Ejemplo n.º 1
javacall_result bt_push_parse_url(const char *url, bt_port_t *port,
        bt_params_t *params)
    int i;
    if (test_prefix(&url, "btl2cap://")) {
        port->protocol = BT_L2CAP;
    } else if (test_prefix(&url, "btspp://")) {
        port->protocol = BT_SPP;
    } else if (test_prefix(&url, "btgoep://")) {
        port->protocol = BT_GOEP;
    } else {
        return JAVACALL_FAIL;
    if (!test_prefix(&url, "localhost:")) {
        return JAVACALL_FAIL;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        int hex1, hex2;
        hex1 = get_hex(*url++);
        if (hex1 < 0) {
            return JAVACALL_FAIL;
        hex2 = get_hex(*url++);
        if (hex2 < 0) {
            return JAVACALL_FAIL;
        port->uuid[i] = hex1 << 4 | hex2;
    if (params == NULL) {
        /* params parsing is not needed */
        return JAVACALL_OK;
    params->authenticate = JAVACALL_FALSE;
    params->authorize = JAVACALL_FALSE;
    params->encrypt = JAVACALL_FALSE;
    params->rmtu = DEFAULT_MTU;
    params->tmtu = -1;
    url = strchr(url, ';');
    while (url != NULL) {
        if (test_prefix(&url, ";authenticate=")) {
            params->authenticate = read_bool(&url);
        } else if (test_prefix(&url, ";authorize=")) {
            params->authorize = read_bool(&url);
        } else if (test_prefix(&url, ";encrypt=")) {
            params->encrypt = read_bool(&url);
        } else if (test_prefix(&url, ";master=")) {
            params->master = read_bool(&url);
        } else if (test_prefix(&url, ";receiveMTU=")) {
            params->rmtu = read_short(&url);
        } else if (test_prefix(&url, ";transmitMTU=")) {
            params->tmtu = read_short(&url);
        url = strchr(url + 1, ';');
    if (params->authorize || params->encrypt) {
        params->authenticate = JAVACALL_TRUE;
    return JAVACALL_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void GameObjectMessage::read() {
  object_id_ = read_uint32(socket_);
  position_ = read_vector(socket_);
  object_type_ = read_char(socket_);
  alive_ = read_bool(socket_);
Ejemplo n.º 3
	button pcb_button(const JSON::node& root, const JSON::pointer& ptr)
		auto pshadow = ptr.field("shadow");
		auto pname = ptr.field("name");
		auto psymbol = ptr.field("symbol");
		auto pmacro = ptr.field("macro");
		auto pmovie = ptr.field("movie");
		struct button ret;
		ret.type = button::TYPE_BUTTON;
		ret.name = read_str(root, pname);
		std::u32string symbol = (root.type_of(psymbol) != JSON::none) ? read_str32(root, psymbol) :
		if(symbol.length() != 1)
			(stringfmt() << "Symbol at '" << ptr << "' must be 1 codepoint").throwex();
		ret.symbol = symbol[0];
		ret.rmin = 0;
		ret.rmax = 0;
		ret.centers = false;
		ret.macro = (root.type_of(pmacro) != JSON::none) ? read_str(root, pmacro) : utf8::to8(symbol);
		std::string movie = (root.type_of(pmovie) != JSON::none) ? read_str(root, pmovie) :
		if(movie.length() != 1)
			(stringfmt() << "Movie at '" << ptr << "' must be 1 character").throwex();
		ret.msymbol = movie[0];
		ret.shadow = (root.type_of(pshadow) != JSON::none) ? read_bool(root, pshadow) : false;
		return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void add_rom(const char *prefix, FILE *file) {
    int i;

    t_rom *rom = malloc(sizeof(t_rom));
    rom->prefix = prefix;

    // Load ROM file
    fscanf(file, "%d %d\n", &(rom->words_defined), &(rom->word_size));
    rom->data = malloc(rom->words_defined * sizeof(t_value));

    for (i = 0; i < rom->words_defined; i++) {
        if (fscanf(file, "/%lu", &(rom->data[i]))) {
            // ok, value is read
        } else if (fscanf(file, "x%lx", &(rom->data[i]))) {
            // ok, value is read
        } else {
            rom->data[i] = read_bool(file, NULL);

    rom->next = roms;
    roms = rom;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: inifile.c Proyecto: LinLL/ipc
int main (void)
	printf ("Hello World\n");
	OpenIniFile ("Test.Ini");
	write_string  ("Test", "Name", "Value");
	write_string  ("Test", "Name", "OverWrittenValue");
	write_string  ("Test", "Port", "COM1");
	write_string  ("Test", "User", "James Brown jr.");
	write_string  ("Configuration", "eDriver", "MBM2.VXD");
	write_string  ("Configuration", "Wrap", "LPT.VXD");
	write_int 	 ("IO-Port", "Com", 2);
	write_bool 	 ("IO-Port", "IsValid", 0);
	write_double  ("TheMoney", "TheMoney", 67892.00241);
	write_int     ("Test"    , "ToDelete", 1234);
	WriteIniFile ("Test.Ini");
	printf ("Key ToDelete created. Check ini file. Any key to continue");
	while (!kbhit());
	OpenIniFile  ("Test.ini");
	delete_key    ("Test"	  , "ToDelete");
	WriteIniFile ("Test.ini");
	printf ("[Test] Name = %s\n", read_string ("Test", "Name", "NotFound"));
	printf ("[Test] Port = %s\n", read_string ("Test", "Port", "NotFound"));
	printf ("[Test] User = %s\n", read_string ("Test", "User", "NotFound"));
	printf ("[Configuration] eDriver = %s\n", read_string ("Configuration", "eDriver", "NotFound"));
	printf ("[Configuration] Wrap = %s\n", read_string ("Configuration", "Wrap", "NotFound"));
	printf ("[IO-Port] Com = %d\n", read_int ("IO-Port", "Com", 0));
	printf ("[IO-Port] IsValid = %d\n", read_bool ("IO-Port", "IsValid", 0));
	printf ("[TheMoney] TheMoney = %1.10lf\n", read_double ("TheMoney", "TheMoney", 111));
	CloseIniFile ();
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// read a boolean value from the storage set
PyObject *PyStorageSet_readBool  (PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { 
  char *key = PyStorageSet_readParseKey(args);
  if(key != NULL) {
    bool val = read_bool(((PyStorageSet *)self)->set, key);
    return Py_BuildValue("O", (val ? Py_True : Py_False));
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
	button pcb_axis(const JSON::node& root, const JSON::pointer& ptr, const std::string& type)
		auto pshadow = ptr.field("shadow");
		auto pname = ptr.field("name");
		auto pcenters = ptr.field("centers");
		struct button ret;
		if(type == "axis") ret.type = button::TYPE_AXIS;
		if(type == "raxis") ret.type = button::TYPE_RAXIS;
		if(type == "taxis") ret.type = button::TYPE_TAXIS;
		if(type == "lightgun") ret.type = button::TYPE_LIGHTGUN;
		ret.name = read_str(root, pname);
		ret.symbol = U'\0';
		ret.shadow = (root.type_of(pshadow) != JSON::none) ? read_bool(root, pshadow) : false;
		ret.rmin = ret.shadow ? -32768 : read_int(root, ptr.field("min"));
		ret.rmax = ret.shadow ? 32767 : read_int(root, ptr.field("max"));
		ret.centers = (root.type_of(pcenters) != JSON::none) ? read_bool(root, pcenters) : false;
		ret.macro = "";
		ret.msymbol = '\0';
		return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ReadFileWithLua::read(){
  bool status;

