Ejemplo n.º 1
opt_oct_t* opt_oct_assign_linexpr(ap_manager_t* man,
			  bool destructive, opt_oct_t* o,
			  ap_dim_t d, ap_linexpr0_t* lexpr,
			  opt_oct_t* dest)
  opt_oct_internal_t* pr =
  opt_uexpr u = opt_oct_uexpr_of_linexpr(pr,pr->tmp,lexpr,o->intdim,o->dim);
  opt_oct_mat_t* src;
  bool respect_closure;
	return NULL;

  if (dest && !dest->closed && !dest->m)
    /* definitively empty due to dest*/
    return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive);

  if (u.type==OPT_EMPTY)
    /* definitively empty due to empty expression */
    return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive);

  /* useful to close only for non-invertible assignments */
  if ((u.type!=OPT_UNARY || u.i!=d) && pr->funopt->algorithm>=0)
  src = o->closed ? o->closed : o->m;
  if (!src) return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive); /* empty */

  /* can / should we try to respect the closure */
  respect_closure = (src==o->closed) && (pr->funopt->algorithm>=0) && (!dest);

  if (!destructive) src = opt_hmat_copy(src,o->dim);

  /* go */
  #if defined(TIMING)

  #if defined(TIMING)

  /* exact on Q if zeroary or unary, closed arg and no conv error */
  if (u.type==OPT_BINARY || u.type==OPT_OTHER) flag_incomplete;
  else if (num_incomplete || o->intdim) flag_incomplete;
  else if (!o->closed) flag_algo;
  else if (pr->conv) flag_conv;

  /* intersect with dest */
  if (dest) {
    opt_oct_mat_t* src2 = dest->closed ? dest->closed : dest->m;
  if (respect_closure) return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,src,destructive);
  else return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,src,NULL,destructive);
Ejemplo n.º 2
opt_oct_t* opt_oct_meet_lincons_array(ap_manager_t* man,
			      bool destructive, opt_oct_t* o,
			      ap_lincons0_array_t* array)
  opt_oct_internal_t* pr =
  if (!o->closed && !o->m)
    /* definitively empty */
    return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive);
  else {
    bool exact, respect_closure;
    int i;
    opt_oct_mat_t * oo = o->closed ? o->closed : o->m;
    /* can / should we try to respect closure */
    respect_closure = (oo==o->closed) && (pr->funopt->algorithm>=0);
    int size = 2*(o->dim)*(o->dim + 1);
    if (!destructive) oo = opt_hmat_copy(oo,o->dim);

    /* go */
    #if defined(TIMING)
    bool res = opt_hmat_add_lincons(pr,oo,o->intdim,o->dim,array,&exact,&respect_closure);
    #if defined(TIMING)
    if (res) {
      /* empty */
      if (!destructive) {
	oo = NULL;
      return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive);
    else {
      /* exact if octagonal constraints & no conversion error */
      if (num_incomplete || !exact) flag_incomplete;
      else if (pr->conv) flag_conv;
      if (respect_closure) return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,oo,destructive);
      else return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,oo,NULL,destructive);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	key_data key;

	int inc = 10;
	int num_trials = 1;

	// Initialize the microblaze platform...
	// Set up the attack incremement
	if (inc > 0) 
		inc = 1 << inc;
	printf("\nStudy increment: %d", inc);

	// Display the algorithm.
	printf("\nUsing algorithm \"%s\"", alg_name());
	printf("\nAttacking key \"%s\"", argv[1]);

	// Display the number of trials...
	if (num_trials != 1)
		printf("\nNumber of trials: %d", num_trials);

	else if (out_file)
		printf("\nOutputting to file: %s", out_file);
	else if (in_file)
		printf("\nReading from file: %s", in_file);

