Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(void)
	trit a;

	forall(a) printf("%c | %c\n", t_s(a), t_s(t_not(a)));

	show_op(t_and,   "And");
	show_op(t_or,    "Or");
	show_op(t_eq,    "Equiv");
	show_op(t_imply, "Imply");

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int notmain ( void )
    unsigned int ra;
    unsigned int rb;
    unsigned int rc;
    unsigned int rd;
    unsigned int re;



            if(rc&1) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);
            if(rd&0x8000) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);
            if(rc&2) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);
            if(re&0x8000) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);



            if(rc&1) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);
            if(rd&0x8000) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);
            if(rc&2) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);
            if(re&0x8000) uart_send(0x31); else uart_send(0x30);
            if(rc&4) uart_send(0x30); else uart_send(0x31);


Ejemplo n.º 3
/* process changes to resource file (or just list it) */
static opdef *rscproc(osfildef *fp, osfildef *fpout, opdef *oplist)
    char   buf[128];
    ulong  siz;
    char   datebuf[27];
    ulong  endpos;
    uchar  nambuf[40];
    uint   rsiz;
    opdef *op;
    int    copyrsc;
    ulong  startpos;
    uint   endpos_ofs;
    ulong  first_xfcn = 0;
    ulong  extcnt_pos = 0;
    int    found_user_rsc = FALSE;
    int    showed_heading = FALSE;
    int    found_htmlres = FALSE;
    char  *file_type;

     *   if we're reading an existing file, check it header; otherwise,
     *   write out a brand new file header 
    if (fp != 0)
         *   the input file exists -- check file and version headers, and
         *   get flags and timestamp 
        if (osfrb(fp, buf, (int)(sizeof(FIOFILHDR) + sizeof(FIOVSNHDR) + 2)))
            listexit(fp, "error reading file header");

        /* check the file type */
        if (memcmp(buf, FIOFILHDR, sizeof(FIOFILHDR)) == 0)
            file_type = "game";
        else if (memcmp(buf, FIOFILHDRRSC, sizeof(FIOFILHDRRSC)) == 0)
            file_type = "resource";
            listexit(fp, "invalid resource file header");

        /* check the version header */
        if (memcmp(buf + sizeof(FIOFILHDR), FIOVSNHDR, sizeof(FIOVSNHDR))
            && memcmp(buf + sizeof(FIOFILHDR), FIOVSNHDR2, sizeof(FIOVSNHDR2))
            && memcmp(buf + sizeof(FIOFILHDR), FIOVSNHDR3, sizeof(FIOVSNHDR3)))
            listexit(fp, "incompatible resource file version");

        /* get the timestamp */
        if (osfrb(fp, datebuf, (size_t)26))
            listexit(fp, "error reading file");
        datebuf[26] = '\0';
        struct tm  *tblock;
        time_t      timer;

        /* construct a new file header */
        memcpy(buf, FIOFILHDRRSC, sizeof(FIOFILHDRRSC));
        memcpy(buf + sizeof(FIOFILHDR), FIOVSNHDR, sizeof(FIOVSNHDR));

        /* clear the flags */
        oswp2(buf + sizeof(FIOFILHDR) + sizeof(FIOVSNHDR), 0);

        /* construct the timestamp */
        timer = time(0);
        tblock = localtime(&timer);
        strcpy(datebuf, asctime(tblock));
    if (fpout)
        if (osfwb(fpout, buf,
                  (int)(sizeof(FIOFILHDR) + sizeof(FIOVSNHDR) + 2))
            || osfwb(fpout, datebuf, (size_t)26))
            listexit(fp, "error writing header");

    /* if listing, show file creation timestamp */
    if (fpout == 0)
               "File type:     TADS %s file\n"
               "Date compiled: %s\n", file_type, datebuf);

