Ejemplo n.º 1
int read_types_list (const char *file)
  FILE *fh;

  if (file == NULL)
    return (-1);

  fh = fopen (file, "r");
  if (fh == NULL)
    char errbuf[1024];
    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open types database `%s': %s.\n",
	file, sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
    ERROR ("Failed to open types database `%s': %s",
	file, sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
    return (-1);

  parse_file (fh);

  fclose (fh);
  fh = NULL;

  DEBUG ("Done parsing `%s'", file);

  return (0);
} /* int read_types_list */
Ejemplo n.º 2
static char *camqp_strerror (camqp_config_t *conf, /* {{{ */
        char *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
    amqp_rpc_reply_t r;

    r = amqp_get_rpc_reply (conf->connection);
    switch (r.reply_type)
            sstrncpy (buffer, "Success", sizeof (buffer));

        case AMQP_RESPONSE_NONE:
            sstrncpy (buffer, "Missing RPC reply type", sizeof (buffer));

            if (r.library_errno)
                return (sstrerror (r.library_errno, buffer, buffer_size));
            if (r.library_error)
                return (sstrerror (r.library_error, buffer, buffer_size));
                sstrncpy (buffer, "End of stream", sizeof (buffer));

            if (r.reply.id == AMQP_CONNECTION_CLOSE_METHOD)
                amqp_connection_close_t *m = r.reply.decoded;
                char *tmp = camqp_bytes_cstring (&m->reply_text);
                ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server connection error %d: %s",
                        m->reply_code, tmp);
                sfree (tmp);
            else if (r.reply.id == AMQP_CHANNEL_CLOSE_METHOD)
                amqp_channel_close_t *m = r.reply.decoded;
                char *tmp = camqp_bytes_cstring (&m->reply_text);
                ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server channel error %d: %s",
                        m->reply_code, tmp);
                sfree (tmp);
                ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server error method %#"PRIx32,

            ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Unknown reply type %i",
                    (int) r.reply_type);

    return (buffer);
} /* }}} char *camqp_strerror */
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int dpdk_event_keep_alive_shm_open(void) {
  dpdk_events_ctx_t *ec = DPDK_EVENTS_CTX_GET(g_hc);
  char *shm_name;

  if (strlen(ec->config.keep_alive.shm_name)) {
    shm_name = ec->config.keep_alive.shm_name;
  } else {
    shm_name = RTE_KEEPALIVE_SHM_NAME;
    WARNING(DPDK_EVENTS_PLUGIN ": Keep alive shared memory identifier is not "
                               "specified, using default one: %s",

  char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
  int fd = shm_open(shm_name, O_RDONLY, 0);
  if (fd < 0) {
    ERROR(DPDK_EVENTS_PLUGIN ": Failed to open %s as SHM:%s. Is DPDK KA "
                             "primary application running?",
          shm_name, sstrerror(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
    return errno;

  if (ec->config.keep_alive.fd != -1) {
    struct stat stat_old, stat_new;

    if (fstat(ec->config.keep_alive.fd, &stat_old) || fstat(fd, &stat_new)) {
      ERROR(DPDK_EVENTS_PLUGIN ": failed to get information about a file");
      return -1;

    /* Check if inode number has changed. If yes, then create a new mapping */
    if (stat_old.st_ino == stat_new.st_ino) {
      return 0;

    if (munmap(ec->config.keep_alive.shm, sizeof(dpdk_keepalive_shm_t)) != 0) {
      ERROR(DPDK_EVENTS_PLUGIN ": munmap KA monitor failed");
      return -1;

    ec->config.keep_alive.fd = -1;

  ec->config.keep_alive.shm = (dpdk_keepalive_shm_t *)mmap(
      0, sizeof(*(ec->config.keep_alive.shm)), PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
  if (ec->config.keep_alive.shm == MAP_FAILED) {
    ERROR(DPDK_EVENTS_PLUGIN ": Failed to mmap KA SHM:%s",
          sstrerror(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
    return errno;
  ec->config.keep_alive.fd = fd;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Open a TCP connection to the UPS network server
 * Returns -1 on error
 * Returns socket file descriptor otherwise
static int net_open (char const *node, char const *service)
	int              sd;
	int              status;
	struct addrinfo *ai_return;
	struct addrinfo *ai_list;

