Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
client_cb(struct aeEventLoop *eventLoop, int fd, void *clientData, int mask) {
    struct node *client = (struct node *)clientData;

    /* read */
    char buffer[512];
    int len = read(fd, buffer, 512);
    if (len <= 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client closed: %d.", fd);
        aeDeleteFileEvent(eventLoop, fd, mask);

    /* push to total and split */
    int count = 0;
    client->buffer = sdscatlen(client->buffer, buffer, len);
    sds *lines = sdssplitlen(client->buffer, sdslen(client->buffer), "\n", 1, &count);

    /* translate */
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        translate(lines[i], client);

Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Tokenize a given sds, setting a term to zero-length sds if it's
 * a stopword. A total number of tokens and total number of nonstopwords
 * will be returned */
static sds *sds_tokenize(sds s, int *len, int *nonstopwords) {
    int i, l, k;
    sds *terms;
    struct stemmer *stmer;

    *nonstopwords = 0;
    terms = sdssplitlen(s, sdslen(s), " ", 1, len);
    if (!terms) return NULL;
    stmer = create_stemmer();
    for (i = 0; i < *len; i++) {
        sds stemmed = NULL, term = terms[i];
        term = sdstrim(term, puncs);
        l = sdslen(term);
        if (l == 0 || rr_stopwords_check(term)) {
        *nonstopwords += 1;
        /* note that the third argument is a zero-based index */
        k = stem(stmer, term, l-1);
        if (k < l-1) {
            stemmed = sdsnewlen(term, k+1);
            terms[i] = stemmed;

    return terms;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void emit_command_help (const char *plist, FILE *fp)
    int i, count;
    sds *p;
    if (!(p = sdssplitlen (plist, strlen (plist), ":", 1, &count)))
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        emit_command_help_from_pattern (p[i], fp);
    sdsfreesplitres (p, count);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void sendLuaFuncReply(cli *c, sds file) { //printf("sendLuaFuncReply\n");
    int argc; robj **rargv = NULL;
    if (!sdslen(file) || !strcmp(file, "/")) {
        argc      = 2; //NOTE: rargv[0] is ignored
        rargv     = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *) * argc);
        rargv[1]  = _createStringObject(server.alc.WebServerIndexFunc);
    } else if (c->http.post && c->http.req_clen) {
        int  urgc;
        sds *urgv = sdssplitlen(file, sdslen(file), "/", 1, &urgc);
        sds  pb   = c->http.post_body;
        sds *argv = sdssplitlen(pb, sdslen(pb), "&", 1, &argc);
        rargv     = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *) * (argc + urgc + 1));
        for (int i = 0; i < urgc; i++) {
            rargv[i + 1] = createStringObject(urgv[i], sdslen(urgv[i]));
        for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            char *x = strchr(argv[i], '=');
            if (!x) continue; x++;
            rargv[i + urgc + 1] = createStringObject(x, strlen(x));
        for (int i = 0; i < urgc; i++) sdsfree(urgv[i]);
        zfree(urgv); zfree(argv);
        argc += (urgc + 1); //NOTE: rargv[0] is ignored
    } else {
        sds *argv = sdssplitlen(file, sdslen(file), "/", 1, &argc);
        rargv     = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *) * (argc + 1));
        for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            rargv[i + 1] = createStringObject(argv[i], sdslen(argv[i]));
        for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) sdsfree(argv[i]);
        argc++; //NOTE: rargv[0] is ignored
    if (!luafunc_call(c, argc, rargv)) {
        robj *resp = luaReplyToHTTPReply(server.lua);
        SEND_REPLY_FROM_STRING(send_http_reponse_header(c, sdslen(resp->ptr)));
        if (c->http.get || c->http.post) addReply(c, resp);
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) decrRefCount(rargv[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void runCmdInFakeClient(sds s) {
    //RL4 "runCmdInFakeClient: %s", s);
    int           argc;
    sds          *argv = sdssplitlen(s, sdslen(s), " ", 1, &argc); // FREEME 017
    if (!argv)    return;
    if (argc < 1) goto run_cmd_end;
    redisCommand *cmd  = lookupCommand(argv[0]);
    if (!cmd)     goto run_cmd_end;
    if ((cmd->arity > 0 && cmd->arity > argc) || (argc < -cmd->arity))
                  goto run_cmd_end;
    int    arity;
    robj **rargv;
    if (cmd->arity > 0 || cmd->proc == insertCommand    ||
                          cmd->proc == sqlSelectCommand ||
                          cmd->proc == tscanCommand)       {
        arity = abs(cmd->arity);
        rargv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *) * arity);         /* ZFREE ME 018 */
        for (int j = 0; j < arity - 1; j++) {
            rargv[j] = createStringObject(argv[j], sdslen(argv[j])); // FREE 019
        sds lastarg = sdsempty();
        for (int j = arity - 1; j < argc; j++) {
            if (j != (arity - 1)) lastarg = sdscatlen(lastarg, " ", 1);
            lastarg = sdscatlen(lastarg, argv[j], sdslen(argv[j]));
        rargv[arity - 1] = createObject(REDIS_STRING, lastarg); // FREE 019
    } else {
        arity = argc;
        rargv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *) * arity);         /* ZFREE ME 018 */
        for (int j = 0; j < arity; j++) {
            rargv[j] = createStringObject(argv[j], sdslen(argv[j])); // FREE 019
    redisClient *c  = CurrClient;
    redisClient *fc = rsql_createFakeClient();           /* DESTROY ME 020 */
    fc->argv        = rargv;
    fc->argc        = arity;
    fakeClientPipe(c, fc, NULL, 0, &NriFlag,
                   nonRelIndRespHandler, emptyNonRelIndRespHandler);
    rsql_freeFakeClient(fc);                             /* DESTROYED 020 */
    for (int j = 0; j < arity; j++) decrRefCount(rargv[j]); /* FREED 019 */
    zfree(rargv);                                        /* ZFREED 018 */

