Ejemplo n.º 1
R_API char *r_cons_editor (const char *file) {
	char *line;
	_n = 0;
	free (path);
	if (file) {
		path = strdup (file);
		lines = r_file_slurp (file, &bytes);
		nlines = r_str_split (lines, '\n');
		eprintf ("Loaded %d lines on %d bytes\n", nlines-1, bytes);
	} else path = NULL;
	r_cons_new ();
	I->line->hist_up = up;
	I->line->hist_down = down;
	I->line->contents = I->line->buffer.data;
	for (;;) {
		setnewline (_n);
		snprintf (prompt, sizeof (prompt), "%d: ", _n);
		r_line_set_prompt (prompt);
		line = r_line_readline ();
		saveline (_n, line);
		if (!line) break;
	filesave ();
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static bool r_egg_Cfile_parseCompiled(const char *file) {
	char *fileExt = r_str_newf ("%s.tmp", file);
	char *buffer = r_file_slurp (fileExt, NULL);

	buffer = r_str_replace (buffer, "rdata", "text", false);
	buffer = r_str_replace (buffer, "rodata", "text", false);
	buffer = r_str_replace (buffer, "get_pc_thunk.bx", "__getesp__", true);

	const char *words[] = {".cstring", "size", "___main", "section", "__alloca", "zero", "cfi"};
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
		r_str_stripLine (buffer, words[i]);

	free (fileExt);
	fileExt = r_str_newf ("%s.s", file);
	if (!r_file_dump (fileExt, (const ut8*) buffer, strlen (buffer), true)) {
		eprintf ("Error while opening %s.s\n", file);
		goto fail;

	free (buffer);
	free (fileExt);
	return true;

	free (buffer);
	free (fileExt);
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *pathname, int rw, int mode) {
	char *out;
	int rlen;
	if (__plugin_open (io, pathname, 0)) {
		RIOBind iob;
		RIOBfdbg *mal = R_NEW0 (RIOBfdbg);
		r_io_bind (io, &iob);
		mal->fd = getmalfd (mal);
		mal->bfvm = bfvm_new (&iob);
		out = r_file_slurp (pathname+8, &rlen);
		if (!out || rlen < 1) {
			free (mal);
			free (out);
			return NULL;
		mal->size = rlen;
		mal->buf = malloc (mal->size+1);
		if (mal->buf != NULL) {
			memcpy (mal->buf, out, rlen);
			free (out);
			return r_io_desc_new (&r_io_plugin_bfdbg,
				mal->fd, pathname, rw, mode, mal);
		eprintf ("Cannot allocate (%s) %d bytes\n",
			pathname+9, mal->size);
		free (mal);
		free (out);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static char *projectScriptPath(RCore *core, const char *file) {
	const char *magic = "# r2 rdb project file";
	char *data, *prjfile;
	if (r_file_is_abspath (file)) {
		prjfile = strdup (file);
	} else {
		if (!is_valid_project_name (file)) {
			return NULL;
		prjfile = r_file_abspath (r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects"));
		prjfile = r_str_append (prjfile, R_SYS_DIR);
		prjfile = r_str_append (prjfile, file);
		if (!r_file_exists (prjfile) || r_file_is_directory (prjfile)) {
			prjfile = r_str_append (prjfile, R_SYS_DIR "rc");
	data = r_file_slurp (prjfile, NULL);
	if (data) {
		if (strncmp (data, magic, strlen (magic))) {
			R_FREE (prjfile);
	free (data);
	return prjfile;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static ut8 *slurp(RCore **c, const char *file, int *sz) {
	RIODesc *d;
	RIO *io;
	if (c && file && strstr (file, "://")) {
		ut8 *data = NULL;
		ut64 size;
		if (!*c) {
			*c = opencore (NULL);
		io = (*c)->io;
		d = r_io_open (io, file, 0, 0);
		if (!d) {
			return NULL;
		size = r_io_size (io);
		if (size > 0 || size < ST32_MAX) {
			data = calloc (1, size);
			if (r_io_read_at (io, 0, data, size) == size) {
				if (sz) {
					*sz = size;
			} else {
				eprintf ("slurp: read error\n");
				R_FREE (data);
		} else {
			eprintf ("slurp: File is too big\n");
		r_io_close (io, d);
		return data;
	return (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file, sz);
Ejemplo n.º 6
R_API RBuffer *r_buf_file (const char *file) {
	RBuffer *b = r_buf_new ();
	if (!b) return NULL;
	b->buf = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file, &b->length);
	if (b->buf) return b;
	r_buf_free (b);
	return NULL; /* we just freed b, don't return it */
Ejemplo n.º 7
static char *r_debug_rap_reg_profile(RDebug *dbg) {
	char *out, *tf = r_file_temp ("/tmp/rap.XXXXXX");
	int fd = r_cons_pipe_open (tf, 1, 0);
	r_io_system (dbg->iob.io, "drp");
	r_cons_pipe_close (fd);
	out = r_file_slurp (tf, NULL);
	r_file_rm (tf);
	return out;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: hud.c Proyecto: Maijin/radare2
// Display the content of a file in the hud
R_API char *r_cons_hud_file(const char *f) {
	char *s = r_file_slurp (f, NULL);
	if (s) {
		char *ret = r_cons_hud_string (s);
		free (s);
		return ret;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: run.c Proyecto: f0829/radare2
R_API int r_run_parsefile(RRunProfile *p, const char *b) {
	char *s = r_file_slurp (b, NULL);
	if (s) {
		int ret = r_run_parse (p, s);
		free (s);
		return ret;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Display the content of a file in the hud
R_API char *r_cons_hud_file(const char *f, const bool usecolor) {
	char *s = r_file_slurp (f, NULL);
	if (s) {
		char *ret = r_cons_hud_string (s, usecolor);
		free (s);
		if (!ret)
			ret = strdup ("");
		return ret;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 11
R_API int r_reg_set_profile(RReg *reg, const char *profile) {
	int ret;
	char *base, *file;
	char *str = r_file_slurp (profile, NULL);
	if (!str) {
		base = r_sys_getenv (R_LIB_ENV);
		if (base) {
			file = r_str_append (base, profile);
			str = r_file_slurp (file, NULL);
			free (file);
	if (!str) {
		eprintf ("r_reg_set_profile: Cannot find '%s'\n", profile);
		return false;
	ret = r_reg_set_profile_string (reg, str);
	free (str);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: buf.c Proyecto: P4N74/radare2
// TODO: rename to new_from_file ?
R_API RBuffer *r_buf_new_slurp(const char *file) {
	int len;
	RBuffer *b = r_buf_new ();
	if (!b) return NULL;
	b->buf = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file, &len);
	b->length = len;
	if (b->buf) {
		return b;
	r_buf_free (b);
	return NULL; /* we just freed b, don't return it */
Ejemplo n.º 13
static char *getstr(const char *src) {
	int len;
	char *ret = NULL;