	/* TODO: Change this to `AF_UNSPEC' if apcupsd can handle IPv6 */
	struct addrinfo ai_hints = {
		.ai_family = AF_INET,
		.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM

	status = getaddrinfo (node, service, &ai_hints, &ai_return);
	if (status != 0)
		char errbuf[1024];
		INFO ("apcups plugin: getaddrinfo failed: %s",
				(status == EAI_SYSTEM)
				? sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))
				: gai_strerror (status));
		return (-1);

	/* Create socket */
	sd = -1;
	for (ai_list = ai_return; ai_list != NULL; ai_list = ai_list->ai_next)
		sd = socket (ai_list->ai_family, ai_list->ai_socktype, ai_list->ai_protocol);
		if (sd >= 0)
	/* `ai_list' still holds the current description of the socket.. */

	if (sd < 0)
		DEBUG ("apcups plugin: Unable to open a socket");
		freeaddrinfo (ai_return);
		return (-1);

	status = connect (sd, ai_list->ai_addr, ai_list->ai_addrlen);

	freeaddrinfo (ai_return);

	if (status != 0) /* `connect(2)' failed */
		char errbuf[1024];
		INFO ("apcups plugin: connect failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		close (sd);
		return (-1);

	DEBUG ("apcups plugin: Done opening a socket %i", sd);

	return (sd);
} /* int net_open */
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int zookeeper_connect (void)
	int sk = -1;
	int status;
	struct addrinfo *ai;
	struct addrinfo *ai_list;
	const char *host;
	const char *port;

	host = (zk_host != NULL) ? zk_host : ZOOKEEPER_DEF_HOST;
	port = (zk_port != NULL) ? zk_port : ZOOKEEPER_DEF_PORT;

	struct addrinfo ai_hints = {
		.ai_family   = AF_UNSPEC,
		.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM

	status = getaddrinfo (host, port, &ai_hints, &ai_list);
	if (status != 0)
		char errbuf[1024];
		INFO ("getaddrinfo failed: %s",
			  (status == EAI_SYSTEM)
			  ? sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))
			  : gai_strerror (status));
		return (-1);

	for (ai = ai_list; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next)
		sk = socket (ai->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
		if (sk < 0)
			char errbuf[1024];
			WARNING ("zookeeper: socket(2) failed: %s",
					 sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
		status = (int) connect (sk, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen);
		if (status != 0)
			char errbuf[1024];
			close (sk);
			sk = -1;
			WARNING ("zookeeper: connect(2) failed: %s",
					 sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));

		/* connected */

	return (sk);
} /* int zookeeper_connect */
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int memcached_connect_inet (memcached_t *st)
  struct addrinfo *ai_list;
  int status;
  int fd = -1;

  struct addrinfo ai_hints = {
    .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC,
    .ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG,
    .ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM

  status = getaddrinfo (st->connhost, st->connport, &ai_hints, &ai_list);
  if (status != 0)
    char errbuf[1024];
    ERROR ("memcached plugin: memcached_connect_inet: "
        "getaddrinfo(%s,%s) failed: %s",
        st->connhost, st->connport,
        (status == EAI_SYSTEM)
        ? sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))
        : gai_strerror (status));
    return (-1);

  for (struct addrinfo *ai_ptr = ai_list; ai_ptr != NULL; ai_ptr = ai_ptr->ai_next)
    /* create our socket descriptor */
    fd = socket (ai_ptr->ai_family, ai_ptr->ai_socktype, ai_ptr->ai_protocol);
    if (fd < 0)
      char errbuf[1024];
      WARNING ("memcached plugin: memcached_connect_inet: "
          "socket(2) failed: %s",
          sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));

    /* connect to the memcached daemon */
    status = (int) connect (fd, ai_ptr->ai_addr, ai_ptr->ai_addrlen);
    if (status != 0)
      shutdown (fd, SHUT_RDWR);
      close (fd);
      fd = -1;