     *   Process the input file, if there is one 
    for ( ; fp != 0 ; )
        /* assume this resource will be copied to the output */
        copyrsc = TRUE;

        startpos = osfpos(fp);
        if (osfrb(fp, buf, 1)
            || osfrb(fp, buf + 1, (int)(buf[0] + 4)))
            listexit(fp, "error reading file");

        memcpy(nambuf, buf + 1, (size_t)buf[0]);
        nambuf[buf[0]] = '\0';
        endpos_ofs = 1 + buf[0];
        endpos = osrp4(buf + endpos_ofs);
        siz = endpos - startpos;
        /* see what kind of resource we have, and do the right thing */
        if (!strcmp((char *)nambuf, "$EOF"))
            /* end of file marker - quit here */
        else if (!strcmp((char *)nambuf, "HTMLRES"))
            /* if we've already found an HTMLRES list, it's an error */
            if (found_htmlres)
                rscptf("error: multiple HTMLRES maps found in file\n"
                       " -- redundant entries have been deleted.\n");
                copyrsc = FALSE;
                /* go process it */
                oplist = prochtmlres(fp, fpout, oplist, &copyrsc,
                                     &showed_heading, TRUE);

            /* note that we've found a resource */
            found_user_rsc = TRUE;
            found_htmlres = TRUE;
        else if (!strcmp((char *)nambuf, "EXTCNT"))
            /* place to write start of XFCN's? */
            if (siz >= 17 && fpout)
                extcnt_pos = osfpos(fpout);
        else if (!strcmp((char *)nambuf, "XFCN"))
            if (osfrb(fp, buf, 3) || osfrb(fp, buf + 3, (int)buf[2]))
                listexit(fp, "error reading file");
            rsiz = osrp2(buf);
            buf[3 + buf[2]] = '\0';

            if (fpout)
                /* see if this resource is in the list */
                for (op = oplist ; op ; op = op->opnxt)
                    if (!(op->opflag & OPFDONE)
                        && op->oprestype == RESTYPE_XFCN
                        && !stricmp((char *)buf + 3, op->opres))
                        /* note that this resource has now been processed */
                        op->opflag |= OPFDONE;

                         *   if it's already here, and we're not deleting
                         *   it, warn that the old one will stay around 
                        if (!(op->opflag & OPFDEL))
                            /* warn that we're going to ignore it */
                            rscptf("warning: XFCN resource \"%s\" already in "
                                   "file\n -- the old resource will be kept "
                                   "(use -replace to replace it)\n",

                            /* don't add it */
                            op->opflag &= ~OPFADD;
                             *   we're deleting this resource; if adding
                             *   it back in (i.e., replacing it), process
                             *   the add operation now 
                            if (op->opflag & OPFADD)
                                /* show what we're doing */
                                show_op("replacing", op->opres,
                                        strlen(op->opres), op->oprestype);

                                 *   add the external file, replacing the
                                 *   one in the input file 
                                procop(fpout, op, &first_xfcn);
                                /* note that we're deleting it */
                                show_op("deleting", op->opres,
                                        strlen(op->opres), op->oprestype);

                            /* don't copy the one out of the file */
                            copyrsc = FALSE;
                /* no output file - just list the resource */
                show_list_item(&showed_heading, "XFCN",
                               (ulong)rsiz, buf + 3, (size_t)buf[2]);

            /* note that we've found a user resource */
            found_user_rsc = TRUE;
        if (fpout != 0 && copyrsc)
            osfseek(fp, startpos, OSFSK_SET);
            copyres(fp, fpout, siz, endpos_ofs);
        /* skip to the next resource */
        osfseek(fp, endpos, OSFSK_SET);
    /* add the HTML resources if we haven't already */
    if (!found_htmlres)
        oplist = prochtmlres(fp, fpout, oplist, &copyrsc,
                             &showed_heading, FALSE);

    /* now go through what's left, and add new non-HTML resources */
    if (fpout != 0)
        for (op = oplist ; op != 0 ; op = op->opnxt)
            if (!(op->opflag & OPFDONE) && (op->opflag & OPFADD)
                && op->oprestype != RESTYPE_HTML)
                /* show what we're doing */
                show_op("adding", op->opres,
                        strlen(op->opres), op->oprestype);

                /* add the file */
                procop(fpout, op, &first_xfcn);

                /* mark the operation as completed */
                op->opflag |= OPFDONE;

    /* if just listing, and we didn't find anything, tell the user so */
    if (fpout == 0 && !found_user_rsc)
        rscptf("No user resources found.\n");

    /* done reading the file - finish it up */
    if (fpout != 0)
        /* write EOF resource */
        if (osfwb(fpout, "\004$EOF\0\0\0\0", 9))
            errexit("error writing resource", 1);

        /* write first_xfcn value to EXTCNT resource */
        if (extcnt_pos)
            osfseek(fpout, extcnt_pos + 13, OSFSK_SET);
            oswp4(buf, first_xfcn);
            osfwb(fpout, buf, 4);