	switch (*src) {
	case '\'':
		ret = strdup (src+1);
		if (ret) {
			len = strlen (ret);
			if (len>0) {
				if (ret[len]=='\'') {
					ret[len] = 0;
					return ret;
				} else eprintf ("Missing \"\n");
			free (ret);
		return NULL;
	case '"':
		ret = strdup (src+1);
		if (ret) {
			len = strlen (ret);
			if (len>0) {
				if (ret[len]=='"') {
					ret[len] = 0;
					r_str_unescape (ret);
					return ret;
				} else eprintf ("Missing \"\n");
			free (ret);
		return NULL;
	case '@':
		// slurp file
		return r_file_slurp (src+1, NULL);
	case ':':
		// hexpairs
		ret = strdup (src);
		len = r_hex_str2bin (src+1, (ut8*)ret);
		if (len>0) {
			ret[len] = 0;
			return ret;
		} else {
			eprintf ("Invalid hexpair string\n");
			free (ret);
			return NULL;
	r_str_unescape ((ret = strdup (src)));
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 14
R_API int r_core_project_cat(RCore *core, const char *name) {
	char *path = r_core_project_file (core, name);
	if (path) {
		char *data = r_file_slurp (path, NULL);
		if (data) {
			r_cons_println (data);
			free (data);
	free (path);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
R_API int r_reg_set_profile(RReg *reg, const char *profile) {
	int ret;
	char *base, *file;
	char *str = r_file_slurp (profile, NULL);
	if (!str) {
		// XXX we must define this varname in r_lib.h /compiletime/
		base = r_sys_getenv ("LIBR_PLUGINS");
		if (base) {
			file = r_str_concat (base, profile);
			str = r_file_slurp (file, NULL);
			free (file);

