Ejemplo n.º 1
* @brief Check if any chstat process is listening. Bailout if not.
static void ipc_require_listener(void) 

	/* While we are in the mutual exclusive section, we don't listen to signals, because it would be hard to reset the state of the mutex */
	sigset_t blocked_signals, curr_set;
	(void) sigfillset(&blocked_signals);
	(void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blocked_signals, &curr_set);

	/* Mutual exclusive section so no other process removes shm segment meanwhile */
	if(semdown(mtx) == -1) {
		bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error downing mutex");
	/* Do we have any listeners? */
	if((shared->flag & READER_F) != 1) {
		(void) semup(mtx); // Because ipc_shutdown() tries to down the mutex
		bail_out(EXIT_SUCCESS, "No chstat process listening.");

	/* Release Mutex */
	if(semup(mtx) == -1) {
		bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error downing mutex");
	/* Reset to original procmask*/
	(void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &curr_set,  NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void lock_release (lock_ptr l) {
  if (l->next_count > 0) {
    semup (l->next);
  } else {
    semup (l->mutex);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void cond_wait (cond_ptr cnd) {
  if (cnd->the_lock->next_count > 0) {
    semup (cnd->the_lock->next);
  } else {
    semup (cnd->the_lock->mutex);
  semdown (cnd->cond_sem);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void lock_release (struct lock *l)
   assert (l != NULL);
   if(l->nextCount > 0)
      // l->nextCount -= 1;  SHOULD NOT BE HERE!!!
      semup (l->next); //// MISSING!!!!!!!!!
Ejemplo n.º 5
void writer (int mutex, int writing, int priority, int writerid)
    FILE *wtimefile;
    long randnum, compare;
    struct timeval tv;
    struct timezone tz;
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

    // wait for a certain amount of time...
    // wtimefile = fopen("wtimefile", "r");
    // if (wtimefile == NULL)
    // {
    //     // create the file then open it again
    //     fclose(wtimefile);
    //     wtimefile = fopen("wtimefile", "w");
    //     fprintf(wtimefile, "0\n");
    //     fclose(wtimefile);
    //     wtimefile = fopen("wtimefile", "r");
    // }
    srandom((tv.tv_usec / 100) + (tv.tv_sec * 100));
    randnum = random() % 200000;
    if (randnum < 20000)
        randnum += 20000;
    // fscanf(wtimefile, "%ld", &compare);
    // fclose(wtimefile);
    // if (compare == randnum)
    // {
    //     randnum = random() % 200000;
    //     if (randnum < 20000)
    //     { 
    //         randnum += 20000;
    //     }       
    // }
    // // write new random number to file
    // rtimefile = fopen("rtimefile", "w");
    // fprintf(rtimefile, "%ld\n", randnum);
    // fclose(rtimefile);

    printf("writer %d entering waiting state for %ld microseconds\n", writerid, randnum);