#ifdef NONE_AES
	printf("\nAttacking NONE_AES_CORE implementation");
#elif defined(SMALL_AES)
	printf("\nAttacking SMALL_AES_CORE implementation");
	printf("\nAttacking traditional AES_CORE implementation");

	printf("\nDECRYPT MODE");
	printf("\nENCRYPT MODE");


	int * results = malloc(num_trials * sizeof(int));

	timing_pair * buffer = malloc(BUF_SIZE * sizeof(timing_pair));
	timing_data * data = malloc(sizeof(timing_data));

	if (data == 0x0)
		printf("Data couldn't allocate.\n");
	if (buffer == 0x0)
		printf("Buffer couldn't allocate.\n");

	FILE * in;
		printf("Initializing random key...\n");
		re_key(&key, argv[1]);


	if (out_file)
		output_timings(out_file, buffer, inc, &key);
		return 1;

	if (in_file)
		char open_type = 'r';
		in = fopen(in_file, &open_type);

		if (in == NULL)
			printf("\nCould not open file: %s", in_file);
			return -1;

	int round, i;
	for (round = 1; round <= num_trials; round++)
		printf("\nBeginning Attack #%d\n", round);


		// reseed with a random key
		re_key(&key, "/dev/random");

		long long num_studies = 0;

		double clip_time = 0;

		int success = 0;

		long long max = MAX_STUDY;

		while (num_studies < max && !success)
			printf("num_studies = %d\n", num_studies);

			int offset = num_studies % BUF_SIZE;
			if (inc > BUF_SIZE)
				int read = 0;
				int num_read = BUF_SIZE;
				while (read < inc)
					//printf("read = %d\n", read);
					generate_samples(buffer, &key);
					printf("buffer address %x:\n", buffer);
					printf("data address = %x\n", data);
					clip_time = calculate_clip_time(buffer, num_read);

					for (i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE && read < inc; i++)
						//printf("i = %d\n", i);
						if (buffer[offset + i].time < clip_time)
							record_timing(data, &buffer[offset + i]);

				printf("inc <= BUF_SIZE\n");
				if (offset == 0)

					int num_read = BUF_SIZE;

					//if (!in_file)
					generate_samples(buffer, &key);
					printf("generate_samples done\n");
						num_read = fread(buffer, sizeof(timing_pair), BUF_SIZE,
						if (num_read < BUF_SIZE)
							max = num_studies + num_read;

						printf("\nRead in %d samples ", num_read);
					clip_time = calculate_clip_time(buffer, num_read);
					printf("clip_time done\n");

				for (i = 0; i < inc; i++)
					printf("i (inc) = %d\n", i);
					if (buffer[offset + i].time < clip_time)
						record_timing(data, &buffer[offset + i]);
			num_studies += inc;

			printf("\nchecking data!\n");
			if (check_data(data, &key))
						"\nKey recovered after studying %lld samples (< 2^%d)\n",
						num_studies, bound(num_studies));

				success = 1;
				printf("\nNo success after studying %d samples", num_studies);
		if (!success)
			printf("Attack failed after %d encryptions", num_studies);


			int j = round - 1;

			while (j > 0 && results[j - 1] > num_studies)
				results[j] = results[j - 1];

			results[j] = num_studies;

			printf("\nResults: ");

			int total = 0;

			for (j = 0; j < round; j++)
				printf("  %d ", results[j]);
				total += results[j];

			printf("\nMin: %d", results[0]);
			printf("\nMax: %d", results[round - 1]);

			printf("\nMed: %d", results[round / 2]);
			printf("\nMean: %.2f", ((double) total) / round);


	// Clean up and terminate...
Ejemplo n.º 4
void oskar_simulator_run(oskar_Simulator* h, int* status)
    int i, num_threads = 1, num_vis_blocks;
    if (*status) return;

    /* Check the visibilities are going somewhere. */
    if (!h->vis_name
#ifndef OSKAR_NO_MS
            && !h->ms_name
        oskar_log_error(h->log, "No output file specified.");
#ifdef OSKAR_NO_MS
        if (h->ms_name)
                    "OSKAR was compiled without Measurement Set support.");
        *status = OSKAR_ERR_FILE_IO;

    /* Initialise if required. */
    oskar_simulator_check_init(h, status);

