/* * rs232 = require("luars232") * error, port = rs232.open(device) * error, port = rs232.open("/dev/ttyUSB0") */ static int lua_port_open(lua_State *L) { int ret = 0; struct rs232_port_t *p = NULL; struct rs232_port_t **ud = NULL; const char *dev = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); p = rs232_init(); if (p == NULL) { lua_pushinteger(L, RS232_ERR_CONFIG); lua_pushnil(L); return 2; } DBG("p=%p \n", (void *)p); rs232_set_device(p, dev); ret = rs232_open(p); if (ret > RS232_ERR_NOERROR) { free(p->pt); free(p); lua_pushinteger(L, ret); lua_pushnil(L); return 2; } lua_pushinteger(L, RS232_ERR_NOERROR); ud = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct rs232_port_t *)); *ud = p; luaL_getmetatable(L, MODULE_NAMESPACE); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); return 2; }
// настроить порт int port_init ( askue_port_t *Port, const char *file, const char *speed, const char *dbits, const char *sbits, const char *parity ) { int RS232 = rs232_open ( file ); if ( rs232_init ( RS232, &( Port->Termios ) ) ) { rs232_close ( RS232 ); return -1; } rs232_set_databits ( &( Port->Termios ), dbits ); rs232_set_stopbits ( &( Port->Termios ), sbits ); rs232_set_parity ( &( Port->Termios ), parity ); rs232_set_speed ( &( Port->Termios ), speed ); if ( rs232_apply ( RS232, &( Port->Termios ) ) ) { rs232_close ( RS232 ); return -1; } Port->RS232 = RS232; if ( __port_open ( Port ) ) { close ( Port->RS232 ); return -1; } else { return 0; } }
int openCPAPDevice( void ) { int uartIndex; int io_descriptor; pthread_t threadTestUART[TEST_UART_NUMBER]; if ( cpap_global.uart_fd != -1 ) { printf_debug("close uart set fd:%d to -1\n" , cpap_global.uart_fd ); close( cpap_global.uart_fd ); } cpap_global.uart_fd=-1; for ( uartIndex=0 ; uartIndex<TEST_UART_NUMBER ; uartIndex++ ) { threadTestUART[uartIndex] = -1; char *deviceName = cpap_global.uart_id[uartIndex].deviceName; bzero( deviceName , sizeof(deviceName) ); sprintf( deviceName , "/dev/ttyUSB%d" , uartIndex ); io_descriptor = rs232_open( deviceName , 9600 ); if ( io_descriptor > 0 ) { printf_debug( "open %s ok\n" , deviceName ); cpap_global.uart_id[uartIndex].descriptor=io_descriptor; pthread_create( &threadTestUART[uartIndex] , 0 , functionTestUART , (void *)uartIndex ); continue; } else { cpap_global.uart_id[uartIndex].descriptor = -1; printf_debug( "open %s error\n" , deviceName ); } } for ( uartIndex=0 ; uartIndex<TEST_UART_NUMBER ; uartIndex++ ) { if ( threadTestUART[uartIndex] != -1 ) pthread_join( threadTestUART[uartIndex] , 0 ); } int use_descriptor=GetCPAPDescriptor(); if ( use_descriptor > 0 ) { printf_debug( "use descriptor:%d\n" , use_descriptor ); SetLed( 1 ); }else{ printf_debug("cant find any cpap device\n" ); SetLed( 0 ); } return use_descriptor; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int init_serial_port() { int ttys_descriptor = rs232_open(SERIAL_PORT,B9600,CS8,PNONE,SB1); // Test port descriptor if(ttys_descriptor == -1) { perror("ERROR:serial port not open!!!"); fputs("ERROR:serial port not open",DEBUG_DATA_FILE); return -1; } return ttys_descriptor; }
bool QRS232::open(QString & port, enum rs232_baud_e baud) { m_port = rs232_init(); rs232_set_device(m_port, port.toLatin1().data()); rs232_set_baud(m_port, baud); unsigned int ret = rs232_open(m_port); if (ret == RS232_ERR_NOERROR) { m_open = true; return true; } return false; }