    for (int j = 0; j < argc; j++) sdsfree(argv[j]);     /* FREED 017 */
    zfree(argv);                                         /* FREED 017 */
Ejemplo n.º 6
int rmt_tcp_context_connect_addr(tcp_context *tc, const char *addr, int len,
    const struct timeval *timeout, const char *source_addr)
    int ret;
    int port;
    sds *ip_port = NULL;
    int ip_port_count = 0;

    ip_port = sdssplitlen(addr, len, IP_PORT_SEPARATOR, 
        rmt_strlen(IP_PORT_SEPARATOR), &ip_port_count);
    if(ip_port == NULL || ip_port_count != 2)
        log_error("Error: ip port parsed error");
        goto error;

    port = rmt_atoi(ip_port[1], sdslen(ip_port[1]));
    if(rmt_valid_port(port) == 0)
        log_error("Error: port is invalid");
        goto error;
    ret = rmt_tcp_context_connect(tc, ip_port[0], port, timeout, source_addr);
    if(ret != RMT_OK)
        log_error("Error: can't connect to redis master");
        goto error;

    sdsfreesplitres(ip_port, ip_port_count);
    ip_port = NULL;
    ip_port_count = 0;
    return RMT_OK;


    if(ip_port != NULL)
        sdsfreesplitres(ip_port, ip_port_count);
    return RMT_ERROR;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: json.c Proyecto: Wouter33/krmt
void jsondocvalidateCommand(redisClient *c) {
    /* args 0-1: ["jsondocvalidate", json] */

    sds err = sdsempty();
    struct jsonObj *root = yajl_decode(c->argv[1]->ptr, &err);

    if (!root) {
        int sz;
        sds *error_lines = sdssplitlen(err, sdslen(err), "\n", 1, &sz);
        addReplyMultiBulkLen(c, sz + 1);
        addReply(c, g.err_parse);
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            addReplyBulkCBuffer(c, error_lines[i], sdslen(error_lines[i]));
        sdsfreesplitres(error_lines, sz);
    } else {
        addReply(c, shared.ok);
Ejemplo n.º 8
int  processLineBuffer(ugClient *c) {
    char *newline = strstr(c->querybuf, "\r\n");
    int argc, j;
    sds *argv;
    size_t querylen;

    /* Nothing to do without a \r\n */
    if (newline == NULL) {
        if (sdslen(c->querybuf) > UG_INLINE_MAX_SIZE) {
            addReplyErrorFormat(c, "Protocol error: too big inline request");
        return UGERR;

    /* Split the input buffer up to the \r\n */
    querylen = newline-(c->querybuf);
    argv = sdssplitlen(c->querybuf,(int)querylen," ",1,&argc);

    /* Leave data after the first line of the query in the buffer */
    c->querybuf = sdsrange(c->querybuf,(int)(querylen+2),-1);

    /* Setup argv array on client structure */
    if (c->argv) zfree(c->argv);
    c->argv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *)*argc);

    /* Create redis objects for all arguments. */
    for (c->argc = 0, j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
        if (sdslen(argv[j])) {
            c->argv[c->argc] = createObject(UG_STRING,argv[j]);
        } else {
    return UGOK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void processInputBuffer(redisClient *c) {
    /* Before to process the input buffer, make sure the client is not
     * waitig for a blocking operation such as BLPOP. Note that the first
     * iteration the client is never blocked, otherwise the processInputBuffer
     * would not be called at all, but after the execution of the first commands
     * in the input buffer the client may be blocked, and the "goto again"
     * will try to reiterate. The following line will make it return asap. */
    if (c->flags & REDIS_BLOCKED || c->flags & REDIS_IO_WAIT) return;
    if (c->bulklen == -1) {
        /* Read the first line of the query */
        char *p = strchr(c->querybuf,'\n');
        size_t querylen;

        if (p) {
            sds query, *argv;
            int argc, j;

            query = c->querybuf;
            c->querybuf = sdsempty();
            querylen = 1+(p-(query));
            if (sdslen(query) > querylen) {
                /* leave data after the first line of the query in the buffer */
                c->querybuf = sdscatlen(c->querybuf,query+querylen,sdslen(query)-querylen);
            *p = '\0'; /* remove "\n" */
            if (*(p-1) == '\r') *(p-1) = '\0'; /* and "\r" if any */

