* element count */
				(pvValue *)var,		/* data value */
				seq_put_handler,	/* callback handler */
				req);			/* user arg */
		if (status != pvStatOK)
			ss->putReq[varId] = NULL;
			errlogSevPrintf(errlogFatal, "pvPut(var %s, pv %s): pvVarPutCallback() failure: %s\n",
				ch->varName, dbch->dbName, pvVarGetMess(dbch->pvid));
			freeListFree(sp->pvReqPool, req);
			check_connected(dbch, meta);
			return status;

	/* Synchronous: wait for completion (10s timeout) */
	if (compType == SYNC)
		epicsEventWaitStatus event_status;

		event_status = epicsEventWaitWithTimeout(putSem, tmo);
		ss->putReq[varId] = NULL;
		switch (event_status)
		case epicsEventWaitOK:
			status = check_connected(dbch, meta);
			if (status) return status;
		case epicsEventWaitTimeout:
			meta->status = pvStatTIMEOUT;
			meta->severity = pvSevrMAJOR;
			meta->message = "put completion timeout";
			return meta->status;
		case epicsEventWaitError:
			meta->status = pvStatERROR;
			meta->severity = pvSevrMAJOR;
			meta->message = "put completion failure";
			return meta->status;

	return pvStatOK;