Ejemplo n.º 1
int getDependencies(nfs_sparse_mat_t *M, llist_t *C, s32 *deps, s32 origC, long testMode)
{ double blstart, blstop, difficulty;
  int    res;
  s32   i, j;
  u64   *tmpDeps;

  difficulty = (M->numCols/64.0)*(M->cIndex[M->numCols] + M->numCols*M->numDenseBlocks);
  difficulty /= 1000000.0;
  printf("Matrix difficulty is about %1.2lf\n", difficulty);
  if (!testMode) printf("Doing block Lanczos...\n");
  blstart = sTime();
  tmpDeps = (u64 *)malloc(M->numCols*sizeof(u64));
  res = blockLanczos64(tmpDeps, MultB64, MultB_T64, (void *)M, M->numCols,
  blstop = sTime();
  printf("Returned %d. Block Lanczos took %1.2lf seconds.\n", res, blstop-blstart);
  msgLog("", "BLanczosTime: %1.1lf", blstop-blstart);
  if (res < 0) return res;

  /* Now, we need to translate the dependencies back to */
  /* deps for the original matrix.                      */
  memset(deps, 0x00, origC*sizeof(s32));

  for (i=0; i<M->numCols; i++) {
    for (j=C->index[i]; j<C->index[i+1]; j++)
      deps[C->data[j]] ^= (s32)(tmpDeps[i]&0xFFFFFFFF);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void StatisticsDock::updateStatistics()
    int iElapsedTime = elapsedTime->elapsed();
    QString sTime("");
    sTime.sprintf("%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2ds", iElapsedTime / 3600,
           iElapsedTime/60 - ((iElapsedTime / 3600) * 60), iElapsedTime % 60);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Stream&  BugLog()
		return NilStream();
	static LogStream *s;
	if(!s) {
			if(!s) {
				static byte lb[sizeof(LogStream)];
				s = new(lb) LogStream;
				char h[200];
				sTime(h, ".buglog");
				s->Create(h, false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void KeyDispose()
	if(BoxOpenCheck()) return ; 

	//USbInCheck() ; 
	// USB信息处理
	// 按键信息处理
#ifdef DS1307_ON
	if(System.Sys.PassWrd.InputErrCount >= INPUT_ERR_TIME_MAX)
		uint32_t m ;  

		GR_DBG_PRINTF("System.Sys.PassWrd.InputErrCount: %d \n\n ",System.Sys.PassWrd.InputErrCount);
 		GR_DBG_PRINTF("System.Sys.PassWrd.LockTime: %d \n\n ",System.Sys.PassWrd.LockTime); 
		m = sTime(NowTime);
	    GR_DBG_PRINTF("sTime(NowTime): %d \n\n",m);

		m = m -  System.Sys.PassWrd.LockTime; 
		GR_DBG_PRINTF("locked time is gone: %d \n\n",m);
		if ( m >= SYS_LOCK_TIME_SETTING )	   //锁定时间2分钟
			System.Sys.PassWrd.InputErrCount = 0 ; 
			System.Sys.SaveInfoFlag = 0x01 ; 
	if(System.Sys.PassWrd.InputErrCount >= INPUT_ERR_TIME_MAX)
			System.Sys.PassWrd.InputErrCount = 0 ; 
			System.Sys.SaveInfoFlag = 0x01 ;		
	// 系统保存信息
	if(System.Sys.SaveInfoFlag  == 0x01)
	// 系统软硬件错误
Ejemplo n.º 5
  double kt = Sim->dynamics.getLiouvillean().getkT();

  dout << "Particle Count " << Sim->N
	   << "\nSim Unit Length " << Sim->dynamics.units().unitLength()
	   << "\nSim Unit Time " << Sim->dynamics.units().unitTime()
	   << "\nDensity " << Sim->dynamics.getNumberDensity()
    * Sim->dynamics.units().unitVolume()
	   << "\nPacking Fraction " << Sim->dynamics.getPackingFraction()
	   << "\nSim Temperature " << kt
	   << "\nReduced Temperature " << kt / Sim->dynamics.units().unitEnergy() << std::endl;

  dout << "No. of Species " << Sim->dynamics.getSpecies().size()
      << "\nSimulation box length <x y z> < ";
  for (size_t iDim = 0; iDim < NDIM; iDim++)
    dout  << Sim->primaryCellSize[iDim]/Sim->dynamics.units().unitLength() << " ";
  dout << ">" << std::endl;

  Vector sumMV (0,0,0);

  //Determine the discrepancy VECTOR
  BOOST_FOREACH( const Particle & Part, Sim->particleList)
      Vector  pos(Part.getPosition()), vel(Part.getVelocity());
      Sim->dynamics.BCs().applyBC(pos, vel);
      sumMV += vel * Sim->dynamics.getSpecies(Part).getMass(Part.getID());

  dout << "Total momentum <x,y,z> <";
  for (size_t iDim = 0; iDim < NDIM; iDim++)
    dout  << sumMV[iDim] / Sim->dynamics.units().unitMomentum() << " ";
  dout << ">" << std::endl;


