Ejemplo n.º 1
void render_list_of_attributes(leaflist_t attrlist, text_t result)
  int upper = attrlist->buffersize;

  for(int c = 0; c < upper; ++c) {
    if(attrlist->list[c] != NULL) {
	  text_add_text(result, constant_str_space);
Ejemplo n.º 2
//kd-tree rendern
void gx_kdtree::render()

	if(leaf) { render_leaf(); return; }
	if(!leaf && children) 
Ejemplo n.º 3
void clip_leaf (struct msscene *ms, struct surface *current_surface, double fine_pixel, struct leaf *lf)
	int j, k, n, nx, nw, i, used0, used1, nused;
	double t, xsmin, sangle;
	double base[3], xpnts[2][3], vect[3];
	double clip_center[3], clip_axis[3];
	struct circle *cir;
	struct arc *al;
	struct leaf *lfcut;
	struct lax *xsptr, *xsend, *xsp;
	struct lax laxes[MAX_LAX];

	/* count double number of clipping planes */
	n = 0;
	if (ms -> clipping) n += 2;

	if (n <= 0 || !(current_surface -> clipping)) {
		lf -> clip_ep = 0;
		render_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf);

	/* determine accessibility of endpoints of leaf */
	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
		lf -> when[j] = !(current_surface -> clipping && clipped (ms, lf -> ends[j]));

	/* create arc for leaf */
	al = leaf_to_arc (lf);
	cir = lf -> cir;
	for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
		base[k] = lf -> ends[0][k] - cir -> center[k];
	normalize (base);

	/* determine intersection points between leaf and clipping planes */
	xsptr = &(laxes[0]);
	if (ms -> clipping) {
		for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
			clip_center[k] = ms -> clip_center[k];
			clip_axis[k] = ms -> clip_axis[k];
		/* call arc-plane intersection function */
		nx = arc_plane (al, clip_center, clip_axis, xpnts);
		if (nx < 0) return;
		/* if (nx == 0) continue;	no intersections */
		/* fill data into list */
		/* figure out enter or exit */
		for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
			if (xsptr - &(laxes[0]) >= n) {
				ms -> n_missing_leaves++;
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				xsptr -> co[k] = xpnts[i][k];
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				vect[k] = xsptr -> co[k] - al -> cir -> center[k];
			t = triple_product (al -> cir -> axis, clip_axis, vect);
			xsptr -> ent = (t > 0); /* or reverse? */
			xsptr -> used = 0;

	xsend = xsptr;		/* mark end of list of intersection points */
	nx = xsend - &(laxes[0]);	/* compute number of intersection points */

	/* error checking */
	if ((lf -> when[0] == lf -> when[1]) == (nx % 2)) {
		/* parity check fails,
		   flag leaf to check clipping of every pixel of leaf */
		ms -> n_clip_parity++;
		lf -> clip_ep = 1;
		render_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf);
		if (error()) return;
		lf -> clip_ep = 0;
		frearc (al);

	/* check for no intersection points */
	if (nx == 0) {
		if (lf -> when[0] == CLIPPED) {
			/* entire leaf clipped: nothing to render */
			/* free temporary memory */
			frearc (al);
		/* entire leaf unclipped: render entire leaf */
		render_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf);
		if (error()) return;
		/* free temporary memory */
		frearc (al);

	/* calculate angles for transitions between unclipped and clipped */
	for (xsptr = &(laxes[0]); xsptr < xsend; xsptr++) {
		for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			vect[k] = xsptr -> co[k] - cir -> center[k];
		normalize (vect);
		xsptr -> angle = positive_angle (base, vect, cir -> axis);

	/* initialization */
	used0 = 0;
	used1 = 0;
	nused = 0;
	nw = 0;

	/* count number of unclipped endpoints of originial leaf */
	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
		if (lf -> when[j]) nw++;

	/* create new leaves */

	while (nused < nx + nw) {
		/* get starting point */
		if (!used0 && lf -> when[0] == UNCLIPPED) {
			/* start at original endpoint */
			used0 = 1;		/* first originial endpoint used */
			nused++;		/* increment number used */
			lfcut = duplicate_leaf (lf);	/* duplicate leaf */
			sangle = 0.0;			/* starting angle */
		else {
			/* look for unused cut vertex */
			xsmin = 4 * PI;
			xsp = NULL;
			for (xsptr = &(laxes[0]); xsptr < xsend; xsptr++) {
				if (xsptr -> used) continue;
				if (xsptr -> angle < xsmin) {
					xsmin = xsptr -> angle;
					xsp = xsptr;

			if (xsp == NULL) {
				if (lf -> when[1] == CLIPPED) break;
				ms -> n_missing_leaves++;
			if (!xsp -> ent) {
				ms -> n_missing_leaves++;
			xsp -> used = 1;		/* mark as used */
			nused++;		/* increment number used */
			sangle = xsp -> angle;		/* starting angle */
			lfcut = duplicate_leaf (lf);		/* duplicate leaf */
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				lfcut -> ends[0][k] = xsp -> co[k];

		/* get ending point */

		/* initialization */
		xsmin = 4 * PI;
		xsp = NULL;

		for (xsptr = &(laxes[0]); xsptr < xsend; xsptr++) {
			if (xsptr -> used) continue;		/* already used */
			if (xsptr -> angle < sangle) continue;	/* end after start */
			if (xsptr -> angle < xsmin) {
				/* best so far, save */
				xsmin = xsptr -> angle;
				xsp = xsptr;

		if (xsp == NULL) {
			if (used1 || lf -> when[1] == CLIPPED) {
				ms -> n_missing_leaves++;
			/* use East */
			used1 = 1;	/* mark East original endpoint used */
			nused++;	/* increment number used */
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				lfcut -> ends[1][k] = lf -> ends[1][k];
			else {	/* use cut point */
				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					lfcut -> ends[1][k] = xsp -> co[k];
				xsp -> used = 1;	/* mark as used */
				nused++;		/* increment number used */
			/* we have a cut leaf */
			/* clip and render leaf */
			render_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lfcut);
			if (error()) return;
			free_leaf (lfcut);	/* free temporary memory */

	/* free temporary memory */
	frearc (al);