            /* Now we can split the query in arguments */
            argv = sdssplitlen(query,sdslen(query)," ",1,&argc);

            if (c->argv) zfree(c->argv);
            c->argv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*argc);

            for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
                if (sdslen(argv[j])) {
                    c->argv[c->argc] = createObject(REDIS_STRING,argv[j]);
                } else {
            if (c->argc) {
                /* Execute the command. If the client is still valid
                 * after processCommand() return and there is something
                 * on the query buffer try to process the next command. */
                if (processCommand(c) && sdslen(c->querybuf)) goto again;
            } else {
                /* Nothing to process, argc == 0. Just process the query
                 * buffer if it's not empty or return to the caller */
                if (sdslen(c->querybuf)) goto again;
        } else if (sdslen(c->querybuf) >= REDIS_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE) {
            redisLog(REDIS_VERBOSE, "Client protocol error");
    } else {
        /* Bulk read handling. Note that if we are at this point
           the client already sent a command terminated with a newline,
           we are reading the bulk data that is actually the last
           argument of the command. */
        int qbl = sdslen(c->querybuf);

        if (c->bulklen <= qbl) {
            /* Copy everything but the final CRLF as final argument */
            c->argv[c->argc] = createStringObject(c->querybuf,c->bulklen-2);
            c->querybuf = sdsrange(c->querybuf,c->bulklen,-1);
            /* Process the command. If the client is still valid after
             * the processing and there is more data in the buffer
             * try to parse it. */
            if (processCommand(c) && sdslen(c->querybuf)) goto again;
Ejemplo n.º 10
size_t cetcd_parse_response(char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata) {
    int len, i;
    char *key, *val;
    cetcd_response *resp;
    cetcd_response_parser *parser;
    yajl_status status;

    enum resp_parser_st {
    /* Headers we are interested in:
     * X-Etcd-Index: 14695
     * X-Raft-Index: 672930
     * X-Raft-Term: 12
     * */

    parser = userdata;
    resp = parser->resp;
    len = size * nmemb;
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        if (parser->st == request_line_start_st) {
            if (ptr[i] == ' ') {
                parser->st = request_line_http_status_start_st;
        if (parser->st == request_line_end_st) {
            if (ptr[i] == '\n') {
                parser->st = header_key_start_st;
        if (parser->st == request_line_http_status_start_st) {
            parser->buf = sdscatlen(parser->buf, ptr+i, 1);
            parser->st = request_line_http_status_st;
        if (parser->st == request_line_http_status_st) {
            if (ptr[i] == ' ') {
                parser->st = request_line_http_status_end_st;
            } else {
                parser->buf = sdscatlen(parser->buf, ptr+i, 1);
        if (parser->st == request_line_http_status_end_st) {
            val = parser->buf;
            parser->http_status = atoi(val);
            parser->st = request_line_end_st;
        if (parser->st == header_key_start_st) {
            if (ptr[i] == '\r') {
            if (ptr[i] == '\n') {
                parser->st = blank_line_st;
                if (parser->http_status >= 300 && parser->http_status < 400) {
                    /*this is a redirection, restart the state machine*/
                    parser->st = request_line_start_st;
            parser->st = header_key_st;
        if (parser->st == header_key_st) {
            parser->buf = sdscatlen(parser->buf, ptr+i, 1);
            if (ptr[i] == ':') {
                parser->st = header_key_end_st;
            } else {
        if (parser->st == header_key_end_st) {
            parser->st = header_val_start_st;
        if (parser->st == header_val_start_st) {
            if (ptr[i] == ' ') {
            parser->st = header_val_st;
        if (parser->st == header_val_st) {
            if (ptr[i] == '\r') {
            if (ptr[i] == '\n') {
                parser->st = header_val_end_st;
            } else {
                parser->buf = sdscatlen(parser->buf, ptr+i, 1);
        if (parser->st == header_val_end_st) {
            parser->st = header_key_start_st;
            int count = 0;
            sds *kvs = sdssplitlen(parser->buf, sdslen(parser->buf), ":", 1, &count);
            if (count < 2) {
                sdsfreesplitres(kvs, count);
            key = kvs[0];
            val = kvs[1];
            if (strncmp(key, "X-Etcd-Index", sizeof("X-Etcd-Index")-1) == 0) {
                resp->etcd_index = atoi(val);
            } else if (strncmp(key, "X-Raft-Index", sizeof("X-Raft-Index")-1) == 0) {
                resp->raft_index = atoi(val);
            } else if (strncmp(key, "X-Raft-Term", sizeof("X-Raft-Term")-1) == 0) {
                resp->raft_term = atoi(val);
            sdsfreesplitres(kvs, count);
        if (parser->st == blank_line_st) {
            if (ptr[i] != '{') {
                /*not a json response, discard*/
                parser->st = response_discard_st;
                if (resp->err == NULL) {
                    resp->err = calloc(1, sizeof(cetcd_error));
                    resp->err->ecode = error_response_parsed_failed;
                    resp->err->message = sdsnew("not a json response");
                    resp->err->cause = sdsnewlen(ptr, len);
            parser->st = json_start_st;
            cetcd_array_init(&parser->ctx.keystack, 10);
            cetcd_array_init(&parser->ctx.nodestack, 10);
            if (parser->http_status != 200 && parser->http_status != 201) {
                resp->err = calloc(1, sizeof(cetcd_error));
                parser->ctx.userdata = resp->err;
                parser->json = yajl_alloc(&error_callbacks, 0, &parser->ctx);
            } else {
                parser->ctx.userdata = resp;
                parser->json = yajl_alloc(&callbacks, 0, &parser->ctx);
        if (parser->st == json_start_st) {
            if (yajl_status_ok != yajl_parse(parser->json, (const unsigned char *)ptr + i, len - i)) {
                parser->st = json_end_st;
            } else {
                parser->st = response_discard_st;
        if (parser->st == json_end_st) {
            status = yajl_complete_parse(parser->json);
            /*parse failed, TODO set error message*/
            if (status != yajl_status_ok) {
                if (resp->err == NULL) {
                    resp->err = calloc(1, sizeof(cetcd_error));
                    resp->err->ecode = error_response_parsed_failed;
                    resp->err->message = sdsnew("http response is invalid json format");
                    resp->err->cause = sdsnewlen(ptr, len);
                return 0;
        if (parser->st == response_discard_st) {
            return len;
    return len;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void load_conf_from_string(char *config)
    char *err = NULL;
    int linenum = 0, tlines, i;
    sds *lines;

    lines = sdssplitlen(config, strlen(config), "\n", 1, &tlines);

    for(i = 0; i < tlines; i++)
        sds *argv;
        int argc;

        linenum = i+1;

        log_debug(">> %0.3d %s", linenum,  lines[i]);

        lines[i] = sdstrim(lines[i], " \t\r\n");

