Ejemplo n.º 1
 *         BuildSpec32File
 * Build a Win32 C file from a spec file.
void BuildSpec32File( DLLSPEC *spec )
    resolve_imports( spec );
    output_module( spec );
    output_stubs( spec );
    output_exports( spec );
    output_imports( spec );
    if (is_undefined( "__wine_call_from_regs" )) output_asm_relays();
    output_resources( spec );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *         output_spec16_file
 * Output the complete data for a spec 16-bit file.
void output_spec16_file( DLLSPEC *spec16 )
    DLLSPEC *spec32 = alloc_dll_spec();

    resolve_imports( spec16 );
    add_16bit_exports( spec32, spec16 );

    output_module( spec32 );
    output_module16( spec16 );
    output_stubs( spec16 );
    output_exports( spec32 );
    output_imports( spec16 );
    if (is_undefined( "__wine_call_from_16" )) output_asm_relays16();
    if (spec16->main_module)
        output( "\n\t%s\n", get_asm_string_section() );
        output( ".L__wine_spec_main_module:\n" );
        output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), spec16->main_module );
    free_dll_spec( spec32 );
	output("%s:/*?*/\n", asm_name("_end"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *         output_fake_module
 * Build a fake binary module from a spec file.
void output_fake_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
    static const unsigned char dll_code_section[] = { 0x31, 0xc0,          /* xor %eax,%eax */
                                                      0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00 };  /* ret $12 */

    static const unsigned char exe_code_section[] = { 0xb8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  /* movl $1,%eax */
                                                      0xc2, 0x04, 0x00 };            /* ret $4 */

    static const char fakedll_signature[] = "Wine placeholder DLL";
    const unsigned int page_size = get_page_size();
    const unsigned int section_align = page_size;
    const unsigned int file_align = 0x200;
    const unsigned int reloc_size = 8;
    const unsigned int lfanew = (0x40 + sizeof(fakedll_signature) + 15) & ~15;
    const unsigned int nb_sections = 2 + (spec->nb_resources != 0);
    const unsigned int text_size = (spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) ?
                                    sizeof(dll_code_section) : sizeof(exe_code_section);
    unsigned char *resources;
    unsigned int resources_size;
    unsigned int image_size = 3 * section_align;

    resolve_imports( spec );
    output_bin_resources( spec, 3 * section_align );
    resources = output_buffer;
    resources_size = output_buffer_pos;
    if (resources_size) image_size += (resources_size + section_align - 1) & ~(section_align - 1);


    put_word( 0x5a4d );       /* e_magic */
    put_word( 0x40 );         /* e_cblp */
    put_word( 0x01 );         /* e_cp */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_crlc */
    put_word( lfanew / 16 );  /* e_cparhdr */
    put_word( 0x0000 );       /* e_minalloc */
    put_word( 0xffff );       /* e_maxalloc */
    put_word( 0x0000 );       /* e_ss */
    put_word( 0x00b8 );       /* e_sp */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_csum */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_ip */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_cs */
    put_word( lfanew );       /* e_lfarlc */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_ovno */
    put_dword( 0 );           /* e_res */
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_oemid */
    put_word( 0 );            /* e_oeminfo */
    put_dword( 0 );           /* e_res2 */
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( 0 );
    put_dword( lfanew );

    put_data( fakedll_signature, sizeof(fakedll_signature) );
    align_output( 16 );