  // Extract data from LUA parameterfile
  sim._aexp = sim._aexp_ini    = read_double("aexp_ini",         &status, true);
  sim._BoxSize                 = read_double("BoxSize",          &status, true);
  sim._courant_fac             = read_double("courant_fac",      &status, true);
  sim._omega_m                 = read_double("omega_m",          &status, true);
  sim._ngrid                   = read_int   ("ngrid",            &status, true);
  sim._NGS_FINE                = read_int   ("NGS_FINE",         &status, false);
  if(!status) sim._NGS_FINE    = 5;
  sim._NGS_COARSE              = read_int   ("NGS_COARSE",       &status, false);
  if(!status) sim._NGS_COARSE  = 5;
  sim._EPS_CONVERGE            = read_int   ("EPS_CONVERGE",     &status, false);
  if(!status) sim._EPS_CONVERGE= 1e-5;
  sim._static                  = read_bool  ("static",           &status, true);
  if(!status) sim._static      = false;
  sim._verboseMG               = read_bool  ("verboseMG",        &status, true);
  sim._analytic_matter_density = read_bool  ("verboseMG",        &status, true);
  sim._modified_gravity        = read_bool  ("modified_gravity", &status, false);
  if(!status) sim._modified_gravity = false;
#if defined(FOFR)
  sim._nfofr                   = read_double("nfofr",            &status, true);
  sim._fofr0                   = read_double("fofr0",            &status, true);
#elif defined(SYMMETRON)
  sim._assb_symm               = read_double("assb_symm",        &status, true);
  sim._beta_symm               = read_double("beta_symm",        &status, true);
  sim._lambda_symm             = read_double("lambda_symm",      &status, true);
  sim._particlefile            = read_string("particlefile",     &status, false);

  // If no particlefile assume static-mode
  if(!status) sim._static      = sim._analytic_matter_density = true;

  // Derived parameters and checks
  sim._omega_lambda = 1.0 - sim._omega_m;
  sim._ngrid_tot = pow3( sim._ngrid );
  assert( sim._ngrid == (1 << int(log2(sim._ngrid))) );
  if(sim._analytic_matter_density) sim._npart = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	button pcb_null(const JSON::node& root, const JSON::pointer& ptr)
		auto pshadow = ptr.field("shadow");
		struct button ret;
		ret.type = button::TYPE_NULL;
		ret.name = "";
		ret.symbol = U'\0';
		ret.rmin = 0;
		ret.rmax = 0;
		ret.centers = false;
		ret.macro = "";
		ret.msymbol = '\0';
		ret.shadow = (root.type_of(pshadow) != JSON::none) ? read_bool(root, pshadow) : false;
		return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void read_boolList(
    int *size, 
    hot_bool_t **bp
) {
    int i;
    hot_uint32 tmp ;
    read_int(&tmp) ;
    *size = tmp ;
    *bp = alloc_bool_array(ch_bool_array, *size); 
    for (i = 0; i < *size; i++)
	read_bool (*bp + i);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void KfmServIpc::parse_selectRootIcons( char *_data, int _len )
	int pos = 0;

	// Parsing int
	int _x;
	_x = read_int( _data, pos, _len );
	// Parsing int
	int _y;
	_y = read_int( _data, pos, _len );
	// Parsing int
	int _w;
	_w = read_int( _data, pos, _len );
	// Parsing int
	int _h;
	_h = read_int( _data, pos, _len );
	// Parsing bool
	bool _add;
	_add = read_bool( _data, pos, _len );
	// Calling function
	emit selectRootIcons( _x, _y, _w, _h, _add );
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	// Print help if necessary
	bool help = read_bool(argc, argv, "--help", false);
	if ((argc < 2) || (help)) {
		return 0;

	// Use parameters struct for passing parameters to kernels efficiently
	parameters prm;