        // skip comments and blank lines
        if(lines[i][0] == '#' || lines[i][0] == '\0')

        argv = sdssplitargs(lines[i], &argc);
        if(argv == NULL)
            err = "Unbalanced quotes in configuration line";
            goto loaderr;

        if(argc == 0)
            sdsfreesplitres(argv, argc);


        if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "name") && argc == 2)
            server.name = sdsdup(argv[1]);
        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "bind") && argc >= 2)
            server.bind_addr_count = argc-1;

            if((argc-1) > ZR_MAX_BIND_ADDR)
                err = "Too many bind address specified.";
                goto loaderr;
            int j;

            for(j = 0; j < server.bind_addr_count; j++)
                server.bind_arr[j].addr_str = sdsnew(argv[j+1]);
                server.bind_arr[j].addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
                server.bind_arr[j].addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[j+1]);
                if(server.bind_arr[j].addr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE)
                    err = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "Wrong binding ip address: %s", argv[j+1]);
                    goto loaderr;
        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "port") && argc == 2)
            server.port = atoi(argv[1]);

            if (server.port < 0 || server.port > 65535)
                err = "Invalid port"; goto loaderr;

        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "req-log-uds") && argc == 2)
            server.req_log_uds = sdsnew(argv[1]);

        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "client-max") && argc == 2)
            server.client_max = atoi(argv[1]);
            if(server.client_max < 0)
                err = "Invalid server-connection-max value.";
                goto loaderr;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"tcp-backlog") && argc == 2)
            server.tcp_backlog = atoi(argv[1]);
            if (server.tcp_backlog < 0)
                err = "Invalid backlog value";
                goto loaderr;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"rr-counter-buffer") && argc == 2)
            server.tcp_backlog = atoi(argv[1]);
            if (server.tcp_backlog < 0)
                err = "Invalid rr-counter-buffer value";
                goto loaderr;
        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "log-level") && argc == 2)
            server.log_level = log_get_level_str(argv[1]);
        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "log-file") && argc == 2)
            server.log_file = sdsdup(argv[1]);
            if(!strcasecmp(argv[1], "stdout"))
            }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[1], "stderr"))
                FILE *fd;
                fd = fopen(argv[1], "a");
                if(fd == NULL)
                    err = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "Can't open the log file: %s", strerror(errno));
                    goto loaderr;
        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "zookeeper-health-uri") && argc == 2)
            struct z_conn_info *zcinfo = z_parse_conn_string(argv[1]);
            if(zcinfo == NULL)
                err = "Invalid zookeeper-health-url(Zookeeper URI) value.\n"
//                      "Zookeeper URI must be as below.\n"
//                      " - zoo://[USER[:PASS]@]HOST_STRING/NODE/PATH\n"
//                      "   ex) zoo://\n"
//                      "   ex) zoo://[email protected]:2181,\n"
//                      "   ex) zoo://foo:[email protected]:2181,\n"
                goto loaderr;

            server.z_health_conn = zcinfo;
        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "zookeeper-timeout") && argc == 2)
            server.zoo_timeout = atoi(argv[1]);
            if(server.zoo_timeout < 0)
                err = "Invalid zookeeper-timeout value";
                goto loaderr;

        }else if(!strcasecmp(argv[0], "service") && argc == 3)
            if(strlen(argv[1]) > ZR_MAX_SVC_NAME)
                err = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "Service name is too long, first argument(service name) must be less then %d.", ZR_MAX_SVC_NAME);
                goto loaderr;

            struct z_conn_info *cinfo = z_parse_conn_string(argv[2]);
                err = "Invalid zookeeper-health-url(Zookeeper URI) value.\n"
//                      "Zookeeper URI must be as below.\n"
//                      " - zoo://[USER[:PASS]@]HOST_STRING/NODE/PATH\n"
//                      "   ex) zoo://\n"
//                      "   ex) zoo://[email protected]:2181,\n"
//                      "   ex) zoo://foo:[email protected]:2181,\n"
                goto loaderr;

            int j;
            for(j = 0; j < server.svc_count; j++)
                struct svc *tsvc = server.svc_arr[j];
                if(!sdscmp(argv[1], tsvc->name))
                    err = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "\"%s\" service name already exists.", argv[1]);
                    goto loaderr;

            struct svc *svc = svc_alloc(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), server.svc_count);
            svc->z_conn = cinfo;
            server.svc_arr[server.svc_count] = svc;
            err = "Bad config directive or wrong number of arguments";
            goto loaderr;



    log_eerr("CONFIG FILE ERROR.");
    log_eerr("Reading configureation file, at line %d", linenum);
    log_eerr(">> '%s'", lines[i]);
    log_eerr("%s", err);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void load_config_from_string(sds config) {
	char *err = NULL;
	int linenum = 0, totlines, i;
	sds *lines = sdssplitlen(config, strlen(config), "\n", 1, &totlines);