    /* A socket could be opened and connecting succeeded. We're done. */

  freeaddrinfo (ai_list);
  return (fd);
} /* int memcached_connect_inet */
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int nagios_print(char const *buffer) /* {{{ */
  char const *file = NAGIOS_COMMAND_FILE;
  int fd;
  int status;
  struct flock lock = {0};

  if (nagios_command_file != NULL)
    file = nagios_command_file;

  fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND);
  if (fd < 0) {
    char errbuf[1024];
    status = errno;
    ERROR("notify_nagios plugin: Opening \"%s\" failed: %s", file,
          sstrerror(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
    return status;

  lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
  lock.l_whence = SEEK_END;

  status = fcntl(fd, F_GETLK, &lock);
  if (status != 0) {
    char errbuf[1024];
    status = errno;
    ERROR("notify_nagios plugin: Failed to acquire write lock on \"%s\": %s",
          file, sstrerror(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
    return status;

  status = (int)lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
  if (status == -1) {
    char errbuf[1024];
    status = errno;
    ERROR("notify_nagios plugin: Seeking to end of \"%s\" failed: %s", file,
          sstrerror(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
    return status;

  status = (int)swrite(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer));
  if (status != 0) {
    char errbuf[1024];
    status = errno;
    ERROR("notify_nagios plugin: Writing to \"%s\" failed: %s", file,
          sstrerror(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
    return status;

  return status;
} /* }}} int nagios_print */
Ejemplo n.º 8
static int pf_read (void)
	struct pf_status state;
	int fd;
	int status;
	int i;

	fd = open (pf_device, O_RDONLY);
	if (fd < 0)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR("pf plugin: Unable to open %s: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		return (-1);

	memset (&state, 0, sizeof (state));
	status = ioctl (fd, DIOCGETSTATUS, &state);
	if (status != 0)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR("pf plugin: ioctl(DIOCGETSTATUS) failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		return (-1);

	close (fd);
	fd = -1;

	if (!state.running)
		WARNING ("pf plugin: PF is not running.");
		return (-1);

	for (i = 0; i < PFRES_MAX; i++)
		pf_submit ("pf_counters", pf_reasons[i], state.counters[i],
				/* is gauge = */ 0);
	for (i = 0; i < LCNT_MAX; i++)
		pf_submit ("pf_limits", pf_lcounters[i], state.lcounters[i],
				/* is gauge = */ 0);
	for (i = 0; i < FCNT_MAX; i++)
		pf_submit ("pf_state", pf_fcounters[i], state.fcounters[i],
				/* is gauge = */ 0);
	for (i = 0; i < SCNT_MAX; i++)
		pf_submit ("pf_source", pf_scounters[i], state.scounters[i],
				/* is gauge = */ 0);

	pf_submit ("pf_states", "current", (uint32_t) state.states,
			/* is gauge = */ 1);

	return (0);
} /* int pf_read */
Ejemplo n.º 9
static int zookeeper_query (char *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
    int sk = -1;
    int status;
    size_t buffer_fill;

    sk = zookeeper_connect();
    if (sk < 0)
        ERROR ("zookeeper: Could not connect to daemon");
        return (-1);

    status = (int) swrite (sk, "mntr\r\n", strlen("mntr\r\n"));
    if (status != 0)
        char errbuf[1024];
        ERROR ("zookeeper: write(2) failed: %s",
               sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
        close (sk);
        return (-1);

    memset (buffer, 0, buffer_size);
    buffer_fill = 0;

    while ((status = (int) recv (sk, buffer + buffer_fill,
                                 buffer_size - buffer_fill, /* flags = */ 0)) != 0)
        if (status < 0)
            char errbuf[1024];
            if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINTR))
            ERROR ("zookeeper: Error reading from socket: %s",
                   sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
            close (sk);
            return (-1);

        buffer_fill += (size_t) status;
    } /* while (recv) */

    status = 0;
    if (buffer_fill == 0)
        WARNING ("zookeeper: No data returned by MNTR command.");
        status = -1;

    return (status);
} /* int zookeeper_query */
Ejemplo n.º 10
static int fhcount_read(void) {
  int numfields = 0;
  int buffer_len = 60;
  gauge_t used, unused, max;
  int prc_used, prc_unused;
  char *fields[3];
  char buffer[buffer_len];
  char errbuf[1024];
  FILE *fp;

