MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { Settings settings; settings.s_plot.Xfrom = 0; settings.s_plot.Xto = 500; settings.s_plot.Yfrom = 0; settings.s_plot.Yto = 500; settings.s_plot.x_name = "X"; settings.s_plot.y_name = "Y"; d_panel = new Panel(); d_panel->setSettings(settings); QWidget *w = new QWidget( this ); graf = new Graf(); QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout( w ); hLayout->addWidget( d_panel ); hLayout->addWidget( graf, 10 ); setCentralWidget( w ); updatePlot(); connect( d_panel, SIGNAL( edited() ), SLOT( updatePlot() ) ); createAction(); createToolBar(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent ): QMainWindow( parent ) { Settings settings; #if 1 settings.startDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2012, 10, 27 ), QTime( 18, 5, 0, 0 ) ); settings.endDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2012, 10, 28 ), QTime( 12, 12, 0, 0 ) ); #else settings.startDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 5, 3 ), QTime( 0, 6, 0, 0 ) ); settings.endDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2012, 3, 10 ), QTime( 0, 5, 0, 0 ) ); #endif settings.maxMajorSteps = 10; settings.maxMinorSteps = 8; settings.maxWeeks = -1; d_plot = new Plot(); d_panel = new Panel(); d_panel->setSettings( settings ); QWidget *box = new QWidget( this ); QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( box ); layout->addWidget( d_plot, 10 ); layout->addWidget( d_panel ); setCentralWidget( box ); updatePlot(); connect( d_panel, SIGNAL( edited() ), SLOT( updatePlot() ) ); connect( d_plot->axisWidget( QwtAxis::yLeft ), SIGNAL( scaleDivChanged() ), SLOT( updatePanel() ) ); }
void Plot3DDialog::pickAxisLabelFont() { bool ok; QFont font; switch(axesList2->currentRow()) { case 0: font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, xAxisFont, this); if ( ok ) { xAxisFont=font; updatePlot(); } else return; break; case 1: font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, yAxisFont, this); if ( ok ) { yAxisFont = font; updatePlot(); } else return; break; case 2: font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, zAxisFont, this); if ( ok ) { zAxisFont = font; updatePlot(); } else return; break; } }
void caWaterfallPlot::TimeOut() { // demo curve if(thisUnits != Monitor) { if(!disableDemo) { datamutex->lock(); GausCurv(position); m_data->setData(reducedArray, countRows, ActualNumberOfColumns, getRows(), ActualNumberOfColumns); setCols(ActualNumberOfColumns); if(firstDemoPlot) { updatePlot(); m_data->setLimits(0., getCols(), 0., getRows(), thisIntensityMin, thisIntensityMax); firstDemoPlot = false; } datamutex->unlock(); if(drift > 0 && position >= NumberOfColumns) drift = -1; if(drift < 0 && position <= 0) drift = 1; position += drift; } else { if(reducedArray != (double*) 0) { datamutex->lock(); m_data->setData(reducedArray, countRows, ActualNumberOfColumns, getRows(), ActualNumberOfColumns); if(firstTimerPlot) { updatePlot(); m_data->setLimits(0., getCols(), 0., getRows(), thisIntensityMin, thisIntensityMax); firstTimerPlot = false; } datamutex->unlock(); } } myReplot(); } }
void AnalysisDEA::slotDEAComputed() { // stop progress bar m_ui->progressBar->setMaximum(10); // enable run button m_ui->run->setEnabled(true); // check that the DE genes were computed if (m_results_rows.empty() || m_results_cols.empty() || m_results.empty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("DEA Analysis"), tr("There was an error performing the DEA")); return; } // enable controls m_ui->exportTable->setEnabled(true); m_ui->exportPlot->setEnabled(true); m_ui->searchField->setEnabled(true); // update table with fdr and foldchange updateTable(); // update plot with fdr and foldchange updatePlot(); }
void AnalysisDEA::slotGeneSelected(QModelIndex index) { // Check if the selection is valid if (!index.isValid() || m_proxy.isNull()) { m_gene_highlight = QPointF(); return; } const QItemSelection &selected = m_ui->tableview->selectionModel()->selection(); const QModelIndexList &selected_indexes = m_proxy->mapSelectionToSource(selected).indexes(); // Check if only elements are selected if (selected_indexes.empty()) { m_gene_highlight = QPointF(); return; } // update the highlight coordinate and refresh the plot const bool DESEQ2 = m_method == AnalysisDEA::DESEQ2; const int row_index = selected_indexes.first().row(); const int pvalue_index = DESEQ2 ? 4 : 2; const int fc_index = DESEQ2 ? 1 : 0; const double pvalue = -log10(, pvalue_index) + std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()); const double foldchange =, fc_index); m_gene_highlight = QPointF(foldchange, pvalue); updatePlot(); }