	for (i = 0; i < totlines; i++) {
		sds *argv;
		int argc;

		linenum = i + 1;
		lines[i] = sdstrim(lines[i], " \t\r\n");

		if (lines[i][0] == '#' || lines[i][0] == '\0')

		argv = sdssplitargs(lines[i], &argc);
		if (argv == NULL) {
			err = "Unbalanced quotes in configuration line";
			goto loaderr;

		if (argc == 0) {
			sdsfreesplitres(argv, argc);

		if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "working-directory") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.working_directory = sdscpy(destor.working_directory,
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "simulation-level") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "all") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_ALL;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "append") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_APPEND;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "restore") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_RESTORE;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "no") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_NO;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid simulation level";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "log-level") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_DEBUG;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "verbose") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_VERBOSE;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "notice") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_NOTICE;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "warning") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_WARNING;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid log level";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "chunk-algorithm") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "fixed") == 0) {
				destor.chunk_algorithm = CHUNK_FIXED;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "rabin") == 0) {
				destor.chunk_algorithm = CHUNK_RABIN;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "normalized rabin") == 0) {
				destor.chunk_algorithm = CHUNK_NORMALIZED_RABIN;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "file") == 0) {
				destor.chunk_algorithm = CHUNK_FILE;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid chunk algorithm";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "chunk-avg-size") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.chunk_avg_size = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "chunk-max-size") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.chunk_max_size = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "chunk-min-size") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.chunk_min_size = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index") == 0 && argc >= 3) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "exact") == 0) {
				destor.index_category[0] = INDEX_CATEGORY_EXACT;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "near-exact") == 0) {
				destor.index_category[0] = INDEX_CATEGORY_NEAR_EXACT;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid index category";
				goto loaderr;

			if (strcasecmp(argv[2], "physical") == 0) {
				destor.index_category[1] = INDEX_CATEGORY_PHYSICAL_LOCALITY;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[2], "logical") == 0) {
				destor.index_category[1] = INDEX_CATEGORY_LOGICAL_LOCALITY;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid index category";
				goto loaderr;

			if (argc > 3) {
				if (strcasecmp(argv[3], "ddfs") == 0) {
					assert(destor.index_category[0] == INDEX_CATEGORY_EXACT 
                            && destor.index_category[1] == INDEX_CATEGORY_PHYSICAL_LOCALITY);
					destor.index_specific = INDEX_SPECIFIC_DDFS;
				} else if (strcasecmp(argv[3], "sampled index") == 0) {
					assert(destor.index_category[0] == INDEX_CATEGORY_NEAR_EXACT 
                            && destor.index_category[1] == INDEX_CATEGORY_PHYSICAL_LOCALITY);
					destor.index_specific = INDEX_SPECIFIC_SAMPLED;
				} else if (strcasecmp(argv[3], "block locality caching") == 0) {
					assert(destor.index_category[0] == INDEX_CATEGORY_EXACT 
                            && destor.index_category[1] == INDEX_CATEGORY_LOGICAL_LOCALITY);
					destor.index_specific =	INDEX_SPECIFIC_BLOCK_LOCALITY_CACHING;
				} else if (strcasecmp(argv[3], "extreme binning") == 0) {
					assert(destor.index_category[0] == INDEX_CATEGORY_NEAR_EXACT 
                            && destor.index_category[1] == INDEX_CATEGORY_LOGICAL_LOCALITY);
					destor.index_specific = INDEX_SPECIFIC_EXTREME_BINNING;
				} else if (strcasecmp(argv[3], "sparse index") == 0) {
					assert(destor.index_category[0] == INDEX_CATEGORY_NEAR_EXACT 
                            && destor.index_category[1] == INDEX_CATEGORY_LOGICAL_LOCALITY);
					destor.index_specific = INDEX_SPECIFIC_SPARSE;
				} else if (strcasecmp(argv[3], "silo") == 0) {
					assert(destor.index_category[0] == INDEX_CATEGORY_NEAR_EXACT 
                            && destor.index_category[1] == INDEX_CATEGORY_LOGICAL_LOCALITY);
					destor.index_specific = INDEX_SPECIFIC_SILO;
				} else {
					err = "Invalid index specific";
					goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-cache-size")
				== 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.index_cache_size = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-key-value") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "htable") == 0) {
				destor.index_key_value_store = INDEX_KEY_VALUE_HTABLE;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid key-value store";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-key-size") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.index_key_size = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-value-length") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.index_value_length = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-bloom-filter") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.index_bloom_filter_size = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-sampling-method") == 0
				&& argc >= 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "optmin") == 0)
				destor.index_sampling_method[0] = INDEX_SAMPLING_OPTIMIZED_MIN;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "random") == 0)
				destor.index_sampling_method[0] = INDEX_SAMPLING_RANDOM;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "min") == 0)
				destor.index_sampling_method[0] = INDEX_SAMPLING_MIN;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "uniform") == 0)
				destor.index_sampling_method[0] = INDEX_SAMPLING_UNIFORM;
			else {
				err = "Invalid feature method!";
				goto loaderr;

			if (argc > 2) {
				destor.index_sampling_method[1] = atoi(argv[2]);
			} else {
				destor.index_sampling_method[1] = 0;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-segment-algorithm")
				== 0 && argc >= 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "fixed") == 0)
				destor.index_segment_algorithm[0] = INDEX_SEGMENT_FIXED;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "file-defined") == 0)
				destor.index_segment_algorithm[0] = INDEX_SEGMENT_FILE_DEFINED;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "content-defined") == 0)
				destor.index_segment_algorithm[0] =	INDEX_SEGMENT_CONTENT_DEFINED;
			else {
				err = "Invalid segment algorithm";
				goto loaderr;