  // Open file
  fp = fopen("/proc/sys/fs/file-nr" , "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    ERROR("fhcount: fopen: %s", sstrerror(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));
  if (fgets(buffer, buffer_len, fp) == NULL) {
    ERROR("fhcount: fgets: %s", sstrerror(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)));

  // Tokenize string
  numfields = strsplit(buffer, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(fields));

  if (numfields != 3) {
    ERROR("fhcount: Line doesn't contain 3 fields");

  // Define the values
  strtogauge(fields[0], &used);
  strtogauge(fields[1], &unused);
  strtogauge(fields[2], &max);
  prc_used = (gauge_t) used/max*100;
  prc_unused = (gauge_t) unused/max*100;

  // Submit values
  if (values_absolute) {
    fhcount_submit("file_handles", "used", (gauge_t) used);
    fhcount_submit("file_handles", "unused", (gauge_t) unused);
    fhcount_submit("file_handles", "max", (gauge_t) max);
  if (values_percentage) {
    fhcount_submit("percent", "used", (gauge_t) prc_used);
    fhcount_submit("percent", "unused", (gauge_t) prc_unused);

Ejemplo n.º 11
/* Reads a file which contains only a number (and optionally a trailing
 * newline) and parses that number. */
static int sysfs_file_to_buffer(char const *dir, /* {{{ */
		char const *power_supply,
		char const *basename,
		char *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
	int status;
	FILE *fp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	ssnprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "%s/%s/%s",
			dir, power_supply, basename);

	/* No file isn't the end of the world -- not every system will be
	 * reporting the same set of statistics */
	if (access (filename, R_OK) != 0)
		return ENOENT;

	fp = fopen (filename, "r");
	if (fp == NULL)
		status = errno;
		if (status != ENOENT)
			char errbuf[1024];
			WARNING ("battery plugin: fopen (%s) failed: %s", filename,
					sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		return status;

	if (fgets (buffer, buffer_size, fp) == NULL)
		status = errno;
		if (status != ENODEV)
			char errbuf[1024];
			WARNING ("battery plugin: fgets (%s) failed: %s", filename,
					sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		fclose (fp);
		return status;

	strstripnewline (buffer);

	fclose (fp);
	return 0;
} /* }}} int sysfs_file_to_buffer */
Ejemplo n.º 12
static int setup_socket (const char *path) {
    struct sockaddr_un sa;
    int status;


    int sock_fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sock_fd < 0) {
        char errbuf[1024];
        ERROR ("aggregator plugin: socket failed: %s",
               sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
        return (-1);

    memset (&sa, '\0', sizeof (sa));
    sa.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
    sstrncpy (sa.sun_path, (path != NULL) ? path : DEFAULT_SOCK_FILE,
              sizeof (sa.sun_path));
    /* unlink (sa.sun_path); */

    DEBUG ("aggregator plugin: socket path = %s", sa.sun_path);

    status = bind (sock_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof (sa));
    if (status != 0)
        char errbuf[1024];
        sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf));
        ERROR ("aggregator plugin: bind failed: %s", errbuf);
        close (sock_fd);
        sock_fd = -1;
        return (-1);

    chmod (sa.sun_path, sock_perms);

    status = listen (sock_fd, 8);
    if (status != 0)
        char errbuf[1024];
        ERROR ("aggregator plugin: listen failed: %s",
               sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
        close (sock_fd);
        sock_fd = -1;
        return (-1);

    return sock_fd;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static int wg_send_buffer (struct wg_callback *cb)
    ssize_t status = 0;

    status = swrite (cb->sock_fd, cb->send_buf, strlen (cb->send_buf));
    if (status < 0)
        const char *protocol = cb->protocol ? cb->protocol : WG_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL;

        if (cb->log_send_errors)
            char errbuf[1024];
            ERROR ("write_graphite plugin: send to %s:%s (%s) failed with status %zi (%s)",
                    cb->node, cb->service, protocol,
                    status, sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));

        close (cb->sock_fd);
        cb->sock_fd = -1;

        return (-1);

    return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static int tbl_config_append_array_i (char *name, int **var, size_t *len,
		oconfig_item_t *ci)
	int *tmp;

	size_t i;

	if (1 > ci->values_num) {
		log_err ("\"%s\" expects at least one argument.", name);
		return 1;

	for (i = 0; i < ci->values_num; ++i) {
		if (OCONFIG_TYPE_NUMBER != ci->values[i].type) {
			log_err ("\"%s\" expects numerical arguments only.", name);
			return 1;