    put_dword( 0x4550 );                             /* Signature */
    case CPU_x86:     put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ); break;
    case CPU_x86_64:  put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ); break;
    case CPU_POWERPC: put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC ); break;
    case CPU_SPARC:   put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SPARC ); break;
    case CPU_ARM:     put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMV7 ); break;
    put_word( nb_sections );                         /* NumberOfSections */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* TimeDateStamp */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* PointerToSymbolTable */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* NumberOfSymbols */
    put_word( get_ptr_size() == 8 ?
              IMAGE_SIZEOF_NT_OPTIONAL32_HEADER );   /* SizeOfOptionalHeader */
    put_word( spec->characteristics );               /* Characteristics */
    put_word( get_ptr_size() == 8 ?
              IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC );       /* Magic */
    put_byte(  0 );                                  /* MajorLinkerVersion */
    put_byte(  0 );                                  /* MinorLinkerVersion */
    put_dword( text_size );                          /* SizeOfCode */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* SizeOfInitializedData */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* SizeOfUninitializedData */
    put_dword( section_align );                      /* AddressOfEntryPoint */
    put_dword( section_align );                      /* BaseOfCode */
    if (get_ptr_size() == 4) put_dword( 0 );         /* BaseOfData */
    put_pword( 0x10000000 );                         /* ImageBase */
    put_dword( section_align );                      /* SectionAlignment */
    put_dword( file_align );                         /* FileAlignment */
    put_word( 1 );                                   /* MajorOperatingSystemVersion */
    put_word( 0 );                                   /* MinorOperatingSystemVersion */
    put_word( 0 );                                   /* MajorImageVersion */
    put_word( 0 );                                   /* MinorImageVersion */
    put_word( spec->subsystem_major );               /* MajorSubsystemVersion */
    put_word( spec->subsystem_minor );               /* MinorSubsystemVersion */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* Win32VersionValue */
    put_dword( image_size );                         /* SizeOfImage */
    put_dword( file_align );                         /* SizeOfHeaders */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* CheckSum */
    put_word( spec->subsystem );                     /* Subsystem */
    put_word( spec->dll_characteristics );           /* DllCharacteristics */
    put_pword( (spec->stack_size ? spec->stack_size : 1024) * 1024 ); /* SizeOfStackReserve */
    put_pword( page_size );                          /* SizeOfStackCommit */
    put_pword( (spec->heap_size ? spec->heap_size : 1024) * 1024 );   /* SizeOfHeapReserve */
    put_pword( page_size );                          /* SizeOfHeapCommit */
    put_dword( 0 );                                  /* LoaderFlags */
    put_dword( 16 );                                 /* NumberOfRvaAndSizes */

    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT] */
    if (resources_size)   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] */
        put_dword( 3 * section_align );
        put_dword( resources_size );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_dword( 0 );

    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY] */
    put_dword( 2 * section_align );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC] */
    put_dword( reloc_size );
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COPYRIGHT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_GLOBALPTR] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR] */
    put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 );   /* DataDirectory[15] */

    /* .text section */
    put_data( ".text\0\0", 8 );    /* Name */
    put_dword( section_align );    /* VirtualSize */
    put_dword( section_align );    /* VirtualAddress */
    put_dword( text_size );        /* SizeOfRawData */
    put_dword( file_align );       /* PointerToRawData */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToRelocations */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToLinenumbers */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfRelocations */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
    put_dword( 0x60000020 /* CNT_CODE|MEM_EXECUTE|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics  */

    /* .reloc section */
    put_data( ".reloc\0", 8 );     /* Name */
    put_dword( section_align );    /* VirtualSize */
    put_dword( 2 * section_align );/* VirtualAddress */
    put_dword( reloc_size );       /* SizeOfRawData */
    put_dword( 2 * file_align );   /* PointerToRawData */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToRelocations */
    put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToLinenumbers */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfRelocations */
    put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
    put_dword( 0x42000040 /* CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA|MEM_DISCARDABLE|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics */

    /* .rsrc section */
    if (resources_size)
        put_data( ".rsrc\0\0", 8 );    /* Name */
        put_dword( (resources_size + section_align - 1) & ~(section_align - 1) ); /* VirtualSize */
        put_dword( 3 * section_align );/* VirtualAddress */
        put_dword( resources_size );   /* SizeOfRawData */
        put_dword( 3 * file_align );   /* PointerToRawData */
        put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToRelocations */
        put_dword( 0 );                /* PointerToLinenumbers */
        put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfRelocations */
        put_word( 0 );                 /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
        put_dword( 0x40000040 /* CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics */

    /* .text contents */
    align_output( file_align );
    if (spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL)
        put_data( dll_code_section, sizeof(dll_code_section) );
        put_data( exe_code_section, sizeof(exe_code_section) );

    /* .reloc contents */
    align_output( file_align );
    put_dword( 0 );   /* VirtualAddress */
    put_dword( 0 );   /* SizeOfBlock */

    /* .rsrc contents */
    if (resources_size)
        align_output( file_align );
        put_data( resources, resources_size );
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Loads a module to memory
SceUID load_module(SceUID fd, const char *path, void *addr, SceOff off)
	_sceModuleInfo modinfo;
	Elf32_Ehdr ehdr;
	Elf32_Phdr *phdrs;
	tStubEntry *stubs;
	SceUID phdrs_block;
	SceUID modid = mod_loaded_num;
	size_t phdrs_size, mod_size, stubs_size;
	int i, ret;

	dbg_printf("\n\n->Entering load_module...\n");

	for (i = 0; path[i]; i++) {
		if (i >= sizeof(mod_table[modid].path) - 1)

		mod_table[modid].path[i] = path[i];
	mod_table[modid].path[i] = '\0';