			if (argc > 2) {
				assert(destor.index_segment_algorithm[0] != INDEX_SEGMENT_FILE_DEFINED);
				destor.index_segment_algorithm[1] = atoi(argv[2]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-segment-boundary") == 0
				&& argc == 3) {
			destor.index_segment_min = atoi(argv[1]);
			destor.index_segment_max = atoi(argv[2]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-segment-selection")
				== 0 && argc >= 2) {
			destor.index_segment_selection_method[1] = 1;
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "base") == 0)
				destor.index_segment_selection_method[0] = INDEX_SEGMENT_SELECT_BASE;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "top") == 0) {
				destor.index_segment_selection_method[0] = INDEX_SEGMENT_SELECT_TOP;
				if (argc > 2)
					destor.index_segment_selection_method[1] = atoi(argv[2]);
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "mix") == 0)
				destor.index_segment_selection_method[0] = INDEX_SEGMENT_SELECT_MIX;
			else {
				err = "Invalid selection method!";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "fingerprint-index-segment-prefetching")	== 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.index_segment_prefech = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-algorithm") == 0 && argc >= 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "no") == 0)
				destor.rewrite_algorithm[0] = REWRITE_NO;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "cfl-based selective deduplication")
					== 0 || strcasecmp(argv[1], "cfl") == 0)
				destor.rewrite_algorithm[0] =
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "context-based rewriting") == 0
					|| strcasecmp(argv[1], "cbr") == 0)
				destor.rewrite_algorithm[0] = REWRITE_CONTEXT_BASED;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "capping") == 0
					|| strcasecmp(argv[1], "cap") == 0)
				destor.rewrite_algorithm[0] = REWRITE_CAPPING;
			else {
				err = "Invalid rewriting algorithm";
				goto loaderr;

			if (argc > 2) {
				assert(destor.rewrite_algorithm != REWRITE_NO);
				destor.rewrite_algorithm[1] = atoi(argv[2]);
			} else {
				destor.rewrite_algorithm[1] = 1024;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-enable-cfl-switch") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_enable_cfl_switch = yesnotoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-cfl-require") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_cfl_require = atof(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-cfl-usage-threshold") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_cfl_usage_threshold = atof(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-cbr-limit") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_cbr_limit = atof(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-cbr-minimal-utility") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_cbr_minimal_utility = atof(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-capping-level") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_capping_level = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-enable-har") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_enable_har = yesnotoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-har-utilization-threshold") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_har_utilization_threshold = atof(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-har-rewrite-limit") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_har_rewrite_limit = atof(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "rewrite-enable-cache-aware") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.rewrite_enable_cache_aware = yesnotoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "restore-cache") == 0 && argc == 3) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "lru") == 0)
				destor.restore_cache[0] = RESTORE_CACHE_LRU;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "optimal cache") == 0
					|| strcasecmp(argv[1], "opt") == 0)
				destor.restore_cache[0] = RESTORE_CACHE_OPT;
			else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "forward assembly") == 0
					|| strcasecmp(argv[1], "asm") == 0)
				destor.restore_cache[0] = RESTORE_CACHE_ASM;
			else {
				err = "Invalid restore cache";
				goto loaderr;

			destor.restore_cache[1] = atoi(argv[2]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "restore-opt-window-size") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.restore_opt_window_size = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "backup-retention-time") == 0
				&& argc == 2) {
			destor.backup_retention_time = atoi(argv[1]);
		} else {
			err = "Bad directive or wrong number of arguments";
			goto loaderr;
		sdsfreesplitres(argv, argc);
	sdsfreesplitres(lines, totlines);

	loaderr: fprintf(stderr, "\n*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR in destor ***\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Reading the configuration file, at line %d\n", linenum);
	fprintf(stderr, ">>> '%s'\n", lines[i]);
	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err);
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* ----------------- */
static sds
get_bitmap_from_argv (int argc, robj ** argv)
  sds bitmap;
  int i;

  bitmap = sdsgrowzero (sdsempty (), ARC_KS_SIZE);

  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
      int ok, n, j;
      long long ll, from, to;
      sds *tokens;
      sds from_to = (sds) argv[i]->ptr;

      /* There are two kinds of argument type.
       * 1. <slotNo>                     ex) 1024
       * 2. <slotNo from>-<slotNo to>    ex) 0-2047 */
      tokens = sdssplitlen (from_to, sdslen (from_to), "-", 1, &n);
      if (tokens == NULL)
	  return NULL;

      if (n == 1)
	  /* Type 1 <slotNo> */
	  ok = string2ll (tokens[0], sdslen (tokens[0]), &ll);
	  if (!ok)
	      sdsfreesplitres (tokens, n);
	      return NULL;
	  from = ll;
	  to = ll;
      else if (n == 2)
	  /* Type 2 <slotNo from>-<slotNo to> */
	  ok = string2ll (tokens[0], sdslen (tokens[0]), &ll);
	  if (!ok)
	      sdsfreesplitres (tokens, n);
	      return NULL;
	  from = ll;

	  ok = string2ll (tokens[1], sdslen (tokens[1]), &ll);
	  if (!ok)
	      sdsfreesplitres (tokens, n);
	      return NULL;
	  to = ll;
	  /* not belong to Type 1 or Type 2 */
	  sdsfreesplitres (tokens, n);
	  return NULL;

      sdsfreesplitres (tokens, n);

