Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: dns.c Proyecto: Noltari/u-boot
static void dns_send(void)
	struct header *header;
	int n, name_len;
	uchar *p, *pkt;
	const char *s;
	const char *name;
	enum dns_query_type qtype = DNS_A_RECORD;

	name = net_dns_resolve;
	pkt = (uchar *)(net_tx_packet + net_eth_hdr_size() + IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE);
	p = pkt;

	/* Prepare DNS packet header */
	header           = (struct header *)pkt;
	header->tid      = 1;
	header->flags    = htons(0x100);	/* standard query */
	header->nqueries = htons(1);		/* Just one query */
	header->nanswers = 0;
	header->nauth    = 0;
	header->nother   = 0;

	/* Encode DNS name */
	name_len = strlen(name);
	p = (uchar *)&header->data;	/* For encoding host name into packet */

	do {
		s = strchr(name, '.');
		if (!s)
			s = name + name_len;

		n = s - name;			/* Chunk length */
		*p++ = n;			/* Copy length  */
		memcpy(p, name, n);		/* Copy chunk   */
		p += n;

		if (*s == '.')

		name += n;
		name_len -= n;
	} while (*s != '\0');

	*p++ = 0;			/* Mark end of host name */
	*p++ = 0;			/* Some servers require double null */
	*p++ = (unsigned char) qtype;	/* Query Type */

	*p++ = 0;
	*p++ = 1;				/* Class: inet, 0x0001 */

	n = p - pkt;				/* Total packet length */
	debug("Packet size %d\n", n);

	dns_our_port = random_port();

	net_send_udp_packet(net_server_ethaddr, net_dns_server,
			    DNS_SERVICE_PORT, dns_our_port, n);
	debug("DNS packet sent\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
struct p2p *p2p_init(const char *rpc_srv, const char *stun_srv)
    char ip[64];
    struct skt_addr tmpaddr;
    static stun_addr _mapped;
    struct p2p *p2p = CALLOC(1, struct p2p);
    if (!p2p) {
        loge("malloc failed: %d\n", errno);
        return NULL;

    p2p->rpc = rpc_create(rpc_srv, _rpc_port);
    if (!p2p->rpc) {
        loge("rpc_create failed\n");
        return NULL;
    rpc_set_cb(p2p->rpc, on_rpc_read, on_rpc_write, on_rpc_error, p2p);
    skt_getaddr_by_fd(p2p->rpc->fd, &tmpaddr);
    skt_addr_ntop(_local_ip, tmpaddr.ip);
    //_local_port = tmpaddr.port;
    //logi("_local_port = %d\n", _local_port);

    p2p->nat.type = stun_nat_type();
    p2p->nat.uuid = p2p->rpc->send_pkt.header.uuid_src;
    p2p->nat.local.ip = skt_addr_pton(_local_ip);

    _local_port = random_port();
    p2p->nat.local.port = _local_port;
    p2p->nat.fd = stun_socket(_local_ip, _local_port, &_mapped);
    _mapped.addr = ntohl(_mapped.addr);
    skt_addr_ntop(ip, _mapped.addr);
    p2p->nat.reflect.ip = _mapped.addr;
    p2p->nat.reflect.port = _mapped.port;
    logi("get nat info from local\n");
    logi("nat.type = %d\n", p2p->nat.type);
    logi("nat.local_addr %s:%d\n", _local_ip, p2p->nat.local.port);
    logi("nat.reflect_addr %s:%d\n", ip, p2p->nat.reflect.port);
    p2p->rpc_state = P2P_RPC_INIT;
    _p2p = p2p;
    return p2p;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * This is the main function of the program that handles calling other
 * functions to implemented the needed operations of the replay functionaily.
main(int argc, char **argv)
    unsigned int k;
    unsigned int num_packets=0;

    char port_mode[10];    /* does user specify random port generation?*/
    char random_strg[7] = "random";

    char* iface = argv[1];
    char* new_rmac_ptr;
    char* new_rip_ptr;
    in_addr new_remoteip;
    struct mac_addr new_remotemac;
    in_addr myip;
    struct mac_addr mymac;