    /* Get the number of visibility blocks to be processed. */
    num_vis_blocks = oskar_simulator_num_vis_blocks(h);

    /* Record memory usage. */
    if (h->log && !*status)
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Initial memory usage");
        for (i = 0; i < h->num_gpus; ++i)
            oskar_cuda_mem_log(h->log, 0, h->gpu_ids[i]);
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Starting simulation...");

    /* Start simulation timer. */

     *-- START OF MULTITHREADED SIMULATION CODE -----------------------------
    /* Loop over blocks of observation time, running simulation and file
     * writing one block at a time. Simulation and file output are overlapped
     * by using double buffering, and a dedicated thread is used for file
     * output.
     * Thread 0 is used for file writes.
     * Threads 1 to n (mapped to compute devices) do the simulation.
     * Note that no write is launched on the first loop counter (as no
     * data are ready yet) and no simulation is performed for the last loop
     * counter (which corresponds to the last block + 1) as this iteration
     * simply writes the last block.
#ifdef _OPENMP
    num_threads = h->num_devices + 1;
    oskar_log_warning(h->log, "OpenMP not found: Using one compute device.");

#pragma omp parallel
        int b, thread_id = 0, device_id = 0;

        /* Get host thread ID and device ID. */
#ifdef _OPENMP
        thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
        device_id = thread_id - 1;

        /* Loop over simulation time blocks (+1, for the last write). */
        for (b = 0; b < num_vis_blocks + 1; ++b)
            if ((thread_id > 0 || num_threads == 1) && b < num_vis_blocks)
                oskar_simulator_run_block(h, b, device_id, status);
            if (thread_id == 0 && b > 0)
                oskar_VisBlock* block;
                block = oskar_simulator_finalise_block(h, b - 1, status);
                oskar_simulator_write_block(h, block, b - 1, status);

            /* Barrier 1: Reset work unit index. */
#pragma omp barrier
            if (thread_id == 0)

            /* Barrier 2: Synchronise before moving to the next block. */
#pragma omp barrier
            if (thread_id == 0 && b < num_vis_blocks && h->log && !*status)
                oskar_log_message(h->log, 'S', 0, "Block %*i/%i (%3.0f%%) "
                        "complete. Simulation time elapsed: %.3f s",
                        disp_width(num_vis_blocks), b+1, num_vis_blocks,
                        100.0 * (b+1) / (double)num_vis_blocks,
     *-- END OF MULTITHREADED SIMULATION CODE -------------------------------

    /* Record memory usage. */
    if (h->log && !*status)
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Final memory usage");
        for (i = 0; i < h->num_gpus; ++i)
            oskar_cuda_mem_log(h->log, 0, h->gpu_ids[i]);

    /* If there are sources in the simulation and the station beam is not
     * normalised to 1.0 at the phase centre, the values of noise RMS
     * may give a very unexpected S/N ratio!
     * The alternative would be to scale the noise to match the station
     * beam gain but that would require knowledge of the station beam
     * amplitude at the phase centre for each time and channel. */
    if (h->log && oskar_telescope_noise_enabled(h->tel) && !*status)
        int have_sources, amp_calibrated;
        have_sources = (h->num_sky_chunks > 0 &&
                oskar_sky_num_sources(h->sky_chunks[0]) > 0);
        amp_calibrated = oskar_station_normalise_final_beam(
                oskar_telescope_station_const(h->tel, 0));
        if (have_sources && !amp_calibrated)
            const char* a = "WARNING: System noise added to visibilities";
            const char* b = "without station beam normalisation enabled.";
            const char* c = "This will give an invalid signal to noise ratio.";
            oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', ' '); oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', '*');
            oskar_log_message(h->log, 'W', -1, a);
            oskar_log_message(h->log, 'W', -1, b);
            oskar_log_message(h->log, 'W', -1, c);
            oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', '*'); oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', ' ');