	if (!str) {
		eprintf ("r_reg_set_profile: Cannot find '%s'\n", profile);
		return false;
	ret = r_reg_set_profile_string (reg, str);
	free (str);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 16
RBinJavaObj* r_bin_java_new(const char* file) {
	ut8 *buf;
	RBinJavaObj *bin = R_NEW0 (RBinJavaObj);
	bin->file = file;
	if (!(buf = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file, &bin->size))) 
		return r_bin_java_free (bin);
	bin->b = r_buf_new ();
	if (!r_buf_set_bytes (bin->b, buf, bin->size))
		return r_bin_java_free (bin);
	free (buf);
	if (!javasm_init (bin))
		return r_bin_java_free (bin);
	return bin;
Ejemplo n.º 17
struct r_bin_te_obj_t* r_bin_te_new(const char* file) {
	ut8 *buf;
	struct r_bin_te_obj_t *bin = R_NEW0 (struct r_bin_te_obj_t);
	if (!bin) return NULL;
	bin->file = file;
	if (!(buf = (ut8*)r_file_slurp(file, &bin->size)))
		return r_bin_te_free(bin);
	bin->b = r_buf_new ();
	if (!r_buf_set_bytes (bin->b, buf, bin->size))
		return r_bin_te_free(bin);
	free (buf);
	if (!r_bin_te_init(bin))
		return r_bin_te_free(bin);
	return bin;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static bool cmd_wff(RCore *core, const char *input) {
	ut8 *buf;
	int size;
	// XXX: file names cannot contain spaces
	const char *arg = input + ((input[1] == ' ') ? 2 : 1);
	int wseek = r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.wseek");
	char *p, *a = r_str_trim (strdup (arg));
	p = strchr (a, ' ');
	if (p) {
		*p++ = 0;

	if (*arg =='?' || !*arg) {
		eprintf ("Usage: wf [file] ([size] ([offset]))\n");
	if (!strcmp (arg, "-")) {
		char *out = r_core_editor (core, NULL, NULL);
		if (out) {
			r_io_write_at (core->io, core->offset,
				(ut8*)out, strlen (out));
			r_core_block_read (core);
			free (out);
	if ((buf = (ut8*) r_file_slurp (a, &size))) {
		int u_size = size;
		int u_offset = 0;
		u_size = r_num_math (core->num, p);
		if (u_size < 1) u_size = size;
		if (p) {
			*p++ = 0;
			u_offset = r_num_math (core->num, p);
			if (u_offset > size) {
				eprintf ("Invalid offset\n");
				free (buf);
				return false;
		r_io_use_fd (core->io, core->file->fd);
		r_io_write_at (core->io, core->offset, buf + u_offset, u_size);
		WSEEK (core, size);
		free (buf);
		r_core_block_read (core);
	} else {
		eprintf ("Cannot open file '%s'\n", arg);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
struct r_bin_dyldcache_obj_t* r_bin_dyldcache_new(const char* file) {
	struct r_bin_dyldcache_obj_t *bin;
	ut8 *buf;
	if (!(bin = malloc (sizeof (struct r_bin_dyldcache_obj_t))))
		return NULL;
	memset (bin, 0, sizeof (struct r_bin_dyldcache_obj_t));
	bin->file = file;
	if (!(buf = (ut8*)r_file_slurp(file, &bin->size))) 
		return r_bin_dyldcache_free(bin);
	bin->b = r_buf_new();
	if (!r_buf_set_bytes(bin->b, buf, bin->size))
		return r_bin_dyldcache_free(bin);
	free (buf);
	if (!r_bin_dyldcache_init(bin))
		return r_bin_dyldcache_free(bin);
	return bin;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static int lang_duktape_file(RLang *lang, const char *file) {
	int ret = -1;
	char *code = r_file_slurp (file, NULL); 
	if (code) {
		register_helpers (lang);
		duk_push_lstring (ctx, code, strlen (code));
		duk_push_string (ctx,file);
		free (code);
		ret = duk_safe_call (ctx, wrapped_compile_execute, 2, 1);
		if (ret != DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) {
			print_error(ctx, stderr);
			eprintf ("duktape error");
		} else {
			duk_pop (ctx);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *pathname, int rw, int mode) {
	if (__plugin_open (io, pathname, 0)) {
		RIOGzip *mal = R_NEW0 (RIOGzip);
		if (!mal) return NULL;
		int len;
		ut8 *data = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (pathname+7, &len);
		mal->buf = r_inflate (data, len, NULL, &mal->size);
		if (mal->buf) {
			RETURN_IO_DESC_NEW (&r_io_plugin_malloc,
				mal->fd, pathname, rw, mode, mal);
		free (data);
		eprintf ("Cannot allocate (%s) %d bytes\n", pathname+9,
		free (mal);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: mz.c Proyecto: agatti/radare2
struct r_bin_mz_obj_t* r_bin_mz_new(const char* file) {
	const ut8 *buf;
	struct r_bin_mz_obj_t *bin = R_NEW0 (struct r_bin_mz_obj_t);
	if (!bin) {
		return NULL;
	bin->file = file;
	if (!(buf = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file, &bin->size))) {
		return r_bin_mz_free (bin);
	bin->b = r_buf_new ();
	if (!r_buf_set_bytes (bin->b, buf, bin->size)) {
		free ((void *)buf);
		return r_bin_mz_free (bin);
	free ((void *)buf);
	if (!r_bin_mz_init (bin)) {
		return r_bin_mz_free (bin);
	return bin;
Ejemplo n.º 23
R_API void r_core_fortune_list(RCore *core) {
	// TODO: use file.fortunes // can be dangerous in sandbox mode
	const char *types = (char *)r_config_get (core->config, "cfg.fortunes.type");
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < R_ARRAY_SIZE (fortunes); i++) {
		if (strstr (types, fortunes[i])) {
			char *file = getFortuneFile(core, fortunes[i]);
			char *str = r_file_slurp (file, NULL);
			for (j = 0; str[j]; j++) {
				if (str[j] == '\n') {
					if (i < j) {
						str[j] = '\0';
						r_cons_printf ("%s\n", str + i);
					i = j + 1;
			free (str);
			free (file);
Ejemplo n.º 24
static char *r_core_project_file(RCore *core, const char *file) {
	const char *magic = "# r2 rdb project file";
	char *data, *prjfile;
	//if (*file != R_SYS_DIR[0]) {
	if (r_file_is_abspath (file)) {
		prjfile = strdup (file);
	} else {
		if (!is_valid_project_name (file))
			return NULL;
		prjfile = r_file_abspath (r_config_get (
			core->config, "dir.projects"));
		prjfile = r_str_concat (prjfile, R_SYS_DIR);
		prjfile = r_str_concat (prjfile, file);
	data = r_file_slurp (prjfile, NULL);
	if (data) {
		if (strncmp (data, magic, strlen (magic))) {
			R_FREE (prjfile);
	free (data);
	return prjfile;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	const char *addr = NULL;
	RCore *c, *c2;
	RDiff *d;
	char *file, *file2;
	ut8 *bufa, *bufb;
	int o, sza, szb, rad = 0, delta = 0;
	int mode = MODE_DIFF;
	int diffops = 0;
	int threshold = -1;
	double sim;