	// write some stuff
    printf ("writer %d is currently writing\n", writerid);
    printf ("writer %d is finished writing\n", writerid);
Ejemplo n.º 6
// gender_one
void gender_one (char *exec, int id, int *line, int mutex, int depends,
                 int group, int reproducing, int raising) {
   int one = 0; // hide misleading index number
   int gathered; // shared variable
   FILE *fp; // file pointer for gathered shared variable file
   // print entering waiting state
   printf ("alien %d of gender 1 beginning to wait in line\n", id);
   // begin sleeping for random time
   dowait (1);
   semdown (line[one]); // line_1.down()
   semdown (group); // group.down()
   semdown (mutex); // mutex.down()
   // get the shared gathered variable from "aliengathvar"
   fp = fopen ("aliengathvar", "r");
   // print error if could not open file successfully
   if (fp < 0 || fp == NULL) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: failed to open aliengathvar\n", exec, "ERROR");
      exit (-1);
   fscanf (fp, "%d", &gathered); // scan shared variable
   fclose (fp); // close read file
   // increment gathered
   gathered += 1;
   // check if the last of three gender residents necessary to reproduce
   if (gathered == 3) {
      gathered = 0; // attained group size so reset
      semdown (reproducing); // one of two groups to begin reproducing
      // all three have "reached" barrier
      semup (depends);
      semup (depends);
      semup (depends);
   // write the shared variable gathered to "aliengathvar"
   fp = fopen ("aliengathvar", "w");
   if (fp < 0 || fp == NULL) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: failed to open aliengathvar\n", exec, "ERROR");
      exit (-1);
   fprintf (fp, "%d\n", gathered); // write shared variable
   fclose (fp); // close write file
   semup (mutex); // mutex.up()
   semdown (depends); // depends.down()
   semup (group); // group.up()
   // print entering reproducing state
   printf ("alien %d of gender 1 beginning to reproduce\n", id);
   // hit sleeping barrier
   semdown (raising); // raising.down()
   printf ("%s %d of gender 1: leaving nursery\n", "alien", id); // leaving nursery
Ejemplo n.º 7
void gender3(){
    int val1 = semvalue(1);
    int val2 = semvalue(2);
    int up, down;
    if ((val1 == 1001)||semvalue(1)==1001){
        down = semdown(3);
    }else {
        up = semup(1);
        up = semup(2);
        up = semup(4);
        repTIME = rand()%200000+2000;
        int time = rand()%40000+1000;
Ejemplo n.º 8
/** Print out character statistics */
static void print_stat(void) 

	/* While we are in the mutual exclusive section, we don't listen to signals, because it would be hard to reset the state of the mutex */
	sigset_t blocked_signals, curr_set;
	(void) sigfillset(&blocked_signals);
	(void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blocked_signals, &curr_set);
	/* Mutual exclusive section so no other process removes shm segment meanwhile */
	if(semdown(mtx) != -1) {

		/* Print per letter stat */
		for(int i = 0; i <= ASCII_CHAR_MAX; ++i) {

			(void) fprintf(stdout, "     %c: %d\t%d%%\n", i + ASCII_CHAR_OFFSET, shared->stat[i], (shared->total == 0 ? 0 : shared->stat[i] * 100 / shared->total));


		/* Print 'others' stat */
		(void) fprintf(stdout, "%s: %d\t%d%%\n", "andere", shared->stat[ASCII_CHAR_MAX + 1], (shared->total == 0 ? 0: shared->stat[ASCII_CHAR_MAX + 1] * 100 / shared->total));
		/* Print total stat */
		(void) fprintf(stdout, "%s: %d\t%d%%\n", "gesamt", shared->total, 100);

		(void) semup(mtx);

	/* Reset to original procmask*/
	(void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &curr_set,  NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
   char *exec = argv[0];
   if (argc < 3) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: need a test id and semaphore id\n", "ERROR", exec);
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: ./testup [testID] [semaphoreID]\n", "USAGE");
      return -1;
   int testid = atoi (argv[1]);
   int semid = atoi (argv[2]);

   // test semup
   printf ("%s %d: %s: %d\n", exec, testid, "beginning semup", semid);
   int result = semup (semid);
   if (result <= 0) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s %d: %s: in %s\n", exec, testid, "ERROR", "semup");
      return result;
   printf ("%s %d: %s: %d\n", exec, testid, "finished semup", semid);

   // finished all
   printf ("%s %d: %s\n", exec, testid, "finished all");
   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/* what does this program do?
   First we make a semaphore
   check what its value is
   do semdown on it
   start sleep 10 seconds
	-> at this point, another program would try to semdown the semaphore we created
   end sleep
   now do a semup, program B should be able to proceed.
	-> program C should now free the semaphore, and try a semvalue on it.
int main() {
	int result;
	int e;
	message m;
	e = errno;
	printf("| Program A Start |\n");	
	result = seminit(2000, 1);
	printf("<1> Create semaphore named 2000, with value 1: result=%d & e=%d\n", result, errno);
	result = semvalue(2000);
	printf("<2> Look at value of semaphore[index for indentifier(2000)]: result=%d & e=%d\n", result, errno);
	result = semdown(2000);
	printf("<3> Do a sem down: result=%d & e=%d\n", result, errno);
	printf("<4> I am to do nothing for 10 seconds.\n");
	int wait_unit;
	for (wait_unit = 1; wait_unit < 11; wait_unit++) {
		printf("   Waiting %d\n", wait_unit);
	printf("<4> I done doing nothing.\n");