  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &acc_tstartTime);

  std::string sTime(std::ctime(&tstartTime));
  sTime[sTime.size()-1] = ' ';

  dout << "Started on " << sTime << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 6
BOOL CTimeHelper::DecodeOffset(LPCTSTR szTime, double& dAmount, int& nUnits, BOOL bMustHaveSign)
	// sanity checks
	CString sTime(szTime);
	if (sTime.IsEmpty())
		return FALSE;

	// Sign defaults to +ve
	int nSign = 1;
	TCHAR nFirst = Misc::First(sTime);
	switch (nFirst)
	case '+': 
		nSign = 1;  
	case '-': 
		nSign = -1; 
		// Must have sign or be number
		if (bMustHaveSign || ((nFirst < '0') || (nFirst > '9')))				
			return FALSE;

	// Trailing units
	TCHAR nLast = Misc::Last(sTime);
	if (IsValidUnit(nLast))
		nUnits = nLast;
		nUnits = THU_HOURS;
	// Rest is number (note: ttof ignores any trailing letters)
	dAmount = (nSign * _ttof(sTime));
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ScreenStatsOverlay::UpdateSkips()
	/* Use our own timer, so we ignore `/tab. */
	const float UpdateTime = m_timerSkip.GetDeltaTime();

	/* FPS is 0 for a little while after we load a screen; don't report
	 * during this time. Do clear the timer, though, so we don't report
	 * a big "skip" after this period passes. */
	if( !DISPLAY->GetFPS() )

	/* We want to display skips.  We expect to get updates of about 1.0/FPS ms. */
	const float ExpectedUpdate = 1.0f / DISPLAY->GetFPS();
	/* These are thresholds for severity of skips.  The smallest
	 * is slightly above expected, to tolerate normal jitter. */
	const float Thresholds[] =
		ExpectedUpdate * 2.0f, ExpectedUpdate * 4.0f, 0.1f, -1

	int skip = 0;
	while( Thresholds[skip] != -1 && UpdateTime > Thresholds[skip] )

	if( skip )
		RString sTime( SecondsToMMSSMsMs(RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()) );

		static const RageColor colors[] =
			RageColor(0,0,0,0),			/* unused */
			RageColor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1),	/* white*/
			RageColor(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f,1),	/* yellow */
			RageColor(1.0f,0.4f,0.4f,1)		/* light red */

		AddTimestampLine( ssprintf("%s: %.0fms (%.0f)", sTime.c_str(), 1000*UpdateTime, UpdateTime/ExpectedUpdate), colors[skip] );

		if( PREFSMAN->m_bLogSkips )
			LOG->Trace( "Frame skip: %.0fms (%.0f)", 1000*UpdateTime, UpdateTime/ExpectedUpdate );
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(int argC, char *args[])
{ char       fbName[64], prelName[40], newRelName[64], depName[64], colName[64];
  char       str[128], line[128];
  int        i, qcbSize = DEFAULT_QCB_SIZE, seed=DEFAULT_SEED, retVal=0;
  u32        maxRelsInFF=MAX_RELS_IN_FF;
  double     startTime, stopTime;
  s32        totalRels, relsInFile;
  nfs_fb_t   FB;
  multi_file_t prelF, lpF;
  FILE      *fp;

  prelF.numFiles = DEFAULT_NUM_FILES;
  lpF.numFiles = 0;
  prelF.prefix[0] = lpF.prefix[0]=0;
  fbName[0] = newRelName[0] = 0;
  strcpy(depName, DEFAULT_DEPNAME);
  strcpy(colName, DEFAULT_COLNAME);
  strcpy(lpF.prefix, DEFAULT_LPI_NAME);
  strcpy(prelF.prefix, DEFAULT_PRELPREFIX);

  for (i=1; i<argC; i++) {
    if (strcmp(args[i], "-fb")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC) 
        strncpy(fbName, args[i], 64);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-cols")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC) 
        strncpy(colName, args[i], 64);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-prel")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC) 
        strncpy(prelF.prefix, args[i], 32);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-qs")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC)
        qcbSize = atoi(args[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-minff")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC)
        minFF = atoi(args[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-seed")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC)
        seed = atoi(args[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-v")==0) {
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-maxrelsinff")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC) 
        maxRelsInFF = atoi(args[i]);
  startTime = sTime();

  if ((fbName[0]==0) || (prelF.prefix[0]==0)) {
    printf("USAGE: %s %s\n", args[0], USAGE);
  msgLog("", "GGNFS-%s : matbuild", GGNFS_VERSION);
  sprintf(prelName, "%s.%d", prelF.prefix, 0);
  if (loadFB(fbName, &FB)) {
    printf("Could not load FB from %s!\n", fbName);

  if (minFF < FB.rfb_size + FB.afb_size + 64 + 32)
    minFF = FB.rfb_size + FB.afb_size + 64 + 32;
  if (verbose)
    printf("Getting QCB of size %d...\n", qcbSize);