	while ((o = getopt (argc, argv, "Cpg:Orhcdsvxt:")) != -1) {
		switch (o) {
		case 'p':
			useva = R_FALSE;
		case 'r':
			rad = 1;
		case 'g':
			mode = MODE_GRAPH;
			addr = optarg;
		case 'c':
			showcount = 1;
		case 'C':
			mode = MODE_CODE;
		case 'O':
			diffops = 1;
		case 't':
			threshold = atoi (optarg);
		case 'd':
			delta = 1;
		case 'h':
			return show_help (1);
		case 's':
			mode = MODE_DIST;
		case 'x':
			mode = MODE_COLS;
//		case 'l':
//			mode = MODE_LOCS;
//			break;
		case 'v':
			printf ("radiff2 v"R2_VERSION"\n");
			return 0;
			return show_help (0);
	if (argc<3 || optind+2>argc)
		return show_help (0);

	file = argv[optind];
	file2 = argv[optind+1];

	switch (mode) {
	case MODE_CODE:
		c = opencore (file);
		if (!c) eprintf ("Cannot open '%s'\n", file);
		c2 = opencore (file2);
		if (!c||!c2) {
			eprintf ("Cannot open '%s'\n", file2);
			return 1;
		r_anal_diff_setup_i (c->anal, diffops, threshold, threshold);
		r_anal_diff_setup_i (c2->anal, diffops, threshold, threshold);
		r_core_gdiff (c, c2);
		if (mode == MODE_GRAPH)
			diff_graph (c, c2, addr);
		else r_core_diff_show (c, c2);
		return 0;

	bufa = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file, &sza);
	bufb = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file2, &szb);
	if (bufa == NULL || bufb == NULL) {
		eprintf ("radiff2: Cannot open: %s\n",
			bufa? file2: file);
		return 1;

	//delta = 0;
	switch (mode) {
	case MODE_COLS:
		dump_cols (bufa, sza, bufb, szb);
	case MODE_DIFF:
		d = r_diff_new (0LL, 0LL);
		r_diff_set_delta (d, delta);
		r_diff_set_callback (d, &cb, (void *)(size_t)rad);
		r_diff_buffers (d, bufa, sza, bufb, szb);
		r_diff_free (d);
	case MODE_DIST:
		r_diff_buffers_distance (NULL, bufa, sza, bufb, szb, &count, &sim);
		printf ("similarity: %.2f\n", sim);
		printf ("distance: %d\n", count);
//	case MODE_LOCS:
//		count = r_diff_lines(file, (char*)bufa, sza, file2, (char*)bufb, szb);
//		break;
		eprintf ("TODO: Use ragdiff2\n");

	if (showcount)
		printf ("%d\n", count);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static char *getstr(const char *src) {
	int len;
	char *ret = NULL;