unsigned int rs232_simple_test(void) { unsigned int try = 0; unsigned int bytes = 0; unsigned char data[1]; unsigned int ret = 0; struct rs232_port_t *p = NULL; p = rs232_init(); if (p == NULL) return 1; #ifdef WIN32 rs232_set_device(p, "COM1"); #else rs232_set_device(p, "/dev/ttyS1"); #endif ret = rs232_open(p); if (ret) { rs232_end(p); return err(ret); } rs232_set_baud(p, RS232_BAUD_115200); printf("[*] port settings: %s\n", rs232_to_string(p)); rs232_flush(p); while (try++ < 10) { printf("%02d. [*] read: ", try); data[0] = 0x00; ret = rs232_read_timeout(p, data, 1, &bytes, 1000); if (ret) err(ret); else printf("0x%02x len: %d\n", data[0], bytes); data[0] = 0x05; bytes = 0; printf("%02d. [*] write: ", try); ret = rs232_write_timeout(p, data, 1, &bytes, 1000); if (ret) err(ret); else printf("len: %d\n", bytes); } rs232_end(p); return 0; }
int main() { RS232_INFO info; char str[10000]; printf("Enter port [/dev/ttyS0]: "); fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); if (strchr(str, '\n')) *strchr(str, '\n') = 0; if (!str[0]) strcpy(str, "/dev/ttyS0"); info.fd = rs232_open(str, 9600, 'N', 8, 1, 0); if (info.fd < 0) { printf("Cannot open ttyS0\n"); return 0; } /* turn on debugging, will go to rs232.log */ rs232(CMD_DEBUG, TRUE); printf("Connected to ttyS0, exit with <ESC>\n"); do { memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); str[0] = ss_getchar(0); if (str[0] == 27) break; if (str[0] > 0) rs232_puts(&info, str); rs232_gets(&info, str, sizeof(str), "", 10); printf(str); fflush(stdout); } while (1); ss_getchar(TRUE); rs232_exit(&info); return 1; }
static int init_serial(void) { unsigned int ret = 0; port = rs232_init(); if (port == NULL) return 1; rs232_set_device(port, portname); ret = rs232_open(port); // open port if (ret) { printf("%s (%s)\n", rs232_strerror(ret), errno > 0 ? strerror(errno) : ""); return ret; } rs232_set_baud(port, RS232_BAUD_115200); rs232_flush(port); // wait for arduino init sleep(3); return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------ void reset_cmps10() { int ttys_descriptor; int bytes_arrived; unsigned char buffer_in[MAX_LEN_BUFFER],cmd_1,cmd_2,cmd_3; // Open serial port ttys_descriptor = rs232_open(SERIAL_PORT,B9600,CS8,PNONE,SB1); // Test port descriptor if(ttys_descriptor == -1) {printf("ERROR:serial port not open,exit!!!");exit(1);} // Command to send cmd_1 = 0x6A;cmd_2 = 0x7C;cmd_3 = 0x81; // Send request 0x23 bytes_arrived = 0; rs232_write(ttys_descriptor,&cmd_1,1); usleep(50000); bytes_arrived = rs232_bytes_arrived(ttys_descriptor,0); rs232_get(ttys_descriptor,buffer_in, 1); printf("Bytes arrived %d - Value %d\n",bytes_arrived,buffer_in[0]); rs232_write(ttys_descriptor,&cmd_2,1); usleep(50000); bytes_arrived = rs232_bytes_arrived(ttys_descriptor,0); rs232_get(ttys_descriptor,buffer_in, 1); printf("Bytes arrived %d - Value %d\n",bytes_arrived,buffer_in[0]); rs232_write(ttys_descriptor,&cmd_3,1); usleep(50000); bytes_arrived = rs232_bytes_arrived(ttys_descriptor,0); rs232_get(ttys_descriptor,buffer_in, 1); printf("Bytes arrived %d - Value %d\n",bytes_arrived,buffer_in[0]); rs232_close(ttys_descriptor); }