	result = semup(2000);
	printf("<5> Sem Up: result=%d & e=%d\n", result, errno);
	printf("<6> Program A has no more to do.\n", result, errno);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int mod_rwlock(A_UNUSED int argc,A_UNUSED char *argv[]) {
	if((startsem = semcrt(READERS + WRITERS)) < 0)
		error("Unable to create start-sem");
	if(rwcrt(&lck) < 0)
		error("Unable to create rw-lock");

	for(int i = 0; i < WRITERS; ++i) {
		if(startthread(thread_write,NULL) < 0)
			error("Unable to start reader-thread");
	for(int i = 0; i < READERS; ++i) {
		if(startthread(thread_read,NULL) < 0)
			error("Unable to start reader-thread");
	/* go! */
	for(int i = 0; i < READERS + WRITERS; ++i)

	if(curval != WRITERS * RETRIES)
		printe("Something went wrong. curval should be %d, but is %d\n",WRITERS * RETRIES,curval);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  int sem_id;

  return semup(sem_id);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void cond_signal (cond_ptr cnd) {
  if (cnd->sem_count > 0) {
    semup (cnd->cond_sem);
    semdown (cnd->the_lock->next);
Ejemplo n.º 14
void gender2(){
    int val1 = semvalue(1);
    int val3 = semvalue(3);
    int down, up;
    if ((val1 == 1001)&&(val3 == 1001)){
         down = semdown(2);
    }else {
        int nursVAL = semvalue(4);
        while (nursVAL == 1001);
        up = semup(2);
        up = semup(3);
        while (repTIME == 0);
        int time = rand()%4000000+1000;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void cond_signal (struct cond *cnd)
   assert (cnd != NULL);
   if(cnd->semCount > 0)
      cnd->lock->nextCount += 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
* Write buffer to shared memory
* @param data buffer to write to shared memory
* @return -1 on error, 0 otherwise
static int ipc_write(char *data)

	int ret = -1;

	/* It makes no sense to proceed if nobody is listening */

	 * Firts wait for write queue to let us in 
	 * if cnd or mt are no valid semaphores anymore, another process has already removed them. so we will simply return -1 
	if(msemdown(cnd, 1, 0) != -1) {

		/* While we are in the mutual exclusive section, we don't listen to signals, because it would be hard to reset the state of the mutex */
		sigset_t blocked_signals, curr_set;
		(void) sigfillset(&blocked_signals);
		(void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blocked_signals, &curr_set);
		/* Mutual exclusive section so no other process removes shm segment meanwhile */
		if(semdown(mtx) != -1) {

			if(data == NULL) {

				/* Signal EOF to Listener */
				shared->flag |= EOF_F;

			} else {

				for(int i = 0; i <= MAX_BUF_SIZE; ++i) {

					shared->data[i] = data[i];
					/* Null char */
					if(data[i] == 0) {

			ret = (semup(mtx) == -1 ? -1 : 0);

		/* Reset to original procmask*/
		(void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &curr_set,  NULL);

		/* Signal read queue to proceed */	
		ret = (msemup(cnd, 1, 1) == -1 ? -1 : 0);

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 17
* Cleanup all ipc resources
static void ipc_shutdown(void)

	/* We need to block all signals to avoid race condition */
	sigset_t blocked_signals;
	(void) sigfillset(&blocked_signals);
	(void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blocked_signals, NULL);
	/* cleanup has already been done */
	if(cleanup == 1) {
	cleanup = 1;

	/* If cnd has already been aquired, try to remove it (would return -1 if cnd had already been removed by other process) */
	if(cnd != -1) {
		(void) msemrm(cnd);