	switch (*src) {
	case '\'':
		ret = strdup (src+1);
		if (ret) {
			len = strlen (ret);
			if (len>0) {
				if (ret[len]=='\'') {
					ret[len] = 0;
					return ret;
				} else eprintf ("Missing \"\n");
			free (ret);
		return NULL;
	case '"':
		ret = strdup (src+1);
		if (ret) {
			len = strlen (ret);
			if (len>0) {
				if (ret[len]=='"') {
					ret[len] = 0;
					r_str_unescape (ret);
					return ret;
				} else eprintf ("Missing \"\n");
			free (ret);
		return NULL;
	case '@':
			char *pat = strchr (src+1, '@');
			if (pat) {
				*pat++ = 0;
				int i, rep = atoi (src+1);
				int len = strlen (pat);
				if (rep>0) {
					char *buf = malloc (rep);
					for(i=0;i<rep;i++) {
						buf[i] = pat[i%len];
					return buf;
			// slurp file
			return r_file_slurp (src+1, NULL);
	case '!':
		return r_str_trim_tail (r_sys_cmd_str (src+1, NULL, NULL));
	case ':':
		if (src[1]=='!') {
			ret = r_str_trim_tail (r_sys_cmd_str (src+1, NULL, NULL));
		} else {
			ret = strdup (src);
		len = r_hex_str2bin (src+1, (ut8*)ret);
		if (len>0) {
			ret[len] = 0;
			return ret;
		} else {
			eprintf ("Invalid hexpair string\n");
			free (ret);
			return NULL;
	r_str_unescape ((ret = strdup (src)));
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 27
static int cmd_project(void *data, const char *input) {
	RCore *core = (RCore *) data;
	const char *file, *arg = (input && *input)? input + 1: NULL;
	const char *fileproject = r_config_get (core->config, "prj.name");
	char *str = NULL;

	if (!input) {
		return false;
	str = strdup (fileproject);
	arg = strchr (input, ' ');
	if (arg) {
	} else {
		if (*input) {
			arg = input + 1;
			if (*arg == '&') {
	file = arg;
	switch (input[0]) {
	case 'c':
		if (input[1] == ' ') {
			r_core_project_cat (core, input + 2);
		} else {
			eprintf ("Usage: Pc [prjname]\n");
	case 'o':
		//	if (r_file_is_regular (file))
		if (input[1] == '&') {
			r_core_project_open (core, file, true);
		} else if (input[1]) {
			r_core_project_open (core, file, false);
		} else {
			if (file && *file) {
				r_cons_println (file);
	case 'l':
		r_core_project_list (core, input[1]);
	case 'd':
	case '-':
		r_core_project_delete (core, file);
	case 's':
		if (!file || !file[0]) { /* if no argument specified use current project */
			file = str;
		if (r_core_project_save (core, file)) {
			r_config_set (core->config, "prj.name", file);
			r_cons_println (file);
	case 'S':
		if (input[1] == ' ') {
			r_core_project_save_rdb (core, input + 2, R_CORE_PRJ_ALL);
		} else {
			eprintf ("Usage: PS [file]\n");
	case 'n':
		if (!fileproject || !*fileproject) {
			eprintf ("No project\n");
		} else {
			switch (input[1]) {
			case '-':
				/* remove lines containing specific words */
				FILE *fd = r_sandbox_fopen (str, "w");
				if (!fd) {
					eprintf ("Cannot open %s\n", str);
				} else {
					char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject);
					char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL);
					int del = 0;
					if (data) {
						char *ptr, *nl;
						for (ptr = data; ptr; ptr = nl)  {
							nl = strchr (ptr, '\n');
							if (nl) {
								*nl++ = 0;
								if (strstr (ptr, input + 2)) {
								} else {
									fprintf (fd, "%s\n", ptr);
						free (data);
					if (del > 0) {
						eprintf ("Deleted %d lines\n", del);
					free (str);
					fclose (fd);
			case ' ':
				if (input[2] == '-') {
					char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject);
					// edit with cfg.editor
					const char *editor = r_config_get (core->config, "cfg.editor");
					if (str && *str && editor && *editor) {
						r_sys_cmdf ("%s %s", editor, str);
					} else {
						eprintf ("No cfg.editor configured\n");
					free (str);
				} else {
					//char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject);
					// append line to project notes
					char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject);
					char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL);
					FILE *fd = r_sandbox_fopen (str, "a");
					if (fd) {
						fprintf (fd, "%s\n", input + 2);
						fclose (fd);
					free (str);
					free (data);
			case 'j':
				if (!input[2]) {
					int len = 0;
					/* get base64 string */
					char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject);
					if (str) {
						char *data = r_file_slurp (str, &len);
						char *res = r_base64_encode_dyn (data, len);
						if (res) {
							r_cons_println (res);
							free (res);
						free (data);
						free (str);
				} else if (input[2] == ' ') {
					/* set base64 string */
					ut8 *data = r_base64_decode_dyn (input + 3, -1);
					if (data) {
						char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject);
						if (str) {
							r_file_dump (str, data, strlen ((const char *) data), 0);
							free (str);
						free (data);
				} else {
					eprintf ("Usage: `Pnj` or `Pnj ...`\n");
			case 'x':
				r_core_project_execute_cmds (core, fileproject);
			case 0:
				char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject);
				char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL);
				if (data) {
					r_cons_println (data);
					free (data);
				free (str);
			case '?':
				const char *help_msg[] = {
					"Usage:", "Pn[j-?] [...]", "Project Notes",
					"Pn", "", "show project notes",
					"Pn", " -", "edit notes with cfg.editor",
					"Pn-", "", "delete notes",
					"Pn-", "str", "delete lines matching /str/ in notes",
					"Pnx", "", "run project note commands",
					"Pnj", "", "show notes in base64",
					"Pnj", " [base64]", "set notes in base64",
				r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg);
	case 'i':
		if (file && *file) {
			char *prjName = r_core_project_info (core, file);
			r_cons_println (prjName);
			free (prjName);
	default: {
		const char *help_msg[] = {
			"Usage:", "P[?osi] [file]", "Project management",
			"Pc", " [file]", "show project script to console",
			"Pd", " [file]", "delete project",
			"Pi", " [file]", "show project information",
			"Pl", "", "list all projects",
			"Pn", "[j]", "show project notes (Pnj for json)",
			"Pn", " [base64]", "set notes text",
			"Pn", " -", "edit notes with cfg.editor",
			"Po", " [file]", "open project",
			"Ps", " [file]", "save project",
			"PS", " [file]", "save script file",
			"P-", " [file]", "delete project (alias for Pd)",
			"NOTE:", "", "See 'e??prj.'",
			"NOTE:", "", "project are stored in ~/.config/radare2/projects",
		r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg);
	free (str);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
/* TODO: split this function into several ones..quite long fun */
static void rcc_next(REgg *egg) {
	const char *ocn;
	REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
	char *str = NULL, *p, *ptr, buf[64];
	int i;