	*len += ci->values_num;
	tmp = (int *)realloc (*var, *len * sizeof (**var));
	if (NULL == tmp) {
		char errbuf[1024];
		log_err ("realloc failed: %s.",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		return -1;

	*var = tmp;

	for (i = *len - ci->values_num; i < *len; ++i)
		(*var)[i] = (int)ci->values[i].value.number;
	return 0;
} /* tbl_config_append_array_s */
Ejemplo n.º 15
int read_types_list (const char *file)
  FILE *fh;

  if (file == NULL)
    return (-1);

  fh = fopen (file, "r");
  if (fh == NULL)
    char errbuf[1024];
    ERROR ("open (%s) failed: %s", 
	file, sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
    return (-1);

  parse_file (fh);

  fclose (fh);
  fh = NULL;

  DEBUG ("Done parsing `%s'", file);

  return (0);
} /* int read_types_list */
Ejemplo n.º 16
static int csv_create_file (const char *filename, const data_set_t *ds)
	FILE *csv;
	int i;

	if (check_create_dir (filename))
		return (-1);

	csv = fopen (filename, "w");
	if (csv == NULL)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR ("csv plugin: fopen (%s) failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		return (-1);

	fprintf (csv, "epoch");
	for (i = 0; i < ds->ds_num; i++)
		fprintf (csv, ",%s", ds->ds[i].name);

	fprintf (csv, "\n");
	fclose (csv);

	return 0;
} /* int csv_create_file */
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void *mc_receive_thread (void *arg) /* {{{ */
  socket_entry_t *mc_receive_socket_entries;
  int status;
  size_t i;

  mc_receive_socket_entries = NULL;
  status = create_sockets (&mc_receive_socket_entries, &mc_receive_sockets_num,
      (mc_receive_group != NULL) ? mc_receive_group : MC_RECEIVE_GROUP_DEFAULT,
      (mc_receive_port != NULL) ? mc_receive_port : MC_RECEIVE_PORT_DEFAULT,
      /* listen = */ 1);
  if (status != 0)
    ERROR ("gmond plugin: create_sockets failed.");
    return ((void *) -1);

  mc_receive_sockets = (struct pollfd *) calloc (mc_receive_sockets_num,
      sizeof (*mc_receive_sockets));
  if (mc_receive_sockets == NULL)
    ERROR ("gmond plugin: calloc failed.");
    for (i = 0; i < mc_receive_sockets_num; i++)
      close (mc_receive_socket_entries[i].fd);
    free (mc_receive_socket_entries);
    mc_receive_socket_entries = NULL;
    mc_receive_sockets_num = 0;
    return ((void *) -1);

  for (i = 0; i < mc_receive_sockets_num; i++)
    mc_receive_sockets[i].fd = mc_receive_socket_entries[i].fd;
    mc_receive_sockets[i].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
    mc_receive_sockets[i].revents = 0;

  while (mc_receive_thread_loop != 0)
    status = poll (mc_receive_sockets, mc_receive_sockets_num, -1);
    if (status <= 0)
      char errbuf[1024];
      if (errno == EINTR)
      ERROR ("gmond plugin: poll failed: %s",
          sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));

    for (i = 0; i < mc_receive_sockets_num; i++)
      if (mc_receive_sockets[i].revents != 0)
        mc_handle_socket (mc_receive_sockets + i);
  } /* while (mc_receive_thread_loop != 0) */

  free (mc_receive_socket_entries);
  return ((void *) 0);
} /* }}} void *mc_receive_thread */
Ejemplo n.º 18
static int irq_read (void)
	FILE *fh;
	char buffer[1024];

	fh = fopen ("/proc/interrupts", "r");
	if (fh == NULL)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR ("irq plugin: fopen (/proc/interrupts): %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		return (-1);

	while (fgets (buffer, BUFSIZE, fh) != NULL)
		char irq_name[64];
		int irq_name_len;
		derive_t irq_value;
		char *endptr;
		int i;

		char *fields[64];
		int fields_num;

		fields_num = strsplit (buffer, fields, 64);
		if (fields_num < 2)

		errno = 0;    /* To distinguish success/failure after call */
		irq_name_len = ssnprintf (irq_name, sizeof (irq_name), "%s", fields[0]);
		endptr = &irq_name[irq_name_len-1];

		if ((endptr == fields[0]) || (errno != 0) || (*endptr != ':'))