  /* Very strange! Why is this being done here?? */
  generateQCB(&FB, qcbSize); 


  for (i=0; i<prelF.numFiles; i++) {
    sprintf(prelName, "%s.%d", prelF.prefix, i);
    if ((fp = fopen(prelName, "rb"))) {
      fread(&relsInFile, sizeof(s32), 1, fp);
    totalRels += relsInFile;

  finalFF = getCols(colName, &prelF, &lpF, &FB, minFF, maxRelsInFF);
  msgLog("", "Heap stats for matbuild run.");

  if (finalFF > 0)
    msgLog("", "rels:%" PRId32 ", initialFF:%" PRId32 ", finalFF:%" PRId32, 
           initialRelations, initialFF, finalFF);
  if (finalFF < minFF) {
    printf("More columns needed (current = %" PRId32 ", min = %" PRId32 ")\n",
           finalFF, minFF);

  /* Write some header information that will eventually be needed
     in the `deps' file.
  if (!(fp = fopen("depinf", "wb"))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s for write!\n", "depinf");
  } else {
    sprintf(str, "NUMCOLS: %8.8" PRIx32, finalFF); writeBinField(fp, str);
    sprintf(str, "COLNAME: %s.index", colName); writeBinField(fp, str);
    sprintf(str, "MAXRELS: %8.8" PRIx32, totalRels); writeBinField(fp, str);
    sprintf(str, "RELPREFIX: %s", prelF.prefix); writeBinField(fp, str);
    sprintf(str, "RELFILES: %x", prelF.numFiles); writeBinField(fp, str);
    sprintf(str, "LPFPREFIX: %s", lpF.prefix); writeBinField(fp, str);
    sprintf(str, "LPFFILES: %x", lpF.numFiles); writeBinField(fp, str);
    sprintf(str, "END_HEADER"); writeBinField(fp, str);
  printf("`depinf' written. You can now run matprune.\n");
  msgLog("", "depinf file written. Run matprune.");

  stopTime = sTime();
  printf("Total elapsed time: %1.2lf seconds.\n", stopTime-startTime);

  return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 9
OPMisc::output(magnet::xml::XmlStream &XML)
  std::time_t tendTime;

  std::string sTime(std::ctime(&tstartTime));
  //A hack to remove the newline character at the end
  sTime[sTime.size()-1] = ' ';

  std::string eTime(std::ctime(&tendTime));
  //A hack to remove the newline character at the end
  eTime[eTime.size()-1] = ' ';

  timespec acc_tendTime;
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &acc_tendTime);

  double duration = double(acc_tendTime.tv_sec) - double(acc_tstartTime.tv_sec)
    + 1e-9 * (double(acc_tendTime.tv_nsec) - double(acc_tstartTime.tv_nsec));

  double collpersec = static_cast<double>(Sim->eventCount) / duration;

  dout << "Ended on " << eTime
       << "\nTotal Collisions Executed " << Sim->eventCount
       << "\nAvg Coll/s " << collpersec
       << "\nSim time per second "
       << Sim->dSysTime 
    / (Sim->dynamics.units().unitTime() * duration) 
       << std::endl;

  XML << magnet::xml::tag("Misc")
      << magnet::xml::tag("Memusage")
      << magnet::xml::attr("MaxKiloBytes") << magnet::process_mem_usage()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("Memusage")
      << magnet::xml::tag("Density")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val") 
      << Sim->dynamics.getNumberDensity() * Sim->dynamics.units().unitVolume()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("Density")

      << magnet::xml::tag("PackingFraction")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val") << Sim->dynamics.getPackingFraction()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("PackingFraction")

      << magnet::xml::tag("SpeciesCount")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val") << Sim->dynamics.getSpecies().size()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("SpeciesCount")

      << magnet::xml::tag("ParticleCount")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val") << Sim->N
      << magnet::xml::endtag("ParticleCount")

      << magnet::xml::tag("SimLength")
      << magnet::xml::attr("Collisions") << Sim->eventCount
      << magnet::xml::attr("OneParticleEvents") << singleEvents
      << magnet::xml::attr("TwoParticleEvents") << dualEvents
      << magnet::xml::attr("Time") << Sim->dSysTime / Sim->dynamics.units().unitTime()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("SimLength")

      << magnet::xml::tag("Timing")

      << magnet::xml::tag("Start")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val") << sTime
      << magnet::xml::endtag("Start")

      << magnet::xml::tag("End")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val") << eTime
      << magnet::xml::endtag("End")

      << magnet::xml::tag("Duration")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val")
      << duration
      << magnet::xml::endtag("Duration")

      << magnet::xml::tag("CollPerSec")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val") << collpersec
      << magnet::xml::attr("CondorWarning") << std::string("true")
      << magnet::xml::endtag("CollPerSec")

      << magnet::xml::endtag("Timing")
      << magnet::xml::tag("SystemBoxLength")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val")
      << 1.0/Sim->dynamics.units().unitLength();

  char name[2] = "x";
  for (size_t iDim = 0; iDim < NDIM; iDim++)
      name[0] = 'x' + iDim;
      XML << magnet::xml::tag(name) << magnet::xml::attr("val")
	  << Sim->primaryCellSize[iDim]/Sim->dynamics.units().unitLength()
	  << magnet::xml::endtag(name);

  XML << magnet::xml::endtag("SystemBoxLength");