	// Parse inputs
	prm.matDims[0] = read_int(argc, argv, "--m", 2);
	prm.matDims[1] = read_int(argc, argv, "--k", 2);
	prm.matDims[2] = read_int(argc, argv, "--n", 2);
	prm.rank = read_int(argc, argv, "--rank", 7);
	prm.method = read_string(argc, argv, "--method", (char *)"als");
	int maxIters = read_int(argc, argv, "--maxiters", 1000);
	int maxSecs = read_int(argc, argv, "--maxsecs", 1000);
	double tol = read_double(argc, argv, "--tol", 1e-8);
	int printItn = read_int(argc, argv, "--printitn", 0);
	double printTol = read_double(argc, argv, "--printtol", 1.0);
	int seed = read_int(argc, argv, "--seed", 0);
	int numSeeds = read_int(argc, argv, "--numseeds", 1);
	bool verbose = read_bool(argc, argv, "--verbose", false);
	prm.rnd_maxVal = read_double(argc,argv,"--maxval",1.0);
	prm.rnd_pwrOfTwo = read_int(argc,argv,"--pwrof2",0);
	bool roundFinal = read_bool(argc, argv, "--rndfin",false);
	prm.alpha = read_double(argc,argv, "--alpha", 0.1);
	int M = read_int(argc,argv, "--M", 0);
	if (M)
		prm.M[0] = M;
		prm.M[1] = M;
		prm.M[2] = M;
	} else {	    
		prm.M[0] = read_int(argc, argv, "--M0", -1);
		prm.M[1] = read_int(argc, argv, "--M1", -1);
		prm.M[2] = read_int(argc, argv, "--M2", -1);
	char * infile = read_string(argc, argv, "--input", NULL);
	char * outfile = read_string(argc, argv, "--output", NULL);

	if (verbose) {
		setbuf(stdout, NULL);
		printf("dimensions = %d %d %d\n",prm.matDims[0],prm.matDims[1],prm.matDims[2]);
		printf("rank       = %d\n",prm.rank);
		printf("method     = %s\n",prm.method);
		if (infile)
			printf("input      = %s\n",infile);
			if (numSeeds == 1)
				printf("input      = seed %d\n",seed); 
				printf("inputs     = seeds %d-%d\n",seed,seed+numSeeds-1);
		if (outfile)
			printf("output     = %s\n",outfile);
			printf("output     = none\n"); 
		if (!strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
			printf("tol        = %1.2e\n",tol);
			printf("alpha      = %1.2e\n",prm.alpha);
			printf("maval      = %1.2e\n",prm.rnd_maxVal);
			printf("M's        = (%d,%d,%d)\n",prm.M[0],prm.M[1],prm.M[2]);
			printf("maxiters   = %d\n",maxIters);
			printf("maxsecs    = %d\n",maxSecs);
			printf("printitn   = %d\n",printItn);
			printf("printtol   = %1.2e\n",printTol);

	// Initialize other variables
	int i, j, k, numIters, mkn, tidx[3];
	double err, errOld, errChange = 0.0, start_als, start_search, elapsed, threshold;

	// Compute tensor dimensions
	prm.dims[0] = prm.matDims[0]*prm.matDims[1];
	prm.dims[1] = prm.matDims[1]*prm.matDims[2];
	prm.dims[2] = prm.matDims[0]*prm.matDims[2];

	// Compute tensor's nnz, total number of entries, and Frobenius norm
	mkn = prm.matDims[0]*prm.matDims[1]*prm.matDims[2];
	prm.mkn2 = mkn*mkn;
	prm.xNorm = sqrt(mkn);

	// Compute number of columns in matricized tensors
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		prm.mtCols[i] = prm.mkn2 / prm.dims[i];

	// Construct three matricizations of matmul tensor
	prm.X = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		prm.X[i] = (double*) calloc( prm.mkn2, sizeof(double) );
	for (int mm = 0; mm < prm.matDims[0]; mm++)
		for (int kk = 0; kk < prm.matDims[1]; kk++)
			for (int nn = 0; nn < prm.matDims[2]; nn++)
				tidx[0] = mm + kk*prm.matDims[0];
				tidx[1] = kk + nn*prm.matDims[1];
				tidx[2] = mm + nn*prm.matDims[0];
				prm.X[0][tidx[0]+prm.dims[0]*(tidx[1]+prm.dims[1]*tidx[2])] = 1;
				prm.X[1][tidx[1]+prm.dims[1]*(tidx[0]+prm.dims[0]*tidx[2])] = 1;
				prm.X[2][tidx[2]+prm.dims[2]*(tidx[0]+prm.dims[0]*tidx[1])] = 1;

	// Allocate factor weights and matrices: working, initial, and model
	prm.lambda = (double*) malloc( prm.rank * sizeof(double) );
	prm.U  = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	double** U0 = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	prm.model = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		prm.U[i] =  (double*) calloc( prm.mkn2, sizeof(double) );
		U0[i] = (double*) calloc( prm.dims[i]*prm.rank, sizeof(double) );
		prm.model[i] = (double*) calloc( prm.dims[i]*prm.rank, sizeof(double) );

	// Allocate coefficient matrix within ALS (Khatri-Rao product) 
	int maxMatDim = prm.matDims[0];
	if (maxMatDim < prm.matDims[1]) maxMatDim = prm.matDims[1];
	if (maxMatDim < prm.matDims[2]) maxMatDim = prm.matDims[2];
	prm.A = (double*) malloc( maxMatDim*mkn*prm.rank * sizeof(double) );

	// Allocate workspaces
	prm.tau = (double*) malloc( mkn * sizeof(double) );
	prm.lwork = maxMatDim*mkn*prm.rank;
	prm.work = (double*) malloc( prm.lwork * sizeof(double) );
	prm.iwork = (int*) malloc( prm.mkn2 * sizeof(int) );    

	// Allocate matrices for normal equations 
	int maxDim = prm.dims[0];
	if (maxDim < prm.dims[1]) maxDim = prm.dims[1];
	if (maxDim < prm.dims[2]) maxDim = prm.dims[2];
	prm.NE_coeff = (double*) malloc( prm.rank*prm.rank * sizeof(double) );
	prm.NE_rhs = (double*) malloc( maxDim*prm.rank * sizeof(double) );
	prm.residual = (double*) malloc( prm.mkn2 * sizeof(double) );

	// Search Loop
	int mySeed = seed, numGoodSeeds = 0, statusCnt = 0, status = 1;
	start_search = wall_time(); 
	for (int seed_cnt = 0; seed_cnt < numSeeds; ++seed_cnt)
		// Set starting point from random seed (match Matlab Tensor Toolbox)
		RandomMT cRMT(mySeed);
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < prm.dims[i]; j++)
				for (k = 0; k < prm.rank; k++)
					U0[i][j+k*prm.dims[i]] = cRMT.genMatlabMT();
		for (i = 0; i < prm.rank; i++)
			prm.lambda[i] = 1.0;  