	if (setenviron) {
		elem[elem_n - 1] = 0;
		r_sys_setenv (setenviron, elem);
		R_FREE (setenviron);
	if (includefile) {
		char *p, *q, *path;
		// TODO: add support for directories
		elem[elem_n-1] = 0;
		path = find_include (elem, includefile);
		if (!path) {
			eprintf ("Cannot find include file '%s'\n", elem);
		free (includefile);
		includefile = NULL;
		rcc_reset_callname ();
		p = q = r_file_slurp (path, NULL);
		if (p) {
			int oline = ++line;
			elem[0] = 0; // TODO: this must be a separate function
			elem_n = 0;
			line = 0;
			for (; *p; p++)
				r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *p);
			free (q);
			line = oline;
		} else {
			eprintf ("Cannot find '%s'\n", path);
		free (path);
	docall = 1;
	if (callname) {
		if (!strcmp (callname, "goto")) {
			if (nargs != 1) {
				eprintf ("Invalid number of arguments for goto()\n");
			e->jmp (egg, ctxpush[CTX], 0);
			rcc_reset_callname ();
		if (!strcmp (callname, "break")) {
			e->trap (egg);
			rcc_reset_callname ();
		ptr = strchr (callname, '=');
		if (ptr) {
			*ptr = '\0';
			//ocn = ptr+1; // what is the point of this?
		ocn = skipspaces (callname);
		if (!ocn) return;
		str = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, ocn, 0);
		if (!str) {
			eprintf ("Cannot mkvar\n");
		if (*ocn=='.')
			e->call (egg, str, 1);
		if (!strcmp (str, "while")) {
			char var[128];
			if (lastctxdelta >= 0)
				exit (eprintf ("ERROR: Unsupported while syntax\n"));
			sprintf (var, "__begin_%d_%d_%d\n", nfunctions, CTX, nestedi[CTX-1]);
			e->while_end (egg, var); //get_frame_label (1));
#if 0
			eprintf ("------------------------------------------ lastctx: %d\n", lastctxdelta);
			// TODO: the pushvar is required for the if(){}while(); constructions
			//char *pushvar = ctxpush[context+nbrackets-1];
			/* TODO: support to compare more than one expression (LOGICAL OR) */
			rcc_printf ("  pop %%eax\n");
			rcc_printf ("  cmp $0, %%eax\n"); // XXX MUST SUPPORT != 0 COMPARE HERE
			/* TODO : Simplify!! */
			//if (pushvar)
			//	printf("  push %s /* wihle push */\n", pushvar);
			if (lastctxdelta<0)
				rcc_printf ("  jnz %s\n", get_frame_label (1));
			else rcc_printf ("  jnz %s\n", get_frame_label (0));
			//if (pushvar)
			//	printf("  pop %%"R_AX" /* while pop */\n");
			nargs = 0;
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < nsyscalls; i++) {
				if (!strcmp (str, syscalls[i].name)) {
					p = syscallbody;
					e->comment (egg, "set syscall args");
					e->syscall_args (egg, nargs);
					docall = 0;
					e->comment (egg, "syscall");
					r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, '\n'); /* FIX parsing issue */
					if (p) {
						for (; *p; p++)
							r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *p);
					} else {
						char *q, *s = e->syscall (egg, nargs);
						if (s) {
							for (q=s; *q; q++)
								r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *q);
							free (s);
						} else eprintf ("Cannot get @syscall payload\n");
					docall = 0;
			if (docall)
			for (i = 0; i < ninlines; i++) {
				if (!strcmp (str, inlines[i].name)) {
					p = inlines[i].body;
					docall = 0;
					e->comment (egg, "inline");
					r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, '\n'); /* FIX parsing issue */
					for (; *p; p++)
						r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *p);
					docall = 0;
			if (docall) {
				e->comment (egg, "call in mode %d", mode);
				e->call (egg, str, 0);
		if (nargs > 0)
			e->restore_stack (egg, nargs*e->size);
		if (ocn) { // Used to call .var0()
			/* XXX: Probably buggy and wrong */
			*buf = 0;
			free (str);
			str = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, ocn, 0);
			if (*buf)
				e->get_result (egg, buf);
			//else { eprintf("external symbol %s\n", ocn); }
		/* store result of call */
		if (dstvar) {
			if (mode != NAKED) {
				*buf = 0;
				free (str);
				str = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, dstvar, 0);
				if (*buf == 0)
					eprintf ("Cannot resolve variable '%s'\n", dstvar);
				else e->get_result (egg, buf);
			R_FREE (dstvar);
		rcc_reset_callname ();
	} else {
		int vs = 'l';
		char type, *eq, *ptr = elem;
		elem[elem_n] = '\0';
		ptr = (char*)skipspaces (ptr);
		if (*ptr) {
			eq = strchr (ptr, '=');
			if (eq) {
				char str2[64], *p, ch = *(eq-1);
				*eq = '\0';
				eq = (char*) skipspaces (eq+1);
				p = r_egg_mkvar (egg, str2, ptr, 0);
				vs = varsize;
				if (is_var (eq)) {
					eq = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, eq, 0);
					if (varxs=='*')
						e->load (egg, eq, varsize);
					/* XXX this is a hack .. must be integrated with pusharg */
					if (varxs=='&')
						e->load_ptr (egg, eq);
					if (eq) {
						free (eq);
						eq = NULL;
					type = ' ';
				} else type = '$';
				vs = 'l'; // XXX: add support for != 'l' size
				e->mathop (egg, ch, vs, type, eq, p);
			} else {
				if (!strcmp (ptr, "break")) { // handle 'break;'
					e->trap (egg);
					rcc_reset_callname ();
				} else {
					e->mathop (egg, '=', vs, '$', ptr, NULL);
	free (str);
Ejemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int i, ret, c, rad = 0, bsize = 0, numblocks = 0, ule = 0, b64mode = 0;
	const char *algo = "sha256"; /* default hashing algorithm */
	const char *seed = NULL;
	char *hashstr = NULL;
	int hashstr_len = 0;
	int hashstr_hex = 0;
	ut64 algobit;
	RHash *ctx;
	RIO *io;