     *   return the final oplist (it may have been changed during
     *   processing) 
    return oplist;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *   Process an HTML resource list.  If 'old_htmlres' is true, it
 *   indicates that the input file is pointing to an old resource map;
 *   otherwise, we need to construct a brand new one.  
static opdef *prochtmlres(osfildef *fp, osfildef *fpout, opdef *oplist,
                          int *copyrsc, int *showed_heading, int old_htmlres)
    opdef *op;
    opdef *add_list = 0;
    opdef *prev_op;
    opdef *next_op;
    int    found;
    char   buf[512];
    ulong  in_entry_cnt;
    ulong  in_table_siz;
    ulong  out_hdr_siz;
    ulong  out_hdr_pos;
    ulong  i;
    ulong  out_res_cnt;
    ulong  out_total_name_len;
    ulong  rem;
    struct idx_t **in_list = 0, *out_list = 0, **p, *cur;
    ulong  in_res_base, out_res_base;
    ulong  out_endpos;

     *   Scan the oplist for an HTML resource.  If there aren't any, we
     *   don't need to modify the HTMLRES list, so tell the caller to copy
     *   this resource unchanged.  
    for (op = oplist, found = FALSE ; op != 0 ; op = op->opnxt)
        /* if this is an HTML resource, note it and stop looking */
        if (op->oprestype == RESTYPE_HTML)
            found = TRUE;

     *   If we didn't find any operations on this resource, and we're not
     *   simply listing resources or we don't have an old resource to
     *   list, tell the caller to copy it unchanged.  
    if (!found && (fpout != 0 || !old_htmlres))
        *copyrsc = TRUE;
        return oplist;

    /* we'll be handling the resource - tell the caller not to copy it */
    *copyrsc = FALSE;

    /* if there's an old HTMLRES resource, read it */
    if (old_htmlres)
        /* read the index entry count and size */
        if (osfrb(fp, buf, 8))
            listexit(fp, "unable to read HTMLRES header");
        in_entry_cnt = osrp4(buf);
        in_table_siz = osrp4(buf + 4);

        /* allocate space for pointers to all of the entries */
        if (in_entry_cnt != 0)
            in_list = (struct idx_t **)
                      malloc(in_entry_cnt * sizeof(struct idx_t *));
            if (in_list == 0)
                listexit(fp, "unable to allocate space for HTMLRES entries");

        /* read the index table entries */
        for (i = 0, p = in_list ; i < in_entry_cnt ; ++i, ++p)
            ushort name_siz;
            ulong  res_siz;
            ulong  res_ofs;
            /* read the entry information */
            if (osfrb(fp, buf, 10))
                         "unable to read HTMLRES index table entry (prefix)");
            /* get the resource size */
            res_ofs = osrp4(buf);
            res_siz = osrp4(buf + 4);
            /* read the name */
            name_siz = osrp2(buf + 8);
            if (name_siz > sizeof(buf))
                listexit(fp, "name too large in HTMLRES index table entry");
            if (osfrb(fp, buf, name_siz))
                         "unable to read HTMLRES index table entry (name)");
            /* build this entry */
            *p = alloc_idx_entry(res_ofs, res_siz, buf, name_siz, 0, 0);

        /* if we don't have an output file, list the HTMLRES contents */
        if (fpout == 0)
            /* display all of the entries */
            for (i = 0, p = in_list ; i < in_entry_cnt ; ++i, ++p)
                show_list_item(showed_heading, "HTML",
                               (*p)->siz, (*p)->nam, (*p)->namlen);
            /* there's no more processing to do */
            goto done;

         *   The resources start at the end of the index table - note the
         *   location of the end of the input table, since it's the base
         *   address relative to which the resource offsets are stated.  
        in_res_base = osfpos(fp);