		// Copy starting point
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)

		// read from file if input is given    
		if( infile )
			read_input( infile, prm ); 

		if (verbose)
			printf("\nSTARTING POINT...\n");
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				printf("Factor matrix %d:\n",i);

		// Main ALS Loop
		start_als = wall_time();
		err = 1.0; 
		threshold = 1e-4;
		for (numIters = 0; numIters < maxIters && (wall_time()-start_als) < maxSecs; numIters++)
			errOld = err;

			if (!strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
				// Perform an iteration of ALS using NE with Smirnov's penalty term
				err = als( prm );
			else if (!strcmp(prm.method,"sparsify"))
				// print stats before sparsifying
				printf("Old residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("Old nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );

				// sparsify and return
				sparsify( prm );
				numIters = maxIters;

				// print stats after sparsifying
				printf("New residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("New nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );
			else if (!strcmp(prm.method,"round"))
				// print stats before rounding
				printf("Old residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("Old nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );
				// round and return
				for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				numIters = maxIters;

				// print stats after rounding
				printf("New residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("New nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );
				die("Invalid method\n");   

			// Compute change in relative residual norm
			errChange = fabs(err - errOld);          

			// Print info at current iteration
			if ((printItn > 0) && (((numIters + 1) % printItn) == 0))
				// print info                    
				printf ("Iter %d: residual = %1.5e change = %1.5e\n", numIters + 1, err, errChange);

			// Check for convergence 
			if ( numIters > 0 && errChange < tol )


		// If rounding, round final solution and re-compute residual
			// normalize columns in A and B factors, put arbitrary weights into C
			normalize_model( prm, 2 );

			// cap large values and round to nearest power of 2
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)

			err = compute_residual(prm,0,true);

		// Print status if searching over many seeds
		if (numSeeds > 1000 && statusCnt == numSeeds/10)
			printf("...%d%% complete...\n",10*status);
			statusCnt = 0;

		// Print final info
		elapsed = wall_time() - start_als;
		if ((printItn > 0 || verbose) && !strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
			if (infile)
				printf("\nInput %s ",infile);
				printf("\nInitial seed %d ",mySeed);
			printf("achieved residual %1.3e in %d iterations and %1.3e seconds\n \t final residual change: %1.3e\n \t average time per iteration: %1.3e s\n", err, numIters, elapsed, errChange, elapsed/numIters);

		if (verbose)
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				printf("Factor matrix %d:\n",i);
				if (roundFinal || !strcmp(prm.method,"round"))
					print_int_matrix(prm.U[i], prm.dims[i], prm.rank, prm.dims[i], prm.rnd_pwrOfTwo);
			if (err < printTol)
		else if (err < printTol)

			if (infile)
				printf("Input %s: ",infile);
				printf("Initial seed %d: ",mySeed);
			printf("after %d iterations, achieved residual %1.3e with final residual change of %1.3e\n", numIters, err, errChange);
			if (roundFinal)

				for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					printf("Factor matrix %d:\n",i);
					print_int_matrix(prm.U[i], prm.dims[i], prm.rank, prm.dims[i], prm.rnd_pwrOfTwo);

				int count = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					count += nnz(prm.U[i],prm.dims[i]*prm.rank);
				printf("\ttotal nnz in solution: %d\n",count);
				printf("\tnaive adds/subs:       %d\n",count - prm.dims[2] - 2*prm.rank);

		// write to output
		if( outfile )
			write_output( outfile, prm ); 


	// Final report of processor statistics
	elapsed = wall_time()-start_search;

	// Print stats
	if (!strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
		printf("Time elapsed:                \t%1.1e\tseconds\n",elapsed);
		printf("Total number of seeds tried: \t%d\n",numSeeds);
		printf("Total number of good seeds:  \t%d",numGoodSeeds);
		printf("\t(residual < %2.1e)\n",printTol);   

	// free allocated memory
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		free( prm.X[i] );
		free( prm.U[i] );
		free( U0[i] );
		free( prm.model[i] );
	free( prm.X );
	free( prm.U );
	free( U0 );
	free( prm.model );
	free( prm.lambda );
	free( prm.A );
	free( prm.NE_coeff );
	free( prm.NE_rhs );
	free( prm.residual );
	free( prm.tau );
	free( prm.work );
	free( prm.iwork );

	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 13
bool VC2Decoder::parseSeqHeader(char *_idata) {
#define EXPECT_VAL(N) { uint32_t d = read_uint(idata, bits);\
    if (d != (N)) {\
      writelog(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d:  Expected %d, got %d when parsing sequence header\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (N), d); \

	uint8_t *idata = (uint8_t *)_idata;
	if ((!mSeqHeaderEncoded) || mSeqHeaderEncodedLength == 0 || (memcmp(mSeqHeaderEncoded, idata, mSeqHeaderEncodedLength) != 0)) {
		writelog(LOG_INFO, "Processing Sequence Header");
		int bits = 7;
		int level = read_uint(idata, bits);
		if (level != 3 && level != 6) {
			writelog(LOG_WARN, "%s:%d: Expected 3 or 6, got %d when reading level\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, level);

