Ejemplo n.º 1
    MessageBoxReturn showMessageBox(const std::string& title, const std::string& message, MessageBoxType type, MessageBoxLevel level)
        const char* typeStr;
        switch (type)
            case MessageBoxType::Ok: typeStr = "ok"; break;
            case MessageBoxType::OkCancel: typeStr = "okcancel"; break;
            case MessageBoxType::YesNo: typeStr = "yesno"; break;
            case MessageBoxType::YesNoCancel: typeStr = "yesnocancel"; break;
        const char* iconStr;
        switch (level)
            case MessageBoxLevel::Info: iconStr = "info"; break;
            case MessageBoxLevel::Warning: iconStr = "warning"; break;
            case MessageBoxLevel::Error: iconStr = "error"; break;
            case MessageBoxLevel::Question: iconStr = "question"; break;

        auto ret = tinyfd_messageBox(

        return (MessageBoxReturn)ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CAppWindow::AskSaveOutput()
    const char *filters[] = { "*.txt" };
    char const *result = tinyfd_saveFileDialog("Select output file", "", 1, filters, "");
    // Пользователь отменил выбор файла.
    if (result == nullptr)
    std::ofstream out(result);
    if (!out.is_open() || !m_graph->PrintResults(out))
        tinyfd_messageBox("Error", "I/O error when writing output file", "ok", "error", 1);
        tinyfd_messageBox("Success", "File saved OK", "ok", "info", 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/*fa MTR_ShowSimpleMessageBox yes */
void MTR_CALL MTR_ShowSimpleMessageBox(uint8_t type, const char *title,
 const char *message)
    const char *emptyString = "";
    const char *resultTitle;
    const char *resultMessage;

    if (title == NULL)
        resultTitle = emptyString;
        resultTitle = title;

    if (message == NULL)
        resultMessage = emptyString;
        resultMessage = message;

    #ifdef __GNUC__
    switch (type)
        case MTR_DMT_INFO:
        case MTR_DMT_NOTE:
        case MTR_DMT_DEBUG:
            tinyfd_messageBox(resultTitle, resultMessage, "ok", "info", 1);
        case MTR_DMT_WARNING:
            tinyfd_messageBox(resultTitle, resultMessage, "ok", "warning", 1);
        case MTR_DMT_ERROR:
        case MTR_DMT_FATAL:
            tinyfd_messageBox(resultTitle, resultMessage, "ok", "error", 1);
        default: /* Similar MTR_DMT_INFO */
            tinyfd_messageBox(resultTitle, resultMessage, "ok", "info", 1);
    int dummy;
    dummy = EM_ASM_INT({
        var msg = UTF8ToString($0);
        return 0;
    }, resultMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CAppWindow::AskOpenInput()
    const char *filters[] = { "*.txt" };
    char const *result = tinyfd_openFileDialog("Select input file", "", 1, filters, "", false);
    // Пользователь отменил выбор файла.
    if (result == nullptr)
    m_graph = std::make_unique<CBoostGraph>();
    m_graph->SetStepHandler(std::bind(&CAppWindow::OnGraphAlgorithmStep, this, std::placeholders::_1));

    std::ifstream in(result);
    if (!in.is_open() || !m_graph->ReadText(in))
        tinyfd_messageBox("Error", "I/O error when reading input file", "ok", "error", 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * \mainpage Proposed solution to the Negotation answer registration problem
 * \section Context
 * For a sociological study, your customer is running a trial to link the role of
 * positive language with the outcome of a negotiation. Your customer wants to
 * count how many times the negotiator (Dr. Pater) says 'yes' and 'no' during
 * the negotiation (which will be a casual conversation between Dr. Pater and his
 * collaborator Dr. Fils). At the end, your customer wishes to prove that if 'yes'
 * is said systematically more often than 'no', the negotiation is more likely to
 * succeed.
 * To achieve this your customer wants you to make a software that counts
 * the number of 'yes' and 'no' in real time by hitting the keys 'y' and 'n' of the
 * keyboard as the negotiation goes on.
 * \section Requirements
 * You must code a C++ program that waits for keyboard input from the user. The user input will always be a key stroke, and can be any of the following:
 * - y: the program should increase the count of yes's.
 * - n: the program should increase the count of no's.
 * - z: the program should undo the last operation, that is decrease the number of yes's or no's by one (depending what the last operation was). This allows  corrections of user mistakes.
 * - s: the program should show a summary of the count so far. Details on what the summary should look like are given below.
 * - q: the program should exit, showing the summary before.
 * - h: the program should show a help message, explaining how to use the software.
 * The summary should include the number of 'yes', the number of 'no', and the ratio between the two. It should also show the elapsed time and the number of 'yes' and 'no' per minute. This output should be given in a reasonably formatted way.
 * \author Ernesto Coto
 * \date January, 2016
int main()
    #ifdef USE_NCURSES_LIB
        initscr();  // Start curses mode 
        nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
	// Instantiate negotiation recorder
	NegotiationRecorder negReg;