  Vector sumMV(0, 0, 0);
  //Determine the discrepancy VECTOR
  BOOST_FOREACH( const Particle & Part, Sim->particleList)
    sumMV += Part.getVelocity() * Sim->dynamics.getSpecies(Part).getMass(Part.getID());

  XML << magnet::xml::tag("Total_momentum")
      << sumMV / Sim->dynamics.units().unitMomentum()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("Total_momentum")
      << magnet::xml::tag("totMeanFreeTime")
      << magnet::xml::attr("val")
      << getMFT()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("totMeanFreeTime");

  XML << magnet::xml::tag("MemoryUsage")
      << magnet::xml::attr("ResidentSet") << magnet::process_mem_usage()
      << magnet::xml::endtag("MemoryUsage")
      << magnet::xml::endtag("Misc");
Ejemplo n.º 10
void dec_viterbi_F(dvector* Metr_mem, unsigned char* history_mem, bitvector* bit_stream,
                   const dvarray* Dist, const param_viterbi_t* param, size_t n) 
  size_t i_in = 0, i_punct, i, j, vote, bv = 0;
  double *Metr0, *Metr1, *Metr;
  char X0, X1, Y0, Y1;
  unsigned char history[MAX_Nways][MAX_history];
  unsigned char history_new[MAX_Nways][MAX_history+1];
#if 0
  /* FIXME */
  /* Time varies between runs giving false negatives about which run
     (JIT, CBE, or LLC) failed */
  double startTime, now, estTotal;
#endif /* 0 */
  if (bit_stream->length) {
  if (n==0) {
    n = Dist->data[0].length;
  bitvector_init(bit_stream, n);

  Metr  = (double*)malloc(Metr_mem->length*sizeof(double));
  Metr0 = (double*)malloc(Metr_mem->length*sizeof(double));
  Metr1 = (double*)malloc(Metr_mem->length*sizeof(double));
  memcpy(Metr, Metr_mem->data, Metr_mem->length*sizeof(double));
  memcpy(history, history_mem, sizeof(history));
#if 0
  /* FIXME */
  /* Time varies between runs giving false negatives about which run
     (JIT, CBE, or LLC) failed */
  startTime = sTime();
#endif /* 0 */
  i_punct = 0;
  while (i_in<bit_stream->length) {
#if 0
    /* FIXME */
    /* Time varies between runs giving false negatives about which run
       (JIT, CBE, or LLC) failed */
    if (i_in && (i_in % 10000 == 0)) {
      now = sTime();
      estTotal = ((double)1.02*bit_stream->length/((double)i_in))*(now-startTime);
      printf("Viterbi: Estimate %1.1lf%% complete (%1.1lf seconds / %1.1lf seconds)...\n",
             (double)100.0*i_in/(1.02*bit_stream->length), now-startTime, estTotal);
#endif /* 0 */
    memcpy(Metr0, Metr, Metr_mem->length*sizeof(double));
    memcpy(Metr1, Metr, Metr_mem->length*sizeof(double));
    if (param->punct1[i_punct] == 1) {
      for (i=0; i<param->Nways; ++i) {
        X0 = param->Tabl_X[i];
        X1 = 1 - param->Tabl_X[i];
        Metr0[i] = Metr0[i] + Dist->data[X0].data[i_in];
        Metr1[i] = Metr1[i] + Dist->data[X1].data[i_in];
    if (param->punct2[i_punct] == 1) {
      if (i_in >= bit_stream->length) {
        assert(0 && "Synchronization in Viterbi: i_in > size(Dist,2)");
      for (i=0; i<param->Nways; ++i) {
        Y0 = param->Tabl_Y[i];        
        Y1 = 1 - param->Tabl_Y[i];    
        Metr0[i] = Metr0[i] + Dist->data[Y0].data[i_in];
        Metr1[i] = Metr1[i] + Dist->data[Y1].data[i_in];
    for (i=0; i<param->Nways/2; ++i) {
      if (Metr0[2*i] <= Metr0[2*i+1]) {
        Metr[i] = Metr0[2*i];
        history_new[i][0] = 0;
        for (j=0; j<MAX_history; ++j) {
          history_new[i][j+1] = history[2*i][j];
      } else {
        Metr[i] = Metr0[2*i+1];
        history_new[i][0] = 1;
        for (j=0; j<MAX_history; ++j) {
          history_new[i][j+1] = history[2*i+1][j];
      if (Metr1[2*i] <= Metr1[2*i+1]) {
        Metr[i+param->Nways/2] = Metr1[2*i];
        history_new[i+param->Nways/2][0] = 0;
        for (j=0; j<MAX_history; ++j) {
          history_new[i+param->Nways/2][j+1] = history[2*i][j];
      } else {
        Metr[i+param->Nways/2] = Metr1[2*i+1];
        history_new[i+param->Nways/2][0] = 1;
        for (j=0; j<MAX_history; ++j) {
          history_new[i+param->Nways/2][j+1] = history[2*i+1][j];
    for (vote=i=0; i<param->Nways; ++i) {
      vote += (history_new[i][MAX_history] == 0);
    if (vote >= param->Nways/2) {
      bit_stream->data[bv++] = 0;
    } else {
      bit_stream->data[bv++] = 1;