		/* remove : */
		*endptr = 0;

		irq_value = 0;
		for (i = 1; i < fields_num; i++)
			/* Per-CPU value */
			value_t v;
			int status;

			status = irq_parse_value (fields[i], &v);
			if (status != 0)

			irq_value += v.derive;
		} /* for (i) */

		irq_submit (irq_name, irq_value);

	fclose (fh);

	return (0);
} /* int irq_read */
Ejemplo n.º 19
size_t cdtime_to_iso8601 (char *s, size_t max, cdtime_t t) /* {{{ */
  struct timespec t_spec;
  struct tm t_tm;

  size_t len;

  CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC (t, &t_spec);

  if (localtime_r ((time_t *)&t_spec.tv_sec, &t_tm) == NULL) {
    char errbuf[1024];
    ERROR ("cdtime_to_iso8601: localtime_r failed: %s",
        sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
    return (0);

  len = strftime (s, max, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &t_tm);
  if (len == 0)
    return 0;

  if (max - len > 2) {
    int n = snprintf (s + len, max - len, ".%09i", (int)t_spec.tv_nsec);
    len += (n < max - len) ? n : max - len;

  if (max - len > 3) {
    int n = strftime (s + len, max - len, "%z", &t_tm);
    len += (n < max - len) ? n : max - len;

  s[max - 1] = '\0';
  return len;
} /* }}} size_t cdtime_to_iso8601 */
Ejemplo n.º 20
static struct ip_vs_get_dests *ipvs_get_dests (struct ip_vs_service_entry *se)
	struct ip_vs_get_dests *ret;
	socklen_t len;

	len = sizeof (*ret) + sizeof (struct ip_vs_dest_entry) * se->num_dests;

	if (NULL == (ret = malloc (len))) {
		log_err ("ipvs_get_dests: Out of memory.");
		exit (3);

	ret->fwmark    = se->fwmark;
	ret->protocol  = se->protocol;
	ret->addr      = se->addr;
	ret->port      = se->port;
	ret->num_dests = se->num_dests;

	if (0 != getsockopt (sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_VS_SO_GET_DESTS,
				(void *)ret, &len)) {
		char errbuf[1024];
		log_err ("ipvs_get_dests: getsockopt() failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		free (ret);
		return NULL;
	return ret;
} /* ip_vs_get_dests */
Ejemplo n.º 21
static int camqp_subscribe_init (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
    int status;
    pthread_t *tmp;

    tmp = realloc (subscriber_threads,
            sizeof (*subscriber_threads) * (subscriber_threads_num + 1));
    if (tmp == NULL)
        ERROR ("amqp plugin: realloc failed.");
        camqp_config_free (conf);
        return (ENOMEM);
    subscriber_threads = tmp;
    tmp = subscriber_threads + subscriber_threads_num;
    memset (tmp, 0, sizeof (*tmp));

    status = pthread_create (tmp, /* attr = */ NULL,
            camqp_subscribe_thread, conf);
    if (status != 0)
        char errbuf[1024];
        ERROR ("amqp plugin: pthread_create failed: %s",
                sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
        camqp_config_free (conf);
        return (status);


    return (0);
} /* }}} int camqp_subscribe_init */
Ejemplo n.º 22
static void statsd_network_read (statsd_config_t *conf, int fd) /* {{{ */
  char buffer[4096] = {0};
  size_t buffer_size;
  ssize_t status;

  status = recv (fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer), /* flags = */ MSG_DONTWAIT);
  if (status < 0)
    char errbuf[1024];

    if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK))

