Ejemplo n.º 1
void LLUploadDialog::setMessage( const std::string& msg)
	const LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif();

	const S32 VPAD = 16;
	const S32 HPAD = 25;

	// Make the text boxes a little wider than the text
	const S32 TEXT_PAD = 8;

	// Split message into lines, separated by '\n'
	S32 max_msg_width = 0;
	std::list<std::string> msg_lines;

	S32 size = msg.size() + 1;
	std::vector<char> temp_msg(size); // non-const copy to make strtok happy
	strcpy( &temp_msg[0], msg.c_str());
	char* token = strtok( &temp_msg[0], "\n" );
	while( token )
		std::string tokstr(token);
		S32 cur_width = S32(font->getWidth(tokstr) + 0.99f) + TEXT_PAD;
		max_msg_width = llmax( max_msg_width, cur_width );
		msg_lines.push_back( tokstr );
		token = strtok( NULL, "\n" );

	S32 line_height = S32( font->getLineHeight() + 0.99f );
	S32 dialog_width = max_msg_width + 2 * HPAD;
	S32 dialog_height = line_height * msg_lines.size() + 2 * VPAD;

	reshape( dialog_width, dialog_height, FALSE );

	// Message
	S32 msg_x = (getRect().getWidth() - max_msg_width) / 2;
	S32 msg_y = getRect().getHeight() - VPAD - line_height;
	int line_num;
	for (line_num=0; line_num<16; ++line_num)
	line_num = 0;
	for (std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = msg_lines.begin();
		 iter != msg_lines.end(); ++iter)
		std::string& cur_line = *iter;
		LLRect msg_rect;
		msg_rect.setOriginAndSize( msg_x, msg_y, max_msg_width, line_height );
		mLabelBox[line_num]->setColor( LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor( "LabelTextColor" ) );
		msg_y -= line_height;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void LLUploadDialog::setMessage( const std::string& msg)
	const LLFontGL* font = LLResMgr::getInstance()->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF );

	const S32 VPAD = 16;
	const S32 HPAD = 25;

	// Make the text boxes a little wider than the text
	const S32 TEXT_PAD = 8;

	// Split message into lines, separated by '\n'
	S32 max_msg_width = 0;
	std::list<std::string> msg_lines;

	S32 size = msg.size() + 1;// + strlen("Uploading...\n\n");
	char* temp_msg = new char[size];
	if (temp_msg == NULL)
		llerrs << "Memory Allocation Failed" << llendl;
	strcpy( temp_msg, msg.c_str());		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	char* token = strtok( temp_msg, "\n" );
	while( token )
		std::string tokstr(token);
		S32 cur_width = S32(font->getWidth(tokstr) + 0.99f) + TEXT_PAD;
		max_msg_width = llmax( max_msg_width, cur_width );
		msg_lines.push_back( tokstr );
		token = strtok( NULL, "\n" );
	delete[] temp_msg;

	S32 line_height = S32( font->getLineHeight() + 0.99f );
	S32 dialog_width = max_msg_width + 2 * HPAD;
	S32 dialog_height = line_height * msg_lines.size() + 2 * VPAD;

	reshape( dialog_width, dialog_height, FALSE );

	// Message
	S32 msg_x = (getRect().getWidth() - max_msg_width) / 2;
	S32 msg_y = getRect().getHeight() - VPAD - line_height;
	int line_num;
	for (line_num=0; line_num<16; ++line_num)
	line_num = 0;
	for (std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = msg_lines.begin();
		 iter != msg_lines.end(); ++iter)
		std::string& cur_line = *iter;
		LLRect msg_rect;
		msg_rect.setOriginAndSize( msg_x, msg_y, max_msg_width, line_height );
		mLabelBox[line_num]->setColor( gColors.getColor( "LabelTextColor" ) );
		msg_y -= line_height;

Ejemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc, const char** argv)
		g_errorBuffer = strus::createErrorBuffer_standard( 0, 1);
		if (!g_errorBuffer)
			std::cerr << "construction of error buffer failed" << std::endl;
			return -1;
		else if (argc > 3)
			printUsage( argc, argv);
			std::cerr << "too many arguments" << std::endl;
			return 1;
		else if (argc < 3)
			printUsage( argc, argv);
			std::cerr << "too few arguments" << std::endl;
			return 1;
		// Create objects:
		std::auto_ptr<strus::TokenPatternMatchInterface> pti( strus::createTokenPatternMatch_standard( g_errorBuffer));
		if (!pti.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create pattern matcher");
		std::auto_ptr<strus::CharRegexMatchInterface> cri( strus::createCharRegexMatch_standard( g_errorBuffer));
		if (!cri.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create char regex matcher");
		std::auto_ptr<strus::PatternMatchProgramInterface> ppi( strus::createPatternMatchProgram_standard( pti.get(), cri.get(), g_errorBuffer));
		if (!ppi.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create pattern program loader");
		std::auto_ptr<strus::PatternMatchProgramInstanceInterface> pii( ppi->createInstance());
		if (!pii.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create pattern program loader instance");

		// Load program:
		std::string programfile( argv[ 1]);
		std::string programsrc;
		unsigned int ec;
		ec = strus::readFile( programfile, programsrc);
		if (ec)
			char errmsg[ 256];
			::snprintf( errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "error (%u) reading program source '%s': %s", ec, programfile.c_str(), ::strerror(ec));
			throw std::runtime_error( errmsg);
		if (!pii->load( programsrc))
			throw std::runtime_error( "error loading pattern match program source");
		if (!pii->compile())
			throw std::runtime_error( "error compiling pattern match program");

		// Load input:
		std::string inputfile( argv[ 2]);
		std::string inputsrc;
		ec = strus::readFile( inputfile, inputsrc);
		if (ec)
			char errmsg[ 256];
			::snprintf( errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "error (%u) reading input file '%s': %s", ec, inputfile.c_str(), ::strerror(ec));
			throw std::runtime_error( errmsg);

		// Load expected output:
		char const* argv2ext = std::strchr( argv[ 2], '.');
		if (argv2ext)
			char const* aa = std::strchr( argv2ext+1, '.');
			while (aa)
				argv2ext = aa;
				aa = std::strchr( argv2ext+1, '.');
			argv2ext = std::strchr( argv[ 2], '\0');
		std::string expectedfile( argv[ 2], argv2ext - argv[ 2]);
		expectedfile.append( ".res");
		std::string expectedsrc;
		ec = strus::readFile( expectedfile, expectedsrc);
		if (ec)
			char errmsg[ 256];
			::snprintf( errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "error (%u) reading expected file '%s': %s", ec, expectedfile.c_str(), ::strerror(ec));
			throw std::runtime_error( errmsg);

		// Scan source with char regex automaton for tokens:
		const strus::CharRegexMatchInstanceInterface* crinst = pii->getCharRegexMatchInstance();
		std::auto_ptr<strus::CharRegexMatchContextInterface> crctx( crinst->createContext());

		std::vector<strus::stream::PatternMatchToken> crmatches = crctx->match( inputsrc.c_str(), inputsrc.size());
		if (crmatches.size() == 0 && g_errorBuffer->hasError())
			throw std::runtime_error( "failed to scan for tokens with char regex match automaton");
		std::ostringstream resultstrbuf;

		// Scan tokens with token pattern match automaton and print results:
		const strus::TokenPatternMatchInstanceInterface* ptinst = pii->getTokenPatternMatchInstance();
		std::auto_ptr<strus::TokenPatternMatchContextInterface> ptctx( ptinst->createContext());
			ci = crmatches.begin(), ce = crmatches.end();
		for (; ci != ce; ++ci)
			std::string tokstr( std::string( inputsrc.c_str() + ci->origpos(), ci->origsize()));
			resultstrbuf << "token " << pii->tokenName(ci->id()) << "(" << ci->id() << ") at " << ci->ordpos() 
					<< "[" << ci->origpos() << ":" << ci->origsize() << "] '"
					<< tokstr << "'" << std::endl;
			ptctx->putInput( *ci);
		std::vector<strus::stream::TokenPatternMatchResult> results = ptctx->fetchResults();
		if (results.size() == 0 && g_errorBuffer->hasError())
			throw std::runtime_error( "failed to scan for patterns with token pattern match automaton");