         *   Go through the resource table in the input file.  Find each
         *   one in the op list.  If it's not in the op list, we'll copy
         *   it to the output file.  
        for (i = 0, p = in_list ; i < in_entry_cnt ; ++i, ++p)
            int remove_res = FALSE;
            int add_res = FALSE;
            /* see if we can find this entry in the op list */
            for (prev_op = 0, op = oplist ; op != 0 ;
                 prev_op = op, op = op->opnxt)
                /* if this one matches, note it */
                if (op->oprestype == RESTYPE_HTML
                    && strlen(op->opres) == (*p)->namlen
                    && !memicmp(op->opres, (*p)->nam, (*p)->namlen))
                     *   if we're adding this resource (not replacing it),
                     *   warn that it's already in the file, and ignore
                     *   this op; if we're removing it or replacing it,
                     *   simply delete this entry from the input list so
                     *   it doesn't get copied to the output.  
                    if (!(op->opflag & OPFDEL))
                        /* warn that the old one will stay */
                        rscptf("warning: HTML resource \"%s\" already "
                               "  -- old version will be kept (use -replace "
                               "to replace it)\n", op->opres);
                        /* remove it from the processing list */
                        remove_res = TRUE;
                        /* we are deleting it; see if we're also adding it */
                        if (op->opflag & OPFADD)
                             *   we're replacing this resource - take this
                             *   op out of the main list and put it into
                             *   the add list 
                            remove_res = TRUE;
                            add_res = TRUE;

                            /* note the addition */
                            show_op("replacing", op->opres, strlen(op->opres),
                            /* note the deletion */
                            show_op("deleting", op->opres, strlen(op->opres),

                            /* just remove it */
                            remove_res = TRUE;

                        /* get rid of this item from the input list */
                        *p = 0;
                    /* no need to look further in the operations list */
             *   If desired, remove this resource from the main list, and
             *   add it into the list of resources to add.  
            if (remove_res)
                /* unlink it from the main list */
                if (prev_op == 0)
                    oplist = op->opnxt;
                    prev_op->opnxt = op->opnxt;
                /* if desired, add it to the additions list */
                if (add_res)
                    /* we're adding it - put it in the additions list */
                    op->opnxt = add_list;
                    add_list = op;
                    /* this item has been processed - delete it */
        /* there are no entries in the input file */
        in_entry_cnt = 0;
        in_table_siz = 0;

     *   Move all of the HTML resources marked as additions in the main
     *   operations list into the additions list. 
    for (prev_op = 0, op = oplist ; op != 0 ; op = next_op)
        /* note the next op, in case we move this one to the other list */
        next_op = op->opnxt;
         *   if it's an HTML resource to be added, move it to the
         *   additions list 
        if (op->oprestype == RESTYPE_HTML && (op->opflag & OPFADD) != 0)
            /* show what we're doing */
            show_op("adding", op->opres, strlen(op->opres), op->oprestype);
            /* unlink it from the main list */
            if (prev_op == 0)
                oplist = op->opnxt;
                prev_op->opnxt = op->opnxt;

            /* add it to the additions list */
            op->opnxt = add_list;
            add_list = op;

             *   note that we don't want to advance the 'prev_op' pointer,
             *   since we just removed this item - the previous item is
             *   still the same as it was on the last iteration 
             *   we're leaving this op in the original list - it's now the
             *   previous op in the main list 
            prev_op = op;

     *   Figure out what we'll be putting in the HTMLRES list: we'll add
     *   each surviving entry from the input file, plus all of the items
     *   in the add list, plus all of the HTML items in the main list that
     *   are marked for addition.  
    out_res_cnt = 0;
    out_total_name_len = 0;

    /* count input file entries that we're going to copy */
    for (i = 0, p = in_list ; i < in_entry_cnt ; ++i, ++p)
        if (*p != 0)
            add_idx_entry(&out_list, &out_res_cnt, &out_total_name_len,
                          0, 0, (*p)->nam, (*p)->namlen, 0, *p);

     *   Count items in the additions list.  Note that every HTML resource
     *   marked for addition is in the additions list, since we moved all
     *   such resources out of the main list and into the additions list
     *   earlier.  
    for (op = add_list ; op != 0 ; op = op->opnxt)
        add_idx_entry(&out_list, &out_res_cnt, &out_total_name_len,
                      0, 0, op->opres, (ushort)strlen(op->opres), op, 0);

    /* write the resource header */
    if (osfwb(fpout, "\007HTMLRES\0\0\0\0", 12))
        listexit(fp, "unable to write HTMLRES type header");
    out_hdr_pos = osfpos(fpout);

     *   Reserve space in the output file for the index table.  We need
     *   eight bytes for the index table prefix, then ten bytes per entry
     *   plus the name sizes. 
    out_hdr_siz = 8 + (10 * out_res_cnt) + out_total_name_len;