		VC2DecoderParamsInternal params;
		params = mParams;

		params.video_format.base_video_format = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_dimensions_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_dimensions_flag) {
			params.video_format.frame_width = read_uint(idata, bits);
			params.video_format.frame_height = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_color_diff_format_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_color_diff_format_flag) {
			params.video_format.color_diff_format_index = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_scan_format_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_scan_format_flag) {
			params.video_format.source_sampling = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_frame_rate_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_frame_rate_flag) {
			params.video_format.frame_rate_index = read_uint(idata, bits);
			if (params.video_format.frame_rate_index == 0) {
				params.video_format.frame_rate_numer = read_uint(idata, bits);
				params.video_format.frame_rate_denom = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_pixel_aspect_ratio_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_pixel_aspect_ratio_flag) {
			params.video_format.pixel_aspect_ratio_index = read_uint(idata, bits);
			if (params.video_format.pixel_aspect_ratio_index == 0) {
				params.video_format.pixel_aspect_ratio_numer = read_uint(idata, bits);
				params.video_format.pixel_aspect_ratio_denom = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_clean_area_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_clean_area_flag) {
			params.video_format.clean_width = read_uint(idata, bits);
			params.video_format.clean_height = read_uint(idata, bits);
			params.video_format.left_offset = read_uint(idata, bits);
			params.video_format.top_offset = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_signal_range_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_signal_range_flag) {
			params.video_format.signal_range_index = read_uint(idata, bits);
			if (params.video_format.signal_range_index == 0) {
				params.video_format.luma_offset = read_uint(idata, bits);
				params.video_format.luma_excursion = read_uint(idata, bits);
				params.video_format.color_diff_offset = read_uint(idata, bits);
				params.video_format.color_diff_excursion = read_uint(idata, bits);

		params.video_format.custom_color_spec_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (params.video_format.custom_color_spec_flag) {
			params.video_format.color_spec_index = read_uint(idata, bits);
			if (params.video_format.color_spec_index == 0) {
				params.video_format.custom_color_primaries_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
				if (params.video_format.custom_color_primaries_flag) {
					params.video_format.color_primaries_index = read_uint(idata, bits);

				params.video_format.custom_color_matrix_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
				if (params.video_format.custom_color_matrix_flag) {
					params.video_format.color_matrix_index = read_uint(idata, bits);

				params.video_format.custom_transfer_function_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
				if (params.video_format.custom_transfer_function_flag) {
					params.video_format.transfer_function_index = read_uint(idata, bits);

		uint32_t picture_coding_mode = read_uint(idata, bits);
		mInterlaced = (picture_coding_mode != 0);

		mParams = params;
		mConfigured = false;

		byte_align(idata, bits);
		if (mSeqHeaderEncoded)
			delete[] mSeqHeaderEncoded;
		mSeqHeaderEncodedLength = idata - (uint8_t *)_idata;
		mSeqHeaderEncoded = new uint8_t[mSeqHeaderEncodedLength];
		memcpy(mSeqHeaderEncoded, _idata, mSeqHeaderEncodedLength);

		mSequenceInfo.video_format = params.video_format;
		mSequenceInfo.picture_coding_mode = picture_coding_mode;
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void cb_View(
    hot_contextID_t id, 
    unsigned *cs
) {
    hot_uint32 tmp ;
    hot_view_state_t vs;
    hot_context_t s;
    void *env;
    hot_ens_AcceptedView_cback accepted_view;
    unsigned ncl;


    trace("\t version: %s", vs.version);

    trace("\t group_name: %s", vs.group_name);

    read_endpList(&vs.nmembers, &vs.members);
    trace("\t nmembers: %d", vs.nmembers);
      unsigned i;
      for (i = 0; i < vs.nmembers; i++)
	trace("\t\t member[%d] = %s", i, vs.members[i].name);

    read_int(&tmp) ;
    vs.rank = tmp ;
    trace("\t rank: %d", vs.rank);

    trace("\t protocol: %s", vs.protocol);

    trace("\t groupd: %d", vs.groupd);

    vs.view_id.ltime = tmp ;
    trace("\t view_id.ltime: %d", vs.view_id.ltime);

    trace("\t view_id.coord: %s", vs.view_id.coord.name);

    trace("\t params: %s", vs.params);

    trace("\t xfer_view: %d", vs.xfer_view);

    trace("\t primary: %d", vs.primary);

    read_boolList(&ncl, &vs.clients);
    assert(ncl == vs.nmembers);

    trace("\t key: %s", vs.key);

    begin_critical(); {
	s = lookup_context(id);
	env = s->env;
	accepted_view = s->conf.accepted_view;
	/* The group is unblocked now.
	s->blocked = 0;
    } end_critical();

    if (s->view) {
	assert(s->nmembers > 0) ;
        release_endpt_array(ch_endpt_array, s->view, s->nmembers) ;
    s->nmembers = vs.nmembers ;
    assert(s->nmembers > 0) ;
    s->view = alloc_endpt_array(ch_endpt_array, s->nmembers) ;
    memcpy(s->view,vs.members,s->nmembers * sizeof(*vs.members)) ;

    if (accepted_view != NULL) {
	(*accepted_view)(s, env, &vs);

    begin_critical(); {
	if (vs.members != NULL) {
				vs.nmembers) ;
	if (vs.clients != NULL) {
				vs.nmembers) ;
	s->joining = 0 ;
    } end_critical();
Ejemplo n.º 15
/* Allocate an entry from POOL and read it from [*BUF, END).  The
   buffer may be modified in place while parsing.  Return the new
   entry in *NEW_ENTRY.  Advance *BUF to point at the end of the entry
   The entries file format should be provided in ENTRIES_FORMAT. */
static svn_error_t *
read_entry(svn_wc_entry_t **new_entry,
           char **buf, const char *end,
           int entries_format,
           apr_pool_t *pool)
    svn_wc_entry_t *entry = alloc_entry(pool);
    const char *name;

#define MAYBE_DONE if (**buf == '\f') goto done

    /* Find the name and set up the entry under that name. */
    SVN_ERR(read_path(&name, buf, end, pool));
    entry->name = name ? name : SVN_WC_ENTRY_THIS_DIR;

    /* Set up kind. */
        const char *kindstr;
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&kindstr, buf, end));
        if (kindstr)
            if (strcmp(kindstr, ENTRIES_VALUE_FILE) == 0)
                entry->kind = svn_node_file;
            else if (strcmp(kindstr, ENTRIES_VALUE_DIR) == 0)
                entry->kind = svn_node_dir;
                return svn_error_createf
                       (SVN_ERR_NODE_UNKNOWN_KIND, NULL,
                        _("Entry '%s' has invalid node kind"),
                        (name ? name : SVN_WC_ENTRY_THIS_DIR));
            entry->kind = svn_node_none;