    for (i=0; i<param->Nways; ++i) {
      for (j=0; j<MAX_history; ++j) {
        history[i][j] = history_new[i][j];

    if (++i_punct == param->n_in) {
      i_punct = 0;                 

  bit_stream->data = (unsigned char*)realloc(bit_stream->data, bv*sizeof(unsigned char));
  bit_stream->length = bv;
  memcpy(Metr_mem->data, Metr, Metr_mem->length*sizeof(double));
  memcpy(history_mem, history, sizeof(history));
Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argC, char *args[])
{ char       colName[64], depName[64], str[1024];
  double     startTime, stopTime;
  s32       *deps, origC;
  u32        seed=DEFAULT_SEED;
  long       testMode=0;
  struct stat fileInfo;
  nfs_sparse_mat_t M;
  llist_t    C;
  int        i;
  FILE      *fp, *ifp;

  strcpy(colName, DEFAULT_COLNAME);
  strcpy(depName, DEFAULT_DEPNAME);
  /* This probably shouldn't be needed, but whatever. */
  seed = ((seed % 1001)*seed) ^ (171*seed);

  for (i=1; i<argC; i++) {
    if (strcmp(args[i], "-v")==0) {
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-seed")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC) {
        seed = atol(args[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-save")==0) {
      if ((++i) < argC) {
        matsave_interval = 60 * atoi(args[i]);
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "-test")==0) {
      testMode = 1;
    } else if (strcmp(args[i], "--help")==0) {
      printf("USAGE: %s %s\n", args[0], USAGE);
  if (stat("depinf", &fileInfo)) {
    printf("Could not stat depinf! Are you trying to run %s to soon?\n", args[0]);
    return -1;
  startTime = sTime();
  msgLog("", "GGNFS-%s : matsolve (seed=%" PRIu32 ")", GGNFS_VERSION, seed);
  printf("Using PRNG seed=%" PRIu32 ".\n", seed);

  readSparseMat(&M, "spmat");
  ll_read(&C, "sp-index");
  printf("Verifying column map..."); fflush(stdout);

  printf("Matrix loaded: it is %" PRId32 " x %" PRId32 ".\n", M.numRows, M.numCols);
  if (M.numCols < (M.numRows + 64)) {
    printf("More columns needed (current = %" PRId32 ", min = %" PRId32 ")\n",
           M.numCols, M.numRows+64);
    free(M.cEntry); free(M.cIndex);
  if (checkMat(&M, delCols, &numDel)) {
    printf("checkMat() returned some error! Terminating...\n");

  /* We need to know how many columns there were in the original, unpruned
     matrix, so we know how much memory to allocate for the dependencies.
  if (!(ifp = fopen("depinf", "rb"))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error opening depinf for read!\n");
  readBinField(str, 1024, ifp);
  while (!(feof(ifp)) && strncmp(str, "END_HEADER",10)) {
    if (strncmp(str, "NUMCOLS: ", 9)==0) {
      sscanf(&str[9], "%" SCNx32, &origC);
    readBinField(str, 1024, ifp);
  printf("Original matrix had %" PRId32 " columns.\n", origC);

  if (!(deps = (s32 *)malloc(origC*sizeof(s32)))) {
    printf("Could not allocate %" PRIu32 " bytes for the dependencies.\n", (u32)(origC*sizeof(s32)) );
    free(M.cEntry); free(M.cIndex); return -1;

  if (getDependencies(&M, &C, deps, origC, testMode) == 0) {
    if (!(ifp = fopen("depinf", "rb"))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error opening depinf for read!\n");
    printf("Writing dependencies to file %s.\n", depName);
    if (!(fp = fopen(depName, "wb"))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s for write!\n", depName);
    } else {
      /* Get the header information from depinf. */
      readBinField(str, 1024, ifp);
      while (!(feof(ifp)) && strncmp(str, "END_HEADER",10)) {
        writeBinField(fp, str);
      if (strncmp(str, "END_HEADER",10)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: depinf is corrupt!\n");
        fclose(ifp); fclose(fp); exit(-1);
      writeBinField(fp, str);
      fwrite(deps, sizeof(s32), origC, fp);

  stopTime = sTime();
  printf("Total elapsed time: %1.2lf seconds.\n", stopTime-startTime);
  msgLog("", "Heap stats for matsolve run:");

  free(M.cEntry); free(M.cIndex); free(deps);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: tmp.c Proyecto: FairSky/ggnfs
static void master(void)
/* One of the MPI processes will be distinguished as a master node. */
/* That master node will call this function only, so this is the    */
/* function that controls all the slave nodes.                      */
{ node_t           nodeList[MAX_NODES];
  int              numNodes, j, numSlaves, numOnCall;
  long             colsPerNode, c0, c1;
  nfs_sparse_mat_t M;
  double           blstart, blstop;
  long            *deps;

  /* Load the matrix. */

  /* This is not yet done, as it could be a bit tricky.
     It might not fit into RAM on a single node, which means 
     we should really preprocess it first on a machine with
     plenty of RAM, save the preprocessed version to disk,
     and use that one here. Then, instead of loading the
     whole matrix at once, the master node should just load
     columns as they are needed to send to the workers.
       All this function really needs to know is the matrix
     stats - dimensions and such. So we should here fill those
     fields in.  Then make the initializeNode() function above
     read the needed columns from disk and send them out.
  M.numCols = M.numRows = 0; /* Change this to the real deal. */