    /*temporary packet buffers*/

    unsigned int new_src_port = 0;
    unsigned int retransmissions = 0;

    pcap_t *local_handle;
    char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];


    optionProcess(&tcpliveplayOptions, argc, argv); /*Process AutoOpts for manpage options*/

    if((argc < 5) || (argv[1]==NULL) || (argv[2]==NULL) || (argv[3]==NULL) || (argv[4]==NULL) || (argv[5]==NULL)) {
        printf("ERROR: Incorrect Usage!\n");
        printf("Usage: tcpliveplay <eth0/eth1> <file.pcap> <Destinatin IP []> <Destination mac [0a:1b:2c:3d:4e:5f]> <specify 'random' or specific port#>\n");
        printf("Example:\n    yhsiam@yhsiam-VirtualBox:~$ sudo tcpliveplay eth0 test1.pcap 52:57:01:11:31:92 random\n\n");

    iface_addrs(iface, &myip, &mymac);	/* Extract MAC of interface replay is being request on */

    /* open send function socket*/
    if ((sp = sendpacket_open(iface, ebuf, TCPR_DIR_C2S, SP_TYPE_NONE)) == NULL)
        errx(-1, "Can't open %s: %s", argv[1], ebuf);

    /* random dport vs. specified dport operation*/
    strcpy(port_mode, argv[5]);
    /*for(int i = 0; i<10; i++) tolower(port_mode[i]);*/
    if(strcmp(port_mode, random_strg)==0) {
        new_src_port = random_port();
    } else new_src_port = atoi(argv[5]);
    /*else {
    printf("Port specification error. Please specify 'random' for random source port generation between 49152 and 65535 OR specifiy a specific source port number.\n");
    printf("new source port:: %d\n", new_src_port);

    /* Establish a handler for SIGALRM signals. */
    /* This is used as timeout for unresponsive remote hosts */
    signal (SIGALRM, catch_alarm);

    /* Extract new Remote MAC & IP inputted at command line */
    new_rmac_ptr= argv[4];
    new_rip_ptr = argv[3];

    /* These function setup the MAC & IP addresses in the mac_addr & in_addr structs */
    extmac(new_rmac_ptr, &new_remotemac);
    extip(new_rip_ptr, &new_remoteip);

    /* Rewrites the given "*.pcap" file with all the new parameters and returns the number of packets */
    /* that need to be replayed */
    num_packets = rewrite(&new_remoteip, &new_remotemac, &myip, &mymac, argv[2], new_src_port);

    /* create schedule & set it up */
    sched = (struct tcp_sched*) malloc(num_packets*sizeof(struct tcp_sched));
    pkts_scheduled = setup_sched(sched);    /* Returns number of packets in schedule*/

    /* Set up the schedule struct to be relative numbers rather than absolute*/
    relative_sched(sched, sched[1].exp_rseq, num_packets);
    printf("Packets Scheduled %d\n", pkts_scheduled);

    /* Open socket for savedfile traffic to be sent*/
    local_handle = pcap_open_offline("newfile.pcap", errbuf);   /*call pcap library function*/
    if (local_handle == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open pcap file %s: %s\n", "newfile.pcap", errbuf);

    /* Open socket for live traffic to be listed to*/
    live_handle = set_live_filter(iface, &myip, new_src_port);  /* returns a pcap_t that filters out traffic other than TCP*/
    if (live_handle == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error occured while listing on traffic: %s\n", errbuf);

    /* Printout when no packets are scheduled */
    if(pkts_scheduled==0) {
        printf("+ ERROR:: There are no TCP packets to sent                      +\n");
        printf("+ Closing replay...                                             +\n");
        printf("+ Thank you for Playing, Play again!                            +\n");
        return ERROR;

    /* Start replay by sending the first packet, the SYN, from the schedule */
    else if(sched[0].local) { /* Send first packet*/
        sendpacket(sp, sched[sched_index].packet_ptr, sched[sched_index].pkthdr.len, &sched[sched_index].pkthdr);
        printf("Sending Local Packet...............	[%d]\n",sched_index+1);
        sched_index++; /* Proceed in the schedule */