    /* Attempt to set revision (resolve_to_defaults may do it later, too) */
    SVN_ERR(read_revnum(&entry->revision, buf, end, pool));

    /* Attempt to set up url path (again, see resolve_to_defaults). */
    SVN_ERR(read_url(&entry->url, buf, end, entries_format, pool));

    /* Set up repository root.  Make sure it is a prefix of url. */
    SVN_ERR(read_url(&entry->repos, buf, end, entries_format, pool));
    if (entry->repos && entry->url
            && ! svn_uri__is_ancestor(entry->repos, entry->url))
        return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_CORRUPT, NULL,
                                 _("Entry for '%s' has invalid repository "
                                 name ? name : SVN_WC_ENTRY_THIS_DIR);

    /* Look for a schedule attribute on this entry. */
        const char *schedulestr;
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&schedulestr, buf, end));
        entry->schedule = svn_wc_schedule_normal;
        if (schedulestr)
            if (strcmp(schedulestr, ENTRIES_VALUE_ADD) == 0)
                entry->schedule = svn_wc_schedule_add;
            else if (strcmp(schedulestr, ENTRIES_VALUE_DELETE) == 0)
                entry->schedule = svn_wc_schedule_delete;
            else if (strcmp(schedulestr, ENTRIES_VALUE_REPLACE) == 0)
                entry->schedule = svn_wc_schedule_replace;
                return svn_error_createf(
                           SVN_ERR_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, NULL,
                           _("Entry '%s' has invalid 'schedule' value"),
                           name ? name : SVN_WC_ENTRY_THIS_DIR);

    /* Attempt to set up text timestamp. */
    SVN_ERR(read_time(&entry->text_time, buf, end, pool));

    /* Checksum. */
    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->checksum, buf, end, pool));

    /* Setup last-committed values. */
    SVN_ERR(read_time(&entry->cmt_date, buf, end, pool));

    SVN_ERR(read_revnum(&entry->cmt_rev, buf, end, pool));

    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->cmt_author, buf, end, pool));

    /* has-props, has-prop-mods, cachable-props, present-props are all
       deprecated. Read any values that may be in the 'entries' file, but
       discard them, and just put default values into the entry. */
        const char *unused_value;

        /* has-props flag. */
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&unused_value, buf, end));
        entry->has_props = FALSE;

        /* has-prop-mods flag. */
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&unused_value, buf, end));
        entry->has_prop_mods = FALSE;

        /* Use the empty string for cachable_props, indicating that we no
           longer attempt to cache any properties. An empty string for
           present_props means that no cachable props are present. */

        /* cachable-props string. */
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&unused_value, buf, end));
        entry->cachable_props = "";

        /* present-props string. */
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&unused_value, buf, end));
        entry->present_props = "";

    /* Is this entry in a state of mental torment (conflict)? */
        SVN_ERR(read_path(&entry->prejfile, buf, end, pool));
        SVN_ERR(read_path(&entry->conflict_old, buf, end, pool));
        SVN_ERR(read_path(&entry->conflict_new, buf, end, pool));
        SVN_ERR(read_path(&entry->conflict_wrk, buf, end, pool));

    /* Is this entry copied? */
    SVN_ERR(read_bool(&entry->copied, ENTRIES_BOOL_COPIED, buf, end));

    SVN_ERR(read_url(&entry->copyfrom_url, buf, end, entries_format, pool));
    SVN_ERR(read_revnum(&entry->copyfrom_rev, buf, end, pool));

    /* Is this entry deleted? */
    SVN_ERR(read_bool(&entry->deleted, ENTRIES_BOOL_DELETED, buf, end));

    /* Is this entry absent? */
    SVN_ERR(read_bool(&entry->absent, ENTRIES_BOOL_ABSENT, buf, end));

    /* Is this entry incomplete? */
    SVN_ERR(read_bool(&entry->incomplete, ENTRIES_BOOL_INCOMPLETE, buf, end));

    /* UUID. */
    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->uuid, buf, end, pool));

    /* Lock token. */
    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->lock_token, buf, end, pool));

    /* Lock owner. */
    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->lock_owner, buf, end, pool));

    /* Lock comment. */
    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->lock_comment, buf, end, pool));

    /* Lock creation date. */
    SVN_ERR(read_time(&entry->lock_creation_date, buf, end, pool));

    /* Changelist. */
    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->changelist, buf, end, pool));

    /* Keep entry in working copy after deletion? */
    SVN_ERR(read_bool(&entry->keep_local, ENTRIES_BOOL_KEEP_LOCAL, buf, end));

    /* Translated size */
        const char *val;

        /* read_val() returns NULL on an empty (e.g. default) entry line,
           and entry has already been initialized accordingly already */
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&val, buf, end));
        if (val)
            entry->working_size = (apr_off_t)apr_strtoi64(val, NULL, 0);

    /* Depth. */
        const char *result;
        SVN_ERR(read_val(&result, buf, end));
        if (result)
            svn_boolean_t invalid;
            svn_boolean_t is_this_dir;

            entry->depth = svn_depth_from_word(result);

            /* Verify the depth value:
               THIS_DIR should not have an excluded value and SUB_DIR should only
               have excluded value. Remember that infinity value is not stored and
               should not show up here. Otherwise, something bad may have
               happened. However, infinity value itself will always be okay. */
            is_this_dir = !name;
            /* '!=': XOR */
            invalid = is_this_dir != (entry->depth != svn_depth_exclude);
            if (entry->depth != svn_depth_infinity && invalid)
                return svn_error_createf(
                           SVN_ERR_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, NULL,
                           _("Entry '%s' has invalid 'depth' value"),
                           name ? name : SVN_WC_ENTRY_THIS_DIR);
            entry->depth = svn_depth_infinity;


    /* Tree conflict data. */
    SVN_ERR(read_str(&entry->tree_conflict_data, buf, end, pool));

    /* File external URL and revision. */
        const char *str;
        SVN_ERR(read_str(&str, buf, end, pool));