      /* range check */
      if (from < 0 || to >= ARC_KS_SIZE || from > to)
	  return NULL;

      /* set bit */
      for (j = from; j <= to; j++)
	  bitmapSetBit ((unsigned char *) bitmap, j);
  return bitmap;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void load_config_from_string(sds config) {
	char *err = NULL;
	int linenum = 0, totlines, i;
	sds *lines = sdssplitlen(config, strlen(config), "\n", 1, &totlines);

	for (i = 0; i < totlines; i++) {
		sds *argv;
		int argc;

		linenum = i + 1;
		lines[i] = sdstrim(lines[i], " \t\r\n");

		if (lines[i][0] == '#' || lines[i][0] == '\0')

		argv = sdssplitargs(lines[i], &argc);
		if (argv == NULL) {
			err = "Unbalanced quotes in configuration line";
			goto loaderr;

		if (argc == 0) {
			sdsfreesplitres(argv, argc);

		if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "working-directory") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.working_directory = sdscpy(destor.working_directory,
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "simulation-level") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "all") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_ALL;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "append") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_APPEND;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "restore") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_RESTORE;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "no") == 0) {
				destor.simulation_level = SIMULATION_NO;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid simulation level";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "log-level") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_DEBUG;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "verbose") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_VERBOSE;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "notice") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_NOTICE;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "warning") == 0) {
				destor.verbosity = DESTOR_WARNING;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid log level";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "chunk-algorithm") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "fixed") == 0) {
				destor.chunk_algorithm = CHUNK_FIXED;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "rabin") == 0) {
				destor.chunk_algorithm = CHUNK_RABIN;
			} else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "normalized rabin") == 0) {
				destor.chunk_algorithm = CHUNK_NORMALIZED_RABIN;
			} else {
				err = "Invalid chunk algorithm";
				goto loaderr;
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "chunk-avg-size") == 0 && argc == 2) {
			destor.chunk_avg_size = atoi(argv[1]);
			int pwr;
			for (pwr = 0; destor.chunk_avg_size; pwr++) {
				destor.chunk_avg_size >>= 1;
			destor.chunk_avg_size = 1 << (pwr - 1);
		} else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "chunk-max-size") == 0 && argc == 2) {
Ejemplo n.º 15
static bool sendRestAPIReply(cli *c, sds file) { //printf("sendRestAPIReply\n");
    int argc; bool ret = 0;
    sds pb  = c->http.post_body; //TODO cat [file,pb] is too much copying
    sds url = pb ? sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "%s%s", file, pb) :
                   sdsdup(file);                                     //FREE 156
    sds       *argv  = sdssplitlen(url, sdslen(url), "/", 1, &argc); //FREE 157
    rcommand  *cmd   = lookupCommand(argv[0]);
    if (!cmd) goto send_rest_end;
    ret = 1;
    //printf("sendRestAPIReply: found cmd: %s\n", cmd->name);
    if ((cmd->arity > 0 && cmd->arity != argc) || (argc < -cmd->arity)) {
        addReplyErrorFormat(c,"wrong number of arguments for '%s' command",
        goto send_rest_end;
    //NOTE: rest is copy of redis.c processCommand()
    if (server.maxmemory) freeMemoryIfNeeded();
    if (server.maxmemory && (cmd->flags & REDIS_CMD_DENYOOM) &&
        zmalloc_used_memory() > server.maxmemory) {
        addReplyError(c, "command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'");
        goto send_rest_end;
    if ((dictSize(c->pubsub_channels) > 0 || listLength(c->pubsub_patterns) > 0)
        cmd->proc != subscribeCommand && cmd->proc != unsubscribeCommand &&
        cmd->proc != psubscribeCommand && cmd->proc != punsubscribeCommand) {
           "only (P)SUBSCRIBE / (P)UNSUBSCRIBE / QUIT allowed in this context");
        goto send_rest_end;
    if (server.masterhost && server.replstate != REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED &&
        server.repl_serve_stale_data == 0 &&
        cmd->proc != infoCommand && cmd->proc != slaveofCommand) {
            "link with MASTER is down and slave-serve-stale-data is set to no");
        goto send_rest_end;
    if (server.loading && cmd->proc != infoCommand) {
        addReply(c, shared.loadingerr);
        goto send_rest_end;
    if (c->flags & REDIS_MULTI &&
        cmd->proc != execCommand && cmd->proc != discardCommand &&
        cmd->proc != multiCommand && cmd->proc != watchCommand) {
        queueMultiCommand(c, cmd); addReply(c, shared.queued);
        goto send_rest_end;
    listNode *ln; listIter *li; cli *restc = server.alc.RestClient;
    // 1.) call() cmd in RestClient
    { // REST CLIENT call
        robj **rargv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj *) * argc);
        for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            rargv[i] = createStringObject(argv[i], sdslen(argv[i]));
        restc->argc = argc; restc->argv = rargv; call(restc, cmd);
        for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) decrRefCount(rargv[i]);
    // 2.) calculate Content-Length from RestClient's response
    ulong brlen = restc->bufpos; ulong trlen = brlen;
    if (restc->reply->len) {
        li = listGetIterator(restc->reply, AL_START_HEAD);
        while((ln = listNext(li))) {
            robj *r = ln->value; trlen += sdslen(r->ptr);
        } listReleaseIterator(li);
    bool err = brlen && (*restc->buf == '-');
    //TODO check for "+OK" and return 201 w/ no body
    // 3.) create header w/ Content-Length
    sds   s  = err ? send_http404_reponse_header(c, trlen) :
                     send_http200_reponse_header(c, trlen);
    robj *ho = createObject(REDIS_STRING, s);
    addReply(c, ho); decrRefCount(ho);
    // 4.) tack on RestClient's response as HTTP Body
    if (brlen) { addReplyString(c, restc->buf, brlen); }
    if (restc->reply->len) {
        li = listGetIterator(restc->reply, AL_START_HEAD);
        while((ln = listNext(li))) {
            robj *r = ln->value; addReply(c, r);
        } listReleaseIterator(li);
    // 5.) reset RestClient
    restc->bufpos = 0;
    while (restc->reply->len) {
        listDelNode(restc->reply, listFirst(restc->reply));