	/* detach SHM Segment (So it can be free'd later, or by other process) */

	if(mtx != -1) {

		/* This fails with -1 if onother process has already done the cleanup of smh segment */
		if(semdown(mtx) != -1) {

			 * It might happen, that we only fail to aquire shm segment, but have a working mtx.
			 * In this case we will not destroy the mtx, because other processes might have created an shm segment and will therefor need a working mtx to free it.
			if(shm != -1) {

				(void) shmctl(shm, IPC_RMID, NULL);
				(void) semrm(mtx);

			} else {
				(void) semup(mtx);



Ejemplo n.º 18
/** Initialize all variables needed for ipc */
static void ipc_init(void)

	/* All communicating processes need to be started from within the ssame working dir in order to make key have the same value */
	key_t key = ftok(".", 'x');

	if(key == -1) {
		bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Couldn't create ipc key via ftok");

	/* cnd is a two field semaphore (0 = write, 1 = read)*/
	if((cnd = mseminit(key, (0600), 2, 1, 0)) == -1) {
		if((cnd = msemgrab(key, 2)) == -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error aquiring conditional semephores");

	/* mtx is a mutex semaphore to protect access to shm */
	if((mtx = seminit(key + 1, (0600), 0)) == -1) {
		if((mtx = semgrab(key + 1)) == -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error aquiring mutual exclusive semephore");

	/* Create or fetch shm segment */
	if((shm = shmget(key, sizeof(ipc_data_t), IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | (0600))) == -1) {

		if((shm = shmget(key, sizeof(ipc_data_t), 0)) == -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error aquiring shared mem");

		/* The process that creates the shm segment will up the mtx, after it's initialized */
		if(semdown(mtx) == -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error downing mutex");


		/* Mount shm */
		if((shared = shmat(shm, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error attaching shm segment");

		/* Signal listening reader */
		shared->flag |= READER_F;	

		/* Let other processes proceed */
		if(semup(mtx) == -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error upping mutex");

	} else {

		/* Mount shm */
		if((shared = shmat(shm, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error attaching shm segment (creator)");

		/* If we created the segment, we'll initialize it */
		(void) memset(shared, 0, sizeof(ipc_data_t));

		/* Signal listening reader */
		shared->flag |= READER_F;	

		/* And signal other processes to proceed */
		if(semup(mtx) == -1) {
			bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error opening mutex");

Ejemplo n.º 19
* Read shared data and calculate statistics
* @return -1 on error, 0 on EOF, number of read chars otherwise
static int ipc_process(void) 

	int i = -1;

	 * First, wait for read queue to let us in 
	 * if cnd or mt are no valid semaphores anymore, another process has already removed them. so we will simply return -1 
	if(msemdown(cnd, 1, 1) != -1) {

		/* While we are in the mutual exclusive section, we don't listen to signals, because it would be hard to reset the state of the mutex */
		sigset_t blocked_signals, curr_set;
		(void) sigfillset(&blocked_signals);
		(void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blocked_signals, &curr_set);
		/* Mutual exclusive section so no other process removes shm segment meanwhile */
		if(semdown(mtx) != -1) {

			i = 0;

			/* EOF Flag has been set, return 0 */
			if((shared->flag & EOF_F) != 1) {

				for(i = 0; i <= MAX_BUF_SIZE; ++i) {
					int c;
					/* Null character */
					if(shared->data[i] == 0) {
					/* We will only distinguish between uppercase'd chars */	
					c = toupper(shared->data[i]) - ASCII_CHAR_OFFSET;
					if(c < 0 || c > ASCII_CHAR_MAX) { /* No Ascii Letter -> inc 'others' counter */
						shared->stat[ASCII_CHAR_MAX + 1]++;
					} else { /* inc letter counter */
					/* Total number of characters */
					/* Clear out buffer */
					shared->data[i] = 0;
			if(semup(mtx) == -1) {
				i = -1;


		/* Reset to original procmask*/
		(void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &curr_set,  NULL);

		/* Let write queue proceed */
		if(msemup(cnd, 1, 0) == -1) {
			i = -1;

	return i;