    ERROR ("statsd plugin: recv(2) failed: %s",
        sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));

  buffer_size = (size_t) status;
  if (buffer_size >= sizeof (buffer))
    buffer_size = sizeof (buffer) - 1;
  buffer[buffer_size] = 0;

  pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
  statsd_parse_buffer (conf, buffer);
  pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
} /* }}} void statsd_network_read */
Ejemplo n.º 23
static int memcached_connect_unix (memcached_t *st)
  struct sockaddr_un serv_addr;
  int fd;

  memset (&serv_addr, 0, sizeof (serv_addr));
  serv_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
  sstrncpy (serv_addr.sun_path, st->socket,
      sizeof (serv_addr.sun_path));

  /* create our socket descriptor */
  fd = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (fd < 0)
    char errbuf[1024];
    ERROR ("memcached plugin: memcached_connect_unix: socket(2) failed: %s",
        sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
    return (-1);

  /* connect to the memcached daemon */
  int status = connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
  if (status != 0)
      shutdown (fd, SHUT_RDWR);
      close (fd);
      fd = -1;

  return (fd);
} /* int memcached_connect_unix */
Ejemplo n.º 24
static int numa_init (void) /* {{{ */
  /* Determine the number of nodes on this machine. */
  while (42)
    char path[PATH_MAX];
    struct stat statbuf = { 0 };
    int status;

    ssnprintf (path, sizeof (path), NUMA_ROOT_DIR "/node%i", max_node + 1);

    status = stat (path, &statbuf);
    if (status == 0)
    else if (errno == ENOENT)
    else /* ((status != 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) */
      char errbuf[1024];
      ERROR ("numa plugin: stat(%s) failed: %s", path,
          sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
      return (-1);

  DEBUG ("numa plugin: Found %i nodes.", max_node + 1);
  return (0);
} /* }}} int numa_init */
Ejemplo n.º 25
static int statsd_init (void) /* {{{ */
  pthread_mutex_lock (&metrics_lock);
  if (metrics_tree == NULL)
    metrics_tree = c_avl_create ((void *) strcmp);

  if (!network_thread_running)
    int status;

    status = pthread_create (&network_thread,
        /* attr = */ NULL,
        /* args = */ NULL);
    if (status != 0)
      char errbuf[1024];
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&metrics_lock);
      ERROR ("statsd plugin: pthread_create failed: %s",
          sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
      return (status);
  network_thread_running = 1;

  pthread_mutex_unlock (&metrics_lock);

  return (0);
} /* }}} int statsd_init */
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void statsd_network_read (int fd) /* {{{ */
  char buffer[4096];
  size_t buffer_size;
  ssize_t status;

  status = recv (fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer), /* flags = */ MSG_DONTWAIT);
  if (status < 0)
    char errbuf[1024];

    if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK))

    ERROR ("statsd plugin: recv(2) failed: %s",
        sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));

  buffer_size = (size_t) status;
  if (buffer_size >= sizeof (buffer))
    buffer_size = sizeof (buffer) - 1;
  buffer[buffer_size] = 0;

  statsd_parse_buffer (buffer);
} /* }}} void statsd_network_read */
Ejemplo n.º 27
static int
riemann_send(struct riemann_host *host, Msg const *msg)
	u_char *buffer;
	size_t  buffer_len;
	int status;

	pthread_mutex_lock (&host->lock);

	status = riemann_connect (host);
	if (status != 0)
		pthread_mutex_unlock (&host->lock);
		return status;

	buffer_len = msg__get_packed_size(msg);
	if (host->use_tcp)
		buffer_len += 4;

	buffer = malloc (buffer_len);
	if (buffer == NULL) {
		pthread_mutex_unlock (&host->lock);
		ERROR ("write_riemann plugin: malloc failed.");
		return ENOMEM;
	memset (buffer, 0, buffer_len);

	if (host->use_tcp)
		uint32_t length = htonl ((uint32_t) (buffer_len - 4));
		memcpy (buffer, &length, 4);
		msg__pack(msg, buffer + 4);
		msg__pack(msg, buffer);

	status = (int) swrite (host->s, buffer, buffer_len);
	if (status != 0)
		char errbuf[1024];

		riemann_disconnect (host);
		pthread_mutex_unlock (&host->lock);