  /* Find out how many nodes there are. */
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numNodes);
  nodeList[0].status = ST_MASTER;

  /* If we have more than a handful of nodes, say more than 8,    */
  /* we should leave at least one `on call' in case another one   */
  /* dies. Why? Consider the alternative: if a node dies and we   */
  /* don't have a backup available, then we either have to        */
  /* give one node twice the work, or re-distribute and re-assign */
  /* the matrix columns. This would:                              */
  /*  (1) Hugely complicate the code.                             */
  /*  (2) Waste bandwidth.                                        */
  /*  (3) Waste time.                                             */
  /* Of course, we could assume that no node ever fails, but that */
  /* is a very bad idea. The is the best compromise between       */
  /* robustness and efficiency that I can think of.               */
  /* If you don't like it, you can change this single line of     */
  /* code, but beware that the resulting code will not be fault   */
  /* tolerant at all!                                             */
  numOnCall = ((numNodes >= 8) ? (MIN(1, 0.05*numNodes)) : 0);

  for (i=1; i<numNodes; i++)
  for (i=0; i<numOnCall; i--)
    nodeList[numNodes-1-i].status = ST_ONCALL;

  /* How many columns does each node get? */
  for (i=1; i<numNodes; i++)
    if (nodeList[i].status == ST_WORKING)
  colsPerNode = M->numCols/numSlaves;

  /* Initialize the slave nodes with their needed columns. */
  c0 = 0; c1 = c0 + colsPerNode;
  for (i=0,j=0; i<numSlaves; i++) {
    do {
    } while (nodeList[j].status != ST_WORKING);
    nodeList[j].c0 = c0;
    nodeList[j].c1 = c1;
    c0 = c1;
    c1 = MIN(c0+colsPerNode, M->numCols);

  /* We should now be able to just do: */
  startTime = sTime();
  msgLog("", "GGNFS-%s : mpi-matsolve", GGNFS_VERSION);
  msgLog("", "Running on %d (of %d) nodes.", numSlaves, numNodes);

  blstart = sTime();
  if (!(deps = (long *)malloc(M.numCols*sizeof(long)))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Severe memory allocation error!\n");
    res = -1;
  } else {
    res = blockLanczos32(deps,  mpi-multB32, mpi-multB_T32, NULL, M.numCols);
    blstop = sTime();
    printf("Returned %d. Block Lanczos took %1.2lf seconds.\n", res, blstop-blstart);
    msgLog("", "BLanczosTime: %1.1lf", blstop-blstart);

  /* Shutdown all of the nodes except this one. */
  for (i=1; i<numNodes; i++) {

  /* Now retrieve the actual dependencies (i.e., if there was a matrix
     pruning step, then we need to get back to the original matrix).
     Then store them to file.

Ejemplo n.º 13

    dout << "Particle Count " << Sim->N
	 << "\nSim Unit Length " << Sim->units.unitLength()
	 << "\nSim Unit Time " << Sim->units.unitTime()
	 << "\nDensity " << Sim->getNumberDensity()
      * Sim->units.unitVolume()
	 << "\nPacking Fraction " << Sim->getPackingFraction()
	 << "\nTemperature " << getCurrentkT() / Sim->units.unitEnergy()
	 << "\nNo. of Species " << Sim->species.size()
	 << "\nSimulation box length <x y z> < ";
    for (size_t iDim = 0; iDim < NDIM; iDim++)
      dout  << Sim->primaryCellSize[iDim] / Sim->units.unitLength() << " ";
    dout << ">\n";

    Matrix kineticP;
    Vector thermalConductivityFS(0,0,0);

    BOOST_FOREACH(const Particle& part, Sim->particles)
	const Species& sp = *(Sim->species[part]);
	const double mass = sp.getMass(part.getID());

	kineticP += mass * Dyadic(part.getVelocity(), part.getVelocity());
	_speciesMasses[sp.getID()] += mass;
	_speciesMomenta[sp.getID()] += mass * part.getVelocity();
	  += part.getVelocity() * Sim->dynamics->getParticleKineticEnergy(part);

    Vector sysMomentum(0,0,0);
    _systemMass = 0;
    for (size_t i(0); i < Sim->species.size(); ++i)
	sysMomentum += _speciesMomenta[i];
	_systemMass += _speciesMasses[i];


    //Set up the correlators
    double correlator_dt = Sim->lastRunMFT / 8;
    if (correlator_dt == 0.0)
      correlator_dt = 1.0 / sqrt(getCurrentkT());

    _thermalConductivity.resize(correlator_dt, 10);