	//dbg_printf("mod_table address: 0x%08X\n", mod_table);

	// Read ELF header
	sceIoLseek(fd, off, PSP_SEEK_SET);
	sceIoRead(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr));

	// Check for module encryption
	if (!strncmp(ehdr.e_ident, "~PSP", 4))

	dbg_printf("\n->ELF header:\n"
		"Type: 0x%08X\n"
		"Code entry: 0x%08X\n"
		"Program header table offset: 0x%08X\n"
		"Program header size: 0x%08X\n"
		"Number of program headers: 0x%08X\n"
		"Section header table offset: 0x%08X\n"
		"Section header size: 0x%08X\n"
		"Number of section headers: 0x%08X\n",

	phdrs_size = ehdr.e_phentsize * ehdr.e_phnum;

	ret = sceKernelAllocPartitionMemory(
		2, "HBL Module Program Headers", PSP_SMEM_High, phdrs_size, NULL);
	if (ret < 0)
		goto fail;
		phdrs_block = ret;

	phdrs = sceKernelGetBlockHeadAddr(phdrs_block);
	if (phdrs == NULL) {
		goto fail;

	ret = sceIoLseek(fd, off + ehdr.e_phoff, PSP_SEEK_SET);
	if (ret < 0)
		goto fail;

	ret = sceIoRead(fd, phdrs, phdrs_size);
	if (ret < 0)
		goto fail;

	switch (ehdr.e_type) {
		case ELF_STATIC:
			if (modid > 0) {
				goto fail;

			// Load ELF program section into memory
			ret = elf_load(fd, off, phdrs, ehdr.e_phnum, modmgrMalloc);
			if (ret < 0)
				goto fail;
				mod_size = ret;

			// Locate ELF's .lib.stubs section
			stubs = elf_find_imports(fd, off, &ehdr, &stubs_size);
			if (stubs == NULL) {
				goto fail;

			mod_table[modid].text_entry = (u32 *)ehdr.e_entry;
			ret = elf_get_gp(fd, off, &ehdr, &mod_table[modid].gp);
			if (ret < 0)
				goto fail;


		case ELF_RELOC:
			if (modid >= MAX_MODULES) {
				goto fail;

			dbg_printf("load_module -> Offset: 0x%08X\n", off);

			// Load PRX program section
			ret = prx_load(fd, off, &ehdr, phdrs,
				&modinfo, &addr, modmgrMalloc);
			if (ret < 0)
				goto fail;
				mod_size = ret;

			stubs = (void *)((int)modinfo.stub_top + (int)addr);
			stubs_size = (int)modinfo.stub_end - (int)modinfo.stub_top;

			// Relocate ELF entry point and GP register
			mod_table[modid].text_entry = (u32 *)((u32)ehdr.e_entry + (int)addr);
			mod_table[modid].gp = (void *)((int)modinfo.gp_value + (int)addr);


			dbg_printf("Uknown ELF type: 0x%08X\n", ehdr.e_type);
			goto fail;

	dbg_printf("resolve stubs\n");
	// Resolve ELF's stubs with game's stubs and syscall estimation
	ret = resolve_imports(stubs, stubs_size);
	if (ret)
		dbg_printf("failed to resolve imports: 0x%08X\n", ret);

	mod_table[modid].state = LOADED;

	//dbg_printf("Module table updated\n");

	dbg_printf("\n->Actual number of loaded modules: %d\n", mod_loaded_num);
	dbg_printf("Last loaded module [%d]:\n", modid);
#ifdef DEBUG

	synci(addr, addr + mod_size);

	ret = modid;
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 *         BuildSpec32File
 * Build a Win32 C file from a spec file.
void BuildSpec32File( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
    int machine = 0;
    unsigned int page_size = get_page_size();

    resolve_imports( spec );
    output_standard_file_header( outfile );

    /* Reserve some space for the PE header */

    fprintf( outfile, "\t.text\n" );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(page_size) );
    fprintf( outfile, "__wine_spec_pe_header:\n" );
    if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.space 65536\n" );
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.skip 65536\n" );