		ERROR ("write_riemann plugin: Sending to Riemann at %s:%s failed: %s",
				(host->node != NULL) ? host->node : RIEMANN_HOST,
				(host->service != NULL) ? host->service : RIEMANN_PORT,
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		sfree (buffer);
		return -1;

	pthread_mutex_unlock (&host->lock);
	sfree (buffer);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static int request_meta_data (const char *host, const char *name) /* {{{ */
  Ganglia_metadata_msg msg;
  char buffer[BUFF_SIZE];
  unsigned int buffer_size;
  XDR xdr;
  size_t i;

  memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (msg));

  msg.id = gmetadata_request;
  msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.host = strdup (host);
  msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.name = strdup (name);

  if ((msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.host == NULL)
      || (msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.name == NULL))
    sfree (msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.host);
    sfree (msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.name);
    return (-1);

  memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
  xdrmem_create (&xdr, buffer, sizeof (buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

  if (!xdr_Ganglia_metadata_msg (&xdr, &msg))
    sfree (msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.host);
    sfree (msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.name);
    return (-1);

  buffer_size = xdr_getpos (&xdr);

  DEBUG ("gmond plugin: Requesting meta data for %s/%s.",
      host, name);

  pthread_mutex_lock (&mc_send_sockets_lock);
  for (i = 0; i < mc_send_sockets_num; i++)
    ssize_t status = sendto (mc_send_sockets[i].fd, buffer, (size_t) buffer_size,
        /* flags = */ 0,
        (struct sockaddr *) &mc_send_sockets[i].addr,
    if (status == -1)
      char errbuf[1024];
      ERROR ("gmond plugin: sendto(2) failed: %s",
             sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&mc_send_sockets_lock);

  sfree (msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.host);
  sfree (msg.Ganglia_metadata_msg_u.grequest.metric_id.name);
  return (0);
} /* }}} int request_meta_data */
Ejemplo n.º 29
static void *statsd_network_thread (void *args) /* {{{ */
  statsd_config_t *conf = args;
  fds_poll_t fds;
  int status;
  size_t i;

  memset(&fds, 0, sizeof(fds_poll_t));

  pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);

  status = statsd_network_init (conf, &fds);
  if (status != 0)
    ERROR ("statsd plugin: Unable to open listening sockets.");
    pthread_exit ((void *) 0);

  pthread_cleanup_push(statsd_network_release, &fds);

  pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);

  while (1) {

    status = poll (fds.fds, (nfds_t) fds.fds_num, /* timeout = */ -1);

    if (status < 0) {
      char errbuf[1024] = {0};

      if (EAGAIN == errno)

      if (EINTR == errno) {
        DEBUG("statsd plugin: poll(2) has been interrupted");

      ERROR ("statsd plugin: poll(2) failed: %s",
             sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));

    DEBUG("statsd plugin: ohh some moving in the sockets");

    for (i = 0; i < fds.fds_num; i++) {
      if ((fds.fds[i].revents & (POLLIN | POLLPRI)) == 0)

      statsd_network_read(conf, fds.fds[i].fd);
      fds.fds[i].revents = 0;
  } /* wait for pthread_cancel */


  return ((void *) 0);
} /* }}} void *statsd_network_thread */
Ejemplo n.º 30
static int swap_read_separate (void) /* {{{ */
	FILE *fh;
	char buffer[1024];

	fh = fopen ("/proc/swaps", "r");
	if (fh == NULL)
		char errbuf[1024];
		WARNING ("swap plugin: fopen (/proc/swaps) failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		return (-1);

	while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL)
		char *fields[8];
		int numfields;
		char *endptr;

		char path[PATH_MAX];
		gauge_t size;
		gauge_t used;
		gauge_t free;

		numfields = strsplit (buffer, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (fields));
		if (numfields != 5)

		sstrncpy (path, fields[0], sizeof (path));
		escape_slashes (path, sizeof (path));

		errno = 0;
		endptr = NULL;
		size = strtod (fields[2], &endptr);
		if ((endptr == fields[2]) || (errno != 0))

		errno = 0;
		endptr = NULL;
		used = strtod (fields[3], &endptr);
		if ((endptr == fields[3]) || (errno != 0))

		if (size < used)

		free = size - used;

		swap_submit_gauge (path, "used", used);
		swap_submit_gauge (path, "free", free);

	fclose (fh);

	return (0);
} /* }}} int swap_read_separate */