int main (void) { // int i; int ret; char *emergency="! EMERGENCY !"; char *welcome="Welcome."; char *enter_pin="Please Enter PIN."; char button_read = FALSE; // Local snapshot of Global 'Button' /* error handling - reset LEDs */ atexit(closing_time); signal(SIGINT, closing_time); term_initio(); rs232_open(); setup_ports(); ret = pthread_create( &keypad_thread, NULL, keypad, NULL); // display_string(welcome,PADDED,BLOCKING); while(alive){ if(state == EMERGENCY){ display_string(emergency,PADDED,NOT_BLOCKING); continue; } switch(state){ case WAITING_LOGGED_OUT: display_string(enter_pin,PADDED,NOT_BLOCKING); digits[0] = 0x80; // Set cursor position while(!button && alive && state == WAITING_LOGGED_OUT){ // Just Wait usleep(SLEEP); } if(state == EMERGENCY) break; // Get out if there's an emergency if(button >= '0' && button <= '9'){ state = INPUTTING_PIN; // Fall through to next state } else{ break; } case INPUTTING_PIN: if(button_read = button){ // Intentionally Assignment input_pin(button_read); // Sends a snapshot of button } cursor_blink(); break; case WAITING_LOGGED_IN: display_string("Enter Track Number.",PADDED,NOT_BLOCKING); digits[0] = 0x80; // Set cursor position while(!button && alive && state == WAITING_LOGGED_IN){ // Just Wait usleep(SLEEP); } if(state == EMERGENCY) break; // Get out if there's an emergency if(button >= '0' && button <= '9'){ state = INPUTTING_TRACK_NUMBER; // Fall through to next state } else if(button == ENTER_MENU){ state = MENU_SELECT; // Fall through to next state break; } else{ break; } case INPUTTING_TRACK_NUMBER: if(button_read = button){ // Intentionally Assignment input_track_number(button_read); // Sends a snapshot of button } cursor_blink(); break; case MENU_SELECT: display_string("MENU.",PADDED,NOT_BLOCKING); menu_select(); break; default: break; } delay(); } pthread_join(keypad_thread, NULL); term_exitio(); rs232_close(); return 0; }
CommunicatieBeheerder::CommunicatieBeheerder() { rs232_open(); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * main -- Open terminal and launch keypad thread. * Check for button input and respond appropriately *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int main (void) { // int i; int ret; char *emergency="! EMERGENCY !"; char button_read = FALSE; // Local snapshot of Global 'Button' char prev_button = 0; /* error handling - reset LEDs */ atexit(closing_time); signal(SIGINT, closing_time); term_initio(); rs232_open(); setup_ports(); ret = pthread_create( &keypad_thread, NULL, keypad, NULL); while(alive){ button_read = button; if(button_read){ if(prev_button != button_read){ if(blocking){ while(blocking == TRUE && alive){ usleep(SLEEP); } } else{ printf("button: %c\n",button_read); switch(button_read){ case 'A': display_string("Hello. =)",BLOCKING); break; case 'B': move_cursor(LEFT); break; case 'C': display_string("Cancel =(",NOT_BLOCKING); break; case 'D': delete_char(); break; case 'E': display_string(emergency,BLOCKING); break; case 'F': move_cursor(RIGHT); break; case ERROR: break; default: insert_char(button_read); break; } } } } prev_button = button_read; } pthread_join(keypad_thread, NULL); term_exitio(); rs232_close(); return 0; }
bool CProber::Open (int portNr) { if (IsOpen()) return false; rs232 = rs232_open(portNr, 9600, 'N', 8, 1, 0); return rs232 >= 0; }
void setup_term(){ term_initio(); rs232_open(); setup_ports(); }
int rs232drv_open(int device) { return rs232_open(device); }