InterpolatingGraph::InterpolatingGraph(QCustomPlot *plot, const DoubleSeries &d, PlotSettings::ScalingMode scalingMode, PlotSettings::ScaleType scaleType) : Graph(plot), series(d), plot(plot), lastUpdate(-1), currentMin(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()), currentMax(std::numeric_limits<double>::min()), currentScalingMode(PlotSettings::NOSCALING), currentScaleType(PlotSettings::LINSCALE) { setObjectName("InterpolatingGraph"); connect(&series, SIGNAL(newData(qint64)), this, SLOT(onNewData(qint64))); connect(&series, SIGNAL(offsetChanged()), this, SLOT(onOffsetChanged())); graph = plot->addGraph(); // Ensure value axis is visible. plot->yAxis->setVisible(true); plot->yAxis->setGrid(true); configureAppearance(graph); initialize(graph, series); rescale(scalingMode, scaleType); updatePlot(scalingMode); }
void InterpolatingGraph::onOffsetChanged() { graph->clearData(); initialize(graph, series); rescale(currentScalingMode, currentScaleType); updatePlot(currentScalingMode); }
void CopasiPlot::output(const Activity & activity) { size_t i, imax; C_INT32 ItemActivity; if (mHaveBefore && (activity == COutputInterface::BEFORE)) mDataBefore++; else if (mHaveDuring && (activity == COutputInterface::DURING)) mDataDuring++; else if (mHaveAfter && (activity == COutputInterface::AFTER)) mDataAfter++; for (ItemActivity = 0; ItemActivity < ActivitySize; ItemActivity++) if ((ItemActivity & activity) && mData[ItemActivity].size()) { std::vector< CVector< double > * > & data = mData[ItemActivity]; size_t & ndata = mDataSize[ItemActivity]; if ((imax = data.size()) != 0) { if (ndata >= data[0]->size()) { resizeCurveData(ItemActivity); } //the data that needs to be stored internally: for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i) if (mObjectInteger[ItemActivity][i]) (*data[i])[ndata] = *(C_INT32 *)mObjectValues[ItemActivity][i]; else (*data[i])[ndata] = *mObjectValues[ItemActivity][i]; ++ndata; } } updatePlot(); }
void HistogramPage::SetStatistics(HistogramCollection &collection) { CloseStatistics(); _histograms = new HistogramCollection(collection); _summedPolarizationHistograms = _histograms->CreateSummedPolarizationCollection(); updatePlot(); }
StatisticsDialog::StatisticsDialog(QWidget *parent, CommunicationService* communicationService) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::StatisticsDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); ui->customPlot->setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::Polish, QLocale::Poland)); ui->customPlot->setBackground(QBrush(QColor(235,235,235,255))); this->communicationService = communicationService; setStartPack(); updatePlot(); connect(ui->isoffer_rbtn_true,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(ui->isoffer_rbtn_false,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(ui->startdateEdit,SIGNAL(userDateChanged(QDate)),this,SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(ui->enddateEdit,SIGNAL(userDateChanged(QDate)),this,SLOT(updatePlot())); }
void MainWindow::onPacketParsed(Packet packet) { _packetsReceivedCount++; if(!packet.isCrcValid()) { _crcErrorCount++; } QString sourceId = ByteArrayUtils::toString(packet.sourceId()).replace(" 0x", "").replace("0x", ""); if(!_rssValues.contains(sourceId)) { _rssValues.insert(sourceId, QVector<double>()); _timestampValues.insert(sourceId, QVector<double>()); QCPGraph* deviceGraph = ui->plotWidget->addGraph(); deviceGraph->setScatterStyle(QCP::ssDisc); deviceGraph->setScatterSize(5); deviceGraph->setName(sourceId); ensureDistinctColors(); } _rssValues[sourceId].append(packet.rss()); _timestampValues[sourceId].append(packet.timestamp().toTime_t()); updatePlot(); updateStatus(); }
void Nmr::on_isotopeCombo_currentIndexChanged(QString const& text) { QString isotope(currentIsotope(text)); Data::NmrReferenceLibrary& library(Data::NmrReferenceLibrary::instance()); QList<Data::NmrReference const*> refs(library.filter(isotope)); QStringList systems; QList<Data::NmrReference const*>::iterator iter; for (iter = refs.begin(); iter != refs.end(); ++iter) { QString system((*iter)->system()); if (!systems.contains(system)) systems.append(system); } QComboBox* combo(m_ui->systemCombo); combo->clear(); combo->addItems(systems); loadShifts(currentReference(), isotope); QPair<double, double> range(standardRange(isotope)); m_plot->xAxis->setRange(range.first, range.second); updatePlot(); }
void BurnUpChartCreator::showControls() { updateProjectChooser(); updatePlot(); ProjectAnalyzer::showControls(); }
void Frequencies::on_scaleFactor_valueChanged(double scale) { QTableWidget* table(m_configurator.frequencyTable); for (int mode = 0; mode < m_rawData.size(); ++mode) { table->item(mode, 0)->setText(QString::number(m_rawData[mode].first * scale,'f', 2)); } updatePlot(); }
void StatisticsDialog::on_endDate_cbox_clicked(){ if(ui->endDate_cbox->isChecked()){ ui->enddateEdit->setEnabled(true); } else{ ui->enddateEdit->setEnabled(false); } updatePlot(); }
void CurveWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent) { if (leftPressed || rightPressed) { drawRubberBand(mousePressBeginPoint, mousePressEndPoint, DASH_SIZE, RUBBER_BAND_COLOR); mousePressEndPoint = mouseEvent->pos(); updatePlot(); } }
void Plot3DDialog::pickNumbersFont() { bool ok; QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok,numbersFont,this); if ( ok ) { numbersFont = font; updatePlot(); } else return; }
int TimePlotWidget::addTimeData(GenericTimeData * gtd) { if (!gtd) return -1; m_curveList.append(gtd); gtd->getCurve()->setZ(m_curveList.length()); gtd->getCurve()->attach(this); Q_ASSERT(connect(gtd,SIGNAL(dataChanged()),this,SLOT(recalcAndUpdatePlot()))); Q_ASSERT(connect(gtd,SIGNAL(curveAttributeChanged()),this,SLOT(updatePlot()))); emit curveListChanged(); return (m_curveList.length()-1); }
void QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2Dialog::on_cboType_currentIndexChanged( int index ) { if (( index == 0 && mRamp->isDiscrete() ) || ( index == 1 && !mRamp->isDiscrete() ) ) return; mRamp->convertToDiscrete( index == 0 ); updateColorButtons(); updateStopEditor(); updatePlot(); }
void Plot3DDialog::pickTitleFont() { bool ok; QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok,titleFont,this); if (ok) { titleFont = font; updatePlot(); } else return; }
void QgsGradientColorRampDialog::setRamp( const QgsGradientColorRamp &ramp ) { mRamp = ramp; updateColorButtons(); updateStopEditor(); updatePlot(); emit changed(); }
void MainWindow::on_restartAction_triggered() { ui->parsedOutputPlainTextEdit->clear(); _packetsReceivedCount = 0; _crcErrorCount = 0; updateStatus(); _timestampValues.clear(); _rssValues.clear(); updatePlot(); }
void StatisticsDialog::on_isoffer_cbox_clicked(){ if(ui->isoffer_cbox->isChecked()){ ui->isoffer_rbtn_false->setEnabled(true); ui->isoffer_rbtn_true->setEnabled(true); } else{ ui->isoffer_rbtn_true->setEnabled(false); ui->isoffer_rbtn_false->setEnabled(false); } updatePlot(); }
void MainWindow::BoxChecked(bool t) { if (ui->LowPass->isChecked()) { set_filter_type(0); } else if (ui->HighPass->isChecked()) { set_filter_type(1); } else if (ui->BandPass->isChecked()) { set_filter_type(2); } else if (ui->BandStop->isChecked()) { set_filter_type(3); } updatePlot(); }
void QgsCurveEditorWidget::plotMousePress( QPointF point ) { mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex = findNearestControlPoint( point ); if ( mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex < 0 ) { // add a new point mCurve.addControlPoint( point.x(), point.y() ); mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex = findNearestControlPoint( point ); emit changed(); } updatePlot(); }
void Plot3DDialog::initConnections() { // scales page connections connect(boxFrom, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxTo, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMajors, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMinors, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxPrecision, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxTickLabelsFormat, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(axesList, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(viewScaleLimits(int))); // axes page connections connect(boxMajorLength, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMinorLength, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(axesList2, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(viewAxisOptions(int))); //grid page connections connect(boxMajorGrids, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(enableMajorGrids(bool))); connect(boxMajorGrids, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMinorGrids, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(enableMinorGrids(bool))); connect(boxMinorGrids, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMajorGridStyle, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMinorGridStyle, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMajorGridWidth, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMinorGridWidth, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(btnGrid, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(btnGridMinor, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); //color page connections connect(btnAxes, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(btnLabels, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(btnNumbers, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(btnMesh, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(btnBackground, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(d_color_map_editor, SIGNAL(scalingChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); connect(boxMeshLineWidth, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), d_plot, SLOT(setMeshLineWidth(double))); connect(boxOrthogonal, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), d_plot, SLOT(setOrthogonal(bool))); connect(boxLegend, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), d_plot, SLOT(showColorLegend(bool))); connect(boxResolution, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), d_plot, SLOT(setResolution(int))); connect(boxDistance, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), d_plot, SLOT(setLabelsDistance(int))); //title page connections connect(btnTitleColor, SIGNAL(colorChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePlot())); }