    *new_entry = entry;
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void obstypes_read(char fname[], int* n, obstype** types, double rfactor_base)
    FILE* f = NULL;
    char buf[MAXSTRLEN];
    int line;
    obstype* now = NULL;
    int i;

    assert(*n == 0);

    f = enkf_fopen(fname, "r");
    line = 0;
    while (fgets(buf, MAXSTRLEN, f) != NULL) {
        char seps[] = " =\t\n";
        char* token;

        if (buf[0] == '#')
        if ((token = strtok(buf, seps)) == NULL)
        if (strcasecmp(token, "NAME") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: NAME not specified", fname, line);
            if (obstype_getid(*n, *types, token) >= 0)
                enkf_quit("%s: l.%d: type \"%s\" already specified", fname, line, token);

            *types = realloc(*types, (*n + 1) * sizeof(obstype));
            now = &(*types)[*n];
            obstype_new(now, *n, token);

        if (now == NULL)
            enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: NAME not specified", fname, line);

        if (strcasecmp(token, "ISSURFACE") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: ISSURFACE not specified", fname, line);
            now->issurface = read_bool(token);
            if (now->issurface < 0)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to boolean", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "VAR") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: VAR not specified", fname, line);
            if (now->varname != NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: VAR already specified", fname, line);
            now->varname = strdup(token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "VAR2") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: VAR2 not specified", fname, line);
            if (now->varname2 != NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: VAR2 already specified", fname, line);
            now->varname2 = strdup(token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "OFFSET") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: OFFSET file name not specified", fname, line);
            if (now->offset_fname != NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: OFFSET entry already specified", fname, line);
            now->offset_fname = strdup(token);
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: OFFSET variable name not specified", fname, line);
            now->offset_varname = strdup(token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "HFUNCTION") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: HFUNCTION not specified", fname, line);
            if (now->hfunction != NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: HFUNCTION already specified", fname, line);
            now->hfunction = strdup(token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "MINVALUE") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: MINVALUE not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->allowed_min))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "MAXVALUE") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: MAXVALUE not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->allowed_max))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strncasecmp(token, "ASYNC", 5) == 0) {
            now->isasync = 1;
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: ASYNC time interval not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->async_tstep))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "RFACTOR") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: RFACTOR not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->rfactor))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "XMIN") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: XMIN not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->xmin))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "XMAX") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: XMAX not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->xmax))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "YMIN") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: YMIN not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->ymin))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "YMAX") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: YMAX not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->ymax))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "ZMIN") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: ZMIN not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->zmin))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else if (strcasecmp(token, "ZMAX") == 0) {
            if ((token = strtok(NULL, seps)) == NULL)
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: ZMAX not specified", fname, line);
            if (!str2double(token, &now->zmax))
                enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: could not convert \"%s\" to double", fname, line, token);
        } else
            enkf_quit("%s, l.%d: unknown token \"%s\"", fname, line, token);

    for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
        (*types)[i].rfactor *= rfactor_base;

    for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {
Ejemplo n.º 17
// ------------------------------------------
// data set
// ------------------------------------------
DataSet::DataSet *Storage::Binary::read_data_set() {
  DataSet::DataSet *data_set = NULL;
  bool sparse = read_bool();
  // determine the type of data set to create
    data_set = new DataSet::SparseDataSet();
    data_set = new DataSet::DenseDataSet();
  // initialise the data set
  data_set->name = read_string();
  data_set->category_index = read_int();
  data_set->counted = read_bool();
  data_set->indexed = read_bool();
  // initialise the data set's features
  DataSet::NominalFeature *nominal_feature;
  DataSet::NumericFeature *numeric_feature;
  int index = 0, count = 0;
  bool nominal = false;
  string name;
  // determine the number of features to read; count caches need to know the number of categories up front
  int num_features = read_int();
  int num_categories = read_int();
  for(int i = 0; i < num_features; i++) {
    nominal = read_bool();
    index = read_int();
    name = read_string();
    if(nominal) {
      nominal_feature = data_set->new_nominal_feature(name);
      nominal_feature->index = index;
      // read the nominal category names
      count = read_int();
      for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      // read cached frequencies and probabilities if present
      if(data_set->counted) {
        vector<int> *frequencies = read_vector<int>();
        vector<double> *probabilities = read_vector<double>();
        nominal_feature->frequencies = *frequencies;
        nominal_feature->probabilities = *probabilities;
        nominal_feature->category_frequencies.resize(num_categories + 1);
        nominal_feature->category_probabilities.resize(num_categories + 1);
        delete frequencies;
        delete probabilities;
        for(int i = 1; i <= num_categories; i++) {
          frequencies = read_vector<int>();
          nominal_feature->category_frequencies[i] = *frequencies;
          delete frequencies;
        for(int i = 1; i <= num_categories; i++) {
          probabilities = read_vector<double>();
          nominal_feature->category_probabilities[i] = *probabilities;
          delete probabilities;
      // TODO: read cached indexes
      if(data_set->indexed) {
    } else {
      numeric_feature = data_set->new_numeric_feature(name);
      numeric_feature->index = index;
      // cached counts
      if(data_set->counted) {
        file.read((char *)&(numeric_feature->counts), sizeof(DataSet::NumericFeature::Counts));
        numeric_feature->category_counts = (DataSet::NumericFeature::Counts *) malloc(sizeof(DataSet::NumericFeature::Counts) * (num_categories + 1));
        for(int i = 1; i <= num_categories; i++)
          file.read((char *)&(numeric_feature->category_counts[i]), sizeof(DataSet::NumericFeature::Counts));
      // TODO: cached indexes
      if(data_set->indexed) {
  // read examples if present
  should_write_examples = read_bool();
  if(should_write_examples) {
    int num_examples = read_int();
    if(sparse) {
      DataSet::SparseExample *sparse_example;
      for(int i = 0; i < num_examples; i++) {
        // number of non-zero values
        count = read_int();
        // construct & read the example
        sparse_example = ((DataSet::SparseDataSet *) data_set)->new_example(count);
        file.read((char *)sparse_example->values, count * sizeof(DataSet::SparseExample::Value));
        sparse_example->size = count;
    } else {
      // each dense example stores the same number of values
      count = read_int();
      // read each example
      DataSet::DenseExample *dense_example;
      for(int i = 0; i < num_examples; i++) {
        dense_example = ((DataSet::DenseDataSet *) data_set)->new_example();
        file.read((char *)dense_example->values, count * sizeof(double));
  return data_set;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 virtual void read(bool& out_value) override {
   out_value = read_bool();
Ejemplo n.º 19
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    int c;
    const char *truth_file = NULL;
    const char *test_file = NULL;
    const char *format = NULL;
    int compare_before = FALSE;
    int compare_after = TRUE;
    int seed = 0;