    _viscosity.resize(correlator_dt, 10);
    _mutualDiffusion.resize(Sim->species.size() * Sim->species.size());
    for (size_t spid1(0); spid1 < Sim->species.size(); ++spid1)
	_thermalDiffusion[spid1].resize(correlator_dt, 10);
			      - (_speciesMasses[spid1] / _systemMass)
			      * _sysMomentum.current());
	for (size_t spid2(spid1); spid2 < Sim->species.size(); ++spid2)
	    _mutualDiffusion[spid1 * Sim->species.size() + spid2].resize(correlator_dt, 10);
	    _mutualDiffusion[spid1 * Sim->species.size() + spid2].setFreeStreamValue
	      (_speciesMomenta[spid1] - (_speciesMasses[spid1] / _systemMass) * _sysMomentum.current(),
	       _speciesMomenta[spid2] - (_speciesMasses[spid2] / _systemMass) * _sysMomentum.current());

    dout << "Total momentum < ";
    for (size_t iDim = 0; iDim < NDIM; iDim++)
      dout  << _sysMomentum.current()[iDim] / Sim->units.unitMomentum() << " ";
    dout << ">\n";


    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &acc_tstartTime);

    std::string sTime(std::ctime(&tstartTime));
    sTime[sTime.size()-1] = ' ';

    dout << "Started on " << sTime << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  OPMisc::output(magnet::xml::XmlStream &XML)
    std::time_t tendTime;

    std::string sTime(std::ctime(&tstartTime));
    //A hack to remove the newline character at the end
    sTime[sTime.size()-1] = ' ';

    std::string eTime(std::ctime(&tendTime));
    //A hack to remove the newline character at the end
    eTime[eTime.size()-1] = ' ';

    dout << "Ended on " << eTime
	 << "\nTotal Collisions Executed " << Sim->eventCount
	 << "\nAvg Events/s " << getEventsPerSecond()
	 << "\nSim time per second " << getSimTimePerSecond()
	 << std::endl;

    const double V = Sim->getSimVolume();

    const Matrix collP = collisionalP / (V * Sim->systemTime);
    const Matrix P = (_kineticP.mean() + collisionalP / Sim->systemTime) 
      / V;

    XML << magnet::xml::tag("Misc")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Density")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("val")
	<< Sim->getNumberDensity() * Sim->units.unitVolume()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Density")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("PackingFraction")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("val") << Sim->getPackingFraction()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("PackingFraction")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("SpeciesCount")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("val") << Sim->species.size()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("SpeciesCount")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("ParticleCount")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("val") << Sim->N
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("ParticleCount")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("SystemMomentum")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Current")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("x") << _sysMomentum.current()[0] / Sim->units.unitMomentum()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("y") << _sysMomentum.current()[1] / Sim->units.unitMomentum()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("z") << _sysMomentum.current()[2] / Sim->units.unitMomentum()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Current")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Average")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("x") << _sysMomentum.mean()[0] / Sim->units.unitMomentum()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("y") << _sysMomentum.mean()[1] / Sim->units.unitMomentum()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("z") << _sysMomentum.mean()[2] / Sim->units.unitMomentum()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Average")
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("SystemMomentum")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("Temperature")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Mean") << getMeankT() / Sim->units.unitEnergy()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("MeanSqr") << getMeanSqrkT() / (Sim->units.unitEnergy() * Sim->units.unitEnergy())
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Current") << getCurrentkT() / Sim->units.unitEnergy()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Min") << 2.0 * _KE.min() / (Sim->N * Sim->dynamics->getParticleDOF() * Sim->units.unitEnergy())
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Max") << 2.0 * _KE.max() / (Sim->N * Sim->dynamics->getParticleDOF() * Sim->units.unitEnergy())
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Temperature")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("UConfigurational")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Mean") << getMeanUConfigurational() / Sim->units.unitEnergy()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("MeanSqr") << getMeanSqrUConfigurational() / (Sim->units.unitEnergy() * Sim->units.unitEnergy())
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Current") << _internalE.current() / Sim->units.unitEnergy()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Min") << _internalE.min() / Sim->units.unitEnergy()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Max") << _internalE.max() / Sim->units.unitEnergy()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("UConfigurational")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("ResidualHeatCapacity")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Value") 
	<< (getMeanSqrUConfigurational() - getMeanUConfigurational() * getMeanUConfigurational())
      / (getMeankT() * getMeankT())
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("ResidualHeatCapacity")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Pressure")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Avg") << P.tr() / (3.0 * Sim->units.unitPressure())
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Tensor") << magnet::xml::chardata()
    for (size_t iDim = 0; iDim < NDIM; ++iDim)
	for (size_t jDim = 0; jDim < NDIM; ++jDim)
	  XML << P(iDim, jDim) / Sim->units.unitPressure() << " ";
	XML << "\n";
    XML << magnet::xml::endtag("Tensor")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("InteractionContribution") << magnet::xml::chardata()
    for (size_t iDim = 0; iDim < NDIM; ++iDim)
	for (size_t jDim = 0; jDim < NDIM; ++jDim)
	  XML << collP(iDim, jDim) / Sim->units.unitPressure() << " ";
	XML << "\n";
    XML << magnet::xml::endtag("InteractionContribution")
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Pressure")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Duration")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Events") << Sim->eventCount
	<< magnet::xml::attr("OneParticleEvents") << _singleEvents
	<< magnet::xml::attr("TwoParticleEvents") << _dualEvents
	<< magnet::xml::attr("VirtualEvents") << _virtualEvents
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Time") << Sim->systemTime / Sim->units.unitTime()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Duration")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("EventCounters");
    typedef std::pair<EventKey, size_t> mappair;
    BOOST_FOREACH(const mappair& mp1, _counters)
      XML << magnet::xml::tag("Entry")
	  << magnet::xml::attr("Type") << getClass(mp1.first.first)
	  << magnet::xml::attr("Name") << getName(mp1.first.first, Sim)
	  << magnet::xml::attr("Event") << mp1.first.second
	  << magnet::xml::attr("Count") << mp1.second
	  << magnet::xml::endtag("Entry");
    XML << magnet::xml::endtag("EventCounters")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Timing")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Start") << sTime
	<< magnet::xml::attr("End") << eTime
	<< magnet::xml::attr("EventsPerSec") << getEventsPerSecond()
	<< magnet::xml::attr("SimTimePerSec") << getSimTimePerSecond()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Timing")