		// Print results to buffer:
		strus::utils::printResults( resultstrbuf, results, inputsrc.c_str());
		strus::stream::TokenPatternMatchStatistics stats = ptctx->getStatistics();
		strus::utils::printStatistics( resultstrbuf, stats);

		// Print result to stdout and verify result by comparing it with the expected output:
		std::string resultstr = resultstrbuf.str();
		std::cout << resultstr << std::endl;
		if (!diffContent( expectedsrc, resultstr))
			throw std::runtime_error( "output and expected result differ");

		if (g_errorBuffer->hasError())
			throw std::runtime_error( "uncaught error");
		std::cerr << "OK" << std::endl;
		delete g_errorBuffer;
		return 0;
	catch (const std::runtime_error& err)
		if (g_errorBuffer->hasError())
			std::cerr << "error processing pattern matching: "
					<< g_errorBuffer->fetchError() << " (" << err.what()
					<< ")" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "error processing pattern matching: "
					<< err.what() << std::endl;
	catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
		std::cerr << "out of memory processing pattern matching" << std::endl;
	delete g_errorBuffer;
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  s_block *S_block;
  p_table *P_table=NULL;
  inode *Inode = NULL;
  options *Opt;
  FILE *fs;
  FILE *output; /*where all the data will be outputed*/
  uint32_t part_start; /*beginning file system*/
  uint32_t inode_off; /*beginning of inode zone*/
  uint32_t zone_size;
  uint8_t *data;
  char **path;

  if ((Opt = handleOptions(argc, argv))==NULL)
      printf("minget [-v] [-p part [-s subpart]] imagefile srcpath [dstpath]\n");

  FATALCALL((fs = fopen(Opt->imagefile, "rb"))==NULL,"fopen");

  /*check super block*/

  output = stdout;
  if (Opt->dstpath)
      FATALCALL((output = fopen(Opt->dstpath, "w+b"))==NULL,"fopen");

  part_start = 0; /*0 is start of image*/

  if (Opt->part_num == -1 && Opt->subpart_num == -1) /*no partition or subpartition*/
      if((S_block = getSuperBlock(fs, 0)) == NULL) /*MAGIC NUMBER*/
      zone_size = S_block->block_size << S_block->log_zone_size;
      inode_off = part_start + (2 + S_block->imap_blocks + S_block->zmap_blocks) * S_block->block_size;
  else if (Opt->part && !Opt->subpart) /*partition but no subpartition*/
      P_table = getPartTable(fs, part_start, Opt->part_num);
      if (P_table == NULL)

      part_start = P_table->lFirst * SECTOR_SIZE;

      if((S_block = getSuperBlock(fs, 0)) == NULL) /*MAGIC NUMBER*/
      zone_size = S_block->block_size << S_block->log_zone_size;
      inode_off = part_start + (2 + S_block->imap_blocks + S_block->zmap_blocks) * S_block->block_size;
  else if (Opt->part && Opt->subpart) /* partition and subpartition */
      P_table = getPartTable(fs, part_start, Opt->part_num); /*0 is start of image*/
      if (P_table == NULL)

      part_start = P_table->lFirst * SECTOR_SIZE;

      P_table = getPartTable(fs, part_start, Opt->subpart_num);
      if (P_table == NULL)
      part_start = P_table->lFirst * SECTOR_SIZE;
      if((S_block = getSuperBlock(fs, part_start)) == NULL) /*MAGIC NUMBER*/
      zone_size = S_block->block_size << S_block->log_zone_size;
      inode_off = part_start + (2 + S_block->imap_blocks + S_block->zmap_blocks) * S_block->block_size;
  path =tokstr(Opt->path, "/");
  if ((Inode = getFile(fs, path, inode_off, part_start, zone_size))==NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "File Doesn't Exist\n");

  data = getData(fs, Inode, part_start, zone_size);
  if (Opt->verbose)
    verbose(S_block, Inode);
  printFile(output, data, Inode->size);  

  fclose(fs); /*check for errors*/
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;