    /* Main while loop that handles the decision making and the replay oprations */
    while(sched_index<pkts_scheduled) {
        if(!keep_going) { /*Check the timeout variable */
            printf("= TIMEOUT:: Remote host is not responding. You may have crashed      =\n");
            printf("= the host you replayed these packets against OR the packet sequence =\n");
            printf("= changed since the capture was taken resulting in differing         =\n");
            printf("= expectations. Closing replay...                                    =\n");
        /* tcphdr_rprev carries the last remote tcp header */
        if(tcphdr_rprev == NULL) {
            //printf("FIRST PASS!\n");
        /* Check if received RST or RST-ACK flagged packets*/
        else if((tcphdr_rprev->th_flags==TH_RST) || (tcphdr_rprev->th_flags==(TH_RST|TH_ACK))) {
            printf("+ ERROR:: Remote host has requested to RESET the connection.   +\n");
            printf("+ Closing replay...                                            +\n");
        /*Check if received earlier FIN-ACK than expected
        else if((sched_index-1 < finack_rindex) && (tcphdr_rprev->th_flags==(TH_FIN|TH_ACK))){
            printf("+ ERROR:: Remote host sent an earlier FIN-ACK than expected.   +\n");
            printf("+ Closing replay...                                            +\n");
        } */
        /* Do the following if we receive a packet that ACKs for the same ACKing of next packet */
        else if((tcphdr_rprev->th_seq==htonl(sched[sched_index].exp_rseq)) && (tcphdr_rprev->th_ack==htonl(sched[sched_index].exp_rack)) && (size_payload_prev>0)) {
            printf("Received Remote Packet...............	[%d]\n",sched_index+1);
            printf("Skipping Packet......................	[%d] to Packet [%d]\n",sched_index+1, sched_index+2);
            printf("Next Remote Packet Expectation met.\nProceeding in replay...\n");
        /* Do the following if payload does not meet expectation and re-attempt with the remote host for 3 tries*/
        else if(different_payload) {
            printf("+ WARNING: Remote host is not meeting packet size expectations.               +\n");
            printf("+ for packet %-d. Application layer data differs from capture being replayed.  +\n", diff_payload_index+1);
            printf("Requesting retransmission.\n Proceeding...\n");
            different_payload = false;

        /* Local Packets */
        if(sched[sched_index].local) {
            /*Reset alarm timeout*/
            alarm (ALARM_TIMEOUT);
            printf("Sending Local Packet...............	[%d]\n",sched_index+1);

            /* edit each packet tcphdr before sending based on the schedule*/
            if(sched_index>0) {
                sched[sched_index].tcphdr->th_ack = htonl(sched[sched_index].curr_lack);

            /* If 3 attempts of resending was made, then error out to the user */
            if(sched[sched_index].sent_counter==3) {
                printf("+ ERROR: Re-sent packet [%-d] 3 times, but remote host is not  +\n", sched_index+1);
                printf("+ responding as expected. 3 resend attempts are a maximum.     +\n");
                printf("+ Closing replay...                                            +\n");

            /* If nothing goes wrong, then send the packet scheduled to be sent, then proceed in the schedule */
            sendpacket(sp, sched[sched_index].packet_ptr, sched[sched_index].pkthdr.len, &sched[sched_index].pkthdr);
            sched[sched_index].sent_counter++; /* Keep track of how many times this specific packet was attempted */
            sched_index++;   /* proceed */

        /* Remote Packets */
        else if(sched[sched_index].remote) {

            alarm (ALARM_TIMEOUT);
            printf("Receiving Packets from remote host...\n");
            pcap_dispatch(live_handle, 1, got_packet, NULL); /* Listen in on NIC for tcp packets */
            //printf("pcap_loop returned\n");
    } /* end of main while loop*/


    sendpacket_close(sp);  /* Close Send socket*/
    remove("newfile.pcap"); /* Remote the rewritten file that was created*/

    for(k=0; k<pkts_scheduled; k++) {

    /* User Debug Result Printouts*/
    if(sched_index==pkts_scheduled) {
        printf("~ CONGRATS!!! You have successfully Replayed your pcap file '%s'  \n", argv[2]);
    else {
        printf("~ Unfortunately an error has occurred  halting the replay of  \n");
        printf("~ the pcap file '%s'. Please see error above for details...   \n", argv[2]);

    printf("----------------TCP Live Play Summary----------------\n");
    printf("- Packets Scheduled to be Sent & Received: 	    %-d   \n", pkts_scheduled);
    printf("- Actual Packets Sent & Received:                   %-d   \n", sched_index);
    printf("- Total Local Packet Re-Transmissions due to packet       \n");
    printf("- loss and/or differing payload size than expected: %-d   \n", retransmissions);
    printf("- Thank you for Playing, Play again!                      \n");

    return 0;