Ejemplo n.º 1
void semSmShowInit (void)
    if (semLibInit () == OK)
	 * Initialize info and show routine pointer to allow semShow and 
	 * semInfo to handle shared semaphores ids.

	semSmShowRtn = (FUNCPTR) semSmShow;
	semSmInfoRtn = (FUNCPTR) semSmInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 2
STATUS semOLibInit (void)

    if (!semOLibInstalled)
	semGiveTbl [SEM_TYPE_OLD]		= (FUNCPTR) semBGive;
	semTakeTbl [SEM_TYPE_OLD]		= (FUNCPTR) semOTake;
	semFlushTbl [SEM_TYPE_OLD]		= (FUNCPTR) semQFlush;
	semGiveDeferTbl [SEM_TYPE_OLD]		= (FUNCPTR) semBGiveDefer;
	semFlushDeferTbl [SEM_TYPE_OLD]		= (FUNCPTR) semQFlushDefer;

	if (semLibInit () == OK)
	    semOLibInstalled = TRUE;

    return ((semOLibInstalled) ? OK : ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 3
STATUS semBLibInit()
		semGiveTbl[SEM_TYPE_BINARY] = (FUNCTION)semBGive;
		semTakeTbl[SEM_TYPE_BINARY] = (FUNCTION)semBTake;
		semFlushTbl[SEM_TYPE_BINARY] = (FUNCTION)semQFlush;
		semGiveDeferTbl[SEM_TYPE_BINARY] = (FUNCTION)semBGiveDefer;
		semFlushDeferTbl[SEM_TYPE_BINARY] = (FUNCTION)semQFlushDefer;

	if(OK == semLibInit())
		semBLibInstalled = TRUE;

	return (semBLibInstalled ? OK : ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void usrInit (int startType)
    sysStart (startType);               /* clear BSS and set up the vector table base address. */
    cacheLibInit (USER_I_CACHE_MODE, USER_D_CACHE_MODE); /* include cache support */
    excVecInit ();                      /* exception handling */
    sysHwInit ();                       /* call the BSPs sysHwInit routine during system startup */
    usrCacheEnable ();                  /* optionally enable caches */
    objOwnershipInit ();                /* object management ownership */
    objInfoInit ();                     /* object management routines that requires lookup in a 			list of objects, such as the objNameToId() routine. */
    objLibInit ((FUNCPTR)FUNCPTR_OBJ_MEMALLOC_RTN,					    FUNCPTR_OBJ_MEMFREE_RTN,					    OBJ_MEM_POOL_ID, 						    OBJ_LIBRARY_OPTIONS); /* object management */
    vxMemProbeInit ();                  /* Initialize vxMemProbe exception handler support */
    wvLibInit ();                       /* low-level kernel instrumentation needed by System Viewer */
    classListLibInit ();                /* object class list management */
    semLibInit ();                      /* semaphore support infrastructure */
                                        /* mutex semaphores */
                                        /* mutex semaphore creation routine */
    classLibInit ();                    /* object class management */
    kernelBaseInit ();                  /* required component DO NOT REMOVE. */
                                        /* __thread variables support */
    usrKernelInit (VX_GLOBAL_NO_STACK_FILL); /* context switch and interrupt handling (DO NOT REMOVE). */