void SIM_PLOT_FRAME::onSimFinished( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { m_toolBar->SetToolNormalBitmap( ID_SIM_RUN, KiBitmap( sim_run_xpm ) ); SetCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW ); SIM_TYPE simType = m_exporter->GetSimType(); if( simType == ST_UNKNOWN ) return; SIM_PLOT_PANEL* plotPanel = CurrentPlot(); if( !plotPanel || plotPanel->GetType() != simType ) plotPanel = NewPlotPanel( simType ); if( IsSimulationRunning() ) return; // If there are any signals plotted, update them if( SIM_PLOT_PANEL::IsPlottable( simType ) ) { TRACE_MAP& traceMap = m_plots[plotPanel].m_traces; for( auto it = traceMap.begin(); it != traceMap.end(); /* iteration occurs in the loop */) { if( !updatePlot( it->second, plotPanel ) ) { removePlot( it->first, false ); it = traceMap.erase( it ); // remove a plot that does not exist anymore } else { ++it; } } updateSignalList(); plotPanel->UpdateAll(); plotPanel->ResetScales(); } else { /// @todo do not make it hardcoded for ngspice for( const auto& net : m_exporter->GetNetIndexMap() ) { int node = net.second; if( node > 0 ) m_simulator->Command( wxString::Format( "print v(%d)", node ).ToStdString() ); } } }
void InstrumentWindowPickTab::updateSelectionInfo(int detid) { if (m_instrWindow->blocked()) { m_selectionInfoDisplay->clear(); return; } if (detid >= 0) { InstrumentActor* instrActor = m_instrWindow->getInstrumentActor(); Mantid::Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = instrActor->getInstrument()->getDetector(detid); QString text = "Selected detector: " + QString::fromStdString(det->getName()) + "\n"; text += "Detector ID: " + QString::number(detid) + '\n'; QString wsIndex; try { wsIndex = QString::number(instrActor->getWorkspaceIndex(detid)); updatePlot(detid); // Update the plot if the detector links to some data } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError) { // Detector doesn't have a workspace index relating to it wsIndex = "None"; m_plot->clearCurve(); // Clear the plot window m_plot->replot(); } text += "Workspace index: " + wsIndex + '\n'; Mantid::Kernel::V3D pos = det->getPos(); text += "xyz: " + QString::number(pos.X()) + "," + QString::number(pos.Y()) + "," + QString::number(pos.Z()) + '\n'; double r,t,p; pos.getSpherical(r,t,p); text += "rtp: " + QString::number(r) + "," + QString::number(t) + "," + QString::number(p) + '\n'; Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly_const_sptr parent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly>(det->getParent()); if (parent) { QString textpath; while (parent) { textpath="/"+QString::fromStdString(parent->getName())+textpath; parent=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly>(parent->getParent()); } text += "Component path:" +textpath+"/"+ QString::fromStdString(det->getName()) +'\n'; } const double integrated = instrActor->getIntegratedCounts(detid); const QString counts = integrated == -1.0 ? "N/A" : QString::number(integrated); text += "Counts: " + counts + '\n'; m_selectionInfoDisplay->setText(text); } else { m_selectionInfoDisplay->clear(); m_plot->clearCurve(); // Clear the plot window m_plot->replot(); } }
void SIM_PLOT_FRAME::addPlot( const wxString& aName, SIM_PLOT_TYPE aType, const wxString& aParam ) { SIM_TYPE simType = m_exporter->GetSimType(); if( !SIM_PLOT_PANEL::IsPlottable( simType ) ) return; // TODO else write out in console? // Create a new plot if the current one displays a different type SIM_PLOT_PANEL* plotPanel = CurrentPlot(); if( !plotPanel || plotPanel->GetType() != simType ) plotPanel = NewPlotPanel( simType ); TRACE_DESC descriptor( *m_exporter, aName, aType, aParam ); bool updated = false; SIM_PLOT_TYPE xAxisType = GetXAxisType( simType ); if( xAxisType == SPT_LIN_FREQUENCY || xAxisType == SPT_LOG_FREQUENCY ) { int baseType = descriptor.GetType() & ~( SPT_AC_MAG | SPT_AC_PHASE ); // Add two plots: magnitude & phase TRACE_DESC mag_desc( *m_exporter, descriptor, (SIM_PLOT_TYPE)( baseType | SPT_AC_MAG ) ); TRACE_DESC phase_desc( *m_exporter, descriptor, (SIM_PLOT_TYPE)( baseType | SPT_AC_PHASE ) ); updated |= updatePlot( mag_desc, plotPanel ); updated |= updatePlot( phase_desc, plotPanel ); } else { updated = updatePlot( descriptor, plotPanel ); } if( updated ) { updateSignalList(); } }