    /* write the index table prefix */
    oswp4(buf, out_res_cnt);
    oswp4(buf + 4, out_hdr_siz);
    if (osfwb(fpout, buf, 8))
        listexit(fp, "unable to write HTMLRES prefix");

     *   Reserve space for the headers.  Don't actually write them yet,
     *   since we don't know the actual locations and sizes of the
     *   entries; for now, simply reserve the space, so that we can come
     *   back here later and write the actual headers.  Note that we
     *   deduct the eight bytes we've already written from the amount of
     *   filler to put in.  
    for (rem = out_hdr_siz - 8 ; rem != 0 ; )
        ulong amt;
        /* write out a buffer full */
        amt = (rem > sizeof(buf) ? sizeof(buf) : rem);
        if (osfwb(fpout, buf, amt))
            listexit(fp, "unable to write HTMLRES header");

        /* deduct the amount we wrote from the remainder */
        rem -= amt;

     *   note the current position in the output file - this is the base
     *   address of the resources 
    out_res_base = osfpos(fpout);

     *   Write the resources.  
    for (cur = out_list ; cur != 0 ; cur = cur->nxt)
         *   note the current file position as an offset from the resource
         *   base in the output file - this is the offset that we need to
         *   store in the index entry for this object 
        cur->ofs = osfpos(fpout) - out_res_base;
         *   Copy the resource to the output.  If it comes from the input
         *   file, copy from there, otherwise go out and find the external
         *   file and copy its contents. 
        if (cur->src_op != 0)
            osfildef *fpext;
            ulong fsiz;
            /* it comes from an external file - open the file */
            fpext = osfoprb(cur->src_op->opfile, OSFTGAME);
            if (fpext == 0)
                rscptf("%s: ", cur->src_op->opfile);
                errexit("unable to open file", 1);

            /* figure the size of the file */
            osfseek(fpext, 0L, OSFSK_END);
            fsiz = osfpos(fpext);
            osfseek(fpext, 0L, OSFSK_SET);

            /* copy the contents of the external file to the output */
            copybytes(fpext, fpout, fsiz);

            /* the size is the same as the external file's size */
            cur->siz = fsiz;

            /* done with the file */
             *   it comes from the input resource file - seek to the start
             *   of the resource in the input file, and copy the data to
             *   the output file 
            osfseek(fp, in_res_base + cur->src_idx->ofs, OSFSK_SET);
            copybytes(fp, fpout, cur->src_idx->siz);

            /* the size is the same as in the input file */
            cur->siz = cur->src_idx->siz;

    /* note the current output position - this is the end of the resource */
    out_endpos = osfpos(fpout);

     *   Now that we've written all of the resources and know their actual
     *   layout in the file, we can go back and write the index table. 
    osfseek(fpout, out_hdr_pos + 8, OSFSK_SET);
    for (cur = out_list ; cur != 0 ; cur = cur->nxt)
        /* build this object's index table entry */
        oswp4(buf, cur->ofs);
        oswp4(buf + 4, cur->siz);
        oswp2(buf + 8, cur->namlen);

        /* write the entry */
        if (osfwb(fpout, buf, 10)
            || osfwb(fpout, cur->nam, cur->namlen))
            listexit(fp, "unable to write HTML index table entry");

     *   We're done building the resource; now all we need to do is go
     *   back and write the ending position of the resource in the
     *   resource header.  
    osfseek(fpout, out_hdr_pos - 4, OSFSK_SET);
    oswp4(buf, out_endpos);
    if (osfwb(fpout, buf, 4))
        errexit("error writing resource", 1);

    /* seek back to the end of the resource in the output file */
    osfseek(fpout, out_endpos, OSFSK_SET);

    /* if we have an input list, free it */
    if (in_list != 0)
        /* delete all of the entries in the input table */
        for (i = 0, p = in_list ; i < in_entry_cnt ; ++i, ++p)
            /* delete this entry if we haven't already done so */
            if (*p != 0)

        /* delete the input pointer list itself */

     *   delete everything in the additions list, since we're done with
     *   them now 
    for (op = add_list ; op != 0 ; op = next_op)
        /* note the next entry in the list */
        next_op = op->opnxt;

        /* delete this entry */

    /* return the op list in its current form */
    return oplist;