    const struct option lopt[] = {
        {"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
        {"seed", 1, 0, 'd'},
        {"truth", 1, 0, 'b'},
        {"test", 1, 0, 't'},
        {"format", 1, 0, 'f'},
        {"rand_time", 1, 0, 'n'},
        {"fail_prob", 1, 0, 'u'},
        {"cancel_prob", 1, 0, 'c'},
        {"flush_prob", 1, 0, 'w'},
        {"round", 1, 0, 'r'},
        {"parallel", 1, 0, 'p'},
        {"compare_before", 1, 0, 'm'},
        {"verify_write", 1, 0, 'v'},
        {"compare_after", 1, 0, 'a'},
        {"max_iov", 1, 0, 'i'},
        {"io_size", 1, 0, 's'},
        {"instant_qemubh", 1, 0, 'q'},
        {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}

    progname = basename (argv[0]);

    while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hc:u:p:q:i:f:d:b:t:r:m:v:a:s:",
                             lopt, NULL)) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'h':
            usage ();
            return 0;

        case 'q':
            instant_qemubh = read_bool (optarg);

        case 'w':
            flush_prob = atof (optarg);

        case 'c':
            cancel_prob = atof (optarg);

        case 'u':
            fail_prob = atof (optarg);

        case 'n':
            rand_time = atoll (optarg);

        case 'i':
            max_iov = atoi (optarg);

        case 'p':
            parallel = atoi (optarg);

        case 'v':
            verify_write = read_bool (optarg);

        case 'm':
            compare_before = read_bool (optarg);

        case 'a':
            compare_after = read_bool (optarg);

        case 'd':
            seed = atoll (optarg);

        case 'f':
            format = optarg;

        case 'b':
            truth_file = optarg;

        case 't':
            test_file = optarg;

        case 's':
            io_size = atoll (optarg);

        case 'r':
            round = atoll (optarg);

            usage ();
            return 1;

    if (!truth_file || !test_file) {
        usage ();
        return 1;

    if (parallel <= 0) {
        parallel = 1;
    srandom (seed);
    /* Convince FVD this is not in a qemu-tool. */
    in_qemu_tool = false;
    enable_block_sim (FALSE /*no print */ , rand_time);
    fvd_enable_host_crash_test ();
    bdrv_init ();
    perform_test (truth_file, test_file, format, compare_before, compare_after);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
PERSISTENT_DATA *persistentDataRead(STORAGE_SET *set) {
  PERSISTENT_DATA *data = newPersistentData();
  data->persistent = read_bool(set, "persistent");
  data->activity   = read_int(set,  "activity");
  return data;
Ejemplo n.º 21
int VC2Decoder::processTransformParams(uint8_t *_idata, int ilength) {
	uint8_t *idata = (uint8_t *)_idata;

	if (!mConfigured || !mTransformParamsEncoded || mTransformParamsEncodedLength == 0 || memcmp(mTransformParamsEncoded, idata, mTransformParamsEncodedLength)) {
		writelog(LOG_INFO, "Processing Transform Params");
		int bits = 7;
		VC2DecoderTransformParams transform_params;
		transform_params.wavelet_index = read_uint(idata, bits);
		transform_params.wavelet_depth = read_uint(idata, bits);
		transform_params.slices_x = read_uint(idata, bits);
		transform_params.slices_y = read_uint(idata, bits);
		int prefix_bytes = read_uint(idata, bits);
		int slice_size_scalar = read_uint(idata, bits);

		transform_params.custom_quant_matrix_flag = read_bool(idata, bits);
		if (transform_params.custom_quant_matrix_flag) {
			transform_params.quant_matrix_LL = read_uint(idata, bits);
			for (int l = 0; l < (int)transform_params.wavelet_depth - 1; l++) {
				transform_params.quant_matrix_HL[l] = read_uint(idata, bits);
				transform_params.quant_matrix_LH[l] = read_uint(idata, bits);
				transform_params.quant_matrix_HH[l] = read_uint(idata, bits);
		byte_align(idata, bits);

		mTransformParamsEncodedLength = (idata - (uint8_t*)_idata);
		if (mTransformParamsEncoded)
			delete[] mTransformParamsEncoded;
		mTransformParamsEncoded = new uint8_t[mTransformParamsEncodedLength];
		memcpy(mTransformParamsEncoded, _idata, mTransformParamsEncodedLength);

		VC2DecoderParamsInternal params = mParams;
		params.transform_params = transform_params;
		params.slice_size_scalar = slice_size_scalar;
		params.slice_prefix_bytes = prefix_bytes;

		mSequenceInfo.transform_params = transform_params;

		mConfigured = true;

#ifdef DEBUG
			printf("   Picture Header Stream Data\n");
			uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)&_idata;
			for (int y = 0; y * 16 < mTransformParamsEncodedLength; y++) {
				printf("    ");
				for (int x = 0; x < 16 && y * 16 + x < mTransformParamsEncodedLength; x++) {
					printf("  %02x", data[y * 16 + x]);
	else {
		idata += mTransformParamsEncodedLength;

	return idata - _idata;
Ejemplo n.º 22
bool get_bool(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char* name, bool& val) {
  if (!has_bool(vm, name)) return false;
  val = read_bool(vm, name);
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
// overloaded version without default
short read_bool(char *prompt) {
  return (read_bool(prompt, true));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 // returns: 0 on success, 1 on key error, 2 on parse error
 int pop_bool(std::string key, bool &n)
   std::string v;
   if(pop(key, v)) return 1;
   return read_bool(v.c_str(), n) ? 0 : 2;