Ejemplo n.º 1
/*! \brief Use item on selected target
 * Do target selection for using an item and then use it.
 * \param   pp Item index
static void camp_item_targetting(int pp)
    int t1, tg, z;

    t1 = g_inv[pp][0];
    if (items[t1].use == USE_NOT || items[t1].use > USE_CAMP_INF)
    if (items[t1].tgt == TGT_NONE || items[t1].tgt > TGT_ALLY_ALL)
    while (1)
        tg = select_any_player(items[t1].tgt - 1, items[t1].icon,
        if (tg > -1)
            z = item_effects(0, tg, t1);
            if (z == 0)
                play_effect(SND_BAD, 128);
                if (z == 1)
                    play_effect(SND_ITEM, 128);
                    select_any_player(3, 0, "");
                if (items[t1].use != USE_ANY_INF && items[t1].use != USE_CAMP_INF)
                    remove_item(pp, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*! \brief Draw a player's status screen
 * Draw the verbose stats of a single player.
 * \param   fighter_index - Character to draw (index in pidx array)
static void status_screen(size_t fighter_index)
    int stop = 0;
    int bc = 0;
    unsigned int rect_fill_amount = 0, curr_fill, res_index, stats_y, equipment_index;
    size_t pidx_index, stats_index;

    play_effect(SND_MENU, 128);
    pidx_index = pidx[fighter_index];
    while (!stop)
        // Redraw the map, clearing any menus under this new window

        // Box around top-left square
        menubox(double_buffer, xofs, 16 + yofs, 18, 5, BLUE);
        draw_playerstat(double_buffer, pidx_index, 8 + xofs, 24 + yofs);

        // Box around bottom-left square
        menubox(double_buffer, xofs, 72 + yofs, 18, 17, BLUE);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 80 + yofs, _("Exp:"), FGOLD);
        sprintf(strbuf, "%d", party[pidx_index].xp);
        print_font(double_buffer, 152 - (strlen(strbuf) * 8) + xofs, 80 + yofs, strbuf, FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 88 + yofs, _("Next:"), FGOLD);
        // TT: Does this mean we can only level up to 50?
        if (party[pidx_index].lvl < 50)
            sprintf(strbuf, "%d", party[pidx_index].next - party[pidx_index].xp);
            sprintf(strbuf, "%d", 0);
        print_font(double_buffer, 152 - (strlen(strbuf) * 8) + xofs, 88 + yofs, strbuf, FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 104 + yofs, _("Strength"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 112 + yofs, _("Agility"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 120 + yofs, _("Vitality"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 128 + yofs, _("Intellect"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 136 + yofs, _("Sagacity"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 144 + yofs, _("Speed"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 152 + yofs, _("Aura"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 160 + yofs, _("Spirit"), FGOLD);
        // Blank space on display of 16 pixels
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 176 + yofs, _("Attack"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 184 + yofs, _("Hit"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 192 + yofs, _("Defense"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 200 + yofs, _("Evade"), FGOLD);
        print_font(double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 208 + yofs, _("Mag.Def"), FGOLD);
        for (stats_index = 0; stats_index < NUM_STATS; stats_index++)
            // Coordinates of stats on display
            stats_y = stats_index * 8 + 104;
            // Add an extra 8-pixel space to separate these from the others
            if (stats_index > A_SPI)
                stats_y += 8;
            print_font(double_buffer, 96 + xofs, stats_y + yofs, "$", FGOLD);
            sprintf(strbuf, "%d", fighter[fighter_index].stats[stats_index]);
            print_font(double_buffer, 152 - (strlen(strbuf) * 8) + xofs, stats_y + yofs, strbuf, FNORMAL);

        menubox(double_buffer, 160 + xofs, 16 + yofs, 18, 16, BLUE);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 24 + yofs, _("Earth"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 32 + yofs, _("Black"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 40 + yofs, _("Fire"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 48 + yofs, _("Thunder"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 56 + yofs, _("Air"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 64 + yofs, _("White"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 72 + yofs, _("Water"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 80 + yofs, _("Ice"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 88 + yofs, _("Poison"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 96 + yofs, _("Blind"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 104 + yofs, _("Charm"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 112 + yofs, _("Paralyze"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 120 + yofs, _("Petrify"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 128 + yofs, _("Silence"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 136 + yofs, _("Sleep"), FNORMAL);
        print_font(double_buffer, 168 + xofs, 144 + yofs, _("Time"), FNORMAL);

        for (res_index = 0; res_index < R_TOTAL_RES; res_index++)
            rectfill(double_buffer, 240 + xofs, res_index * 8 + 25 + yofs, 310 + xofs, res_index * 8 + 31 + yofs, 3);
            if (fighter[fighter_index].res[res_index] < 0)
                bc = 18;            // bright red, meaning WEAK defense
                rect_fill_amount = abs(fighter[fighter_index].res[res_index]);
            else if (fighter[fighter_index].res[res_index] >= 0 && fighter[fighter_index].res[res_index] <= 10)
                bc = 34;            // bright green, meaning so-so defense
                rect_fill_amount = fighter[fighter_index].res[res_index];
            else if (fighter[fighter_index].res[res_index] > 10)
                bc = 50;            // bright blue, meaning STRONG defense
                rect_fill_amount = fighter[fighter_index].res[res_index] - 10;

            if (rect_fill_amount > 0)
                for (curr_fill = 0; curr_fill < rect_fill_amount; curr_fill++)
                    rectfill(double_buffer, curr_fill * 7 + 241 + xofs, res_index * 8 + 26 + yofs, curr_fill * 7 + 246 + xofs, res_index * 8 + 30 + yofs, bc + curr_fill);
        menubox(double_buffer, 160 + xofs, 160 + yofs, 18, 6, BLUE);
        for (equipment_index = 0; equipment_index < NUM_EQUIPMENT; equipment_index++)
            draw_icon(double_buffer, items[party[pidx_index].eqp[equipment_index]].icon, 168 + xofs, equipment_index * 8 + 168 + yofs);
            print_font(double_buffer, 176 + xofs, equipment_index * 8 + 168 + yofs, items[party[pidx_index].eqp[equipment_index]].name, FNORMAL);
        blit2screen(xofs, yofs);

        if (PlayerInput.left && fighter_index > 0)
            pidx_index = pidx[fighter_index];
            play_effect(SND_MENU, 128);
        if (PlayerInput.right && fighter_index < numchrs - 1)
            pidx_index = pidx[fighter_index];
            play_effect(SND_MENU, 128);
        if (PlayerInput.bctrl)
            play_effect(SND_MENU, 128);
            stop = 1;