	while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "jdDrvea:i:S:s:x:b:nBhf:t:kLq")) != -1) {
		switch (c) {
		case 'q': quiet = 1; break;
		case 'i': iterations = atoi (optarg);
			if (iterations<0) {
				eprintf ("error: -i argument must be positive\n");
				return 1;
		case 'j': rad = 'j'; break;
		case 'S': seed = optarg; break;
		case 'n': numblocks = 1; break;
		case 'd': b64mode = 1; break;
		case 'D': b64mode = 2; break;
		case 'L': algolist (); return 0;
		case 'e': ule = 1; break;
		case 'r': rad = 1; break;
		case 'k': rad = 2; break;
		case 'a': algo = optarg; break;
		case 'B': incremental = 0; break;
		case 'b': bsize = (int)r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break;
		case 'f': from = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break;
		case 't': to = 1+r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break;
		case 'v': return blob_version ("rahash2");
		case 'h': return do_help (0);
		case 's': setHashString (optarg, 0); break;
		case 'x': setHashString (optarg, 1); break;
		default: eprintf ("rahash2: Unknown flag\n"); return 1;
	if ((st64)from>=0 && (st64)to<0) {
		to = 0; // end of file
	if (from || to) {
		if (to && from>=to) {
			eprintf ("Invalid -f or -t offsets\n");
			return 1;
	do_hash_seed (seed);
	if (hashstr) {
#define INSIZE 32768
		if (!strcmp (hashstr, "-")) {
			int res = 0;
			hashstr = malloc (INSIZE);
			if (!hashstr)
				return 1;
			res = fread ((void*)hashstr, 1, INSIZE-1, stdin);
			if (res<1) res = 0;
			hashstr[res] = '\0';
			hashstr_len = res;
		if (hashstr_hex) {
			ut8 *out = malloc ((strlen (hashstr)+1)*2);
			hashstr_len = r_hex_str2bin (hashstr, out);
			if (hashstr_len<1) {
				eprintf ("Invalid hex string\n");
				free (out);
			hashstr = (char *)out;
			/* out memleaks here, hashstr can't be freed */
		} else {
			hashstr_len = strlen (hashstr);
		if (from) {
			if (from>=hashstr_len) {
				eprintf ("Invalid -f.\n");
				return 1;
		if (to) {
			if (to>hashstr_len) {
				eprintf ("Invalid -t.\n");
				return 1;
		} else {
			to = hashstr_len;
		hashstr = hashstr+from;
		hashstr_len = to-from;
		hashstr[hashstr_len] = '\0';
		hashstr_len = r_str_unescape (hashstr);
		switch (b64mode) {
		case 1: // encode
			char *out = malloc (((hashstr_len+1)*4)/3);
			if (out) {
				r_base64_encode (out, (const ut8*)hashstr, hashstr_len);
				printf ("%s\n", out);
				fflush (stdout);
				free (out);
		case 2: // decode
			ut8 *out = malloc (INSIZE);
			if (out) {
				int outlen = r_base64_decode (out,
					(const char *)hashstr, hashstr_len);
				write (1, out, outlen);
				free (out);
			       char *str = (char *)hashstr;
			       int strsz = hashstr_len;
			       if (_s) {
				       // alloc/concat/resize
				       str = malloc (strsz + s.len);
				       if (s.prefix) {
					       memcpy (str, s.buf, s.len);
					       memcpy (str+s.len, hashstr, hashstr_len);
				       } else {
					       memcpy (str, hashstr, hashstr_len);
					       memcpy (str+strsz, s.buf, s.len);
				       strsz += s.len;
				       str[strsz] = 0;
			       algobit = r_hash_name_to_bits (algo);
			       for (i=1; i<0x800000; i<<=1) {
				       if (algobit & i) {
					       int hashbit = i & algobit;
					       ctx = r_hash_new (R_TRUE, hashbit);
					       from = 0;
					       to = strsz;
					       do_hash_internal (ctx, hashbit,
						       (const ut8*)str, strsz, rad, 1, ule);
					       r_hash_free (ctx);
			       if (_s) {
				       free (str);
				       free (s.buf);
		return 0;
	if (optind>=argc)
		return do_help (1);
	if (numblocks) {
		bsize = -bsize;
	} else if (bsize<0) {
		eprintf ("rahash2: Invalid block size\n");
		return 1;