	<< magnet::xml::tag("PrimaryImageSimulationSize")
	<< Sim->primaryCellSize / Sim->units.unitLength()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("PrimaryImageSimulationSize")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("totMeanFreeTime")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("val")
	<< getMFT()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("totMeanFreeTime")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("NegativeTimeEvents")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("Count") << _reverseEvents
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("NegativeTimeEvents")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Memusage")
	<< magnet::xml::attr("MaxKiloBytes") << magnet::process_mem_usage()
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Memusage")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("ThermalConductivity")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Correlator")
	<< magnet::xml::chardata();

	data = _thermalConductivity.getAveragedCorrelator();
      double inv_units = Sim->units.unitk()
	/ ( Sim->units.unitTime() * Sim->units.unitThermalCond() * 2.0 
	    * std::pow(getMeankT(), 2) * V);

      XML << "0 0 0 0 0\n";
      for (size_t i(0); i < data.size(); ++i)
	XML << data[i].time / Sim->units.unitTime() << " "
	    << data[i].sample_count << " "
	    << data[i].value[0] * inv_units << " "
	    << data[i].value[1] * inv_units << " "
	    << data[i].value[2] * inv_units << "\n";

    XML << magnet::xml::endtag("Correlator")
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("ThermalConductivity")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Viscosity")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("Correlator")
	<< magnet::xml::chardata();

	data = _viscosity.getAveragedCorrelator();
      double inv_units = 1.0
	/ (Sim->units.unitTime() * Sim->units.unitViscosity() * 2.0 * getMeankT()
	   * V);

      XML << "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n";
      for (size_t i(0); i < data.size(); ++i)
	  XML << data[i].time / Sim->units.unitTime() << " "
	      << data[i].sample_count << " ";
	  for (size_t j(0); j < 3; ++j)
	    for (size_t k(0); k < 3; ++k)
	      XML << (data[i].value(j,k) - std::pow(data[i].time * P(j, k) * V, 2)) * inv_units << " ";
	  XML << "\n";

    XML << magnet::xml::endtag("Correlator")
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Viscosity")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("ThermalDiffusion");

    for (size_t i(0); i < Sim->species.size(); ++i)
	XML << magnet::xml::tag("Correlator")
	    << magnet::xml::attr("Species") << Sim->species[i]->getName()
	    << magnet::xml::chardata();
	  data = _thermalDiffusion[i].getAveragedCorrelator();
	double inv_units = 1.0
	  / (Sim->units.unitTime() * Sim->units.unitThermalDiffusion() * 2.0 * getMeankT() * V);
	XML << "0 0 0 0 0\n";
	for (size_t i(0); i < data.size(); ++i)
	    XML << data[i].time / Sim->units.unitTime() << " "
		<< data[i].sample_count << " ";
	    for (size_t j(0); j < 3; ++j)
	      XML << data[i].value[j] * inv_units << " ";
	    XML << "\n";
	XML << magnet::xml::endtag("Correlator");

    XML << magnet::xml::endtag("ThermalDiffusion")
	<< magnet::xml::tag("MutualDiffusion");

    for (size_t i(0); i < Sim->species.size(); ++i)
      for (size_t j(i); j < Sim->species.size(); ++j)
	XML << magnet::xml::tag("Correlator")
	    << magnet::xml::attr("Species1") << Sim->species[i]->getName()
	    << magnet::xml::attr("Species2") << Sim->species[j]->getName()
	    << magnet::xml::chardata();
	  data = _mutualDiffusion[i * Sim->species.size() + j].getAveragedCorrelator();
	double inv_units = 1.0
	  / (Sim->units.unitTime() * Sim->units.unitMutualDiffusion() * 2.0 * getMeankT() * V);
	XML << "0 0 0 0 0\n";
	for (size_t i(0); i < data.size(); ++i)
	    XML << data[i].time / Sim->units.unitTime() << " "
		<< data[i].sample_count << " ";
	    for (size_t j(0); j < 3; ++j)
	      XML << data[i].value[j] * inv_units << " ";
	    XML << "\n";
	XML << magnet::xml::endtag("Correlator");

    XML << magnet::xml::endtag("MutualDiffusion")
	<< magnet::xml::endtag("Misc");