	// Initialize registration process

	// Use the main thread to captures the keystrokes, but let each keystroke be processed in a separate thread.
	char inChar =' ';
	while (inChar != 'q') 
        #ifdef USE_NCURSES_LIB
            inChar = getch();
            inChar = _getch();
			case 'y': // a 'Yes' must be registered
					if (!negReg.increaseYes()) 
						printf("Failed to increase Yes\n");
						printf("Increased Yes\n");

			case 'n': // a 'No' must be registered
					if (!negReg.increaseNo()) 
						printf("Failed to increase No\n");
						printf("Increased No\n");

			case 'z': // Undo the last registered operation
					if (!negReg.undoLastIncrement())  
						printf("Failed to undo last operation\n");
						printf("Undid last operation\n");
			case 's': // Print a summary of the registration process

					int elapsedSecs =  negReg.getRegistrationElapsedSecs();
					std::stringstream convert; 
					convert << "#Yes: " << negReg.getCounterYes() <<  std::endl 
							<< "#No: " << negReg.getCounterNo() <<  std::endl << std::fixed
							<< "Ratio Yes/No: " ;
					if (negReg.getRatioYesNo()>=0)
						convert << negReg.getRatioYesNo() << std::endl; 
						convert << "NaN" << std::endl; // when the ratio is negative, indicating an invalid number, just print Not-A-Number
					convert << "Elapsed time (min): " << elapsedSecs/60 << "m " <<  std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << elapsedSecs%60 <<  "s " << std::endl
							<< "#Yes/min: " <<  negReg.getYesPerMin() <<  std::endl
							<< "#No/min: " <<  negReg.getNoPerMin() << std::endl;

					// Use a simple graphical MessageBox to show the summary.
					tinyfd_messageBox( "Negotiation summary", convert.str().c_str(),  "ok", "info",	1 );


			case 'h': // Print the tipical help 'Usage' message
					std::stringstream help; 
					help << "Usage:" << std::endl 
						<< "\tEnter \'y\' to register a \'Yes\'" << std::endl 
						<< "\tEnter \'n\' to register a \'No\'" << std::endl 
						<< "\tEnter \'z\' to to undo the last registration" << std::endl 
						<< "\tEnter \'s\' to display a summary of the registration process" << std::endl 
						<< "\tEnter \'h\' to display this message" << std::endl 
						<< "\tEnter \'q\' to exit the program" << std::endl;

					// Use a simple graphical MessageBox to show the 'Usage'.
					tinyfd_messageBox( "Negotation answer registration program", help.str().c_str(),  "ok", "info",	1 );


			case 'q': // Exit the simulation, but print a final summary first
					int elapsedSecs =  negReg.getRegistrationElapsedSecs();
					std::stringstream convert; 
					convert << "#Yes: " << negReg.getCounterYes() <<  std::endl 
							<< "#No: " << negReg.getCounterNo() <<  std::endl << std::fixed
							<< "Ratio Yes/No: " ;
					if (negReg.getRatioYesNo()>=0)
						convert << negReg.getRatioYesNo() << std::endl;
						convert << "NaN" << std::endl; // when the ratio is negative, indicating an invalid number, just print Not-A-Number
					convert << "Elapsed time (min): " << elapsedSecs/60 << "m " <<  std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << elapsedSecs%60 << "s " << std::endl
							<< "#Yes/min: " <<  negReg.getYesPerMin() <<  std::endl
							<< "#No/min: " <<  negReg.getNoPerMin() << std::endl;

					// Use a simple graphical MessageBox to show the final summary.
					tinyfd_messageBox( "Final results", convert.str().c_str(),  "ok", "info",	1 );

					// Finish the registration process

		} // end switch

	} // end while

    #ifdef USE_NCURSES_LIB
	return 0;