	io = r_io_new ();
	for (ret=0, i=optind; i<argc; i++) {
		switch (b64mode) {
		case 1: // encode
			int binlen;
			char *out;
			ut8 *bin = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (argv[i], &binlen);
			if (!bin) {
				eprintf ("Cannot open file\n");
			out = malloc (((binlen+1)*4)/3);
			if (out) {
				r_base64_encode (out, bin, binlen);
				printf ("%s\n", out);
				fflush (stdout);
				free (out);
			free (bin);
		case 2: // decode
			int binlen, outlen;
			ut8 *out, *bin = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (argv[i], &binlen);
			if (!bin) {
				eprintf ("Cannot open file\n");
			out = malloc (binlen+1);
			if (out) {
				outlen = r_base64_decode (out, (const char*)bin, binlen);
				write (1, out, outlen);
				free (out);
			free (bin);
			if (r_file_is_directory (argv[i])) {
				eprintf ("rahash2: Cannot hash directories\n");
				return 1;
			if (!r_io_open_nomap (io, argv[i], 0, 0)) {
				eprintf ("rahash2: Cannot open '%s'\n", argv[i]);
				return 1;
			ret |= do_hash (argv[i], algo, io, bsize, rad, ule);
	free (hashstr);
	r_io_free (io);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 30
main (int argc, char **argv) {
	char *s = r_file_slurp (argv[1], NULL);
	r_cons_new ();
	r_cons_less (s);