    /* Record times and summarise output files. */
    if (h->log && !*status)
        size_t log_size = 0;
        char* log_data;
        oskar_log_set_value_width(h->log, 25);
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Simulation complete");
        oskar_log_message(h->log, 'M', 0, "Output(s):");
        if (h->vis_name)
            oskar_log_value(h->log, 'M', 1,
                    "OSKAR binary file", "%s", h->vis_name);
        if (h->ms_name)
            oskar_log_value(h->log, 'M', 1,
                    "Measurement Set", "%s", h->ms_name);

        /* Write simulation log to the output files. */
        log_data = oskar_log_file_data(h->log, &log_size);
#ifndef OSKAR_NO_MS
        if (h->ms)
            oskar_ms_add_history(h->ms, "OSKAR_LOG", log_data, log_size);
        if (h->vis)
            oskar_binary_write(h->vis, OSKAR_CHAR, OSKAR_TAG_GROUP_RUN,
                    OSKAR_TAG_RUN_LOG, 0, log_size, log_data, status);

    /* Finalise. */
    oskar_simulator_finalise(h, status);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void oskar_interferometer_run(oskar_Interferometer* h, int* status)
    int i, num_threads;
    oskar_Thread** threads = 0;
    ThreadArgs* args = 0;
    if (*status || !h) return;

    /* Check the visibilities are going somewhere. */
    if (!h->vis_name
#ifndef OSKAR_NO_MS
            && !h->ms_name
        oskar_log_error(h->log, "No output file specified.");
#ifdef OSKAR_NO_MS
        if (h->ms_name)
                    "OSKAR was compiled without Measurement Set support.");
        *status = OSKAR_ERR_FILE_IO;

    /* Initialise if required. */
    oskar_interferometer_check_init(h, status);

    /* Set up worker threads. */
    num_threads = h->num_devices + 1;
    oskar_barrier_set_num_threads(h->barrier, num_threads);
    threads = (oskar_Thread**) calloc(num_threads, sizeof(oskar_Thread*));
    args = (ThreadArgs*) calloc(num_threads, sizeof(ThreadArgs));
    for (i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)
        args[i].h = h;
        args[i].num_threads = num_threads;
        args[i].thread_id = i;

    /* Record memory usage. */
    if (h->log && !*status)
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Initial memory usage");
        for (i = 0; i < h->num_gpus; ++i)
            oskar_cuda_mem_log(h->log, 0, h->gpu_ids[i]);
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Starting simulation...");

    /* Start simulation timer. */

    /* Set status code. */
    h->status = *status;

    /* Start the worker threads. */
    for (i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)
        threads[i] = oskar_thread_create(run_blocks, (void*)&args[i], 0);

    /* Wait for worker threads to finish. */
    for (i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)

    /* Get status code. */
    *status = h->status;

    /* Record memory usage. */
    if (h->log && !*status)
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Final memory usage");
        for (i = 0; i < h->num_gpus; ++i)
            oskar_cuda_mem_log(h->log, 0, h->gpu_ids[i]);

    /* If there are sources in the simulation and the station beam is not
     * normalised to 1.0 at the phase centre, the values of noise RMS
     * may give a very unexpected S/N ratio!
     * The alternative would be to scale the noise to match the station
     * beam gain but that would require knowledge of the station beam
     * amplitude at the phase centre for each time and channel. */
    if (h->log && oskar_telescope_noise_enabled(h->tel) && !*status)
        int have_sources, amp_calibrated;
        have_sources = (h->num_sky_chunks > 0 &&
                oskar_sky_num_sources(h->sky_chunks[0]) > 0);
        amp_calibrated = oskar_station_normalise_final_beam(
                oskar_telescope_station_const(h->tel, 0));
        if (have_sources && !amp_calibrated)
            const char* a = "WARNING: System noise added to visibilities";
            const char* b = "without station beam normalisation enabled.";
            const char* c = "This will give an invalid signal to noise ratio.";
            oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', ' '); oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', '*');
            oskar_log_message(h->log, 'W', -1, a);
            oskar_log_message(h->log, 'W', -1, b);
            oskar_log_message(h->log, 'W', -1, c);
            oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', '*'); oskar_log_line(h->log, 'W', ' ');