    sdsfree(url);                                                 // FREE 156
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) sdsfree(argv[i]); zfree(argv); // FREE 157
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static int
initFromConfigBuffer (sds config, conf_t * conf)
  char *err = NULL;
  int linenum = 0, totlines, i;
  sds *lines;

  lines = sdssplitlen (config, sdslen (config), "\n", 1, &totlines);

  for (i = 0; i < totlines; i++)
      sds *argv;
      int argc;

      linenum = i + 1;
      lines[i] = sdstrim (lines[i], " \t\r\n");

      /* Skip comments and blank lines */
      if (lines[i][0] == '#' || lines[i][0] == '\0')

      /* Split into arguments */
      argv = sdssplitargs (lines[i], &argc);
      if (argv == NULL)
	  err = "Unbalanced quotes in configuration line";
	  goto err;

      /* Skip this line if the resulting command vector is empty. */
      if (argc == 0)
	  sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
      sdstolower (argv[0]);

      if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "zookeeper") && argc == 2)
	  conf->zk_addr = strdup (argv[1]);
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "cluster_name") && argc == 2)
	  conf->cluster_name = strdup (argv[1]);
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "port") && argc == 2)
	  conf->port = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->port < 0 || conf->port > 65535)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid port";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "daemonize") && argc == 2)
	  if (!strcasecmp (argv[1], "yes"))
	      conf->daemonize = 1;
	  else if (!strcasecmp (argv[1], "no"))
	      conf->daemonize = 0;
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "argument must be 'yes' or 'no'";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "num_conn_per_gw") && argc == 2)
	  conf->capi_conf.num_conn_per_gw = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->capi_conf.num_conn_per_gw < 1
	      || conf->capi_conf.num_conn_per_gw > 32)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid num_conn_per_gw value";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "init_timeout_millis") && argc == 2)
	  conf->capi_conf.init_timeout_millis = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->capi_conf.init_timeout_millis < 3000
	      || conf->capi_conf.init_timeout_millis > 600000)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid init_timeout_millis value";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "log_level") && argc == 2)
	  if (!strcasecmp (argv[1], "NOLOG"))
	      conf->capi_conf.log_level = ARC_LOG_LEVEL_NOLOG;
	  else if (!strcasecmp (argv[1], "ERROR"))
	      conf->capi_conf.log_level = ARC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;
	  else if (!strcasecmp (argv[1], "WARN"))
	      conf->capi_conf.log_level = ARC_LOG_LEVEL_WARN;
	  else if (!strcasecmp (argv[1], "INFO"))
	      conf->capi_conf.log_level = ARC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
	  else if (!strcasecmp (argv[1], "DEBUG"))
	      conf->capi_conf.log_level = ARC_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid log_level value";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "log_file_prefix") && argc == 2)
	  if (argv[1][0] != '\0')
	      conf->capi_conf.log_file_prefix = strdup (argv[1]);
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "max_fd") && argc == 2)
	  conf->capi_conf.max_fd = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->capi_conf.max_fd < 1024 || conf->capi_conf.max_fd > 16000)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid max_fd value";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "conn_reconnect_millis") && argc == 2)
	  conf->capi_conf.conn_reconnect_millis = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->capi_conf.conn_reconnect_millis < 100
	      || conf->capi_conf.conn_reconnect_millis > 600000)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid conn_reconnect_millis value";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "zk_reconnect_millis") && argc == 2)
	  conf->capi_conf.zk_reconnect_millis = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->capi_conf.zk_reconnect_millis < 100
	      || conf->capi_conf.zk_reconnect_millis > 600000)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid zk_reconnect_millis value";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "zk_session_timeout_millis")
	       && argc == 2)
	  conf->capi_conf.zk_session_timeout_millis = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->capi_conf.zk_session_timeout_millis < 1000
	      || conf->capi_conf.zk_session_timeout_millis > 600000)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid zk_session_timeout_millis value";
	      goto err;
      else if (!strcasecmp (argv[0], "local_proxy_query_timeout_millis")
	       && argc == 2)
	  conf->query_timeout_millis = atoi (argv[1]);
	  if (conf->query_timeout_millis < 1000
	      || conf->query_timeout_millis > 600000)
	      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	      err = "Invalid local_proxy_query_timeout_millis";
	      goto err;
	  sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
	  err = "Bad directive or wrong number of arguments";
	  goto err;
      sdsfreesplitres (argv, argc);
  sdsfreesplitres (lines, totlines);
  return 0;

  fprintf (stderr, "\n*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR ***\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "Reading the configuration file, at line %d\n", linenum);
  fprintf (stderr, ">>> '%s'\n", lines[i]);
  fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", err);
  sdsfreesplitres (lines, totlines);
  return -1;