Ejemplo n.º 1
void JobView::setSpeed(qlonglong bytesPerSecond)
    if (m_speed != bytesPerSecond) {
        m_speed = bytesPerSecond;
        setData("speed", speedString());
        setData("numericSpeed", m_speed);

        if (m_bytesUnitId > -1) {

Ejemplo n.º 2
void JobView::setSuspended(bool suspended)
    if (suspended) {
        if (m_state != Suspended) {
            m_state = Suspended;
            setData("state", "suspended");
            setData("speed", QVariant());
            setData("numericSpeed", QVariant());
    } else if (m_state != Running) {
        m_state = Running;
        setData("state", "running");
        setData("speed", speedString());
        setData("numericSpeed", m_speed);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void WiGPS::parseGPRMC(GPRMC* str){
     * Save all data from the GPRMC string
     * in a numeric format in memory.
    //Serial.println("GPS GPRMC parsing.");

    hours = str->UTCtime().substring(0,2).toInt();
    minutes = str->UTCtime().substring(2,4).toInt();
    seconds = str->UTCtime().substring(4,6).toInt();

    day = str->UTCdate().substring(0,2).toInt();
    month = str->UTCdate().substring(2,4).toInt();
    year = str->UTCdate().substring(4,6).toInt();

    latitudeDeg = str->latitudeDeg().substring(0,2).toInt();
    latitudeMin = str->latitudeDeg().substring(2,4).toInt();
    latitudeSecf = (float) str->latitudeDeg().substring(5,10).toInt() * CONV_TO_SEC; // convert from .mm to sec
    latitudeSec = (int) round(latitudeSecf);
    latitudeRef = str->latitudeRef().charAt(0);

    longitudeDeg = str->longitudeDeg().substring(0,3).toInt();
    longitudeMin = str->longitudeDeg().substring(3,5).toInt();
    longitudeSecf = (float) str->longitudeDeg().substring(6,11).toInt() * CONV_TO_SEC; // convert from .mm to sec
    longitudeSec = (int) round(longitudeSecf);
    longitudeRef = str->longitudeRef().charAt(0);

    String speedString(str->speed());
    int speedDot = speedString.indexOf('.');
    Speed = (int) round(speedString.substring(0,speedDot).toInt() * KNOTS_TO_MS);

    String courseString(str->course());
    int courseDot = courseString.indexOf('.');
    Course = courseString.substring(0,courseDot).toInt();

Ejemplo n.º 4
void TurtleRouterStatisticsWidget::updateTunnelStatistics(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*hashes_info*/,
																const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*tunnels_info*/,
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& search_reqs_info, 
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& tunnel_reqs_info,
																const RsTurtle *turtle)

	static const int cellx = 6 ;
	static const int celly = 10+4 ;

	QPixmap tmppixmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);
	tmppixmap.fill(this, 0, 0);

	QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);

	maxHeight = 500 ;

	// std::cerr << "Drawing into pixmap of size " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << std::endl;
	// draw...
	int ox=5,oy=5 ;

	TRHistogram(search_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Search requests repartition") + ":") ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

	TRHistogram(tunnel_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Tunnel requests repartition") + ":") ;

	// now give information about turtle traffic.
	TurtleTrafficStatisticsInfo info ;
	turtle->getTrafficStatistics(info) ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

	painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Turtle router traffic")+":") ; oy += celly*2 ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Up")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Dn")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Incoming file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Outgoing file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Forwarded data    ")+"\t: " + speedString(info.unknown_updn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;

	QString prob_string ;

	for(uint i=0;i<info.forward_probabilities.size();++i)
		prob_string += QString::number(info.forward_probabilities[i],'g',2) + " (" + QString::number(i) + ") " ;

	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("TR Forward probabilities")+"\t: " + prob_string ) ; 
	oy += celly ;
	oy += celly ;

	// update the pixmap
	pixmap = tmppixmap;
	maxHeight = oy ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void TurtleRouterStatisticsWidget::updateTunnelStatistics(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*hashes_info*/,
																const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& /*tunnels_info*/,
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& search_reqs_info, 
																const std::vector<TurtleRequestDisplayInfo >& tunnel_reqs_info)

	QPixmap tmppixmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);

	QPainter painter(&tmppixmap);

        // extracts the height of the fonts in pixels. This is used to callibrate the size of the objects to draw.

        float fontHeight = QFontMetricsF(font()).height();
        float fact = fontHeight/14.0;
    maxHeight = 500*fact ;

    int cellx = 6*fact ;
    int celly = (10+4)*fact ;

	// std::cerr << "Drawing into pixmap of size " << maxWidth << "x" << maxHeight << std::endl;
	// draw...
    int ox=5*fact,oy=5*fact ;

    TRHistogram(search_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Search requests repartition") + ":",fontHeight) ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

    TRHistogram(tunnel_reqs_info).draw(&painter,ox,oy,tr("Tunnel requests repartition") + ":",fontHeight) ;

	// now give information about turtle traffic.
	TurtleTrafficStatisticsInfo info ;
	rsTurtle->getTrafficStatistics(info) ;

	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(70,70,70)) ;
	painter.drawLine(0,oy,maxWidth,oy) ;
	oy += celly ;

	painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Turtle router traffic")+":") ; oy += celly*2 ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Dn")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Up")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Incoming file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Outgoing file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Forwarded data")+"    \t: " + speedString(info.unknown_updn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;

	QString prob_string ;

	for(uint i=0;i<info.forward_probabilities.size();++i)
		prob_string += QString::number(info.forward_probabilities[i],'g',2) + " (" + QString::number(i) + ") " ;

	painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("TR Forward probabilities")+"\t: " + prob_string ) ; 
	oy += celly ;
	oy += celly ;

	// update the pixmap
	pixmap = tmppixmap;
	maxHeight = oy ;