    /* Record times and summarise output files. */
    if (h->log && !*status)
        size_t log_size = 0;
        char* log_data;
        oskar_log_set_value_width(h->log, 25);
        oskar_log_section(h->log, 'M', "Simulation complete");
        oskar_log_message(h->log, 'M', 0, "Output(s):");
        if (h->vis_name)
            oskar_log_value(h->log, 'M', 1,
                    "OSKAR binary file", "%s", h->vis_name);
        if (h->ms_name)
            oskar_log_value(h->log, 'M', 1,
                    "Measurement Set", "%s", h->ms_name);

        /* Write simulation log to the output files. */
        log_data = oskar_log_file_data(h->log, &log_size);
#ifndef OSKAR_NO_MS
        if (h->ms)
            oskar_ms_add_history(h->ms, "OSKAR_LOG", log_data, log_size);
        if (h->vis)
            oskar_binary_write(h->vis, OSKAR_CHAR, OSKAR_TAG_GROUP_RUN,
                    OSKAR_TAG_RUN_LOG, 0, log_size, log_data, status);

    /* Finalise. */
    oskar_interferometer_finalise(h, status);
Ejemplo n.º 6
opt_oct_t* opt_oct_assign_linexpr_array(ap_manager_t* man,
				bool destructive, opt_oct_t* o,
				ap_dim_t* tdim,
				ap_linexpr0_t** lexpr,
				size_t size,
				opt_oct_t* dest)
  if (size==1)
    return opt_oct_assign_linexpr(man,destructive,o,tdim[0],lexpr[0],dest);

  opt_oct_internal_t* pr =
  ap_dim_t* d = (ap_dim_t*) pr->tmp2;
  opt_oct_mat_t *src, *dst;
  size_t i;
  ap_dim_t p = o->dim;
  int inexact = 0;
  bool respect_closure = false; /* TODO */
  int src_size = 2*(o->dim)*(o->dim+1);
  /* checks */
    return NULL;
  for (i=0;i<o->dim;i++) {
	d[i] = 0;
  for (i=0;i<size;i++) {
    if(tdim[i] >= o->dim){
	return NULL;
	return NULL;
    }			 /* tdim has duplicate */
    d[tdim[i]] = 1;

  if (dest && !dest->closed && !dest->m)
    /* definitively empty due to dest*/
    return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive);
  if (pr->funopt->algorithm>=0) opt_oct_cache_closure(pr,o);
  src = o->closed ? o->closed : o->m;
  if (!src) return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive); /* empty */

  /* add temporary dimensions to hold destination variables */
  dst = opt_hmat_alloc_top(o->dim+size);
  #if defined(TIMING)

  /* coefs in expr for temporary dimensions are set to 0 */
  for (i=0;i<2*size;i++){
    pr->tmp[2*o->dim+i+2] = 0;
  /* perform assignments */
  for (i=0;i<size;i++) {

    opt_uexpr u = opt_oct_uexpr_of_linexpr(pr,pr->tmp,lexpr[i],o->intdim,o->dim);

    if (u.type==OPT_EMPTY) {
      return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive);

    if (u.type==OPT_BINARY || u.type==OPT_OTHER) inexact = 1;
  #if defined(TIMING)
  /* now close & remove temporary variables */
  if (pr->funopt->algorithm>=0) {
    if (opt_hmat_strong_closure(dst,o->dim+size)) {
      /* empty */
      return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,NULL,NULL,destructive);
  else flag_algo;
  if (!destructive) src = opt_hmat_alloc(src_size);
  for (i=0;i<o->dim;i++) {
	d[i] = i;
  for (i=0;i<size;i++) {
    d[o->dim+i] = tdim[i];
    d[tdim[i]] = o->dim;

  /* intersect with dest */
  if (dest) {
    opt_oct_mat_t * src2 = dest->closed ? dest->closed : dest->m;

  if (inexact || o->intdim) flag_incomplete;
  else if (!o->closed) flag_algo;
  else if (pr->conv) flag_conv;

  return opt_oct_set_mat(pr,o,src,NULL,destructive);