    /* Output the NT header */

    fprintf( outfile, "\n\t.data\n" );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
    fprintf( outfile, "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_spec_nt_header") );
    fprintf( outfile, ".L__wine_spec_rva_base:\n" );

    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0x%04x\n", IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE );    /* Signature */
    case CPU_x86:     machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; break;
    case CPU_x86_64:  machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; break;
    case CPU_POWERPC: machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC; break;
    case CPU_ALPHA:   machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA; break;
    case CPU_SPARC:   machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; break;
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Machine */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), machine );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 0\n",                   /* NumberOfSections */
             get_asm_short_keyword() );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* TimeDateStamp */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* PointerToSymbolTable */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* NumberOfSymbols */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s %d\n",                  /* SizeOfOptionalHeader */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Characteristics */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->characteristics );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Magic */
             get_ptr_size() == 8 ? IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC : IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.byte 0\n" );              /* MajorLinkerVersion */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.byte 0\n" );              /* MinorLinkerVersion */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* SizeOfCode */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* SizeOfInitializedData */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* SizeOfUninitializedData */
    /* note: we expand the AddressOfEntryPoint field on 64-bit by overwriting the BaseOfCode field */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s %s\n",                  /* AddressOfEntryPoint */
             get_asm_ptr_keyword(), asm_name(spec->init_func) );
    if (get_ptr_size() == 4)
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );          /* BaseOfCode */
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );          /* BaseOfData */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s __wine_spec_pe_header\n",         /* ImageBase */
             get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long %u\n", page_size );  /* SectionAlignment */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long %u\n", page_size );  /* FileAlignment */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 1,0\n",                 /* Major/MinorOperatingSystemVersion */
             get_asm_short_keyword() );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 0,0\n",                 /* Major/MinorImageVersion */
             get_asm_short_keyword() );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s %u,%u\n",               /* Major/MinorSubsystemVersion */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->subsystem_major, spec->subsystem_minor );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );                          /* Win32VersionValue */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long %s-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n",    /* SizeOfImage */
             asm_name("_end") );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long %u\n", page_size );  /* SizeOfHeaders */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* CheckSum */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 0x%04x\n",              /* Subsystem */
             get_asm_short_keyword(), spec->subsystem );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s 0\n",                   /* DllCharacteristics */
             get_asm_short_keyword() );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s %u,%u\n",               /* SizeOfStackReserve/Commit */
             get_asm_ptr_keyword(), (spec->stack_size ? spec->stack_size : 1024) * 1024, page_size );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s %u,%u\n",               /* SizeOfHeapReserve/Commit */
             get_asm_ptr_keyword(), (spec->heap_size ? spec->heap_size : 1024) * 1024, page_size );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0\n" );              /* LoaderFlags */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 16\n" );             /* NumberOfRvaAndSizes */

    if (spec->base <= spec->limit)   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT] */
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long .L__wine_spec_exports-.L__wine_spec_rva_base,"
                 ".L__wine_spec_exports_end-.L__wine_spec_exports\n" );
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );

    if (has_imports())   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT] */
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long .L__wine_spec_imports-.L__wine_spec_rva_base,"
                 ".L__wine_spec_imports_end-.L__wine_spec_imports\n" );
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );

    if (spec->nb_resources)   /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] */
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long .L__wine_spec_resources-.L__wine_spec_rva_base,"
                 ".L__wine_spec_resources_end-.L__wine_spec_resources\n" );
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );

    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[3] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[4] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[5] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[6] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[7] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[8] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[9] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[10] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[11] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[12] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[13] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[14] */
    fprintf( outfile, "\t.long 0,0\n" );  /* DataDirectory[15] */

    fprintf( outfile, "\n\t%s\n", get_asm_string_section() );
    fprintf( outfile, "%s\n", asm_globl("__wine_spec_file_name") );
    fprintf( outfile, ".L__wine_spec_file_name:\n" );
    fprintf( outfile, "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), spec->file_name );
    if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
        fprintf( outfile, "\t.lcomm %s,4\n", asm_name("_end") );

    output_stubs( outfile, spec );
    output_exports( outfile, spec );
    output_imports( outfile, spec );
    output_resources( outfile, spec );
    output_asm_constructor( outfile, "__wine_spec_init_ctor" );
    output_gnu_stack_note( outfile );